Pairing: Soul/M!Maka
Rating: T-Mish?
Notes: Uh. Based very loosely off roleplays. That's why Maka is a dude. So this is only /kind of/ a genderbender.

It's just chance, he tells himself as he tries not to look at the other man. He betrays himself and looks over, taking in all the changes. Maka's grown up a lot but it's been almost ten years since they've seen each other so it makes sense. He's grown too.

He knows that Maka knows he's there. He can feel their souls mingling together and it makes his skin crawl. The fact they can still resonate this strongly at this distance astounds him and scares him.

It brings up things he doesn't want to remember. They're both married and have children, there's no room for these kind of feelings anymore. However, he manages to sneak out of his hotel room that night, telling his wife he's going out for a drink.

He's not lying. Not really. He is going to a bar but it has nothing to do with the drinks. He spots his old meister at the bar, next to an empty seat. They know each other too well.

"Took you long enough."

He just orders his drink as he sits down. They talk for awhile, most of it idle chatting until Maka gets up to go to the bathroom. After a minute, Soul realizes that Maka isn't going to the bathroom to use it. He's waiting for Soul. One more sip of his drink and he's trying not to run across the bar.

He's expecting Maka to make fun of him for taking so long but he's just met with a shove against the door and a bite to the neck. It's been so long since he's been on the receiving end of this kind of thing. His wife is not an aggressor in any means.

It's so very wrong but they'll just tell themselves they were drunk. Very drunk. He blames his unsteady steps on alcohol too. His wife gives him a soft smile and helps him undress and into bed. She doesn't comment on the bite marks that litter his neck and chest either.

He suddenly remembers why he loved her in the first place.

AN: There will be more dabbles after this. All of generally random pairings and from my roleplay account. I'll update this whenever I write a dabble over there~