
I'm posting something? Let's see its been what? Two years? Reading back on this story actually hurts me on how bad the grammar is. Soooo… After I post a couple of new chapters I'll probably go back and revamp the first 3 chapters. I want to at least finish this story somewhat before I do anything else on my grand return on Fan fiction. Sorry it took me so long to come back. Hehe…

Edit: I didn't change much in the first part here, but there is some changes. All I really did was add on to it. I may update again sometime next week, probably Monday seeing that I won't have Chemistry that day.

Why do I feel as if I'm being raped?

I tried to look away from the big wondrous eyes in front of me to no avail.

And, I though Big Bro was freaky.

Sharon was a scary person. I just could feel my clothes coming

off as she stripped me with her eyes. "Cheshire, help me."

"She's doing it too me to nya." He replied disturbed by who knows what looks Sharon was giving him to the side.

"Sharon if you would please." Break waved his hand in front of our perpetrator face catching her attention and throwing it back to the situation at hand. I gave him an appreciative look.

Cheshire pinched me for it.

"Oh, yes" Her sweet voice rang out. "Cheshire, Mira we would like you two to be part of our undercover team."

"What?" I deadpanned.

"No." Cheshire said even toned.

"Just listen for a few seconds, you mangy cat." Break spoke in a happy voice as if he wasn't insulting anyone, "We were suppose to be arresting you, since we didn't have anything to hold you here beside those invisible chains." Cheshire bristled and almost attacked him, but I stopped him just in time.

Sharon went on as if nothing had happened "However, we felt it would be better on both our parts if you just 'slip away' with the added benefit of helping us out with different things that aren't exactly…" She put her fingers to her lips and hummed searching for a word she just couldn't seem to find.

"Ethical?" I muttered.

"Ah yes ethical."

"Well, nya, doesn't that sound illegal." I nudged Cheshire and gave him a hard look.

"I suppose we don't have much of a choice in the manner?"

"Hmmm afraid not Miss Mira" Break grinned as Emily annoyingly echoed him.

"Great. Nya Perfect." Cheshire pouted.

After successfully dragging a depressed Cheshire out the tea room we held the meeting at Down the hall where "no one was looking" as stated by Break, we slipped into a room to settle down for the night.

"Are we really going along with this?" My purple and pink fiend rolled around on the bed obviously annoyed.

"We have to."

"We could just run away." I turned and shook my head at him.

That definitely would not work. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched even if
Break had said nobody was looking for us in this one wing of the home.

I wonder if Emily is hidden somewhere in here…?

I scanned the room looking for the creepy puppet,
but then again was she even a separate being from Break? I knew he said she was but he could have done so just to mess with us.

Honestly though, I don't think I want to know the answer to that question.
I shivered at the thought. Brother or not, Break was insanely creepy and just a bit terrifying.

"What are you looking for?"

"I feel like we are being watched." I admitted.

"Oh you too?" Cheshire sighed. He got up and pulled back the curtains looking outside curiously. "I thought I was the only one." After looking around the room for a bit he sat back down on the bed and proceeded to sprawl all out on it.

"Um Mister?" I scoffed "Your bed is in the next room over."


"I guess I'll see in the morning then" I mumbled heading towards the door.

"Wait, Mira." Cheshire looked up at me with the most pitiful look. He sat up and held his hands up. "Come here?"
I debated the request blushing slightly as I did so. Was this really Cheshire asking this? Moments later, I made my decision and walked to the side of the bed and glanced at my friend expectantly.

"Just how clos..!" Before I could finish Cheshire grabbed me and threw me onto the bed, cuddling up next me immediately afterwards.

"I really did miss you," He mumbled into my shirt (very cutely might I add).

"Are you okay?" I petted the top of his head with concern and bewilderment. He sighed contently.

"I am now."

"Cheshire?" This was different. I wasn't used to being treated like this.
Loved? That may be going to far to assume seeing that I didn't really know the meaning to that word.
I continued to pet my one friend that existed in the world affectionately.

All well, it feels nice either way.

Wow, not much right? Don't worry I'm going to update more tomorrow or sometime today actually. It'll be on the same chapter though okay? I'm just trying to get a little on here so that you know I'm still alive and what not.

EDIT: Sorry I had a deadline on this one or I would have put more into it (mission trip) But, man! That went more smoothly than I thought it would… I actually feel invested in Cheshire's and Mira's relationship now! Ah… but if you have read Miscount the first then you should remember how Cheshire had some (Ahem) "feelings" toward Mira… He also had the time to shine and tell his story sometimes… Where is that now?

The next chapter, that's where. (Laughs evilly)

Please Review guys, it's been so long since I've heard from my lovelies! I've missed you!