Title: To Love & Live In L.A.

Summary: Kate Beckett has suffered another tragic loss and can't stand to stay in New York, where the memories are unavoidable. Can new places and new faces help her rise from the ashes of her painful past? AU.

Disclaimer: I don't own most of the characters I write about. If you recognize a name, odds are it isn't mine. But seeing as this is a fanfic website, you probably knew that already.

Thanks again to Sunshiny-Kate, the best beta a writer could ask for!

"Hurry, Kate." Castle opened the heavy door with his free hand. "The previews have already started."

"You're the one who decided last minute that we had to go to this showing instead of just waiting a couple of hours." Beckett laughed.

"I want to see the 3-D IMAX version and this is the last one today." He sighed exaggeratedly. "And it was you that just had to get popcorn and drinks."

"A movie isn't a movie without popcorn and drinks." She told him.

"And all this time I thought it was the dedication and hard work of the writers, directors, cast and crew that made a movie." He replied.

Beckett smiled and rose to her toes to kiss him lightly.

"Shows how little you know." She lowered herself back down and smirked at him. "It's all about the snacks."

She laughed and went into the darkness of the theater, followed closely by Castle. They rounded the corner and started down the aisle that would lead them to the seats. As they walked, they could hear the somewhat whimsical music from the trailer for Frakenweenie. When they reached the front of the stadium seating, they both scanned the rows, squinting in the low light.

"I thought you said Men in Black three was popular?" Beckett whispered.

"Trust me, this movie is supposed to take your breath away." Castle whispered back.

"Then why is there hardly anyone here?"

"Maybe everyone else already saw it."

Beckett shook her head but chuckled softly, then started up the stairs. She made it about ten rows before Castle reached out and grabbed her elbow. A couple pieces of the popcorn she was holding fell to the ground, so she tried not to step on them as she turned around.

"What?" She asked, her voice a little louder than before so he would hear her over the Prometheus trailer, which was blaring alarms and intense music.

"Let's just sit here." He answered.

"But you always want to sit at the top so we can make out if we get bored." She lifted her eyebrows suggestively.

"We won't get bored with this movie." He told her. "And the 3-D will be better if we sit here, near the middle."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now come on, we've nearly missed another preview."

"You and your previews." She laughed but started down the row he'd stopped on.

"I like to see what's coming up next." He said defensively.

"I know you do, Rick. Which I think is funny, seeing as how you kind of work in the industry."

"I'm a complicated man."

She laughed to herself as she sat down in what looked like the middle seat of the row. Castle sat down next to her and they both put their drinks in the cup-holders on their outside armrests. Beckett handed Castle the popcorn so she could lift the center armrest out of their way. On the screen, the new version of Spider-Man was swinging above the streets of New York City, but neither of them were paying attention as they finished settling in. Beckett tucked her feet up under her and leaned into Castle's side, then he put an arm around her shoulders. It was their favorite way to sit when they watched movies, whether out or at home.

"I wish Alexis could have come." Beckett sighed as she snuggled in closer. "We don't have much more time to spend together before she goes to college next month."

"I know." Castle kissed the top of Beckett's head. "But she's here in spirit."

"Rick." Beckett snickered. "You make it sound like she's gone forever, not over at a friends house talking about how they're going to decorate their apartment."

"What can I say? I have a flair for the dramatic."

"That you do, love." Beckett arched herself upwards enough to plant a quick but fiery kiss on his lips, then sat back down. "That you do."

Beckett pulled the two pairs of 3-D glasses they'd been given from her purse and slipped one gently onto his face, then put the other pair on herself. Then she grabbed a handful of popcorn and they fell silent as the Amazing Spider-Man preview ended. She ate it one piece at a time and watched the next preview start.

It was one she hadn't seen before, but then again, she hadn't seen the Prometheus trailer yet either. A narrator began speaking, his voice deep and loud.

"Coming soon, the stunning conclusion you've all been waiting for."

His voice faded out and several explosions went off. Then the narrator spoke again.

"One man will get the answer to the most important question he's ever asked."

A car chase sped across the screen, complete with gun toting, mask wearing villains shooting at the car behind them from the sunroof of their SUV.

"What movie is this?" Beckett asked quietly.

"I don't know." Castle replied. "Looks exiting though."

Suddenly the scene changed to the interior of a sound stage. A director with his back to the camera yelled cut. Then the booming voice of the narrator filled the room again.

"An actor who had all but given up on love, finds someone to protect his heart."

Fireworks went off on the screen, highlighting the silhouette of a man standing on a beach, staring at the ocean. Beckett chuckled.

"Is this an action movie, or a romantic one?" She wondered out loud.

"Maybe both." Castle replied.

The scene changed to clear blue sky. A skydiver came into view from the top and then quickly moved off the bottom. The narrator continued his tale.

"He's fallen hard, and she's the wind in his parachute."

"Oh come on." Beckett grabbed some more popcorn. "That's the cheesiest line I've ever heard."

Castle said nothing, but the narrator spoke again as the screen faded to black.

"She lights up his life."

A small point of light began to grow from the center of the screen.

"And he can't live without her." The narrator added.

The sound of a heartbeat pulsed from the speakers, then there was more from the narrator as the circle of light grew larger.

"So he's dying to know."

The light finally filled the rest of the screen and revealed a man kneeling on one knee. He looked up and Beckett dropped the last few pieces of popcorn from her hand and sat up straight.

"What's going on?" She hissed.

"Shh." Castle pointed at the screen. "You should watch this part."

Beckett looked back at the giant Castle on the screen. The virtual version of her boyfriend held up a small jewelry box and opened it. Then he smiled and spoke, his voice oddly soft even though it was coming through the speakers.

"Anna Katherine Beckett, I love you. I can't even begin to try to put into words how much I love you. You've made me a better man and I've never been happier. Please, allow me the honor of being your husband. Because I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the way you make me feel. Will you marry me, Kate?"

Beckett tore her eyes from the screen and looked at Castle, who she hadn't felt get up from his chair. He was now kneeling down next to her, holding the same ring box as he was on screen.

"What do you say, Kate?" He reached for her hand and squeezed lightly.

She looked back up at the screen, then back at him. Suddenly she laughed, just one loud chuckle, and started nodding.

"Yes, Rick. I'll marry you."


"Yeah." She smiled.

Castle tugged the ring from the black velvet holder and pocked the box. Then he slipped it onto her left ring finger. It had a single, cushion cut diamond atop the gold band. It was elegant but not overly so, the stone big but not in a gaudy way. He stood up and took her glasses off. She'd actually forgotten she was wearing them, since Castle had already removed his. He set the glasses on the seat and pulled her to him for a kiss, his touch gentle and loving, yet intense and enticing all at the same time. A moment later she pulled away with a gasp.

"Rick, how did you do this?"

"I know people."

Beckett glanced around quickly and then brought her gaze back to him.

"These other people in here might be upset."

"They aren't."

"We're interrupting their movie. Let's go." She grabbed his hand, leaned in and whispered into his ear. "Besides, I have some behind the scenes things I'd like to show you."

"I'm going to need you to hold that thought, honey." Castle responded quietly.

Beckett raised an eyebrow questioningly as he stepped back and brought his fingers to his mouth. He whistled loudly and suddenly the screen went dark and the overhead lights came up. The small group of other movie goers began clapping and cheering. Beckett's mouth dropped open when she saw who was in the theater with them. Her dad was sitting a few rows up, and Martha was seated next to him with Alexis on her other side. Above them were Javier and Lanie, and even further up sat Kevin and Jenny.

"Rick." Beckett said with awe.

Castle leaned in for one more searing kiss that ended far too soon and then waved at the others to come down.

"We're all going back to the house to celebrate." He explained to Beckett.

"I love you."

"And I love you, Kate."

Then he led her by the hand to the steps and then down to the front of the theater, where they were met by the rest of the group. There were hugs and handshakes and squeals of joy to be had by all for several minutes before they left. Once they stepped outside, Beckett noticed two limousines waiting out front. Castle steered her towards the second one, while the others went to the first.

"See you guys at the house!" He called out.

"Okay." Alexis answered for the group.

"Now I see why you wanted to take a cab on the way here." Beckett laughed.

"All part of the plan, my dear."

He helped her in and scooted in next to her. She leaned close to him so the driver wouldn't hear what she had to say.

"Does the next part of the plan include making out with me the whole way home?"

"Why yes." Castle cleared his throat and the driver shut the door. "Yes it does."

Beckett threw a leg over Castle's lap and he placed his hands on her hips, holding her tightly to him.

"We best get to it then." She bit her bottom lip. "I wouldn't want to miss out on any of the plan."

A/N - Well, this is it folks. The end of the story. I hope it lived up to your expectations. I can't thank y'all enough for going on this journey with me. -Until next time, Paige.