Disclaimer: I do not own the 39 Clues or Safe and Sound. If I did Dan and Natalie would've gotten together long ago

A/N: I tried switching between perspectives without saying "Dan's POV" or "Natalie's POV" but it might not work as well as I thought.

Dan Cahill strode into the Cahill Command Center. He hated going to family meetings, but sadly he had no choice. He took a seat under the sign that said "Madrigal". Dan looked to his left, expecting to see his sister Amy's boyfriend, Ian Kabra, under the Lucian sign. Instead he saw Natalie, the girl he's loved since the clue hunt six years ago.

"Okay guys," Amy said into the microphone. Ever since the clue hunt, she didn't stutter. "So you're probably wondering why we called you here."

Natalie looked up when she heard Amy speak. She glanced over at the Madrigals and saw Dan. She absolutely loved Dan, but she knew that he repulsively hated her. Her attention turned back to Amy.

"We have found out there are Vespers located in Siberia." Dan was shocked. He didn't know anything about this! Amy continued, "We need to send two of you to Siberia to located and destroy the Vespers. Any volunteers?"

Dan and Natalie were the first two to raise their hands. "Okay so Dan Cahill of the Madrigals," Amy gave her brother a look of confusion, "and Natalie Kabra of the Lucians. Start packing, you leave for Siberia in two days."

As the crowd started to disperse, Natalie noticed Dan coming towards her.

"Hi, Natalie" he said, shaking her hand. His beautiful green eyes stared into hers.

"Hey, Dan" she replied, smiling. "So how are we going to take down the Vespers?"

"How about we meet up tomorrow to figure it out?" Dan suggested.

"Okay, meet me at my house at 11:00 am," Natalie replied. Dan nodded and walked towards Amy as Natalie tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

"Dan, why'd you volunteer for the Siberia mission?" Amy inquired.

"I just thought it'd be a good experience," Dan replied hesitantly.

"Really? Because I thought it had something to do with the fact Natalie volunteered!" Amy retorted.

Dan's stomach flip-flopped at the mention of her name. Amy was right; he wanted to spend more time with Natalie. The way her black hair fell just below her shoulders and how her smile could light up anyone's day. And her amber eyes, wow! They melted him like butter. Oh great now he was sounding like a sap!

"Dan!" Amy shouted, snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"What?" he asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

Amy put her hands on her hips. "I said it's too dangerous for you to go to Siberia!"

Dan gave her a look. "I'm a Cahill! I've seen things no other seventeen-year-old should see. Don't you remember the clue hunt?"

Amy was going to respond, but she saw unfocus in his eyes. Dan was gone, lost within himself again.