Chapter 7 Pt 2

The next few days were a blur of complete bliss. Sesshomaru picked me up from the museum, surprised me with flowers, and took me to a nice restaurant. On the way back, we cuddled in the back seat of the car and shared kisses. We shared insightful conversations and things were just going really well. I was seriously happy.

Sesshomaru held out his hand to help me get out of his car. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. When he pulled back, his eyes stared into mine.

"Doesn't seem like there was enough time today to be with you."

"Well, you know what they say. Time flies when you're having fun."

He laughed at my response. "You're right."

An idea popped in my head. "Actually, if you're interested…We are having a surprise party for Sango tomorrow. Would you like to be my date?"

I watched as he thought about it. "I'd love to, but I need to make sure I can rearrange some things for tomorrow."

"If you have other plans, it's ok. I'm so sorry for springing it up on you like that."

"No, I'd really love to be your date. I just need to make sure some things are taken care of."

"Are you sure?" I asked concerned.

"Positive. When and where?"

I gave him the time and address. "I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed me one more time and slipped back into the car. I waved him off and went back to work all giddy.

As I sat down in my office, I checked in with Sango really quick.

Hey Sango! You have a second?

Hey Kagome! Yeah you ok?

Yes. Just wanted to know if you have any plans tomorrow night?

So far no. Why what's up?

I was thinking of going out that night.

I'll have to check in with Miroku, but shouldn't be a problem though.

Knowing perfectly well what he was going to say, I feigned innocence. Sure. Just let me know!

I looked at my schedule book. Today I had to start reaching out to the storage team to begin the placement of the objects in the exhibit room. The exhibit design team were quick and efficient, so now we just really need the labels for the objects. I can start scheduling times for the objects to be brought in next week. I shut my book and pulled up my email and started typing.

The day ended rather quickly. I finished the conversation I was having with my contact in the storage department and headed home. The whole drive home, all I could think about was dinner. Not that lunch wasn't amazing, but I've been excited to make pan seared scallops.

Sesshomaru's POV

After work, I headed straight home. Tonight was movie night with Rin. We build a blanket fortress and watch movies until 10pm.

I walked through the front door and Rin, accompanied by Aki, immediately greeted me at the door.

"Welcome home daddy!" She then lunged herself at me for a hug. After giving her a kiss on top of her head, we walked to the dinner table where she proceeded to tell me about her day. She showed me a picture she drew for me. It was a picture of us outside our home. I handed it to Aki and told her to hang it on the fridge.

"Rin, would you like to go to a friends' house tomorrow?"

Her eyes widened at the excitement. "Really daddy? I'd love to! I had so much fun last week."

"Maybe we could make it into a sleepover again." I watched as she got all excited in her seat at the thought. "I'll call your friends' parents and discuss it with them."

After dinner, Rin and Aki began preparing for the blanket fortress building. I called the young girls parents.

"Good evening. Is this Yura's parents?"

"Yes. May I ask who is calling?"

"This is Mr. Tashio, Rin's father."

"Oh! Mr. Tashio. Good evening!"

"I was calling to ask if perhaps Yura would be interested in another playdate tomorrow."

"Of course! Rin was such a pleasure to have!"

"I was also hoping to impose on your hospitality, but perhaps we could make it another sleepover?"

"Yes! That's not a problem!"

"Wonderful. I appreciate it."


After I ended the conversation I sent a text to Kagome confirming my attendance for tomorrow.

Perfect! I'll see you tomorrow.

I sat my phone down and joined Rin in building our fort. We put on some movie of her choosing, and cuddled in a blanket together with a bowl of popcorn. And just like clockwork, she fell asleep around 9pm. Aki turned off the movie as I picked her up and carried her to her bed. After tucking her in, I bid goodnight to Aki and retired myself to bed.

Kagome's POV

The sun shining in my room waking me up from my deep slumber. Every other Saturday, I got to go late into work. It felt so good to sleep in a bit, especially considering how hard I've been working. I rolled out of bed and slipped into a longer pencil skirt and a simple button down. I tamed my wild hair into a messy bun, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my things. I checked my phone for any texts as I was walking to my car. I had a few from my mom and one from Sesshomaru.

Good morning Kagome. Quick question. What should I wear tonight?

I chuckled to myself. I don't even know what I'm wearing.

Good morning Sesshomaru. The party is at a club so maybe slacks and a button down.

I checked the messages from my mom. Just the standard checking in on me. I should probably call her.

"Hey Kagome." I froze. Oh no…

I turned and there was Kouga waving. "Oh, hey Kouga."

"How's it going? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, I've been busy with work this week."

"Well if you aren't busy tonight, maybe I could take you out for dinner?"

"Oh, Kouga, that's really sweet, but I actually have plans tonight. A little get-together for a friend's promotion."

I could see the disappointment in his eyes. "No worries. Maybe next time." He quickly turned and headed back the way he came. I got into my car and headed into work. I really should just tell him I'm not interested.

Once I got to work, I met with the delivery guy for the first object. A small team of the exhibit designer team came in to help me properly place each object that arrived in its proper place. We had about 15 objects delivered and set up before we called it a day. We would save the rest of the objects to be delivered on Monday.

After thanking everyone for their hard work, I headed straight home. As soon as I got into the apartment, I grabbed my phone from my purse to send Sango a text.

Hey! Just got home. Head on over whenever you're ready. We can get ready together.

My phone vibrated in my hand from a text.

Kagome! I just finished at work. I have all my stuff in my car so I'll head over right now.

She'll probably be in the mood for pizza. Might as well order now so it'll be here by the time she gets here. I quickly ordered food from the pizza place down the street. I still had some time and I decided to take a quick shower, that way Sango can take one when she got her. I turned on the water and let it run until it was a temperature I liked. I stripped off my work clothes, throwing them in the hamper, and stepped into the shower. I began lathering my hair and taking care to wash the day off my skin. I watched the soap run down my body and down the drain by my feet. I stood there, embracing the warmth the water provided. It reminded me of the warmth I felt in Sesshomaru's arms. I sighed to myself and then I grabbed my razor and started shaving my legs. I paused when I heard a creaking sound.

"Sango?" I called out thinking it might be her using the key I gave her.

I didn't hear anything else, but curiosity got the better of me. I grabbed a towel to wrap it around myself and step out of the shower. I poked my head out in the hallway and didn't see anything. I crept into the kitchen and living room area. Then I heard the front door jiggle open and Sango entered, followed by a large suitcase.

"Hey Kagome. You ok?" She looked at me concerned.

"Yeah. I thought I heard something." I shrugged it off nonchalantly. "Or maybe it's a ghost." I teased her.

Seeing that I wasn't bothered, she laughed and rolled her suitcase in. I walked back to the running shower. "Hey Sango, I ordered food. It should be here soon. My credit card is on my island in the kitchen."

"Heard that!" She yelled from my room.

(A/N: Fun fact, Heard/Heard That is a term or phrase food industry workers use to acknowledge something that has been said to them.)

When the food arrived, Sango and I ate as we continued to get ready. After going through multiple outfits, we settled on some of our favorites. We were in a little black dress kind of mood. After applying our makeup and putting on our shoes, we were ready to head out. I ordered an Uber and told Sango to go to the bathroom one more time.

"Why?" She asked perplexed.

"Do you want to break the seal before we get to the club?"

She stared at me suspiciously, but then sighed in defeat. "You're right. Can't be making a noob move like that."

(A/N: In case you are not familiar with 'breaking the seal', it is the idea of when you start drinking alcohol, use the bathroom, and then have to continue using the bathroom every 5 minutes. It's a thing lol)

While she was in the bathroom I texted Miroku.

Just ordered the Uber. Should be there in 20.

Ask for Hiten at the door.

I tucked my phone away into my pocket book. I reached above my fridge and grabbed my bottle of tequila. I poured us two shots.

When she returned from the bathroom, I handed one to her. "Cheers Sango."

"Cheers!" We clanked the two shots and knocked them back.

My phone rang to notify me our Uber was outside. I quickly ushered her out the door and down the steps.

When we arrived, there was already a line forming. We thanked the driver and got out. We hopped into the line and got our ID's ready. When we got to the bouncer we handed him our ID's.

"Hey, is Hiten around?"

The bouncer understanding who we were, handed back our ID's and stepped into the back to grab Hiten.

"Ladies! I've missed you!" He came out and hugged us. He led us inside and to the back. Hiten talked Sango up to distract her as I looked out for Miroku. He saw us coming and got everyone ready. I walked Sango up the platform stairs to the VIP area.

"SURPRISE!" cried many people over the music.

The look on Sango's face was priceless. "What's all this?"

Miroku came up and I stood next to him. "I wanted to celebrate your promotion with all our friends. So, of course I had to enlist some backup."

Sango looked like she wanted to cry. "You guys…" She grabbed us both and hugged us tightly.

"C'mon Sango. You're going to ruin your makeup." I joked with her.

She pulled back and tried to compose herself. The rest of her other friends surrounded her and congratulated her. I checked my phone. No texts from Sesshomaru yet. I joined Sango and said hello to a few people I knew. Miroku handed Sango and I a drink. It tasted like a Captain Spiced and Coke. I glanced over at the front door hoping to see him walk in. I watched person after person enter, but it wasn't him. I looked back down at my drink and it was gone already. Was I thirsty or nervous?

"Kagome." Hiten called out to me. I walked over to him. "Can you help me? I'm going to get a round for the party."

"Yeah of course." I followed him to the bar. I glanced over at the front door as we passed it.

After he ordered from the bartender, he leaned up against me so we could talk. "So…what's his name?"


"The guy you're waiting for."

"How did you know I was waiting for someone?"

"No offense Kagome, but you're like an open book."

I must have had a confused look on my face that asked for further explanation. "You keep looking at the front for him."

I looked down embarrassed. "Oh. Well, his name is Sesshomaru."

"Interesting. Well I hope he treats you right Kagome. You deserve to be happy."

"Thank you Hiten." The bartender arrived with our order on two trays, and I grabbed a tray and followed Hiten back through the throng of people back to VIP. I grabbed my second cocktail and rejoined Sango. She took my pocket book and phone and sat it on one of the tables in the VIP section. She led me out to the dance floor and I let the music take me over.

After a few more drinks and much needed dancing, I had to take a break. I retreated back to the VIP area with Sango in tow. She was having so much fun. I checked my phone again with no new notifications. I felt my heart drop. I know this was a night to be celebrating Sango but I was so sad on the inside.

"Excuse me!" I looked up at Miroku who was standing on the couch to get everyone's attention. Once having everyone's attention, he jumped down and approached us. I watched as Hiten cut the music and grabbed a mic and handed it to Miroku.

"Thanks man." He tested out the mic. "First I just wanted to thank everyone for being here to celebrate Sango's promotion. She is one of the hardest workers I know and she whole heartedly deserves this." He held his hand out for her to stand. After she took his hand, he led her to the center of the VIP area. "I actually had this whole speech prepared, but looking at you right now, I can't remember a damn thing." There were a few chuckles through the crowd. "Sango, I'll just say this, I love you. You are stubborn, competitive, and emotional. But you are also kind, caring and passionate." He kneeled down and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

Gasps echoed throughout the room. I looked up at Sango, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't even muster a yes. Just a nod before she tackled him to the ground. Cheers rang all over for them. Hiten arrived with sparkler champagne bottles for celebration. The music resumed and everything around me went on.

Sesshomaru's POV

I was preparing my shower when a knock came to the door.

I wrapped myself up in my robe before answering, "Enter."

I heard the door creak open as a little head popped through, "Daddy?"

I turned to face her "Yes Rin?"

"Would it be ok if I had dinner at Yura's house?" She asked shyly.

"You don't want to have dinner with me tonight before going over?"

"Well, I didn't want to wait until after dinner to go over."

"I suppose it's not too much trouble. But I'm not dressed to go out yet."

Now Rin isn't spoiled by any means, but the puppy dog eyes she gives me sometimes makes it hard to say no. "Maybe we could send Jaken to escort you in my car."

"Thank you daddy!" She lunged herself at me in a big hug. "I'll go tell him right now!" As quickly as she entered, did she leave. Rin returned to my room with her overnight bag.

"You sure you're going to be ok kiddo?"

"Yes daddy!" She gave me that sweet smile.

I kneeled down, "You have everything you need?"


"Your doll?"


"Your tootbrush?"


"Your emergency phone?"

She pulled it out of her bag to show me. "Yes daddy!" She tucked it back into her bag.

I kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

"I love you too daddy!" She took off down the stairs. My eyes met Jaken in a silent understanding of taking care of the package. I watched as Jaken climbed into the back with her and the driver drove off. After watching as the car vanished in the distance, I closed the door and returned to my room. I jumped into the shower for about ten minutes. Afterwards, I looked over my wardrobe and decided to go with gray slacks and a black button down. I towel dried my hair and tied it back. I quickly dressed and head downstairs to eat. Since I didn't have to worry about getting Rin to her friend's, I could take my time. I wasn't meeting Kagome until later. Then an idea popped in my head. Maybe instead of flowers today, I could surprise Kagome with that book she was just talking about wanting to read. I looked up the book on my phone as I ate my dinner.


"Yes Aki?" I responded as I focused on my phone. I luckily found it at a nearby store.

"Inuyasha is in the foyer for you."

I perked up at hearing his name. "Really? Did he say what he wanted?"

"No sir."

I sat my phone down and walked into the foyer. "Inuyasha. What can I do for you?"

He looked around almost embarrassed. "Well, I stopped by your office earlier, but they said you had been on site at a hotel all week."

"Yes, we had a change in management so I had to have several meetings with the new General Manager. It's a complete disaster over there."

"Have you talked to dad lately?"

"No. Why? Is he ok?"

"Yeah, don't worry. He's fit as an ox." He laughed nervously. "It's just, I had a talk with him. He thinks that it's time to branch out and do something for myself."

I stared at him in disbelief. "Did he…"

"Yeah he cut me off…" He ashamed. "He's offering to pay for a cheaper and smaller apartment until I can get on my feet, but I need a job."

I was confused at first, but then it clicked. "You want me to give you a job?"

"I know we aren't on the best terms, but I didn't know where else to go. I really don't have any experience doing anything."

"…maybe he's just waiting for an opportunity to reconnect with you" I could hear Kagome's words repeating in my mind. Inuyasha never asks me for anything. This is a serious hit to his pride to ask me for help.

"Look Sesshomaru, I'll even dye my hair and sit behind some dinky desk if I have to. Please."

I sighed and ran a hand through my bangs. "Look, I can't make promises, but I'll see where I can fit you. You'll have to start of low and work your way up just like everyone else. No special treatment just because you're my half-brother."

A weight seemed to have been lifted from his shoulders at my words. "You're a life saver Sesshomaru."

"Inuyasha." I cleared my throat, "I know I wasn't much of an older brother to you when we were younger." My mind flashed to our younger years when our mothers kept us a part because of resentment. "But I hope we can work well together in the future." I held my hand out, and he gripped my hand tightly to shake.

"I really appreciate it Sesshomaru."

I walked him to the door. "Let me make some calls and I'll get back to you."

"Yeah, of course. So, are you going out tonight?"

I gave him a confused look and he gestured to my outfit. "Oh yeah. I'm going to a promotion party for a friend."

He gave me a mischievous look. "Is it a female friend?"

I hesitated. "…Maybe."

He laughed. "No man. Good for you. Glad to see you having some fun. I'm just used to seeing you working all the time."

"It's a nice change of pace. She's not stuck up or bougie like some of these other girls. She's also really down to earth and she's actually intelligent. I mean, she likes to discuss books."

"Well I'm happy for you. She already sounds better than that last chick you dated. Dad hated her."

I cringed at the memory. "Kagura…she was a terrible choice. She always wanted to spend my money on shopping and wear all name brand things. She really had it in her head we were going to get married too." I shivered at the thought.

"Why did you end up breaking up?" Inuyasha asked.

"I caught her cheating on me, so I ended things quickly."

As soon as I mentioned cheating, Inuyasha's energy changed. He shifted the conversation, "Well, maybe I'll get to meet your new lady friend one of these days."

I laughed, "Yeah, you're definitely the first person I'd introduce her too." I jokingly said.

He gasped at me. "Were you just being sarcastic with me? Holy shit. Alert the media. Sesshomaru knows how to be funny."

I shrugged, "I have my moments."

"Well don't let me keep you from your lady friend." He shook my hand one last time.

"No worries. Maybe one of these days you can come by for dinner with Rin and I." I offered. Inuyasha hasn't spent much time with her before, but maybe this is the opportunity Kagome was talking about.

"Yeah sure, sounds like a great idea. How old is the little squirt now?"

"She is 10. Turning 11 in October."

"Cool. I'll remember to bring her a toy then."

"I'm sure she'd love that."

"Ok. Well I'll get out of your hair. Thanks again Sesshomaru!" He walked off to the driveway as he waved. I watched as he got in his car and took off.

It almost felt surreal. Like that had actually happened. I walked back into the dining room and grabbed my phone. I dialed and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello Seshsomaru."

"Jakotsu. I need you to do me a favor."

"What's up?"

"Can you check for an open spot in one of the lower departments?"

"Sure. Who is the position for?"


I heard Jakotsu drop the phone and scramble to pick it back up. "I'm sorry what did you say?"

"It's for Inuyasha."

"Really? Wow that's a shocker."

"Yeah I know. Can you do it?"

"Yes. I'll call you back tomorrow."

I hung up and then proceeded to order an Uber.

"Aki, I'll be going to the party after I finish my business at the book store. Please take care of the house while I'm gone."

She bowed, "Yes sir. Safe travels."

Once in the Uber, it didn't take long to get to the book store. I browsed along the aisles until I found the book she wanted. I grabbed it and went to check out. I ordered another Uber and directed him to the club. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I normally don't have it on vibrate. I must have turned it off in the book store. Looking at my phone, I noticed multiple calls from the house and an unsaved number. The house called again.


"Sir?!" She sounded distressed.

"Aki, what's wrong?"

"Sir it's Rin! There was an accident! She's at the General Hospital." I could hear her crying on the phone.

"I'll be there shortly."

I turned to the driver. "Sir! My daughter was in an accident. Please take me to General Hospital immediately!"

He didn't hesitate as he quickly turned around to head to the hospital. Once we arrived, I jumped out of the Uber and rushed inside to the front desk.

"I'm here for Rin Tashio!"

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Also, I've been loving the reviews! Thank you all so much! Your feedback means a lot to me!