Pairings: NaruHina, MadaSasu, implied MadaIzu in the beginning.
Warnings: Slash!Pairings, NC-17 material!
Warnings for the creeps: Yes, Sasuke starts off young in this. NO it is NOT Shota or Chan, so take off your pedo-bear suit and enjoy the ride until I give you butt-sex of appropriate age and consent.
"Chief Jiraiya?"
The man looked up from the newspaper article in his hand, facing the yellow-haired detective that had seen himself into his office.
"Yes, Detective?"
The man straightened up slightly, trying to stand taller and make himself look at least a little more impressive. "I've just been down to the hospital myself, sir. It would appear that the rumors are true."
Jiraiya frowned to himself, folding the paper neatly and standing from his desk. He didn't know what to make of that information. Instead of forcing out a verbal reply, he nodded slowly to the detective; a silent sign that the man was dismissed.
It couldn't be helped, though. Crime in Konoha was bad enough without this as an additional risk. He had to tell Danzo; but that seemed so unfair. He knew Danzo's method of dealing with things, and understood that his superior would think it best for the threat to be completely "eliminated." Still, if the worst was to come of this unfortunate turn of events, Jiraiya knew he'd feel guilty that he'd let it happen by keeping Danzo uninformed.
With a tired sigh, he shrugged on his jacket and set off.
"Well, if you want to know what I think-"
"Izuna, if I wanted to know what you thought, I'd ask you."
Izuna Uchiha pouted at his brother, not liking that he was being silenced. It didn't offend him as much as he let on, though – and he still morphed his face into an unauthentic mask of ecstasy when his little sister and elder cousin entered the room. They were married, but this was rather common in their family, truth be told. Uchihas married Uchihas. That was why they were such an elite clan – it was also why there were only about twenty of them left. Well, twenty one if you counted the new addition that had been born just weeks before.
"Mikoto, Fugaku. How very nice to see you." Madara drawled, standing from his seat. Several people trailed protectively behind him as he approached his sister and cousin, wrapping Fugaku in his arms first, in a careful hug, then turning to Mikoto. "Ah, and this is your precious little Sasuke, is it?" He held out his arms, demandingly – and the child was handed to him, though anyone could see that it pained Mikoto to do it.
He turned from her then, and walked back to his seat, coddling the child sweetly, keeping it tucked safely in his arms as he ran a callused finger down its soft cheeks. "He's beautiful," Madara commented, bending his face down lower and pressing a gentle kiss to the babe's skin.
Mikoto cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Madara," She started, then seemed to rethink and try for something more personal. "Oniisan, you can't honestly think that he's not safe at home with me and-"
"There is no safer place in the world for this child than right here in my lap." Madara cut her off temperamentally. "You know that just as well as I do – or have you forgotten the scars that mar your elder son's face? Have you forgotten that if you'd listened to me after his birth, he would still be as beautiful and untainted as his brother. Take a look at our brother, Mikoto. There isn't one single mark on his skin. I take care of the things that are mine, and look at him. He's flawless."
Izuna purred as he felt his brother's hand caress his jaw lightly. He smiled into Madara's pleasured stare, and kissed the thumb that brushed against his lips. Mikoto tensed, but it was her husband who spoke.
"With all due respect, Madara-San, I must admit that if Itachi's scarring has saved him from being one of your-"
"If you finish that, I'll cut your tongue out." Izuna said, offering his cousin a sickeningly sadistic grin, as if he'd like nothing more than to cut Fugaku's tongue out, and he'd been waiting years to do exactly that.
"Calm yourself, Izuna. I'm very interested in hearing what our dear cousin has to say."
Fugaku sputtered at the look he received from his younger cousin – one that clearly said that he was still at risk of losing his tongue if he displeased them further. He shook his head meekly, as if he didn't mind giving up his newborn son in the least. Mikoto wasn't so timid about it.
"I trust you, Madara. I always have. You're my older brother and I love you, but sometimes… Sometimes I must question your morals. You can't think it's healthy that you raise children as your… your…"
"Pets?" Izuna supplied, smirking.
"Whatever they are," Mikoto continued, looking pleadingly into her eldest brother's eyes. "How do you even know that he's in danger if I don't give him to you?"
"It's quite simple, actually," Madara answered, smiling lovingly down at the baby in his arms as it began to stir – only to realize that it was already being cradled, and snuggle more comfortably into its uncle's arms. "The police are already monitoring our every move. You understand that much, right?"
Mikoto and Fugaku both nodded, understanding that as Uchihas they had both been born into a dynastic line of criminal royalty. Their family was feared by all, but hunted by none. No one had the guts to go up against them, which meant that they never had to be very secretive about their next move. Mikoto and Fugaku themselves had been largely involved with distribution of various narcotics in the past, so they couldn't exactly blame their current predicament on the family name. The issue was that Konoha had acquired a new police chief about seven years ago, and he just wouldn't cut them a break. He did any and everything that he could to try and make them slip up.
"You also recall the event on June 15th five years ago, when that shit-face Danzo attempted to lure the location of one of my warehouses out of you by cutting into the flesh of your new born son until you talked?"
Mikoto sobbed into her hands at the memory, and Fugaku immediately began to sputter out his apology – stating for what must have been the hundredth time, that they were very sorry for giving out the address of Madara's warehouse that night, but they couldn't bare the sight of their baby being tortured.
"Quiet, I understand. No, I do not forgive you, but I still understand and there's no point in being upset over it now. However, I think we can all agree, that if Itachi had been here with me, the police would have had no leverage over you in the first place."
It was true, so they made no comment. At that point, Mikoto and Fugaku couldn't have been sure exactly why it was that Madara kept so many toddlers and babies in his company, and it had disturbed them. Even now, the amount of young boys – and one young girl – that surrounded the elder Uchiha at nearly every minute of every day was unsettling. It wasn't sexual, no – Madara explored that side of his desire with someone who was, admittedly, just as taboo of an option as those children would have been. Still, he took them in young. He raised them to have undying loyalty to him. He was breeding an army. Slowly but surely, those children would grow to be lethal killing machines. Mikoto was sure of it. She was sure because Madara and Izuna themselves were lethal killing machines, although neither of them had felt the need to show it lately, seeing as they were both already sitting atop a criminal empire and had a vast assortment of other people to do their dirty work.
"Madara, I know that our children are physically safest with you, but what about their minds? I don't want them growing up with some sick attachment to this way of life. I want them to understand that if they want to go work at a bank, they don't have to rob it first!"
Madara sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with malcontent. "Izuna, darling, go fetch our favorite little trio for me, won't you?'
Izuna grinned and nodded, obediently rising and stepping out of a side door to go and get whichever three children Madara was talking about. He returned quickly, and they followed him into the room, their eyes heavy with sleep, but still alert to the goings on of things as they carefully studied everyone.
"Come here, sweethearts." Madara chided softly, and they approached him without hesitance. He smiled, petting the girls hair as he turned to Mikoto. "A little beauty, isn't she?" He asked, nodding for the girl to go and stand in front of his sister. "Go ahead, ask them whatever you like. See if they're admirable enough for you to trust my parenting skills."
"Well… what's your name?" Mikoto asked awkwardly.
"Konan," was the child's careful answer. She looked to be about eight years old, so only a couple of years Itachi's elder. Her voice was shy, which reassured Mikoto slightly, knowing that if Madara was being more hard on them they'd have already been trained to speak up when talking to adults.
"Do you… do you like living here with my brothers, Konan-Chan?"
The girl nodded, looking back at Madara to make sure that this wasn't a test of some sort.
"These people aren't here to take us away, right?" A boy with deep burgundy hair asked. Mikoto had barely noticed him. He was trailing behind the other two as they walked in, and he was now seated on Izuna's lap, seemingly caught between hiding his face in the man's clothes, and trying to get comfortable and go to sleep right there. It was rather late. The children had probably been woken to come and speak to her.
"Baka! Madara-Sama wouldn't let them take us, right?" The other boy asked, looking back towards Madara for confirmation.
Mikoto sighed thoughtfully. So, they were happy here, at least. Happy enough that they truly didn't want to leave. She supposed it would be alright to let Madara have Sasuke. After all, there really wasn't any safer place, and with the way the police were acting, there was no doubt in Mikoto's mind that they'd come for Sasuke. Their new mission seemed to be making sure that this was the last generation of the Uchiha family, and a new baby would soil that.
"Okay," She said shakily. "Keep Sasuke. At least until he doesn't want to be here anymore if that time comes."
Madara nodded, smirking. "Go back to sleep now, children. I'll wake you again for breakfast in the morning."
They nodded, and eased their way back through that mysterious door.
"Obito, I want you to take a few trusted men and go with Fugaku and Mikoto back to their place tonight. Make sure that no matter how much anyone gets tortured, they don't come finding us here."
The man standing slightly behind Madara nodded. Izuna frowned.
"No offense, Obito, but Madara, don't you think it would be wiser to send someone more loyal to you than that?"
Madara chuckled, and his hand rested protectively against his brother's upper thigh. "I know what you're thinking, Izuna. I won't send you though. You're too important to me, and I don't want you getting hurt."
"I'll be fine," Izuna reassured, smiling at his brother's caring words. "I can take care of myself, and you know they'll never be able to get any information on you from me no matter how hard they try. Please, let me go. I want to do this little thing for you."
And so it began. That night, Izuna and Obito were sent to guard Mikoto and Fugaku's home. Just as expected, the secret police did come looking for the new Uchiha babe – but there were more of them than anyone could have expected.
That night, a frantic knocking was heard at Madara's door. When the guest was let in, Madara was called for immediately, and very shocked to see who it was.
"Itachi-Kun?" he asked sleepily, wondering what his nephew was doing here.
"Uncle Madara! You have to let me stay here! Please? There's nowhere else…" The boy was sobbing in a way that was very uncharacteristic of him. Even though he was only five – Itachi had never been much of a crier.
"What's wrong?" Madara asked, still not completely able to comprehend whatever was happening.
"They asked questions, so many questions… but no one would answer… and then Uncle Izuna… they… they…"
"They what?" Madara asked, suddenly quite alert and seething in anger.
"He wouldn't let anyone… wouldn't let them talk… when the blood spilled everywhere, and they still asked the questions… Uncle Izuna… he wouldn't let anybody answer."
Madara could already feel his heart beginning to shatter. Izuna Uchiha. Loyal to the end. It was so like him to risk everyone's life in exchange for Madara's, even if it wasn't the wise thing to do.
"Then what happened?" Madara asked quietly, though he already knew how this tragedy would end.
"The men who came… the ones in masks… they tortured him, Uncle Madara… The man with the yellow hair he gouged his eyes out… But Uncle Izuna… He… He still wouldn't say a word… He bled to death… Right there in the middle of the lawn, and nobody did anything about it… I mean, nobody could. They're all dead… Everyone's dead … except for me." The last part was squeaked out in agony as the child crumbled to the ground. "I'm sorry! I didn't know where else to run…"
Madara cradled the child, as gently as he'd done his brother just hours before. So, Danzo had sent in the ANBU department this time, it seemed. They'd never had a chance, then. He shouldn't have let this happen… he shouldn't have let Izuna go. He knew it was a bad idea. Still, he was too numb to sort out his emotions. He would grieve for the brother that had been… so much more to him … but not tonight. Tonight was about the children.
"Tekka!" Madara called out harshly, hearing feet scrambling towards him, quick to offer service in any way that was needed. "Please escort my nephew to a room. Don't make him sleep alone tonight. Put him … where should we put him?" Madara asked, not able to think straight at the mental image of his brother, lying there in the grass, face bloodied and scarred entered his mind.
"Perhaps with young Shisui-Kun, sir?"
"Yes, that will do." Madara said dismissively, as he rose to return to his own chambers. The next day, he would have a counter attack. He would slaughter that detective, Minato Namikaze himself for what he'd done to his brother. His favored hit man, Orochimaru, could handle Sarutobi. Jiraiya could wait. Madara wanted him to be taught a lesson, and he wouldn't understand it dead – but Danzo. No. No, he wouldn't harm Danzo… yet.
He would simply raise Sasuke; and raise him to know exactly who it was that sent out the troop of men who murdered his parents. Exactly who it was that authorized those scars to be put onto his brother's face. Yes, Sasuke would see Danzo for the beast that he was, and one day, when the time was right – He would let Sasuke kill him.
Madara smiled lightly, wanting to be excited by his new ingenious plan, but he couldn't. No matter who he killed, or who he raised, or who he taught a lesson – his beloved Izuna was still dead. He sighed, walking up to the crib that had been placed in his bedroom earlier that day. Sasuke was awake and staring at him in that odd understanding way that babies stare, that way that makes you feel as if they understand the world's grief – and yet are still beautifully untainted by it.
He reached into the crib and held his nephew close to his chest, then lied down in his bed, with the child still snuggled up to him. He felt a damp chubby hand rubbing at his cheek curiously, but he didn't realize for a moment that it wasn't the hand that was damp… it was his cheek.
"I'm sorry for crying in front of you, Sasuke-Kun. I haven't cried since I was your age, can you believe that?"
The babe made no reply, but continued fisting at his face, as if trying to dry the tears but not knowing how to do so properly.
"Sweet child, how many people have died for our sake this night?" Madara could hear his voice cracking slightly, but he ignored it. There was no one here to hear him other than little Sasuke, anyway. "Two for you, and two for me… it doesn't seem fair, does it? That all I can do for their memory is lie here with you and cry."
The baby began to whimper, as if he, too could understand that something sad had happened.
"I had the whole world in my hand just yesterday, and if you'd told me that just one death could make it all feel pointless… Well, I don't think I'd have believed you. All he wanted to do was keep us safe, little one. You, and me. He died for us, and look at us. We're not worth half of what he was."
The baby sniffled, and whined in discomfort; making it seem that he didn't like where this conversation had turned. Madara snorted.
"My deepest apologies, Sasuke-Kun. I'm the one who wasn't fit to wipe his spit. I can't say the same for you. God only knows who you might grow up to be."
The child settled at this, and Madara chuckled morbidly. "One thing's for sure, though. You are never leaving my side. I won't make the same mistakes twice. Not with the people that matter."
With that, he pulled the babe even closer to his chest, and they both drifted into a deep and troubled sleep.
A/N: Whoooaaa! Beloved, that's so NOT cool! How dare you start a plotty chapter fic when you have so many in progress already!
I know, I know. Sorry, but this idea kind of struck me a month ago and really stuck under my skin, so now it's here.
Much thanks and love to all of my wonderful readers who make me SO happy just by caring about what I say xD