Story: Distant Waves

Author: BeautiWind

Couple: Percy J./Annabeth C.

Chapter Rate: T

Genre: Romance/Genre

Disclaimer: I only own my idea of using a Titanic storyline and basing off PJO & my own characters from "Titanic" for "Distant Waves."If you are anyhow related to the historical characters I base off my characters, please don't be offended by this. This is just pure fun! Any use of dialogue of the books and/or movie is in Fair Copyright Law 107 and copyright to their intended owners.PJO belongs to Rick and Haley Riordan and Titanic belongs to who ever owns it (I'm guessing James Cameron & Crew).

Summary: Annabeth Chase-Norwood goes aboard the Titanic and isn't expecting to fall in love with Percy Jackson, who has nothing to offer her but his heart and love. Will she surrender her luxurious and stable life to love him? Or will she let herself be pushed around by her fiancee, Luke Castellan-Tolbert? In-honor of Titanic!

Chapter 1: All Aboard!

Annabeth Chase-Norwood

That's right, I'm going aboard the RMS Titanic, the unsinkable ship—or so they say. My family and I are going to board the ship in order to get to America. My father, Sir Fredrick Chase, has been asked to start a few buildings there and he told me I could help.

You see, I want to be an architect when I'm older. I'm sixteen right now so I need practice. But my boyfriend and soon-to-be husband, Luke, thinks I'm being ridiculous and that I shouldn't dream so high. Luckily, my parents don't agree with his idea.

There was a knock at my bedroom door and my mother's head popped right in.

"Annabeth, are you already to go?" asked my mother, Lady Athena. She was just like the Greek goddess she was named after. She is very wise and if she comes up with a plan it won't fail.

"Yes Mother. I'm all ready and packed to go." I responded. I got my handbag on my bed along with my coat. I left my suitcase near the door so the butler, Harry, could get it and not forget it.

"Great. Then, we will be on our way." She advised. She popped her out of my room and I followed behind her, closing the door as I went.

I would surely miss my room, house, and town, Southampton, but I knew it was for the best.


Standing in front of that enormous ship was quite the show but I still couldn't understand what the huge commotion was about. I could think of a few or a lot of changes I could do to the Titanic but didn't say anything.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by someone who whirled me around into a hug.

"Oh Honey! It's so nice to see you again." said the person who twirled me. When she pulled me back I saw her face. It was Lady May Castellan, mother of Luke who followed behind, along with his father, Sir Hermes Castellan.

"Oh Lady May, so nice to see you. Sir Hermes, good morning." I greeted. He smiled and walked towards my mother. Lady May followed him after hugging me once more.

Luke smiled and pulled me in for a kiss on my lips as a greeting. After a few seconds we pulled back and he said, "Hello Love, are you ready for a nice ride over the Atlantic Ocean?"

"Sure," I replied, "Although I don't see what the fuss is about. I see it just as big as the Mauretania..." I simply shook my head while Luke grinned at my expression.

"Love, this is ten million times bigger than the Mauretania, God even says so!" Luke explained. I rolled my eyes at his comparison towards the ship.

"Come on we are going inside the ship!" I laced my fingers through his and started to glide across dock.

As I started to climb the sloped planked entrance, I called to my maid, Blair, "Do you have my coat? It is my favorite..."

Blair held up it up and said, "Right here, Miss."

I sighed in relief and turned to Luke, "Have you spoken to Thalia? I wonder if she is here already?"

"She told me she'd be here around the tick-tock we got here." He assured me.

"Good... Can't wait to see her!" I squealed.

Percy Jackson

I was down at the saloon, playing a poker game, betting to see who got the tickets to got on the RMS Titanic to go to America. Personally, I just wanted to tickets to get a little money for mother who is a very hard worker. She deserves better. My partner, Grover, just wanted an adventure to 'breathe in what nature has to offer'... whatever that means.

I was on the last deck, I'm sure I'm winning. I was gambling against a mate named Vladimir and his buddy. They were Russian as far as I'm concerned (which I'm not really).

I can't believe this! I got it! I finally got it! But being in the cool mate I am, I leaned towards Grover who was biting his fingernails, and said, " I'm sorry pal, but we are not going to see our mothers in a very long time..." he pouted but I continued, "'Cause we are going to AMERICA! Whoo!"

When I said that, I slammed my cards on the table and got up of my chair. I started to get the tickets and Grover started jumping.

Just as I touched the rim of the tickets, Vladimir grabbed me by the collar and made a fist. I thought he was going to hit me, but instead he swung his fist passed my face and hit knuckles first on his buddy's nose. Vladimir started cussing at his friend in Russian.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around. I was face-to-face to a man in penguin/suit with a stopwatch in hand.

"If you want to go to America you better leave now!" he urged, "The Titanic leaves in five minutes!"

I looked at the window, and standing in all its glory was the enormous Titanic. Suddenly, my legs started to get wobbly and felt lightheaded at the thought of me being on that ship that cost a fortune just to get on.

Then it dawned on me! If I don't leave now, I don't go to America! Quickly I got the tickets and ignored Vladimir beating the hell out of his not-so-much-now friend, and ran out the door, Grover at my heels. We passed a bunch of people on the way.

When we got to the sloped planked entrance of the ship, I yelled, "Wait, we have tickets! We have tickets!"

The man at the door looked at us observantly. I gave him the tickets.

"And we don't have lice or fleas, we are American." I continued. I turned to see Grover scratching his head and I smacked him. He stopped rapidly.

"Right..." said the man slowly. "Come in, then. Hurry now!"

"Thank you, Sir." We ran inside and up to the deck. When we got to the edge of the deck, we saw below tons of people were waving to their loved ones. But for us, we saw Vladimir holding his purple-bruised friend in his arms. I don't know how he did it but he gave me a threatening-killing look.

He mouthed, I. Kill. You!

I nodded slowly and felt a bit frightened but that feeling quickly vanished.

I mouthed back to him. I. Beat. You. Sucker! Ha-Ha!

I grabbed Grover and hurried down to our room before we got in mouthing-word fight. We had a little trouble finding our room. But we found it eventually. We quickly open the door and barged in, not expecting other people in our room.

I was shocked at first but I quickly recovered my face and said, "Hi, I'm Percy and this is Grover. Nice to meet you."

A bulky, muscled man came up to me, anger and confusion in his eyes. I felt kind like an ant next him but he didn't seem to care, and said, "Where is Vladimir?"

"Oh, um... Vladimir? He couldn't come so he gave the tickets to me." I replied simply.

He grunted and went back to his seat. He looked at us as if he were going to beat us down to a pulp.

Yeah... this is going to be oh so very fun! (Sarcasm there!)

Well I hope you liked it!

Stay tuned for the next chapter! This time I won't lie as to when I'll update again. I have alot of homework, projects, studying, tests, Church, visiting my godparents over the weekend, guitar lessons, iPod, SLEEPING, etc. (typical excuse for a teenager like me, i know!)

Right now its 11: 31 pm and I'm tired. Nite!

Well see ya boys and squirrels till the next update after tomorrow!

~ BeautiWind ~ -heart-

PS- I updated and edited this chapter in a few mistakes. I hope you guys like this way. I will be doing this for the rest of the story. This story is finished but for me it isn't because it wasn't edited properly. Lesson learned… BYE!