Just so that this isn't breaking FF's rule about having only an AN in a chapter, I'll give you a little treat.
"Cameron Morgan, student at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, current resident at Blackthorne Institution," a dark figure recited into a comms unit. "Location: Gallagher Academy, accompanied by Joseph Solomon and Rebecca Baxter. Feedback?"
A gruff voice responded quietly, "Agent Goode identified. Awaiting termination."
The man nodded and watched silently as a sleek black car drove out of Gallagher's gates. Solomon stiffened once the car was out of site, turning around to stare at the large building. He needed to find Zach. Quickly.
Hey there, fanfictioners. Look, I've been gone for a long, long, loooong time. And I'm sorry about that. To make up for my absence and this stupid teaser, I'll make you all a deal. If I'm ever going to finish this story, I need a fresh start. I'll rewrite it, add more plot, less romance/drama, and it will most definitely be a better read. I might even have it uploaded real soon. Deal?
Forever and Always,