Here we are! The end of Fallen Princess! I hope you all liked it, and let me know what you think!

Twenty-five years later...

"Zara! I missed you!" A dirty-blonde haired, brown-eyed preteen girl almost knocked over the teenage girl with platinum blonde hair streaked with hot pink, bright green eyes as she entered the rather large house and sent the teenager's luggage flying.

"Okay, Suzanne! Can you let me breathe, please?" Zara wheezed as her little sister hugged her even tighter.

"Let her breathe, Suzanne. I know you're glad to see her again, but I'm fairly certain you won't have her much longer if you suffocate her..." Diaspro stepped in after her daughter and shut the door behind them.

"Where's your dad?" Diaspro asked the youngest girl.

"Upstairs with Charlie and Drew. They're up there working on that model of the train again..." Suzanne rolled her eyes.

"Ah, Diaspro! You're back and you've brought Zara with you!" Anthony called down from the top of the staircase, before he made his way down with dark-blonde haired twin teenage boys behind him.

"You could have left her back at the Institute of Magic, mum..." One of the boys teased.

"I could have also left you and your brother at the hospital after I had you, but I didn't, did I?" Diaspro retorted.

"Good one, mummy!" Suzanne laughed.

"How was the last day there?" Anthony kissed his wife as their children scattered to various parts of the house.

"Pretty nice. The girls were all excited to go back home again. Professor Hafeji-MacAdams and some of the others put on quite the good-bye show. I sat on the sidelines though." Diaspro said as they sunk into the nearest chair, with her sitting on his lap.

"Was Helen in it?" Anthony asked.

"Oh no. She wasn't. She stood by watching it with me." Diaspro answered. "Speaking of Helen, I invited her, Zinah and Katie over. Helen's going to be back in the U.K. next week for a month, Katie is flying in from Manchester and Zinah's taking a vacation from Lazeez for a bit. We need to organize something for them."

"Casual or formal? And are they bringing their broods in tow?" Anthony asked.

"Broods? After we have the most children of the lot. Four handfuls. Helen's only got the one- Chloe, Zinah's got Yasmine and Rami, Katie has Christopher and Robert and who have we got? Zara, Charles, Andrew and Suzanne. I love all of our children of course, but you have to admit, they can be really difficult when they want to be..."

"So are they bringing their children?" Anthony asked again.

"Oh yes they are. Good thing we have room enough in here for all of them to stay if they wanted to..." Diaspro laughed as Anthony began to grow horrified at the thought.

"They aren't... they aren't... they aren't staying here, are they?" He barely whispered in horror.

"No, no. You know that Zinah and Mahdi have their own house over in Central London, Helen and Phillip are staying in Portsmouth with her parents and Katie and Gary are renting a hotel room." Diaspro continued to laugh at Anthony's horrified expression.

"Oh thank goodness. When all those children got together two years ago... I still shudder at the thought..." Diaspro laughed even harder at her husband's relieved expression.

"Yes, I know. We'll be sure to keep a closer eye on them this time... It was not fun reversing the enchantments that the twins, Chloe and Rami somehow managed to put on themselves while the other children stood by laughing at them..." Diaspro frowned at the thought.

"That should teach them not to experiment with certain potion ingredients when you, Helen and Zinah aren't present, right?" Anthony asked hopefully.

"I sure hope so, dear. I sure hope so. So, what do you have for dinner here? It was a long journey across the pond... Non-magical travel can be really horrible sometimes..."

Sometime later, their backyard was noisy with the sounds of several young people running around and having fun.

"Hey Caroline! Where's our dad?" Anthony called out to his sister who reclined in a nearby lawn chair next to her own young teenage son Vincent.

"Inside. He went inside to bring out the cooler of beer, he said..." She called back from her seat, not looking up from the magazine she was reading.

"This is me when I was around your age..." Katie was talking to Zara as she showed her some videos with her projector cell-phone.

In it, a sixteen year old Katie had her hair was up in two buns held up by black bands, black band went around her forehead, hidden slightly by the long bangs framing her face, she wore a black, short-sleeved leotard with a purple strapless top that stopped just below her chest and three criss-crossed purple laces at the front, a purple skirt that stopped just above her knees and black, flat-heeled ankle boots with purple soles. Translucent, triangle shaped pink wings were on her back as she flew around Anthony and Diaspro's old flat.

"You seemed pretty excited in that video. What was happening there?" Zara asked.

"Oh, it was the day before I left for Alfea. My years there were some of the best years in my life. You're going to have the most exciting and wonderful time there when you go there for your exchange next school year!" Katie exclaimed.

"Mum, mum!" A light brown-skinned boy with curly black hair and dark eyes who was about six years old ran up to her.

"What is it, Robert?" Katie asked almost tiredly as Zara got up and went elsewhere.

"Christopher's bothering me again!" Robert whined. "He took my toy car and won't give it back!"

"Nuh-uh! Robbie said I could play with it!" Another boy nearby, who looked like a slightly older version of Robert, but had his hair low cut exclaimed.

"Christopher, what have I said about taking your brother's toys?" Katie narrowed her eyes at the older boy.

"But..." Christopher was about to retort when his mother's glare intensified.

"Fine." Christopher handed back the red toy car and walked off in a huff.

"Well, you handled that well..." A tall, lean, dark-skinned man walked over and sat next to her in the chair that Zara had vacated.

"No thanks to you, Gary. Where were you?" Katie sounded slightly annoyed with her husband.

"Well, um... I may or may not have been playing a rather... animated version of Monopoly with Mahdi, Phillip, Anthony and his father Daniel..." He said sheepishly.

"Oh? Who won?" Katie asked curiously.

"Phillip had us all bankrupt in less than an hour. I swear, Mahdi looked as if he'd have an aneurism when he landed on the Boardwalk with all those hotels erected on it..." Gary took a sip of the beer he had carried out.

"Really? Was he the one who ended up flipping the table this time?" Katie asked.

"No. Surprisingly enough, it was Daniel. Anthony nearly cleaned him out and Phillip finished him off and he'd had enough. I tell you, Monopoly is serious business with us men." Gary said as Katie began to laugh.

"Not just you. I remember in my days at Alfea, I introduced Monopoly to my roommates Dahlia, Ileana, Renee and Tori-Lee. One day when I went out, I came back and found them in the student lounge playing the game and all our year mates, plus a few others watching what was apparently a very serious game. Ileana nearly went nuclear on that game when she lost. I'm just glad that Simone didn't inherit her temperament, otherwise I'd be rather terrified to go visit them on Solaria..." Katie shuddered at the thought.

In another area of the yard, Zara was talking to Yasmine, Zinah's daughter.

"Magix is a lot different compared to Earth. There's a big fairy-witch rivalry thing going on there, which I think is rather pointless..." Yasmine explained.

"Rivalry? Whatever about?" Zara wondered.

"Apparently, witches are supposed to be these evil troublemakers who can do no good. Fairies on the other hand are supposed to be these goodie-goodies, innocent people who can do no wrong. Which we both know is so very wrong. I mean, you remember that incident two years ago with Chloe, your brothers and Rami?" Yasmine asked.

"How could I forget that?" Zara shuddered at the thought.

"And who was the ringleader there?" Yasmine urged.

"Chloe, of course..." Zara sighed.

"Exactly! Chloe's a fairy and she's certainly no saint!" Yasmine exclaimed.

"So... anything else I should know?"

"Plenty. Too bad for you that I won't be in Magix this year since I just graduated Cloud Tower at the top of my class." Yasmine looked proud.

"Congratulations on that again, Yasmine. What are your plans now that you're leaving magic school anyway? Are you going to move back here and catch up on your non-magical education? Move to Magix? Try to get something in Tir Nan Og?" Zara asked.

"I really did like learning at Cloud Tower. Hexes and Curses were particularly fun..." Yasmine giggled mischievously.

"And you say that witches aren't evil..." Zara half-joked.

"Yeah, but I never said that witches aren't afraid to have a little... fun with their magic..." Yasmine demonstrated by turning Chloe's (who had just walked past) vividly red hair into a bright lime green colour with pink and orange polka dots and putting it up into wild spikes.

Zara and Yasmine snickered as they realised that Chloe hadn't even noticed what happened to her hair- until Christopher pointed it out in a rather blunt way- as nine year olds were prone to doing.

When she turned to glare at them- obviously realizing who the culprit was, they burst out in full-blown laughter.

"See? You see how fun that stuff is?" Yasmine wiped away her tears of laughter. "The Alfea fairies are more uptight than the Earthling ones! They'd be horrified at what I just did! Chloe would fit in there perfectly if she chooses to go there after she leaves high school..."

"Well as I've signed up for a yearlong exchange over there, I hope it isn't as bad as you say it is there..." Zara said.

"With your personality? Bitch please, you'll be fine. Didn't you practically cut down that girl... Laurel or whatever the hell her name was in your first year at the IOM- without magic or even a good, old-fashioned bitch slap?" Yasmine chortled.

"True. Laurel really did deserve that smack down. She's one of the few people that have made me snap. Not a very high honour for her, but it was rather fun for me to tell her exactly what I thought of her..." Zara smiled at the thought.

"Yeah... So I plan to travel a bit and then I hope to go further in that field of Hexes and Curses. I would love to have the honour of becoming a Professor at Cloud Tower one day..."

"A ambition worthy of Yasmine Sharif." Zara nodded in approval. "I'm more of a Potions girl myself. I love a class where a girl can create."

"I guess that translates into your love for drawing. Are you going to put that into use for your mum's boutique?" Yasmine asked.

"Maybe... I don't know. I also love dancing too, especially ballet. I do hope I find the time to practice when I go to Alfea for the one year..." Zara looked a bit worried at the thought.

"Your dance will be fine, Zara. I'm sure you'll find time to keep up with it..." Yasmine reassured her.

"You're right, Yasmine. Fancy some of that bangers and mash that Auntie Caroline brought? Trust me, she makes the best in Britain!" Zara stood up, feeling her stomach rumble.

"Oh no she doesn't. My mum and my cousin Shadiyah are better!" Yasmine insisted.

"We'll see about that..." Zara led the way over to the table where her Aunt was setting out some food she'd brought over.

As Helen and her husband Phillip sat eating, Zinah and Mahdi walked over.

"Hey you two. Have you seen Diaspro or Anthony lately?" Zinah asked.

"Not a clue where they could have disappeared to..." Phillip shook his head, messy bright red hair flicking about.

"Okay then, Carrot-Top..." Zinah and Mahdi sat opposite them as Helen and Phillip glared at them.

"What? Phillip's hair is so bright red, it's almost orange! And Poor Chloe just had to inherit it..." Zinah teased. "Too bad she didn't get Helen's... tamer shade of red..."

"Chloe actually happens to like her naturally bright red hair, thank you very much. Us redheads are a rare variety, you know." Phillip pointed out.

"Having red hair is pretty dang awesome, I'll have you know..." Helen said.

"The only thing worse than having red hair that bright is the fact that she was born American, just like her dad." Zinah joked.

"American born, red haired... Is not having a soul awesome too?" Mahdi teased.

He had to move quickly to dodge the water thrown at him by Phillip.

Even Zinah laughed at her husband as he looked at the two redheads, joined by their just as redheaded daughter in mild shock.

"I'm going to leave you two clowns there and go look for our two missing friends. It's their party. They shouldn't be missing it..." Zinah walked off towards the house.

Inside the house, Diaspro and Anthony found themselves alone in their living room.

"Well then. Did you picture your life like this when you left Isis all those years ago?" Anthony asked her as they cuddled one another in the sofa there.

"Certainly not, but it did turn out better than I had hoped. I mean when it happened, I was near depressed for a while, then angry, then scared... and when I came to Earth, all of that changed. Is it weird for me to say that I'm glad I was exiled after all?" Diaspro wondered.

"When you look at it that way, I guess not.." Anthony shrugged.

"I mean, I made the best friends I've ever had in my life, strengthened my magic, married and had a family with you, began a career at the Institute of Magic... I could have never pictured myself teaching there- or anywhere for that matter- even if it was only part-time..." Diaspro said.

"And you're damn good at it too. Not to mention that jewellery and clothing store you have in Central London that caters to all sorts of price ranges..." Anthony smiled.

"Business is fun. Especially when it's your own business when you're putting your skills- magical or not- to good use. Keeps me busy. When I'm not over at the Institute of Magic lecturing in Magical Etiquette or History of Magic part-time, I'm at the store. And yet still, I always have time for you and our family." Diaspro smiled back.

"Now that takes some real skill." Anthony leaned in for a kiss, which evolved into a long, heated, make-out session.

"Oi! You two! Looking to make another Pritchard baby?" They both sat up suddenly, turning red as Zinah suddenly entered the room.

"Oh shut up, Zee!" Diaspro flicked her hand and Zinah was flung out of the room all the way back outside in the backyard.

"Useful spell, that." Diaspro flicked her hand coolly.

"I'll say..."

"So... We should probably get back outside then. I guess they're wondering where we disappeared to..." Diaspro held her husband's hand as they made their way outside.

As she looked out into the backyard and took in the chaos of all her friends and their families there, a smile creeped onto her face.

When she was exiled from her own home world and disowned by her family she never suspected that this would happen.

That she, a fallen princess born on Isis would actually come to have a wonderful life like this.

She felt that she had gotten extremely lucky in this regard.

Anthony told her it was fate.

Whether through luck or fate, Diaspro didn't care.

This was all hers, and she was glad things had turned out this way after all.

Here we are! It's actually over! I almost can't believe it...

And of course, judging by all those children at the end of all this, you know what I'm planning... I'm throwing my virtual hat into the ring of next-gen fics!

Game Changer: Coming soon...

Put me on alert if you'd like to see it and check out my profile for a few details you'd need to know!

Thanks for reading!