Everyone stood there looking at her, wondering if they would actually survive the robots and if Chris would actually try to kill them.

The answer was probably not, followed by a distinct yes.

Without missing a beat, Jeremy realized that they had caught up to the other team, meaning that they could win and move on!

He glided over to the door, peeking out of the small window and up towards the robot.

Being that everyone is finally calm and not arguing, he was able to take in the details of the robot.

Karkitten was right, it was about three times his own height, maybe a meter wide and a yard in bulk.

The blue paint shone in the blinding sunlight, a gleam of silver and metal as it patrols the front door, arms in distinct right angles, no doubt poised to shoot at an moment.

After watching for a minute or so, he turned back to the group and confidently announced "I'll be able to make it out of here, anyone wish to join me?"

The Terror Turtles all came forward, along with the Zombie Zebras.

Jeremy huffed under his breath, looking around. He didn't realize how confident most of these people were when it came to finishing these challenges.

"Let's go then," Emily opened the door, carefully, silently, and as sneakily as possible.

Back in the editing tent, Brooky and Chris were watching a variety of monitors; Brooky sitting in the main chair in the center of the glow from the screens and Chris standing behind her, one hand on the chair and the other on the desk.

Each monitor had a live view of the camera hooked up to each one, which are each hooked up to the fourteen robots patrolling Boney Island.

The robots seemed to be moving slowly, as if they were tanks.

One robot in particular however, was stopped at a corner, preparing to turn around.

Both watch in silence as the editing team behind them were working through the shots of the past half an hour of the teams wandering through the underground mini-maze.

Brooky moves the mouse from one monitor to the next, tracking the progress of the robots.

"Nothing yet, sir," Brooky sighs, still tired from lugging all of the drugged bodies an hour earlier.

Chris stands up straighter, focused on the robot making it's turn.

"Have Jacquelin check on them in the machinery room, maybe give James a little scare," He smirked, knowing that this episode alone would bring him enough profit to pay off the fourteen robots, the sixteen robots in storage, the overnight building of the underground stow-away, everything.

Brooky flicked on her headset, turning a knob on the side so she could contact Jacquelin directly.

"Alright, start the speech," she cues, her eyes still focused on all of the robots.

On the other end of the line, Jacquelin straightens up, smoothing down her pink shirt, adjusting her hair, then pressing a button on her keyboard.

Her own face appeared on her monitor as the camera whizzed on.

Back in the room of machinery, one of the panels on the wall shifted, revealing another screen.

This screen is filled with Jacquelins' face as she starts to recite a small speech from memory.

Hey nerds guess who pumped out this update?

Gonna continue posting the episodes in shorter parts like this so you guys dont have to wait as long, as well as so I don't lose interest in this again

Post your feedback and theories below! And most of all, keep on writing!
