Ugh, who's calling me? I hate talking on the phone. I reach over and grab the slim object, barely glancing at the number before I answer.


"Why hello-o-o, Buttercup!"

What the hell? That high pitched voice could only belong to one person -

"Him? What do you want?"

"Well, that's no way to treat a friend!"

"Dude, we're not friends. To be honest, I hate you."

A chuckle comes from the line, causing me to cringe. The voice that comes through next isn't the same high-pitched one, but an angry, demonic one.

"Now you listen here, Powerpuff. You better respect before I tear that pretty little head of yours off."

A pause.

"As I was saying…"

Just like that, his normal voice returns. How does he even do that?

"…I'd like to take you out to lunch tomorrow."

I stifle a laugh before answering. Wouldn't want to upset the queen again.

"Why should I go out to lunch with you?"

"Because I have an offer you can't resist. Meet me at Townsville Cafe at 12 a.m sharp! Goo-oo-od bye-eeee, Buttercup." The voice purrs through the phone. I hear a faint click, realizing that he hung up. I didn't even to get a word in.

Lunch? With Him? I couldn't possibly. Normally, I'd run these rings by Blossom. But an offer I can't refuse? I definitely need to check this out.

Him better be happy. I'm actually here before I even have to be. I glance at my watch every few seconds, willing the time to go faster. I pull out my phone and play a game.

I must've put all my attention into the game, because I nearly miss the screams and panic around me. Everyone is running around in circles, some of them smart enough to actually leave the cafe. I finally notice the pink smoke crowding the building, nearly suffocating me.

Of course. Him couldn't tone down his arrival.

I tap my foot exasperatedly, waiting for the demon to sit down across from me. The pink smoke thins until it is nearly non-existent. All the panic suddenly stops and everyone returns to whatever they were doing before the huge interruption. Him finally struts towards me, sitting down in the un-occupied seat. The whispers start almost immediately.

"What is Buttercup doing with that demon?"

"Is she about to make a deal with the Devil?"

"Purple is seriously not her color."

Okay, what? I scan the cafe, looking for whoever said that last thing. Finding no one staring at me, I self consciously smooth my purple t-shirt.

"So, Buttercup. You came!" Him smiles at me, clicking his claws.

"Yeah, well. Whatever." I huff. "What do you want?"

"An offer you can't refuse," he purrs, batting his long lashes at me.

"You already said that. Explain."

He grins at me as if he's amused with my attitude. "Alright, Butterfly," he begins while I cringe at the nickname. "You do remember the Rowdyruff Boys, correct?"

My breathing stops for a split second. I regain my composure and glare at Him, unfazed. "Yes."

"And you do remember the one called Butch, yes?"

I swallow hard, a lump forming in my throat. What was his point here? Why did he have to bring him up? "Yes."

"I have an offer for you," Him mutters slyly, meeting my eyes.

"That's the third time you've said that, dude. Out with it already!"

Another grin spreads across his red face. It's obvious that I'm very interested in his offer, but I don't really care. I'm allowed to have emotions.

"You can spend the rest of your life with the green one, the one that got away, on one condition." He stops suddenly, his face becoming serious. I lean over, suddenly aware that I'm almost across the whole table. I sit back and meet his eyes once again.

"What's the condition?"

He chuckles lightly, the demonic voice nearly overriding the high pitched one. "Your soul."

It's my turn to laugh. "Excuse me? Like I'd seriously give you my soul. Why would I bother with your offer when I can just talk to him myself?"

A mischievous glint appears in his eyes and I suddenly feel worried, like my words weren't true.

"You didn't let me finish, Butterfly. Either you accept my offer, or you'll never have another chance with him again."

My heartbeat quickens. "W-what?"

"You heard me. It's either all or nothing. Now, what do you say?"

Did my ears deceive me? My black bangs stick to my forehead, slick with sweat. I rub my temples and sigh.

I'm 23 and still live with my sister, Bubbles. Blossom is in college to be a doctor but our relationship is still strong. Bubbles is engaged to Boomer, Blossom to Brick. Me? I haven't had a boyfriend since 9th grade. I most likely wouldn't be getting one anytime soon either.

I'm not exactly a social butterfly. I turn down parties for video games, dates for wrestling matches on TV.

I have absolutely nothing going for me.

I could've been like my sisters, but I always pushed Butch away.

He admitted his love for me during our junior year and I rejected him. He never gave up, though I rejected him time and time again. I'm Buttercup, the independent one, the strong one. I didn't even know how to like anybody, nevermind falling in love with someone.

Only when I saw him happy with someone else, Robin of all people, did I realize I had the same feelings for him.

By then, it was too late.

This offer could change everything. I could have him, the love of my life, forever. He would be mine, all mine.

We could get married, have a spring wedding. I'd wear a dress made for a princess, my inner girl being freed. We'd exchange vows, announcing our undying love for each other in front of both our families, all of Townsville even.

We could have children, a little boy and a little girl. Two years apart each, the boy being the eldest so he can look out for his younger sister.

We could live happily ever after. Together forever. A perfect fairy tale ending.

But would it really be? Would things be different if I had no soul? Would I be able to actually love, to actually care for my children?

I can't let him go again. This can be my only chance, my only hope to have happiness.

What if I declined this offer?

I'd live life alone. Sure, I'd have my soul, but where would all the love in it go to? My 37 cats?

"I… I accept."

Three Years Later

"Brett! Come down here!" I call for my son. He floats down the steps, a smug look on his face. I walk over, my pregnant stomach slowing me down.

"What did I tell you about drawing on the walls?"

The two-year old looks up at me with apologetic eyes. I smiled back at him, letting him know he's forgiven.

Butch comes down the stairs a few minutes later, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He gives me a quick kiss before rubbing our son's soft hair.

Yup, this is my life now.

I misinterpreted Him when he said I'd have to give my soul. By that, he meant I owed him favors. Favors that would follow me through life. Favors that I would never dream of telling anyone. Favors my family could never find out about.

At around 12 a.m that night, my special cell phone blinks with a text.

I have another mission for you. Bring the usual gear and meet at the warehouse in 15 mins.

With a sigh, I kiss Butch on the cheek. I grab my all black attire, knife and pistol.

Yup, this is my life now.

Eh, I didn't like this one too much but I hope you do! Thanks for reading.