Andre Jumped in his car, and Beck also Jumped in to the car.

"What did he say?" Beck asked Andre. Andre looked over at him.

"He said that if we don't find them in three days, then he's going to kill all three of them." Andre said sadly.

"Where could they be?" Beck asked, he was almost crying now.

"I don't know." Andre answered. Andre might not know where they are, but he would find them.

"We have to find them." Beck had tears falling from his eyes as he said this.

"We will." Said Andre, he was trying to figure out where they could be. "Lets go to my house, and we can think about what are next move will be." He suggested.

"Okay." Beck nodded.


Tori opened her eyes, and found that she was tied up to the chair that she was sitting on. She looked around her and also saw Cat and Jade tied up to their chairs too, they were both unconsious.

"Jade...Jade...Cat...Cat." Tori called out trying to wake either girl, but neither of them moved. She continued to look around the "room" she was in. It was very dark, but there was a little light. It looked like they were in somebody's basement. Tori Jumped as a door to her right opened, and 6 guys walked in. She recognised only one of them...Brad.

"Well look who finally woke up" Brad said with an evil smile, as he noticed that Tori was awake.

"Where are we?" Tori spat at him, her voice was dripping with anger.

"Hey guys, I wanna talk to Tori for a second...alone." Brad said to the other 5 guys out there. They nodded to Brad and left the room. Brad pulled up a chair and sat right in front of her.

"Why have you kidnapped us?" Tori asked with rage.

"Stop asking so many questions." Brad spat at her, but then a sick smile formed on his face. "Okay, I'll tell you." he said as he grabbed a water bottle and took a drink, and then he set it back down on the ground. "I'm playing a little game with Andre Harris." Brad said, but Tori was confused.

"What do you mean?" Tori asked him. He laughed.

"I talked to him earlier, and I told him that he had three days to find you." He said.

"What happens in three days?" Tori asked fearing she already knew the answer.

" I told Andre that if he has not found you in three days, then I was going to kill all three of you." He said nodding at Cat and Jade also.

"What happens if he finds us." Tori asked. She was scared out of her mind.

"I told him that if he finds you, then I'll let you three go, and just kill him." Brad said. Tears started to form in Tori's eyes.

Brad started laughing. Tori stopped crying and looked Brad right in his eyes with such an intensity that Brad stopped laughing.

"I should of let Andre kill you that day." Tori said staring right into his eye's.

"Well you didn't...I'm still here." Brad said getting a little angrier now. Then he started looking at Tori in a sick way. "Maybe I should finish what I started to do on our first date before Andre interrupted us." Brad said looking Tori's body up and down. Tori was reminded of the day when Brad had tried to rape her, but she was saved by Andre, but now Andre wasn't here.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." Tori yelled at him as he put his hand on her thigh, but he didn't move his hand so Tori Spit right in his face.

"YOU STUPID BITCH." Brad yelled, as he jumped up from his chair and slapped Tori hard in the face. Brad wiped the spit from his face. Brad continued to yell as he walked through a door leaving the room.

Tori was thankful that Brad left the room, but she cried at the pain in her face where Brad hit her. She had no idea When Brad would come back, but she hoped he would not touch her again. She silently prayed that Andre would find them fast.