Chapter 2
John wouldn't had believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. He had met him, met the man in his vision. He called himself Sherlock Holmes, and said he was what he called a Consulting Detective. And after seeing the detective almost take a pill that could possibly kill him and meeting his kidnapping brother did John realise that staying with him would be bad news, but he didn't care. He enjoyed the danger, the risks. It was exhilarating. Sherlock Holmes was an interesting fellow; an irritating dick could be another way to describe him, but interesting nonetheless. He was impressive and brave; nothing scared him, not even when a huge hit man going by the name of Gollum was he scared. John liked it, really liked it. But he noticed something about the taller man; he was hiding something. Every now and again he would disappear off to God knows where. DI Lestrade said that was completely normal, but it was still strange to the doctor. John was always worried about the detective; he prayed that the vision wouldn't come true. But with Sherlock being the way that he is, it could possibly come true. That scared John right to the bone.
Bobby gulped down the last of his beer. It was another end to a dreary day. The Winchester boys hadn't arrived at the house yet. Bobby didn't mind, they tended to dilly-dally while on the road. He heard a knock at the door and a familiar voice yell out his name. Speak of the devil, I thought and jumped off his seat. He opened the door, surprised by what he saw. Both Winchesters were holding up a young well-dressed exhausted and injured man.
"What the hell?" Bobby exclaimed.
"Took the words right out of my mouth," Dean half-smiled. Bobby stepped aside to let them through. The helped the young man onto the sofa.
"Thank you kind men, but I am fine now, all healed up," he smiled. His English accent had a certain charm to it. There was the sound of wing beats, the swishing of air and Castiel appeared in the room. A little smile appeared on Dean's face.
"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Bobby demanded.
"Thought you could explain that," Dean replied.
"We were driving along when this blue police box came out of nowhere and crashed in front of us," Sam explained, "We went to expect it, and then this guy fell out. He said his name was the Doctor."
"Or just Doctor," the man interjected.
"He claims he's an alien," Sam said.
"What? There is no such thing," Bobby laughed, "I've looked for proof, and found none. They're all just hoaxes. Aliens just don't exist."
"Then I don't exist then," the Doctor smiled.
"He isn't human though," Cas said.
"You're all hunters, yes?" the Doctor asked, "Well, maybe not you wing boy. Nice wings by the way."
"You can see my wings?" Cas asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.
"Yeah, why, can't they? Oh right, course not, they're human," the Doctor laughed at himself, "But you're hunters, yeah?"
"Yeah," Dean and Sam said together.
"Splendid," the Doctor smiled.
"You're name can't just be the Doctor," Bobby said, "You can't be an alien."
"Believe what you wish kind sir, but I am what I am, and I am the Doctor, I chose that name, I earned it," the Doctor grinned, "I fix things, like doctors do. Make things better, healthier."
"Alright then, but can't seriously be an alien," Bobby said. The Doctor pulled out a small cylinder device that reminded Bobby of a screwdriver. A high-tech screwdriver.
"I see that you're not going to easily believe me, I don't blame you," the Doctor replied, playing with his screwdriver-thingy, "I bet some of the monsters you've taken down were aliens, just never realised it. Ever heard of a Wendigo? They're from the Eltrin Galaxy. Quite far from here. Their world was ending, so they decided to inhabit another one. Your world looked nice. So they came over and mixed with your world. They evolved a bit, pity. They used to be so beautiful. It's such a same seeing such a great breed go downhill."
"Wait, what? Just stop there buddy, what the hell are you talking about?" Dean said. The Doctor sighed.
"My apologies, I'd forgotten you don't believe in aliens," he said.
"What the hell are you?" Sam asked.
"I'm a Timelord, last of my kind," the Doctor answered, inspecting his unusual device, fiddling with little pieces on it.
"A Timelord? That sounds made up, does that sound made up to you?" Dean laughed, looking at the others. They were just as unconvinced as he was.
"It's not a laughing matter. You try being the last of your kin, it's not fun, I can assure you that," the Doctor replied. Dean's smile disappeared.
"Alright, let's say you are in alien, what the hell were you doing flying around in a box?" Sam asked, folding his arms.
"The Time And Relative Dimension In Space? Or rather, TARDIS? Oh, it's a spaceship, as well as a time machine," the Doctor smiled proudly, "Oh; I hope it's alright out there in the middle of nowhere. Pretty sure I locked it."
"A spaceship that doubles as a time machine? Of course," Dean said in disbelief.
"You don't believe in a lot of things, do you Dean?" the Doctor asked, "Don't look at me like that, I heard your friend say your name."
"Oh, well, yeah. I believe in things. I believe what I see with my own eyes. If I haven't seen it, I doubt it's real until I get decent proof," Dean said, glancing at Cas, "Angels being the only exception."
"You're seeing me right now, you saw a police box crash right in front of you, yet you still don't believe that I'm an alien. Or maybe you do, and you just don't want to believe it," the Doctor smiled.
"But you just can't be an alien, wouldn't you guys look different or something? Or tried to make contact with us?" Dean protested.
"Others have, and it hasn't ended well. They tend to just with society, hiding in plain sight," the Doctor shrugged, "And none of the monsters on your world have showed their faces to the humans. Not surprised, your kind tends to fear what they don't understand. And what they don't understand they don't really want to understand. You enjoy living a lie for some odd reason. Others have tried to show you the truth, but it never ended well. You can thank your angel friends for clearing it up."
"What?" Dean blinked, looking at Cas. He was just as surprised as everyone else.
"I was never told of this," Cas frowned, angered by not being informed by something so major.
"Wouldn't be surprised, the big angels like to keep things under wrap. And I know someone who knows people up there who still owe him favours," the Doctor replied.
"Sam, Dean, kitchen, now. Cas, stay here and keep watch. Make sure he doesn't escape," Bobby instructed and walked into the kitchen, the brothers following being. As soon as they were in the kitchen Bobby turned to face them. "So, any ideas?"
"Got nothing," Dean shrugged.
"Maybe he is an alien," Sam said. Bobby and Dean gave him strange looks. "Oh come one guys, it could be a possibility. I mean, you never believed in angels Dean and now you're dating one. Why can't aliens exist too?"
"I-I don't know. It's just weird, you know?" Dean shook his head like he thought it could help clear his mind, "It's just that why have we only come across one now? After all these years? I understand with the angels and stuff, that they had no reason to, but aliens?"
"I know how it sounds, but stranger things have happened," Sam said.
"Maybe yeah," Dean said with a sigh.
"I think I know what we have to do," Bobby said. The Winchesters looked at him. Bobby could practically hear their minds clicking.
"Oh, you don't mean…" Dean said.
"Afraid so," Bobby nodded.
"But how can he help?" Sam asked.
"I don't know, he knows more than we do," Bobby shrugged.
"But him? You know what he's like," Sam whined.
"Yeah, a dick with wings," Dean snorted, "Broken wings."
"We haven't seen him in ages, will we he recognise us?" Sam asked. They all laughed. Of course he would, Bobby thought.
"So that's it, we go see him," Dean said, "Can't we just ring him or something?"
"I don't think this is a matter where we just call him and everything is good," Sam shook his head, "And besides, we got Air Angel."
Their eyes moved to the lounge room.