a/n: Annnnd there's the M rating. Now it's done. Hope you enjoyed it. (;

"You don't waste time, do you?" Ace asks, breathless and all sorts of hot under the collar. Her unspoken plan to seduce him has already turned around to bite her in the ass. Butch chuckles and drops his mouth to her neck, nipping at the skin and then brushing his tongue over the red welts his teeth leave.

She more than shudders this time, kicks her legs up around his back, clinging onto him for dear life as he continues attacking her neck. She twists her head to tell him to slow down, tell him to wait for her to come back down to earth, but their eyes meet, and it's all over.

Butch pulls back with a drawn-out growing, bringing her into his lap. Ace grins at him from her slightly taller vantage point, dips her head to whisper certain things in his head. Her hands glide up his bare wrists, past his elbows, and she runs her fingers under the hem of his sleeves absentmindedly.

Butch groans; it's a drawn out, animalistic noise in the back of his throat that sets her veins on fire, and she pulls him into a messy kiss before giving an experimental roll of her hips. He jerks underneath her, sending her up, then gripping her ass to bring her back down.

Ace zeroes in on his jeans, dropping her fingers from his strong, sinewy shoulders to the zipper, panting and rubbing her hips against his all the while. She feels like a teenager again, remembers grinding on him during their graduating class's "farewell" dance.

She groans at the memory, giving up on the zipper to raise a palm to his face. Butch stares at her for a moment, open-mouthed and lustful, watching as she gets herself off simply by rubbing up against him. For show, Ace lifts her other hand to her breast, keening and staring into his bright blue eyes as she rocks against him.

Suddenly his hands fly to her hips, his heels dig into her skin, and she's flung backwards against the mattress. Squirming with excitement, she watches with a gleeful, cheeky grin as he crawls up her body. This time, his hands don't stop at the skin of her hips, and he tears the thin shirt from her, directing her to lift her arms so she can slip out of the sleeves.

As she does so, Butch catches her wrists with one hand, holds them above her head. He smirks at her, makes her skin crawl with want as he lowers his mouth to her collarbone. Her hands are tangled in her shirt still, so she instead lifts her hips and continues grinding – that is, until his other hand comes down to hold them down.

"Goddamn it, Butch."

He just grins again. "Anyone ever tell you your tits are fuckin' awesome?"

Ace is caught off guard as his mouth attaches itself to her breast, tongue swirling.

"W-when, nhh, when did you get so damn good?"

He doesn't answer, just lets her hands and hips go, sits up and stares down at her for a minute. Feeling bold, Ace shimmies out of her pants, then underwear, and lies there until he's satisfied. Then, she props herself up and helps him out of his shirt, holding her breath in pure excitement as his defined muscles make their appearance.

She's suddenly extremely glad she pushes her companions to keep their health up and stay physically fit.

Ace runs her fingers up the dents in his abdomen, traces the sexy v-muscles down to the waistband of his boxers, giving them a tug. It takes a moment, but Butch finally frees himself of his pants, and the Lone Wanderer immediately grabs hold of him.

"Fuck shit…goddamn," he keens, and Ace can't help but laugh at the ridiculous string of curses. In response, she pumps him a few times, places a hand on his chest, and then arranges herself so he can lay back on the mattress comfortably.

"You just gon'…go to work then?" he asks, and she rolls her eyes.

"Way to kill the mood, Butch," she teases, but he shakes his head. "No, I mean…"

"Are you blushing? Oh my God you're blushing," she cackles. He stops her by lifting his knee, which she had been resting her ass on, and rubbing it against her teasingly. In response, she gives him a careful squeeze, and groans.

Once Butch regains his breath, and Ace can focus on his words instead of his delicious, mussed hair, or the set of hickeys on his neck, he directs his attention to her again.

"Don't you wanna…you know, get off?"

Ace laughs, although the simple image of Butch between her legs is incredibly tempting, pumps him once or twice again and smirks. "Nah, doing this to stop Clover from stealin' what's mine," she growls, and starts to lean forward to kiss him again. Butch leans back, skeptically looking her over.

"Never would've left y'for her, y'know," he says, and strokes a strand of hair from her face with a suddenly soft, indescribable emotion she can't pinpoint – or doesn't want to. Because she thinks it's the most emotional thing she's going to get out of Butch tonight, because she thinks it's a bluff, Ace gives him a warm smile before shimmying down his torso and closing that smile around his "Tunnel Snake."

It doesn't last long, mainly because she prides herself in both intellectual uses of her tongue and other, more practical functions for it.

A few shallow thrusts against her lips, and soon there's that familiar, bitter taste. Butch's fingers drop out of her hair, untangling themselves as they go. He stares at her through heavy-lidded, darkened eyes, and she marvels at his shallow, panting breaths for awhile before climbing upwards to lay down next to him.

"You didn't-"

Ace pats his chest, curls her long fingers around his shoulder, and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"There's always tomorrow."

When he finally catches his breath, comes down from that lovely high, Butch drags her tightly against his sweaty chest, kisses her on the forehead, and wraps his arms so protectively around her she thinks she's going to explode from the sheer happiness that wells up in her chest.

Hours later, when they're both crashed out on the mattress under a thin blanket, when they're both about to slip into an exhausted, deep sleep, Ace hears him breathe, "All yours, babydoll," into her ear.

She smiles triumphantly.