Hey everyone. This is another work I'm doing. Since this is something I didn't really plan out, it might be a two-shot? I don't really know. I can't believe no one actually writes about this for 8027. Guess I'm the first. Or not… Who knows? Hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter One: Promise and Jealously?

The moon above embraces the pitch black sky with its starry friends happily. It's a breath-taking view, but no one is paying actual attention to it. Instead, Tsuna is busy comforting his drunk and sobering friend. Yamamoto is heavily drinking his way pass another heartbreak. It became a normal thing to Tsuna lately. Whenever Yamamoto gets dump, he drags the brunet into a bar and drinks till he drops. It all ends with Tsuna dragging Yamamoto home when he is completely knocked out. It's not going to be any different from today either. The young male sighs heavily as he watch the baseball player gulp down his twelfth drink. When Yamamoto isn't busy drinking, he's an honest man. He's a professional baseball player. He helps out his father in the sushi shop every once in a while. And not one of those types to casually cheat like his past girlfriends. But Yamamoto isn't all perfect. There was one time his girlfriend complains to Tsuna that he's… What was the correct term? Plain? Boring? One of the two might be the correct answer. They said that once they start dating, they're treated as friends. Nothing special as to how their relationship was before.

Tsuna sips on his second beverage of the day before placing it down. "Yamamoto, don't you think you're going a bit too far this time?" But he was ignored as the taller male continues to drink. Tsuna frowns at the behavior. The brunet never enjoys seeing his best friend behaving like this one bit. It's like Yamamoto isn't the cheerful, easy-going person he's known to be. Alas, who is he to complain? He just got his heart broken about an hour ago. And the relationship started about a week ago. Not to mention that during the whole week, she was cheating on Yamamoto with some jock on the football team! How did he know? Let's say Tsuna forgot something and caught them on the act.

"Neh, Tsuna, do you think I'm a good boyfriend right?"

Tsuna chokes on his own breath as he stares at Yamamoto strangely. Is he really asking him that? "Yamamoto, I think you should stop before you lose it." He requested. To Tsuna dismay, Yamamoto shook his head and resumes on gulping down another beverage. Just a minute later from that, he repeats his previous question once more. The brunet remains silent for the topic to slide pass them. Instead of that, Yamamoto continues to pester on. What was the brunet supposed to say? This isn't a normal question to ask in his book. Tsuna thought over his answer before speaking.

"Well… I think you're a great boyfriend. It's just that you…" Tsuna begins to trail off.

"It's just that I what Tsuna?"

"You have a terrible taste on picking girls. They either get bored of you or cheat on you." Tsuna said brutally.

A tense silent surface itself as the two male stares at each other blankly. Not a single word slips out of either ones mouth. None made any gestures of doing so. Yamamoto refocuses his attention on his half empty glass. Tsuna also did the same thing. As the silence grew, so did the tension between the two. Tsuna awkwardly sips on his drink as he concentrates on something else. Anything besides on Yamamoto.

"Hey Tsuna… Can you promise on something for me?" Yamamoto asked, breaking the deadly silence.

"It depends on the something."

"Don't worry, it's simple."

Tsuna raised a questionable brow before agreeing. Every now and then, when Yamamoto is a bit tipsy, he jokes around. And most of the time, he doesn't mean it. There was one time he said he liked Gokudera. His aggressive attitude and 'bad boy' features were the reason he was attracted instantly. Tsuna just sat there with his jaw hanging low, beyond shocked. After a minute, the baseball fanatic laughs cheerfully before stating it as a joke. Just the thought, even now, cause shivers running down his spine. One time, Tsuna actually thought that Yamamoto did like Gokudera when he was testing his theory. But that might be Yamamoto unintentionally teasing him.

"Okay, what is it?" Tsuna asked, not really paying any attention.

Silence dance its way around us as words couldn't form. Even the music that started momentarily couldn't help. Which is strange since it's completely loud and over the top. Tsuna twirls his chair around, plopping his elbow on the wooden counter. This is definitely getting awkward. The brunet refocuses his attention on the dance floor, bodies colliding with one another. Tsuna wrinkles his nose in disgust. He hates being in a bar especially when people are doing a dirty dance. Somewhere in the background, he could hear Yamamoto mumbling words that he couldn't quite get. Tsuna looks at him. "What did you say? I didn't hear you."

"Tsuna, you're my friend right?"

"Yeah." The brunet said before raising a brow.

"You trust me, don't you?"

Tsuna felt his shoulders becoming extremely stiff. "Yes?" The ice in the wine glass crashes into one another making a soft clanging sound. Tsuna twirls the stem of the glass, not really sure what he is doing anymore. Yamamoto remains quiet before he figures out what to say next. One side in Tsuna's head is nagging him to run and go home before it's too late. The other is saying to stay to support your longtime friend. It was a cruel battle between his thoughts and conscious. Out of the sudden, Yamamoto wraps his arm around Tsuna's shoulders like he did in the past and whispers in his ear, "So whenever I break up with someone, can you comfort me by giving me a kiss?" Tsuna became stupefied. Did he just hear what he just heard correctly? No, it can't be true. Yamamoto's drunk for crying out loud! He's probably messing with him like he usually does. By tomorrow, he'll sleep it off and forget what happened today. Like he normally does. Not taking it seriously, Tsuna agrees regardless of the consequences. He fails to notice the intense, steady stares given from the baseball fanatic.

When the clock strikes midnight, Yamamoto slumps over the counter, asleep. Tsuna sighs heavily before removing his body from the chair. He wraps the drunken friend's arms around his shoulders and he held his waist with the other. Cursing his luck and Yamamoto's breaking up habits; he leaves the noisy bar and into their car. The brunet places him in the passenger's seat before settling himself on the driver's seat. The drive was silent if it wasn't for the wind blowing and light snoring from Yamamoto. Thank goodness they're finally adults going to college and having their own apartments. If they didn't, Tsuna would consider taking lying classes before confronting his and Yamamoto's parents. Tsuna parks the car in one of the few empty parking lots before getting the other.

The younger male inhales a large amount of fresh air before exhaling. The same routine as always in his daily drinking times. The brunet carefully pulls Yamamoto out from the car and into his apartment. He struggles his way up the stairs and retrieving his keys with Yamamoto falling onto him. One of these days, he is dragging Gokudera the next time this happens. Yamamoto is twice his height and size for goodness sakes! He even wonders how he's able to handle this up until now. Finally unlocking the door, Tsuna rush in his apartment and into his bedroom.

He immediately stumbles down on the bed with Yamamoto on top of him. He blushes lightly at the situation. He pulls Yamamoto's body away and readjusts him onto the bed. Satisfied with his work, he enters his bathroom for a quick shower. He removes what is no longer needed and plops himself into the tub. He turns both handles with water being release into something warm. The feeling of water showering his body relieves him. In addition, it removes the smell of smoke and alcohol away.

By the time he was done, he wraps a fresh new towel around his slime waist. He leaves the area and enters his bedroom. He sighs once more as he saw the lump of body on his bed as he drew near to his closet. With the towel hanging dangerously low on his waist, Tsuna search for his clothes in haste. And he did. He changes into his new clothes and threw the towel into the laundry basket.

He took his place on the left side of the bed and stares at Yamamoto. This happens every once in a while. There were times that he had to drive to his or Yamamoto's apartment. But it all depends on how tipsy he was. For one thing, he's not willing to die so soon. "Seriously Yamamoto, you got to stop this sooner or later." He whispers, not really expecting an answer. He pulls on the blanket closer to his shoulders before drifting into slumber. Without knowing, a pair of light brown eyes watching him.

The next morning, Tsuna woke up to an empty bed. He sits up to see a note resting on his nightstand.

Dear Tsuna,

Sorry about last night. I didn't mean to drag you around with me. I'll stop drinking because of the promise we made. Thanks and sorry.

From, Yamamoto

P.S. I'll see you in school.

And that's about it. Tsuna sighs heavily. He leans against the cool wall before staring at the small piece of paper. Seriously, what is he going to do with him? Shaking his head, Tsuna prepares himself for the day. When he was finished with that; he headed down to his car and drives to school. This is another routine Tsuna face every day. When Yamamoto gets over his break up, he leaves to school to practice. When Tsuna is sleeping and not watching him of course. Baseball is the only thing that distracts him from the world. If he gets too much of it, injuries are guaranteed. That's when Tsuna comes in to make sure that doesn't happen.

"I'm getting too old for this." He mumbles to himself.

The brunet parks his car in the parking lots and exits the vehicle. He rushes himself to the baseball field in haste. He is absolutely sure that Yamamoto is in the baseball field. His prediction was answered when he saw Yamamoto swinging his bat harshly. Tsuna caresses his strand of hair back before sitting down on the bench not too far from him. He watches carefully in order to assure Yamamoto's safety. It came to a slight end when he heard someone calling his name.

"Sawada?" A familiar rough voice called.

The spoken person turns to the familiar voice to see Ryohei, a friend and his current crush. Before, Tsuna never really considered Ryohei as someone other than an older brother. But once he spent more time with the boxer, he fell in love. Originally it was his sister Kyoko. Maybe it's something a Sasagawa had that made him fall for the extreme fighter instead of the cute sister. It could be his confidence, determination, or abilities to reach his goal. Something about him just… makes him take Tsuna's breath away. Like how he is now. "Big brother! W-what are you doing here?" Tsuna stutters.

"I'm just doing my morning jog when I saw you guys here."

The change pace of heartbeats increased. He can feel his body become warm. Is he blushing? Probably. "Well, it's nice seeing you so early. How is Kyoko nowadays?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

"She's fine. What about you Sawada?"

"I'm fine thanks. Just watching out for Yamamoto."

Ryohei took the chance to see the baseball player swinging his bat. But something is off. He dismiss the thought when he somewhat felt Yamamoto… glaring at him? That's something he doesn't do. The boxer raises a questionable brow before focusing on the nervous brunet. "Well, I better finish my hundred round jog before going to class. Will I see you around Sawada?" He smiles gently. Tsuna immediately blushes even harder at the sudden request. He nods his head happily before Ryohei takes a moment to pat him on the back. Out of the unexpected, a speeding baseball flew across the boxer's face. It was an inch away from actually damaging Ryohei. That's when Tsuna returned to reality and focused on Yamamoto.

"Yamamoto!" He shouts angrily.

The baseball player only uses his trademark smile on them. "Sorry, my hand just slipped." The tone didn't sound like it. Not to Tsuna that is. Ryohei just smiled back and said his goodbye as if nothing happened. Ryohei may have thought so, but that doesn't apply well with Tsuna. The small male marched to Yamamoto in anger. Just because they're friends doesn't mean he's going to get off the hook so easily. Even if he's getting over another breakup.

"What was that?" Tsuna asked harshly.

"What was what?" Yamamoto asked, acting all innocent to the situation.

"The baseball almost hitting big brother like that! And it didn't look like on accident either."

Yamamoto only sighs in frustration. When that happened, Tsuna felt his vein popped. Yamamoto then proceeds to apologize the same way he did before and continues to bat. Tsuna cross his arms in anger. This is something Yamamoto would not do. Especially to a friend he knows for so long. "Yamamoto, don't act innocent. I want an explanation and I want it now." Tsuna orders.

The batting came to an end. Yamamoto lowers his bat as he looks at Tsuna. "I'm sorry Tsuna. I just lost it. When I saw you two got close, something snapped. I'm really sorry." The tone being used was sincere and gentle. The anger Tsuna had become relief. The brunet walks closer to the baseball player and embraces him.

"I'm just happy you're coming to your senses."

As the embrace continues, the brunet fails to notice an upset expression on Yamamoto's face.


Thank you for reading this chapter. The next one is coming out soon hopefully. I got a lot on my plate. So until next time, please review and goodbye.