Hello! I have discovered Berrynose's diary, and felt it was my duty to share it with the world.
Dear Diary,
Today I have been feeling extremely stressed, and my usual method of clawing stuff to bits has not been working. My wife
Poppyfrost suggested I wrote stuff down in this pink sparkly diary. I love pink. Here are the possible reasons I could be
I have a shockingly over protective mother who has spent her whole life in a nursery.
I had most of my tail chopped off as a kit.
I got the deputy as my mentor, causing extreme pressure on me to be the best.
I had a pretty girlfriend, but she got killed by a snake saving a cat that was later paralyzed and could not be a warrior.
My dead girlfriend's sister falls in love with me and starts stalking me until I married her.
My new wife starts becoming depressed because she realizes that she totally betrayed her dead sister.
I have two kits, but they both have weird names, Cherrypaw and Molepaw. They don't grow cherries around here, and the
clan doesn't eat moles, we eat voles. My wife was a little delusional when she named them.
Wow. No wonder why I'm stressed. But it's all ok, because it's me, Berrynose! And I am awesome. Poppyfrost, stop reading
over my shoulder and shaking your head. Get your own diary. Oww, that hurts! Sorry, Poppyfrost can be violent. The major
cause of stress is my name. Though I'm incredibly awesome, why did my mom name me Berrykit? That's a girly name!
Why couldn't I be HeWhoDestroysAllKit? And then Firestar had to name me BerryNOSE. Not Berryclaw, not Berryfang, not
Berryawesomeness! Berrynose! MY NOSE IS NOT A BERRY! Oops, I hear Cherrypaw and Molepaw coming. They're always
asking for cookies. I better go hide my Oreos! Bye!
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