A/N: Hello again, everyone! Looks like the next and final chapter is here! And thank you all so much for the reviews for the last chapter! It was the most I've ever gotten for a single chapter! And sorry about the super long gap in updates, I had to help my sister move out and I was just so busy that I couldn't find the time to sit down and write. But hopefully, I'm done helping out. Thank you all for sticking with my story until the end. And the sooner I get done with this story, the sooner I can get started on my other ones, which I'm hoping you all are looking forward to. But, until then, enjoy this story. And after rereading the last chapter, yeeeeeeah, I did kinda make it a little angsty. Sorry about that, but it was just how I saw it in my mind. And after getting declarations of hatred from people, (which made me laugh by the way) watch, as I make you all love me again! Here's hoping. And hopefully, all questions will be answered this chapter's end

Ljusalfheim : Lol, don't worry, I'll make you love me by the end of this chapter. And I'll have you crying of happiness by the end of it. And just keep hoping, you may be pleasantly surprised.

EmeraldKonoha197 : OMG THANK YOU! Your review made me smile so hard! I didn't know that I would win an award on my first story! I now feel rejuvenated and am ready to continue writing stories! Thank you so much! I'm glad I impressed you with my writing.

Opal Redverne : Thank you. I appreciate the constructive criticism and after going back and reading it, I did notice that I put "ok" a lot and I kinda cringed because it felt really awkward. I'll take that into account so that I can avoid that in future stories, so thank you for helping me improve. And hopefully, I can get more advice from you in the future, that is if you want to, so that I can avoid people feeling awkward as they read.

toshiko-san21: Lol, all I can say without spoiling anything is all of your questions will be answered in this chapter.

Guest that I'm assuming is Lovi's Tomato Lover : You're right, the story's not based on tragedy. Just really deep drama and romance. But don't worry, everything will all be explained.

Don'tDreamItBeIt : Yep, the creepiness was what I was going for. And yeah, Antonio was kinda obsessed but that was because he was trying to figure out what was going on.

ShadowKissedYaoi : You'll stop asking questions soon enough. I can tell it's driving you crazy.

KirishimaYui : I love your comment. And no, it's not a bad thing to read too much into things. Sometimes it can give you a better perspective of what's going on in a story.

SUPER, MEGA, ULTRA, LONG chapter, folks. This was over 20,000 words! And with that, enjoy that last and final chapter!

Chapter 12

Lovino's eyes widened in shock. "Toni? Toni!? TONI!" Lovino screamed, loudly in panic.

Lovino stood there, frozen with shock, for a split second.

And then looking around and back towards to the edge of the cliff, Lovino was stricken with a sickening burst of adrenaline.

He quickly took a few steps back and ran towards the edge and, throwing caution to the wind, Lovino jumped off of the edge of the cliff.

He then began to feel the wind rushing up past him as he looked down.

He saw Antonio still in the air, falling. "Goddammit!" Lovino said, to himself.

Antonio heard something and opened his eyes.

He saw Lovino falling towards him arm outstretched.

Antonio sighed, wistfully. "Even before death, he's still beautiful." Antonio said, smiling.

Antonio closed his eyes again, feeling the wind rushing up past him.

Lovino looked down at Antonio and saw that they were getting closer and closer to the water.

A few seconds later, Lovino saw Antonio hit the water. "Oh, Goddammit!" Lovino yelled.

Lovino closed his eyes as he got closer to the water.

And then another few seconds later, Lovino hit the water as well.

Lovino opened his eyes and swam up to the surface.

He just floated there, stunned from hitting the water at such a high speed.

Lovino hissed from the stinging sensation.

Damn, that hurt!

Finally, coming back from his pained stupor, Lovino looked around, desperately. "Toni? Toni, where are you?!" Lovino asked.

He scanned the waves for a short while before his eyes finally came to rest on something bright.

He looked closer and saw that it was a bright red.

It was Antonio's shirt.

And as Lovino looked closer, he saw that Antonio was just floating there.

He looked unconscious.

"Oh, God, no!" Lovino said.

And then, without thinking, Lovino began swimming towards Antonio.

And as he swam, Lovino realized one thing. 'Hey, I'm doing it! I'm doing it! I'm swimming!' Lovino thought to himself.

And he was.

He was swimming.

And he also realized another thing.

Well, that was one thing he could do that Feliciano couldn't.


He had seen Feliciano in a pool before, clinging for dear life to the edge.

He had made fun of him for it, but in reality, he couldn't swim either.

He just preferred to sit on the side.

Until now.

Even though it was learned unconsciously under a life or death situation, it was still swimming nonetheless.

And he was damn grateful for it.

As he made his way closer to Antonio, he saw that he was bobbing up and down in the waves.

"Oh, God, please don't sink, please don't sink." Lovino pleaded.

But when he got there a big swell came and Antonio disappeared under the waves.

"No!" Lovino yelled.

He then took a deep breath and dove underwater.

He saw Antonio sinking deeper and deeper and Lovino swam as hard as he could to get to Antonio.

He reached out a hand and tried to grab Antonio.

But he missed.

He tried again and he missed again.

And then, finally, gritting his teeth, he reached out again and grabbed Antonio by the collar.

And then, with another burst of adrenaline, Lovino began swimming up towards the surface.

When he finally broke the surface, he took a great gasp of much needed air.

He readjusted Antonio's unconscious body to get a better hold on him.

Lovino then looked around to see if there was any land nearby.

His eyes then came to rest on a beach.

Lovino then smiled, breathlessly. "Oh, thank God." Lovino said, relieved.

And so, shifting Antonio again, Lovino began swimming, desperately towards the beach, stopping only to readjust Antonio.

Goddamn, trying to swim holding an unconscious person was hard.

Really hard.

But he had to keep going no matter how much he wanted to just stop and give up.

Or else Antonio would die.

And he would not have that weighing on his conscience.

A short while later, Lovino finally reached land, entirely sapped of energy.

He crawled up onto the gravelly beach, breathing heavily.

He didn't have the energy to stand up, so he just had to settle for dragging Antonio's body on the beach.

Once they were safely away from the water's edge, Lovino collapsed.

He then turned to Antonio and started shaking him. "Toni? Toni, wake up! Wake up, dammit!" Lovino yelled, shaking Antonio harder.

He then remembered that Antonio had just come out of the water.

He had probably swallowed a large amount upon impact.

And the fact that he was sinking didn't help either.

Antonio was waterlogged.

And Lovino had to get it out of him immediately.

And so, Lovino got on top of Antonio, straddling his waist.

He then began pressing on Antonio's chest.

With each push, water spilled out of Antonio's mouth.

As he expelled the seawater out of Antonio's body, Lovino then began getting flooded by memories.

Specifically, him taking CPR classes.

He'd had to take them after Feliciano had almost drowned at that pool party years ago.

Lovino remembered it clear as day.

He had gone inside for a drink and when he came out there was a crowd gathered and someone was screaming.

He rushed over to see what was going on and when he pushed his way through, he dropped his drink.

Feliciano was laying, unconscious, on his back; someone had just pulled him out of the pool not too long ago.

Lovino sank to his knees and crawled over to Feliciano in a dizzying panic.

He remembered shaking him and calling his name. 'Feliciano? Feliciano?! Wake up! Please, wake up!'

Lovino then looked up at the crowd, desperate.

But they all looked horrified as well.

Nobody knew what to do.

And then it happened.

'What's going on here?!' came a deep voice.

Lovino watched through bleary eyes as a tall person broke through the crowd.

'Oh, Gott!' the man said.

He then knelt down and as Lovino looked at him, he saw that it was Ludwig.

'What's wrong with him?!' Lovino asked.

Ludwig looked at him, eyes serious. 'He's unconscious. From the looks of it he almost drowned. Get back, I'm going to try to revive him.' Ludwig said.

The next thing Lovino felt were arms pulling him back.

He saw Ludwig push on Feliciano's stomach and perform mouth-to-mouth.

A few minutes of repeating the same actions, Feliciano came to, coughing and wheezing.

Ludwig smiled and brought Feliciano to his chest. 'Thank, Gott, you're alright.' Ludwig said.

Feliciano looked at Lovino who was sobbing. 'L-Lovino…' Feliciano said, weakly.

Lovino's head snapped up and he immediately lurched forward towards Feliciano. 'Feliciano, are you alright?!' Lovino asked.

Feliciano coughed. 'Yeah, I-I'm alright. What happened?' Feliciano asked.

'You almost drowned.' Ludwig said. 'But you're alright now.'

Lovino watched as Ludwig picked Feliciano up and carried him off.

Some of the crowd dispersed but most of them stayed with Lovino, trying to calm him down.

Lovino held his head in his hands.

He had never felt so helpless.

There Feliciano was, dying in front of him, and he couldn't do anything.

And that was the worst feeling of all.

He almost lost the only family he had and he couldn't do anything to prevent that.

And it was then that he decided to take the class.

But he had barely paid attention, mind still focused on Feliciano.

And how he almost died.

Lovino then came back to reality.

And as he pressed on Antonio's chest, he found himself imitating the motions Ludwig performed on Feliciano years ago.

He remembered by memory how Ludwig did it and maybe that was the reason he had passed the class in the first place.

Because of Ludwig.


Guess the bastard had some use, after all.

When there was no more water coming out, Lovino scrambled off of Antonio and began giving him CPR.

He pulled Antonio's head back, like Ludwig had done to Feliciano, and put his mouth to Antonio's and breathed.

He breathed again.

And again.

And again.

And as he did so, Lovino saw Antonio's chest rising and falling with his breaths.

Well, that was another thing Lovino could do that Feliciano couldn't.

At least that was something.

Making sure that Antonio would come out alive, Lovino repeated pressing on Antonio's chest and giving him CPR, like Ludwig had done.

Lovino then stopped giving CPR.

Antonio wasn't responding.

Lovino sat back on his knees. "Oh, no. Oh, God, no!" Lovino said.

His sight then began blurring as his eyes watered up.

He turned away from Antonio then. "Oh, God, I lost him!" Lovino said, voice breaking.

He leaned over and gripped the gravel in his hands and sobbed.

"Oh, God, why was I so stupid?! Why couldn't I just tell him?! If I did, then none of this would have ever happened!" Lovino sobbed, frustrated.

As Lovino continued sobbing, he heard a sudden cough and a groan.

He turned around and saw that Antonio was coughing and getting on his knees.

He watched in amazement and Antonio coughed and wheezed.

Antonio's body was convulsing as he went into a coughing fit.

He then threw up even more seawater.

He then spit out the last of the water and finally fell back, sitting on his knees, panting.

Lovino's eyes widened then.

He saved him.

Oh, God, he saved him!

Antonio coughed again and groaned. "Where am I? Am I dead?" Antonio asked.

Lovino smiled, gratefully. "Oh, God, Toni, you're alright!" Lovino said, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around Antonio.

"Huh? Lovi? What are you doing here? Are you dead too?" Antonio asked.

Lovino looked up at Antonio. "What? No, you're not dead, stupid!" Lovino yelled. "You're alive, you idiot! You're alive!"

Lovino buried his face in Antonio's shirt again.

Antonio rubbed Lovino's head. "Wait, so, if I'm alive, then does that mean…that you saved me, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

Lovino sniffled and nodded into Antonio's chest.

Antonio gave a breathless laugh. "Wow, so I guess you saved my life twice!" Antonio said.

Lovino then pulled away from Antonio then.

He was still laughing.

And then Lovino brought his hand up and brought it down, slapping Antonio across the face.

Antonio held his cheek and looked at Lovino, shocked. "Wh-What did you do that for, Lovi? That hurt." Antonio said.

"Why the fuck did you do that, you asshole?!" Lovino yelled.

"D-Do what, Lovi?" Antonio asked, confused.

"Why the fuck did you jump off that cliff, you stupid idiot?! You're like that stupid bitch from that one movie!" Lovino said.

"What movie?" Antonio asked.

Lovino scoffed. "Nevermind. Forget it." Lovino said.

Lovino fell silent then.

"Lovi? Are you ok?" Antonio asked.

"Why? Why did you do it? Tell me!" Lovino said, lowly.

"Why did I do what?" Antonio asked.

Lovino looked up, anger in his eyes. "Are you really that stupid?! Why did you try to kill yourself?!" Lovino asked.

And now, it was Antonio's turn to fall silent.

"Well?! Tell me!" Lovino yelled.

Antonio paused a moment before finally speaking. "I don't know." was all Antonio said.

"You don't know? You don't know?! How the fuck could you not know?!" Lovino asked. "Do you know how worried I was?! I thought you were dead! I thought that I was gonna have that on my conscience. That I was gonna have to live with that!"

"I-I'm sorry, Lovi, I-" was all Antonio could say before he was cut off.

"No, you're not sorry! You were gonna kill yourself, and for what? Because I didn't want to go out with you anymore?! That's a stupid reason! Just because I didn't want to date you anymore, that doesn't mean that I want you to go and kill yourself!" Lovino yelled, before bursting into angry tears.

Antonio leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Lovino and pulled him close. "It's ok, Lovi. It's ok." Antonio soothed.

Lovino sobbed into Antonio's shirt. "St-Stupid! You're so stupid!" Lovino sobbed.

Antonio stroked Lovino's head, soothingly.

They stayed like that until Lovino's sobs died down.

Lovino's hands clutched Antonio's shirt as tears still streamed down his cheeks.

And for the time that Antonio held him, there was just one thing weighing heavily on his mind.

"If you don't mind me asking, Lovi, why did you break up with me?" Antonio asked.

Lovino sniffled. "You wouldn't understand." Lovino said.

"But I can try." Antonio said.

"No. You can't understand. You wouldn't get it." Lovino said.

"I told you, I can try! Please, Lovi, just tell me!" Antonio begged. "I can help you through this."

"I told you no! How many times do I have to tell you-" Lovino said, before he was cut off.

"That's enough, Lovi!" Antonio yelled, pushing Lovino away from him and looking directly at him. "You don't know that I can't understand because you haven't told me anything! How can you expect someone to help you when you won't even tell anyone?!"

Lovino looked back at Antonio, meeting his stern gaze. "But, Toni, I…" Lovino trailed off.

"Please, Lovi. Let me help you. I want to be there for you. But I can't if you keep pushing me away!" Antonio yelled.

Lovino stayed silent.

Antonio tightened his grip on Lovino's shoulders. "Please, Lovi. Tell me. Whatever's going on, I can tell you're hurt by it. I noticed it when you were struggling to tell me that you wanted to break up. I can tell that you didn't want to, but you did anyway. Why, Lovi? Please, tell me why. I promise that I'll try to understand." Antonio said, softly.

Lovino bit his lip, deciding whether or not to tell Antonio.

But then he looked up into Antonio concerned eyes and finally decided to tell him.

"F-Fine…I-I'll tell you." Lovino stuttered.

Antonio sighed in relief and smiled. "Thanks, Lovi. I'm listening." Antonio said.

"W-Well…the reason I broke up with you was because…was because of my brother." Lovino said.

"What do you mean because of you brother? Did he make you break up with me or something?" Antonio asked.

"No. It was because someone broke up with him." Lovino said.

"Wait. You mean you brother's boyfriend broke up with him?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah." Lovino said.

"But then why did that mean that you had to break up with me?" Antonio asked.

"Well. Because…see it's like this…for as long as I can remember, whenever my brother is happy, I'm miserable and whenever I'm happy my brother is miserable…s-so I figured that since we got together and I was happy, that made my brother sad. And I figured that if I were to make myself sad, then that would cause my brother to be happy and maybe get back in his relationship." Lovino said.

"But where would you get that logic from, Lovi? It doesn't make any sense." Antonio said.

"I told you that it's been like that for as long as I can remember. Ever since we were little." Lovino said.

"What do you mean since you were little?" Antonio asked.

"Well…I guess you can say that my brother was always the favorite when we were growing up. He pretty much got everything while I got nothing. Well, not literally nothing, but it was nothing compared to what he got." Lovino said.

"Wow, Lovi. Your parents were rough on you." Antonio said.

"No, not our parents. We didn't know them since we were so young. We lived with our grandpa for just about our whole lives. So, it was our grandpa that was rough on me. He favored my brother more than he ever did me. Maybe it was because they both were so similar. But my brother got everything. New toys, new clothes and even paint brushes and easels so he could paint with him. He got all of that by just asking for it." Lovino said.

"Wait, so didn't get anything? Well, if you wanted something then why didn't you ask for it like you brother did?" Antonio asked.

"I did. But every time I did, Grandpa would always say 'not now, I'm tired', or 'maybe next time'. But whenever my brother did, he'd drop what he was doing and give my brother what he wanted." Lovino said. "It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair."

"Come on, Lovi, I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Antonio reasoned.

Lovino scoffed, bitterly. "Yeah, well that's not even the half of it." Lovino said. "I remember when I tried to paint with them and Grandpa didn't even give mine a second glance. I mean, sure I couldn't paint and it was just random colors splattered on the canvas, but so was Feliciano's! His looked about the same as mine! He didn't know what he was painting! Neither of us did! But Grandpa, he didn't care. He didn't care one bit! Oh, you should have seen him. You should have seen him! When Feliciano held up his picture for Grandpa to see, he looked at it like Feliciano had just drawn the fucking Mona Lisa! Like it was some kind of artist's miracle. He said that it was soooo deep and how the colors represented different emotions or some shit. And then when I showed him mine, all he gave me was a simple, 'hmm.' and then he went back to Feliciano's. And, God, the way he fawned over that thing was just sickening! He looked at it like it was some sort of masterpiece! And do you know what else he told me? He told me, 'You should be more like Feliciano, Lovino. Paint with feeling like he does and not like that.' Do you know how much that hurt me? Do you know what it feels like to always be second best to someone who was supposed to love you both the same?" Lovino said, putting his hand on his chest, hurt.

"Wow, Lovi. I'm so sorry." Antonio said. "It must have been rough."

"And that's not even the worst part." Lovino said, continuing. "No, the worst part of it was when Grandpa brought all of his friends over just so that they can see that stupid painting! When they all showed up, he picked Feliciano up and held the painting, calling him 'his little da Vinci.' And when somebody asked what the other painting was, I felt so proud. So proud that through the darkness, somebody noticed my painting! I felt so good inside and when I ran to get it and show it off, that's when he said it. When I was about to pick it up, Grandpa said…h-he said, 'Oh, that? Ah, don't worry about that. It's just Lovino's, it's no big deal.' What the fuck?! N-No big deal?! H-How could he say that?! And about a little kid's simple drawing that he was so proud of! That's so fucking cruel! And the happiness I felt, that little piece of happiness that I felt at being noticed was ripped away from me! I can't even begin to describe the pain I felt! It was just so awful! I tried to paint my best and Grandpa didn't give a damn about my art! He didn't care. He didn't care one bit…" Lovino trailed off.

Antonio put a hand over his mouth. "Wow, I-I don't know what to say, Lovi…" Antonio said.

"I just felt so unloved so hated. Feliciano always got all of the attention. Grandpa always played with him, he always spent time with him. And whenever I wanted to, he was always, always, always 'too tired'". Lovino said, with hurt in his voice.

"I'm so sorry, Lovi. I-I can't even begin to relate to what you've been through." Antonio said.

"And then that's when I started getting mad. Started getting angry that I didn't get as much attention as Feliciano. I remember breaking his toys just so that I can release all that pent up rage. I broke them and hid them and I eventually felt better with time. I guess you can say I found some sort of happiness. But then one day, Feliciano came out crying. Apparently, Grandpa got mad at him because he thought that Feliciano was breaking his toys. I should have been happy that Feliciano was miserable but I wasn't. That's probably because Grandpa gave him mine. I couldn't break them because they were mine. I told Grandpa that that wasn't fair, that Feliciano should get his own toys. But told me this, promised me this, 'You're too old for these baby toys. Let Feliciano have them. I'll get you new ones.' And of course I was happy. I mean, he promised to get me new toys, but he never did. That lying son of a bitch never did." Lovino said that last part, bitterly.

Antonio was silent, listening to Lovino.

"So, every time I did something to Feliciano it never worked. I remember messing up Grandpa's painting, but nothing ever happened. I was just so mad, I had to do something. And I felt better because I felt that he deserved it. He deserved to have something of his messed up for treating me like he did. I don't know if he ever found out, but all I know is that I found Feliciano was in our room, crying. I figured it was from something else, but I don't know. I gave him one of my toys to cheer him up, and it did, but I was left feeling bad. It's like Feliciano got whatever I wanted one way or another. And I hate seeing him so upset. I can't stand it. That's why I broke up with you. I hoped that if I felt bad, Feliciano wouldn't have to and he could be happy once again…we both can't even be happy at the same time. I guess I'm just not meant to be happy." Lovino said, softly.

Antonio blinked. "Wait, Lovi. You said that whenever you did something to your brother, it never worked? That he always seems to bring you down whenever you're happy?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah." Lovino said.

Antonio paused, thoughtfully. "Well, what if when you did those things, they weren't discovered until later?" Antonio asked. "And during that time when you were finally happy they were discovered?"

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Lovino asked.

"Don't you see, Lovi? You're doing this to yourself!" Antonio said.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Lovino asked.

"Maybe you were so filled with jealousy that you felt like you had to do something to make other people feel as bad as you did." Antonio said.

Lovino didn't say anything, still looking confused.

"Think of it this way, Lovi. Have you ever not tried sabotaging your brother?" Antonio asked.

Lovino paused for a moment. "No…I-I don't think so." Lovino said.

"Well, there you go! It was you all along!" Antonio said.

"B-But that can't be. Y-You mean to tell me that I was making myself unhappy?" Lovino asked.

"That's the only way I see it." Antonio said.

Lovino's eyes widened. "W-Wow, I guess…I guess I was so overcome with hurt and rage that I wasn't thinking." Lovino said.

"Could be." Antonio said.

"I-I can't believe it. It was me. I-It was me all along." Lovino said, shocked.

Antonio put a hand on Lovino's shoulder. "It's alright, Lovi." Antonio said.

"S-So, does that mean that I'm the reason why Feliciano's relationship ended?" Lovino asked.

Antonio gave Lovino a sad look. "Well, judging from what you told me then…maybe." Antonio said.

"Oh, God. B-But then if that's true, then what did I do?! If it was me, then how did I cause them to break up?" Lovino asked.

"I don't know, Lovi." Antonio said.

They sat there for a while, letting Lovino come to terms with what he may or may not have done for all these years.

And it hurt Lovino to find out that it had been he who was hurting Feliciano for all this time.

He'd been hurting him all along and he didn't even know it.

And as Antonio comforted Lovino, one thing came to his mind.

"Hey, Lovi?" Antonio called out.

"Yeah?" Lovino asked.

"When did you start calling me 'Toni'?" Antonio asked.

Lovino looked up. "What?" Lovino asked, confused.

"You called me 'Toni'. Ever since you saved me." Antonio said.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Lovino said.

"Oh, Lovi, you finally have a nickname for me, I'm so happy!" Antonio said, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around Lovino.

"N-No, I didn't! G-Get off of me!" Lovino yelled, blushing.

"Oh, yes you did, Lovi! Don't deny it! You made up a nickname for me!" Antonio gushed, rubbing his cheek against Lovino's.

Lovino growled, blushing even redder.

"So, what made you want to do it?" Antonio asked.

"I-I don't know! M-Maybe it was just the adrenaline talking! I-It's not like I cared about you or anything! M-My body just moved on its own!" Lovino yelled, defensively.

"But you do! Why else would you have saved me?" Antonio asked.

"I…I-I…I…" Lovino stuttered but fell silent.

"Thanks for saving me, Lovi. Again." Antonio said, pulling Lovino into another hug.

Lovino blushed even more and clutched Antonio's shirt.

They stayed like that before Lovino spoke up. "S-So, why'd you do it?" Lovino asked, softly.

"Hmm, do what, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"Why'd you try to kill yourself?" Lovino asked.

Antonio sighed. "I don't know. I guess when people feel like they've lost everything, they just want to end it all…I wasn't thinking when I jumped. I just felt." Antonio said.

"I'm sorry." Lovino said, voice breaking.

Antonio squeezed Lovino tighter. "It's ok, Lovi. It's my fault. Don't blame yourself." Antonio said, soothingly.

Lovino blushed as Antonio held him.

"I'm just glad you saved me before it was too late." Antonio said.

Lovino's eyes widened then. "Oh, God!" Lovino yelled, jolting upright.

"Wh-What, Lovi?" Antonio asked, startled.

"Feliciano!" Lovino yelled. "I've got to save him!"

And with that, Lovino jumped up and bolted towards the forest.

"Wait, Lovi! Wait!" Antonio yelled, running after him.

Lovino was running ahead of Antonio.

Now, normally, Antonio could outrun Lovino, but now it was the opposite.

Lovino was outrunning Antonio.

But this wasn't under normal circumstances.

Antonio was running on stamina whereas Lovino was running on pure adrenaline.

And damn was he fast!

They were running through the forest, ducking and dodging outstretched tree limbs.

A few minutes later, they burst through the bushes and into the city, but in a different part.

Since they fell off the cliff and into the water, they were in another part of the city and not the usual place where Lovino came through.

It wasn't far from where Lovino lived though.

When they got to the city, Lovino looked around, frantically.

He then began running again, trying to find Feliciano, but in vain.

Lovino then stopped to take a breath.

When he looked back up again, he still didn't see Feliciano, but he saw one person.


He was walking down the other side of the street, still looking very much upset.

Probably still upset from his break up with Feliciano.

And then, with another burst of adrenaline, Lovino bolted forward and crossed the street, not bothering to wait to the crossing signal.

"Hey!" Lovino called out, loudly.

Ludwig looked around but didn't see anyone.

Lovino finally crossed the street and skidded to a halt in Ludwig's path.

"Lovino?" Ludwig asked, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, you bastard!" Lovino called out, breathlessly. "I've been meaning to ask you. Why the hell did you break up with Feliciano?!" Lovino asked.

Ludwig's brow lowered again. "Why? Why?! Because! That bastard cheated on me!" Ludwig yelled.

"What?! What the hell are you talking about?! Feliciano would never cheat on you! Do you know how many times I've had to endure him telling me how much he loved you?!" Lovino asked.

Ludwig's brow rose, slightly then lowered again.

"A lot of times!" Lovino yelled.

Ludwig scoffed. "Ha. Ja, right. I know he cheated on me! I have the verdammt evidence!" Ludwig yelled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lovino asked.

"This!" Ludwig said, bitterly, as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and showing it to Lovino.

"What is that?" Lovino asked.

"It's a phone number. I found it while I was cleaning Feliciano's dresser." Ludwig said, lowly.

Lovino stared at the paper, still unknowing.

Ludwig scoffed, angrily. "Bastard had the never to write 'call me' on the verdammt thing." Ludwig said.

And as Lovino continued eyeing the paper, his eyes finally widened in realization.

He remembered.

He finally remembered!

He wrote that note.

He wrote it in that jealous rage that he'd been having throughout the years.

"I tried calling the number, but the bastard won't pick up. The pussy. That arschloch better hope that I don't get my hands on him." Ludwig seethed, snapping Lovino out of his horrified daze.

Lovino remembered him writing the note and hiding it in Feliciano's dresser.

So it had been he who was hurting Feliciano all these years!

Oh, God, it was too much.

"S-So, wh-where'd you say you found it again?" Lovino asked, stuttering.

"In his dresser." Ludwig said, lowly.

"A-And you said that he was cheating on you?" Lovino asked.

"Ja, I don't need to be reminded of that, Lovino, thank you." Ludwig said.

Lovino gulped, heavily.

He had to tell him, it was now or never.

"I can't believe he'd do that to me." Ludwig said, lowly.

Lovino paused for a short while before he spoke up. "No, no, he didn't! He didn't cheat on you!" Lovino yelled, shaking his head.

"What? Ja, he did! I found the gottverdammte proof in his drawer!" Ludwig yelled.

"But, it wasn't him, I swear!" Lovino yelled, desperately.

"Oh, ja? Well, how am I supposed to believe you when I have the proof right here?!" Ludwig asked.

"Because it was me!" Lovino yelled.

Ludwig's eyes widened. "Wh-What? What did you just say?" Ludwig asked.

"I-It was me! It was me!" Lovino yelled. "I wrote it! I wrote the note!"

"You did?! But, wh-wh-why?!" Ludwig asked, utterly confused. "Wh-Why would you do something like that?"

"Because I was jealous! I was jealous of you and Feliciano's relationship. You guys were so lovey-dovey, I couldn't stand it! I hated how you guys always flirted in front of me! I hated how you guys had such a loving relationship. It reminded me of how I couldn't get a relationship like yours! And I hated it! I was miserable and I wanted Feliciano to be too, so I wrote the note and put it in Feliciano's dresser!" Lovino admitted.

Ludwig took a step back, aghast at Lovino's confession. "Oh. O-Oh, mien Gott. U-Und I said all those terrible things…" Ludwig said, with a horrified look on his face. "I-I'm sorry, Lovino. I-I didn't know that it hurt you so much. Wh-Why didn't you say anything?

"B-Because I didn't know how! Whenever I wanted to, my throat just closed up and I couldn't say anything." Lovino said.

"I…I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Lovino. If I knew how you felt, I wouldn't have done all of that." Ludwig said, apologizing.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I ruined you and Feliciano's relationship. And it was all because of my stupid jealousy. So, please. Save my brother, save Feliciano before it's too late." Lovino said, softly.

Ludwig's brow cocked in confusion. "What do you mean save him? Save him from what?" Ludwig asked.

"Well, when people feel like they've lost everything…they just want to end it all…" Lovino said, lowly.

Ludwig still stared at Lovino, confused.

"But I didn't realize that you were his everything. And I took that away from him…and so…who knows what he'll do now that he's lost you. I spent so long. So long comforting him after the break up. And all he could think about was you. No matter how much time had passed, you were all he thought about. Day in and day out. So, please. Save him. I'm begging you to please save him…or else we'll both lose him…for good. I'd go myself, but I don't know if he's still at home and plus, I don't think I can face him right now after what I've done. So, I'm handing the task over to you." Lovino said.

Ludwig's eyes widened then, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. "Oh, Gott." Ludwig said, lowly.

"Remember when you told me that you would never let anything happen to Feliciano?" Lovino asked. "Well, I expect you to uphold that promise even if you aren't together anymore…got it?"

Ludwig gulped and nodded. "Ja…I got it." Ludwig said.

"Now, go. Please find him. I'm positive he's not at our house. He's been acting really weird lately and I'm worried that he might try something. Please, stop him, if you find him. Please." Lovino said.

Ludwig nodded and turned on his heel.

Just before he started running, he heard Lovino speak up once more.

"Hey! Bas-I mean, Ludwig!" Lovino called out.

Ludwig turned around, shocked that Lovino had said his name.

He had never done that before!

He'd always resorted to calling him different variations of bastard.

So, it was a real surprise to Ludwig when Lovino had called his name.

"J-Ja?" Ludwig asked, coming out of his stupor.

"That potato pasta was good. Really good." Lovino said, blushing slightly and giving a small smile. "Just thought you should know that."

Ludwig smiled back. "Thanks, Lovino. That really means a lot." Ludwig said. "Und don't worry. I'll find Feliciano."

And with that, Ludwig turned back around and began running down the street.

Lovino looked after Ludwig for a short while before he heard a panting and wheezing sound.

He looked behind him to see that Antonio was all but stumbling towards him.

"Phew…Lovi…thank…God…I…found…you…phew…man, you run so fast." Antonio panted. "You…left me…behind back there…I figured I lost you…but then I finally found you…"

And as Antonio staggered towards Lovino, he collapsed, but was caught and held up by Lovino.

"Whoa, are you alright?" Lovino asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm…I-I'm alright…j-just really…t-tired." Antonio panted out.

"That's good." Lovino said, pulling Antonio up.

"S-So, di-did…you f-find…your br-brother?" Antonio asked.

"No, although, I did find his boyfriend-I-I mean ex-boyfriend." Lovino said.

"Yeah? And…wh-what…d-did he say?" Antonio asked.

"I told him. I told him that it was me all along." Lovino said.

"And what did he say?" Antonio asked, finally starting to catch his breath.

"He took it pretty well, actually. He apologized for all of the flirting he did in front of me. He said, he would have never done it if he knew how I felt about it." Lovino said.

"That's good. So, is he off to find your brother?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah. I told him that I could have Feliciano yet after what I'd done and he understood. So he's looking for him now." Lovino said.

"But wouldn't he be at your house?" Antonio asked.

Lovino shook his head. "No. He wouldn't be." Lovino said.

"Why not?" Antonio asked.

"Because. He's been acting strangely lately." Lovino said, remembering Feliciano's new behavior.

He'd begun acting vaguely similar to Antonio, lately, acting cheerful and carrying on like there was nothing wrong.

"Strange like how?" Antonio asked.

"Kinda like you were." Lovino said, lowly.

"Oh, no. D-Does that mean he's going to…" Antonio trailed off.

Lovino nodded his head, solemnly. "I think so. God, I hope he can get to him in time." Lovino said, worried.

"So do I. I don't want you to lose your only family, Lovi. I really don't." Antonio said.

"I hope he's ok." Lovino said, wrapping his arms around Antonio.

"I do too. I want to meet him. See what he's like." Antonio said, returning the hug.

"Hopefully, if we all make it through this, you will." Lovino said.

Antonio made a thoughtful sound before looking around. "Oh, hey, I know where we are!" Antonio said, happily.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Lovino asked, confused.

Antonio looked down at Lovino and smiled. "My house is around here. Come on, we can go there. I'm assuming that you don't want to be in your house right now." Antonio said.

Lovino blushed and shook his head. "No. I don't. I don't want to be around anything that reminds me of Feliciano right now." Lovino said.

Antonio chuckled. "Ok, Lovi. Let's go. It's just a short walk away from here, ok?" Antonio asked. "And hey, I can show you the renovations I did! I've wanted to show you and now's the perfect time…uh-excluding the current situation anyways.

"Ok. I'd love to see it." Lovino said.

"Good!" Antonio said. "You're gonna love it!

And with that, they began walking down the street, going to Antonio's house.

Ludwig was running-no-sprinting down the street panting hard. "Oh, Gott! Oh, mein Gott! Where is he? I can't find him anywhere!" Ludwig said.

He checked all of their usual spots, but to no avail.

And since he didn't have his car because he wanted to take a walk to calm his nerves, Ludwig was stuck walking.

"Gottverdammte!" Ludwig yelled, as he came up to yet another dead end. "Feliciano?! Feliciano, where are you?!" Ludwig asked.

Ludwig was running around town like an absolute mad-man, looking for Feliciano.

And as he did, the memories began flooding back to him.

He remembered it clearly.

'Feliciano, what is this?' Ludwig said, trying to take a steady breath.

'Huh? What are you talking about, Luddy?' Feliciano asked.

'This right here!' Ludwig snapped, startling Feliciano.

'What is that, Luddy?' Feliciano asked, confused.

Ludwig then looked at Feliciano then with anger filled eyes. 'Don't you ask me what this is!' Ludwig yelled.

'B-But, Luddy, I-I don't know what you're talking about!' Feliciano said.

'I found this in your drawer! Of course you know what I'm talking about! Don't play dumb with me!' Ludwig yelled.

"B-But, Luddy, I'm not playing dumb! I really don't know what you're talking about!' Feliciano yelled.

'Oh, ja, you do! How else would I have found this in your drawer?!' Ludwig asked.

Feliciano didn't say anything.

'Well?!' Ludwig asked, starling Feliciano.

'I-I don't know, Luddy.' Feliciano said, beginning to shake.

'Well, neither do I. It didn't just get up and walk in there! So, you must have put in there to try and hide it from me!' Ludwig yelled.

'But, Luddy, I never put anything in there to hide from you, I swear!' Feliciano yelled.

Ludwig scoffed. 'Whatever, we'll figure this out after you move in. We've got a long talk ahead of us.' Ludwig said, lowly.

'O-Ok, Luddy.' Feliciano said, softly.

And after Feliciano had finally moved, in the tensions only got worse.

'Just tell what the hell is this?!' Ludwig asked.

"But, Luddy, I told you that I don't know!' Feliciano yelled.

'Stop playing dumb!' Ludwig yelled.

'I'm not! I don't even know what's going on! This is all really confusing!' Feliciano yelled.

Ludwig scoffed. 'You're just playing innocent.' Ludwig said, lowly.

'But how can I when I don't even know what's happening?' Feliciano asked.

They spent the rest of the week, arguing.

Or rather, Ludwig yelling at a confused Feliciano.

'Why do you keep lying to me?!" Ludwig asked.

'But, I'm not. I-I'm not lying, Luddy, please believe me!' Feliciano cried, clinging on to Ludwig's arm.

Ludwig snatched his arm away as if Feliciano was acid. 'Don't touch me.' Ludwig said, coldly.

'L-Luddy…wh-what's happening to you?' Feliciano asked, softly.

Ludwig just ignored him and walked into another room and slammed the door.

The rest of the week, Ludwig had stopped talking to Feliciano altogether.

They had even taken to sleeping in different rooms at Ludwig's insistence.

And then finally after about a week of living with each other, it happened.

'Feliciano, we need to talk.' Ludwig said, lowly.

'What is it, Luddy?' Feliciano asked.

Ludwig took a deep breath before beginning. 'I think we should split up.' Ludwig said.

'Wh-What? But why?' Feliciano asked.

Ludwig looked at Feliciano. 'You know verdammt well why.' Ludwig said.

'No, Luddy, I don't. I really don't!' Feliciano said.

Ludwig scoffed. 'Look at you, playing innocent again. Acting like you have no idea what I'm talking about.' Ludwig said, coldly.

'But, I don't!' Feliciano said.

'You do! I'm not going to explain to you what you already know! I said we need to split up and I mean it!' Ludwig yelled.

'No, Luddy, please! We can work this out, please!' Feliciano pleaded and clinging on to Ludwig's arm, eyes beginning to tear up.

Ludwig snatched his arm away from Feliciano and turn away. 'There's nothing to work out. It's over.' Ludwig said.

'Luddy, no, please! We don't have to end it this way!' Feliciano cried.

'Ja…we do…it's over. I'll send you your things.' Ludwig said.

'No, Luddy, please, don't do this to me! I love you!' Feliciano began sobbing.

'And I felt the same way towards you…but not anymore.' Ludwig said, coldly.

'Did I do something to make you mad at me? What did I do?! Please tell me!' Feliciano sobbed.

'I already told you that I'm not going to explain to you what you already know. Stop playing dumb, you already know what you've done, so just stop.' Ludwig said.

"B-But, Luddy, I don't! How many time to I have to tell you-' was a Feliciano said before Ludwig turned on him.

'Get out of my house!' Ludwig yelled. 'I don't want you in here anymore! LEAVE!'

Feliciano took a step back.

And then he ran forward, hugging Ludwig. 'Please, Luddy, don't do this to me! Please! I need you! I love you!' Feliciano sobbed.

Ludwig growled and pulled Feliciano off of him. 'I said don't touch me!' Ludwig yelled.

Feliciano just looked at him with tear filled eyes.

Ludwig then turned his back towards Feliciano. 'I never want to see you again.' Ludwig said, lowly.

Feliciano's blood ran cold. 'Wh-What? What did you say?' Feliciano asked.

'I said that I never want to see you again!' Ludwig yelled.

Feliciano sank to his knees. "B-But…L-Luddy…y-you can't mean that." Feliciano stuttered.

Ludwig turned back around. 'Well, I do. Get up.' Ludwig said, icily.

'Luddy?' Feliciano asked.

'Get up!' Ludwig yelled angrily.

When Feliciano wouldn't comply, he growled and yanked Feliciano up by the arm.

'Ow, Luddy, you're hurting me!' Feliciano sobbed.

'Tell someone who cares.' Ludwig said, uncaringly.

And with that he walked Feliciano to the front door, opened it, and threw him out.

But before he slammed the door, he looked at Feliciano, angrily. 'I can't believe you'd do that to me. You were nothing but a waste of my time. All these years und for what? A cheap little fling?! I could have done something more with my life than wasting those years on you.' Ludwig said, acid dripping from his words. 'Goodbye.'

And with that, he slammed the door in Feliciano's face.

A few minutes later, he heard knocking.

'Luddy? Please, I know you're mad at me, but we can work this out, please! Luddy? Please open up! Whatever I did, I'm really sorry!' Feliciano begged.

'GO AWAY! LEAVE!' Ludwig yelled.

Feliciano sank down against the door, sobbing. "Please, Luddy! Please let me back in!' Feliciano begged.

'Feliciano, I'm not going to tell you again! It's over between us! It's over!' Ludwig yelled, hoarsely.

'Please, Luddy, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for whatever I did. Please let me back in!' Feliciano begged knocking.

Ludwig didn't bother to respond.

He just let Feliciano knock away to his heart's content; he'd get the message soon enough.

He was not opening the door for him.

And after a few hours later, Feliciano finally gave up.

'Ok, fine, Luddy! I get it! I'll leave and you never see me again!' Feliciano sobbed.

Ludwig scoffed, still sitting on the couch. 'Good.' Ludwig said, bitterly.

And a few minutes later, there was no noise at the door.

Getting up off the couch, Ludwig dared himself to open the door.

When he did, he looked back and forth.

Feliciano was gone.

And after sighing in relief, Ludwig closed the door.

And on the way back to his living room, Ludwig passed by the picture of him and Feliciano and picked it up.

He looked at it with pure disdain on his face.

And balling his hand into a fist, he smashed picture and set it down, roughly on the table.

The next week, Ludwig began getting tired of looking at Feliciano's stuff and so, he called the moving company.

Once he got Feliciano's things packed up in the truck, he directed the man over to his former boyfriend's house.

But before that, Ludwig made sure to give Feliciano a little parting gift.

And so, taking up a pen and paper, Ludwig wrote down his final words to Feliciano.

When they arrived at the house, Ludwig threw Feliciano's things unceremoniously in front of the house, not caring if they broke or not.

The last thing he threw was the smashed picture of him and Feliciano on top of the pile.

He then attached the note on to one of the many bags.

He got back inside the truck and told the driver to knock on the door instead since he couldn't do it.

The driver complied and got out.

A few seconds later, the driver came back and sped off, careful not to peel off.

And as they were driving, the truck driver looked over at him. 'Wow, he must've really pissed you off, huh?' he asked.

'Ja…I guess he just wasn't the right one.' Ludwig said, looking out the window.

Ludwig was suddenly brought back to reality.

He was still running.

And his face was wet.

He stopped running, panting heavily, and legs on fire and touched his face.

He was sweating, but that wasn't what the wetness was.


They were tears.

He was crying.

Oh, God, how he have been so stupid?!

He had said such horrible things to Feliciano!

Things that couldn't be taken back no matter how much he wanted to.

He had checked all of their usual places, but Feliciano wasn't at any of them.

Ludwig walked around for a short while, utterly confused.

And then, his eyes widened in realization.

If Feliciano wasn't at any of their usual spot and he wasn't at his house, then that could only mean one thing.

That means…

"Oh, mein Gott!" Ludwig cursed. "Mein house!"

And so, turning on his heel, Ludwig turned around, and with another burst of adrenaline, he bolted towards the direction of his house.

Ludwig was all but sprinting towards his house, weaving in and out through crowds of people.

"Oh, Gott, please be ok, please be ok." Ludwig said to himself as he rounded corner after corner.

Feliciano was walking down the street with a smile on his face.

He was humming a tune to himself as he walked.

"I wonder what Luddy's up to today. Maybe I'll go see him." Feliciano said.

Feliciano began walking faster, making his way to Ludwig's house.

A short while later, he came up on Ludwig's house and when he saw it, he gave a big smile.

"Luddy's gonna be so happy to see me. He'll realize how much he misses me and then we'll get back together, I just know it!" Feliciano said, voice bordering on insanity.

Feliciano bounded up to Ludwig's door and knocked. "Luddy, it's me! Come on, open up and let me in! I want to see you!" Feliciano said.

But there was no answer.

"Luddy? Come on, let me in! I miss you! Let's get back together and be happy once again! I'll do whatever you want and I won't make you mad at me anymore! I said sorry like a million times. I'll do it for real if you just let me in!" Feliciano said.

And again there was no answer.

Feliciano turned around and fell against the door.

"Darn…Luddy's still mad at me." Feliciano pouted.

He slid down the door and pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Why won't he let me in? I said I was sorry." Feliciano said.

Feliciano then looked around.

And then his eyes fell upon a window.

"Oh, I know! I'll surprise him! And then he'll have to take me back! It's so perfect!" Feliciano said, getting up.

Jumping to his feet Feliciano walked off the porch and up to a window.

He pushed it up and climbed in.

He had a bit of trouble getting in since it was kind of high for him, but he managed.

He climbed in and fell to the floor in a clumsy heap.

Getting up, Feliciano giggled and dusted himself off. "It looks like I can still get into Luddy's house even after all this time." Feliciano said, before walking through the house.

But before he left, he remembered to close the window.

Skipping over, Feliciano closed the window and smiled.

"Luddy doesn't like when the windows are open and nobody's in the room." Feliciano reminded himself.

And with that, Feliciano walked out of the room, looking for Ludwig.

He walked in room after room, calling Ludwig.

"Luddy? Luddy, where are you?" Feliciano said, in a sing song voice. "I've come to see you! Aren't you glad?"

After looking through the bottom level, Feliciano went upstairs.

As Feliciano walked up the stairs, he giggled.

"Luddy's playing hide-and-seek, isn't he?" Feliciano asked. "I'm gonna find you, Luddy! Just you wait!"

But he checked every room upstairs but Ludwig wasn't in any of them.

There was only one room left.

Ludwig's room.

"You're hiding in your room, aren't you, Luddy?" Feliciano asked. "You should know better than that. It's the most obvious spot!

Feliciano then walked over towards the door.

He stopped in front of it, giggling.

"I'm gonna find you, Luddy!" Feliciano said, before flinging the door open. "Gotcha!"

But Ludwig wasn't there.

Feliciano looked around the room and his smiled faded and his shoulders slumped.

"Aww, Luddy's not in here." Feliciano said, sadly, walking into the room.

There was no sign of Ludwig anywhere.

Feliciano sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands.

"Luddy left me. He left me. I knew he hated me. He left everything just to get away from me." Feliciano said.

Feliciano fell silent then.

He stayed like that for a while before he started giggling again.

"But why wouldn't he? I made him mad! He hates me now! And here I was thinking that we could get back together! No, we're over!" Feliciano said, still in his giggling fit.

And so getting up, Feliciano walked into Ludwig's bathroom.

He looked in the medicine cabinet and grabbed up one of Ludwig's razors he used to shave and took out the blade.

He then walked back into Ludwig's room.

"Oh, well. At least I can still be with Luddy's stuff. That's kinda like being with him I guess." Feliciano said.

And with that Feliciano began to press the blade into his wrist.

But then he stopped.

"Hmm…too slow. I need something better." Feliciano said to himself.

Feliciano then began looking through Ludwig's stuff, searching for a quicker way to end it all.

He then started rifling through Ludwig's drawer.

He opened and closed each one finding nothing but clothes.

Until he came to the last one.

There, inside the drawer was a box.

"Huh, what is this?" Feliciano asked, trying to open the strange box. "It's locked."

Feliciano then looked around the room.

He then looked back at the box.

"I wonder what's inside it." Feliciano said, curiously.

Then Feliciano's curiosity peaked.

He had to know what was in the box.

And so, he looked through Ludwig's room, trying to locate the key.

He then came upon the dresser by Ludwig's bed. "I wonder…" Feliciano said, kneeling down.

He opened the small dresser and looked inside.

In there was another small box.

Feliciano picked up the box and looked inside it. "Ha, found you!" Feliciano said, happily.

And so, taking the key out of the box, Feliciano walked back over to the other dresser and picked up the box.

He put the key in the lock and twisted it.

The box slowly opened and what was inside it made Feliciano gasp.

There, in the box, plain as day, was a glint of something.

A gun.

It reflected the sunlight into Feliciano's face and made him squint.

"Oooh." Feliciano said, in awe.

He picked up the gun and held it clumsily in his hands.

No wonder Ludwig had this thing locked away.

"It's so heavy. And shiny." Feliciano said, with a smile.

He then stood up and looked in the mirror.

The gun was cold and hard in his warm and soft hands.

Tilting his head, he examined the gun.

"Ooooh, Luddy's not supposed to have a gun. They're too dangerous." Feliciano said.

He shook it in his hand and heard a dull clinking inside.

Was the gun fully loaded?

It must have been considering how heavy it was.

Looking at it closer, Feliciano saw something that said "safety".

He then giggled to himself again. "Safety on a gun. That's funny." Feliciano said.

He switched it off and heard a click.

He continued staring at the shining piece of steel in his hands.

And just for kicks, he pressed it to his temple, just like they did in the movies. "Bang!" Feliciano said, giggling.

He was so into his own little world that he didn't even hear the front door slam open.

He continued staring into the mirror with a twisted smile on his face.

"I don't have to worry about being gone forever. Luddy will see me again soon, so he won't miss me. I'll just visit him. He'll love that." Feliciano said, smiling.

And then he began to squeeze the trigger.

He squeezed it a little more when all of a sudden…


Ludwig ran into the room, panting heavily.

He saw Feliciano standing in front of the mirror with a very creepy smile on his face.

And then his eyes widened when he realized what Feliciano was doing in front of the mirror.

He was holding something to his head.

A gun.

His gun.

Ludwig looked down and saw that the box that the gun was in had been opened.

"Feliciano, what are you doing?!" Ludwig asked, in disbelief.

Feliciano turned towards Ludwig then. "Oh. Luddy, when did you get here? I was looking all over for you." Feliciano said.

"Feliciano…put the gun down." Ludwig said, slowly.

"But why, Luddy?" Feliciano asked, innocently. "I don't have anything anymore. So, what's the point of living?"

Ludwig gulped. "But, that's not true, Feliciano. You have your brother…und you have me." Ludwig said.

Feliciano giggled. "Stop trying to stop me, Luddy. You already told me how you felt about me, so I know that's not true. And Lovino can live without me, he's strong." Feliciano said.

"But, Feliciano I was wrong! I shouldn't have said all those things to you. I should have let you explain yourself. I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry, Feliciano! I'm sorry!" Ludwig said. "Now, please put down the gun und let's just talk about this, ok?"

Feliciano made a thoughtful sound. "Hmmm…no." Feliciano said, simply.

"Wh-What?" Ludwig said, in disbelief.

"You said what you said. There's no taking it back now. Especially when you told me that you didn't want to see me anymore and that I was a waste of your time." Feliciano said.

And as Ludwig's looked into Feliciano's eyes, what he saw scared him to death.

Actually, it was what he didn't see.

He looked into Feliciano's eyes but Feliciano wasn't looking back.

There was something different in his eyes.


That wasn't Feliciano that was looking back at him.

He was just looking at an empty husk of a person.

"Feliciano, p-please. Just put the gun down. We can work all of this out, ok?" Ludwig said.

"Did you want to work anything out? Huh? When I begged you to talk about us, did you want to talk about it? No! So, why should I have to listen to what you want to do?!" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig flinched.

Feliciano had never yelled at him like that.

Not even when they had argued.

"I-I know that, Feliciano. Und I'm very sorry for what I did. Truly sorry. But this has gotten a bit out of hand, don't you think?" Ludwig asked.

"Nope!" Feliciano said. "Now, go away, I'm trying to do something here." Feliciano said, turning back towards the mirror.

Ludwig couldn't take it anymore.

He couldn't let Feliciano kill himself.

Not after he'd promised Lovino that he'd protect Feliciano no matter what.

And so, with a quick burst of adrenaline, Ludwig lurched forward, reaching for the gun.

The struggle for the gun ensued.

And after a few minutes of struggling, the gun went off.

"So, how do you like it, Lovi?" Antonio asked, beaming.

"Wow, it's…it's really nice." Lovino said, in awe.

"See? I knew you'd like it!" Antonio said. "And you would even believe what it looked like before the renovation.

"B-But how did you afford all this?" Lovino asked.

"Well, I borrowed some money from a friend." Antonio said.

"What? And he just gave it to you?" Lovino asked, shocked.

Antonio laughed. "Yeah! I mean, I didn't want to take it, but he made me! It was my friend, Gilbert. Apparently, I was living in a piece of crap. Well, that's how he described it anyways." Antonio said, tilting his head.

"Oh." Lovino said, simply.

"Come on, Lovi, we're not done with the tour yet!" Antonio said, grabbing Lovino's hand, excitedly.

Antonio all but dragged Lovino from room to room.

"H-Hey, will you slow down already?!" Lovino asked.

Antonio laughed. "Sorry, Lovi. I guess I'm just so excited to finally show you my house." Antonio said.

They continued the tour upstairs and went into each room, Antonio explaining each one, excitedly.

They then had one room left.

Antonio's bedroom.

"And this is my bedroom!" Antonio beamed.

"Wow, it sure is colorful." Lovino said, looking at all the bright colors adorning Antonio's bedroom walls.

"Yep! Sure is!" Antonio said, walking over to the bed and sitting down. "Come here, Lovi. Sit with me."

Lovino walked forward and sat down next to Antonio. "You have a really nice house." Lovino said.

"Aww, thanks, Lovi. That means a lot coming from you." Antonio said.

They sat there for a while in silence.

Lovino gave a big sigh.

"Something wrong, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"It's Feliciano. I can't stop thinking about. What if he's already dead? What if he didn't get to him in time?" Lovino asked.

Antonio pulled Lovino closer to him. "Don't worry, Lovi. You brother's ok. And I bet his boyfriend-I mean ex-boyfriend is talking to him as we speak." Antonio said.

"B-But what if he's not? What if he was too late? A-Am I gonna be the only one of my family left? All these questions and I can't find any answers to them. My head hurts. I can't stop thinking about it!" Lovino yelled, holding his head.

Antonio made a thoughtful sound. "Hmmmm…well, then, Lovi. I guess you need a distraction." Antonio said.

"Huh? Distraction? What are you talking abo-" was all Lovino could say before he was cut off by Antonio.

Antonio leaned forward and pressed his lips to Lovino's silencing him.

Lovino's eyes widened as Antonio kissed him.

He then pulled away, shocked. "T-Toni, What are you doing?!" Lovino asked.

"See, there you go calling me Toni again! Oh, Lovi, you're so cute!" Antonio said.

W-Will you sh-shut up about that?! I only said that in the heat of the moment!" Lovino yelled, blushing.

"Oh, you're just saying that, Lovi!" Antonio gushed. "You know you love calling me Toni! It's so cute!"

"N-No, I d-don't! Get off of me, you asshole!" Lovino yelled.

"Ah, ah, ah. Oh, no, Lovi, I'm not letting you go again." Antonio said, pulling Lovino to the middle of the bed.

"W-Wait, wh-what are you d-doing?!" Lovino asked.

Antonio laughed. "Oh, nothing. Just relax, Lovi!" Antonio said.

"Relax?! What do you mean rela-" Lovino was cut off again and Antonio kissed him again.

Antonio put his hand on Lovino's arms and fell on top of him, still kissing him.

Lovino finally pushed Antonio off of him again. "St-Stop that, you pervert!" Lovino yelled.

Antonio giggled and then began kissing Lovino's neck, pushing him back down again.

Lovino squirmed underneath Antonio, creeped out by the weird feeling.

He tried to push Antonio off of him, but now that he had a good grip on his arms, he was too strong.

"T-Toni, st-stop that, I-ah!" Lovino said, as Antonio found a sensitive spot on Lovino's neck.

Antonio pulled back. "Whoa, Lovi, did you just moan? Did it feel that good?" Antonio asked.

"N-No, it didn't! You were forcing yourself on me, you asshole!" Lovino yelled.

"Oh, I don't think so, Lovi. From the way you moaned, I'd say you liked it." Antonio said, smiling.

"I-I didn't like it!" Lovino yelled.

"Sure, you didn't, Lovi." Antonio said.

And with that, Antonio leaned back down towards Lovino and began attacking his neck again, looking for that sensitive spot.

"T-Toni, g-get off of me! I-I said I don't like-ah!" Lovino said, as he was interrupted by another moan.

Lovino instinctively clutched Antonio's shirt.

Antonio smirked against Lovino's skin. "Found it." Antonio said to himself.

He then went back to work, abusing that spot on Lovino's neck.

Lovino squirmed underneath Antonio, still clutching his shirt tightly.

"Ngh! Ah! T-Toni!" Lovino moaned out.

Antonio pulled away, smirking. "God, Lovi. I love it when you call me that." Antonio said.

Lovino was panting, face flushed.

Antonio smiled and leaned down to capture Lovino's lips in a kiss again.

And Lovino's hands instinctively went up to Antonio's chest to push him away.

But Antonio pushed back, hand on Lovino's head.

He stroked his hair and accidently stroked the curl again.

"Ah!" Lovino moaned loudly.

Antonio used that moment when Lovino moaned to stick his tongue in his mouth.

"Mmph!" Lovino moaned at the instrusion.

Antonio explored the inside of Lovino's mouth, relishing the moment that he was able to do this.

Antonio finally pulled back, leaving Lovino panting below him.

And as Antonio looked down at Lovino, he felt something stirring in his pants.

And Lovino looking up at him panting and face flushed was not helping.

Antonio then began taking Lovino's clothes off.

"T-Toni, what are you doing?" Lovino asked.

"Relax, Lovi. Just let me do everything." Antonio said.

Antonio pulled Lovino's shirt off and then began working on his pants.

Lovino gasped. "W-Wait, Toni! I-I don't think I'm ready for this yet!" Lovino said.

Antonio gave Lovino another kiss. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." Antonio said.

And with that, pulled off Lovino's pant until he was in nothing but his boxers.

Antonio stared down at Lovino's body.

Lovino blushed, and covered himself. "T-Toni, stop looking at me like that." Lovino said.

"So cute." Antonio said to himself.

Antonio then began taking Lovino's boxers off.

He was about to pull the waistband down when Lovino's hands stopped him. "W-Wait, Toni! I don't know if I want to keep going!" Lovino said.

Antonio smiled. "It's ok, Lovi. I won't make you do anything you don't want to." Antonio reassured.

Lovino gulped.

And with that Antonio pulled Lovino's boxers off, leaving him completely naked.

Lovino's hand instinctively went down to cover himself.

Antonio pulled Lovino's hands away. "I told you it's ok, Lovi. Man, you are really shy when the time comes." Antonio said.

Antonio's hands roamed over Lovino's body, Lovino quivering under his touch.

He then began kissing all over Lovino's body.

First his neck.

Then his chest.

And finally, his lips.

As he kissed Lovino, Antonio's hand brushed over a nipple and Lovino moaned.

This allowed Antonio to slip his tongue into Lovino's mouth again.

After exploring Lovino's mouth, Antonio pulled back and looked down at Lovino again.

He was blushing a dark red.

Reaching over, Antonio opened the small dresser by his bed and pulled out a bottle of lube.

When Lovino saw this, his eyes widened. "N-No, Toni, I-I'm not ready for that yet!" Lovino protested.

"Relax, Lovi. I'm not going to do that. I'm just gonna prepare you." Antonio said.

Antonio opened the bottle and poured a generous amount on to his fingers.

He then spread Lovino's legs and put his fingers at his entrance. "Now, this may hurt a little, so be prepared." Antonio warned.

Lovino gulped and with that, Antonio pressed a finger inside.

Lovino gasped at the cold and hissed at the intrusion.

"What's wrong, Lovi? Did I hurt you?" Antonio asked, worried.

"N-No. I-It just feels weird is all." Lovino said.

Antonio smiled in relief.

He then added another finger, stretched Lovino wider.

He pushed in and out and scissored his fingers, stretching Lovino even wider.

Lovino hissed at the slight pain.

Antonio waited for a while before he felt that Lovino was ready for another finger.

When Lovino didn't make any uncomfortable faces, Antonio added a third finger.

Lovino gasped as Antonio slipped the third finger in.

"Just breath slowly, Lovi. We're almost done." Antonio said.

Lovino nodded and took slow deep breaths.

Antonio then began moving the fingers in and out, making sure that Lovino was comfortable.

With every push, Antonio went deeper and deeper, stretching Lovino thoroughly.

And on one particular push, Antonio hit something deep inside Lovino.

"AH! Toni!" Lovino moaned out, arching his back.

Antonio stopped and looked at Lovino who was panting heavily.

"Wh-What…what…was that?" Lovino asked, breathlessly.

Antonio chuckled. "That was your prostate, Lovi. It's a sensitive spot in your body that makes you feel good when you touch it." Antonio explained.

"D-Do…C-Can you d-do it aga-again?" Lovino asked, blushing.

Antonio smiled. "Of course, Lovi." Antonio said.

And with that, Antonio pushed his fingers deeper inside Lovino, curling his fingers, trying to find that spot again.

After prodding around again, Antonio felt something and brushed against it.

"Ngh! Ah!" Lovino moaned out, body shaking with pleasure.

Antonio smiled. "Found it." Antonio said, smirking.

And now that Antonio knew where Lovino spot was, he was free to abuse it.

And so, Antonio continued rubbing the spot, sending wave after wave of pleasure up Lovino's spine, watching as Lovino convulsed on the bed moaning in pleasure.

"Ah! Ngh! Hah…ah. Nnngh! Ah!" Lovino moaned out, feeling himself get hard.

And watching Lovino in the throes of pleasure made Antonio's pants grow even tighter.

Lovino then looked at Antonio with half-lidded eyes. "N-No, Toni! D-Don't look me! Ah! Ah!" Lovino said, trying to form a coherent sentence.

Well…that did it.

Seeing Lovino like that made Antonio not able to hold himself back anymore.

He took his fingers out of Lovino and began taking his clothes off as fast as he could.

Lovino whined at the loss of the feeling of fingers inside him.

He look up at Antonio who scrambling to take his clothes off.

Once he finally got his shirt off, he began undoing his pants.

After a short while of fumbling with the button and zipper Antonio finally unzipped his pants and pulled them down, revealing his clothed erection.

Lovino looked down and began panting with anticipation.

He then watched as Antonio pulled off his boxers and was fixated on Antonio's naked body.

Lovino blushed even redder and his body heated up.

Antonio looked down at Lovino then and smiled.

He leaned down over Lovino and licked up to his ear. "You want it, don't you, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

Lovino moaned at his words.

Antonio chuckled and pulled back.

He then reached for the bottle of lube and squeezed some on to his hand and started applying it to himself.

And as he was spreading the lube over his erection, he began giggling uncontrollably.

When he was done, he looked up to see that Lovino was glaring at him.

"What is it, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"Bastard. You're too happy!" Lovino said, annoyed.

Antonio laughed nervously. "N-No, Lovi, it's not like that! I-I'm just really excited, that's all." Antonio tried to explain.

Lovino rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Yeah, whatever." Lovino said.

Antonio then leaned over Lovino and spread his legs, placing his erection at his entrance.

Lovino gasped as his hands went to cover himself. "N-No, wait, stop!" Lovino yelled.

"Wh-What is it, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"I-I don't know if I want to do this anymore!" Lovino said.

"But, why not, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

Lovino then blushed a dark red. "I-I'm a virgin…" Lovino trailed off.

Antonio was taken aback. "Wh-What?! You're a virgin?!" Antonio asked, in disbelief.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want!" Lovino said, angrily. "I'm a virgin, so what?!"

"No, no, Lovi. I wasn't going to laugh at you!" Antonio said defensively.

"Then why did you ask me like that?" Lovino asked.

"I was just surprised." Antonio said.

"Surprised at what?" Lovino asked.

"I was surprised that you were a virgin. I mean, someone as cute as you and you're still a virgin?" Antonio asked.

Lovino blushed. "Y-Yeah, s-so what?" Lovino stuttered.

"Nothing. I just means that I get to be your first." Antonio said. "That makes me happy."

Antonio then leaned down as kissed Lovino.

He then pulled Lovino's hands away from his entrance and by his side.

He then grabbed his erection and placed it at Lovino's entrance again.

"Now, this may hurt a bit, Lovi, so be ready for that." Antonio warned.

And with that, Antonio began pushing himself into Lovino.

Lovino gasped and arched his back.

Antonio pushed his hips down and began pushing deeper and deeper.

Lovino moaned at the feeling of being filled up.

"Just relax, Lovi. I'm almost halfway in." Antonio said.

Lovino hissed at the pain of being stretched farther than the fingers had stretched him.

He clutched on to Antonio's arm nails digging into the skin.

Antonio groaned at how tight Lovino was.

After a few minutes of pushing slowly into Lovino, Antonio was finally fully inside him.

Antonio stayed like that, letting Lovino get used to him.

He wanted to move, desperately, but he had to wait until Lovino was used to him.

Lovino's vice-like grip died down a little as he slowly got used to Antonio inside him.

He then opened his eyes and looked up at Antonio.

Antonio was looking right back at him, waiting for conformation.

Lovino nodded, panting slightly. "Ok." Lovino said, softly.

And with that, Antonio began moving in and out of Lovino.

Lovino moaned at the strange feeling.

This was all so new to him.

As time went on, Antonio kept thrusting faster and faster, building a rhythm for himself.

"God, Lovi, you're so tight!" Antonio grunted.

Lovino only moaned in response.

Antonio went deeper and deeper into Lovino with each thrust.

And then, on one thrust, Antonio hit something inside of Lovino.

"Ah! Toni!" Lovino moaned as he arched his back.

Antonio smiled. "Found it." Antonio said.

Antonio then pulled out some, readjusted himself and slammed back inside Lovino, hitting that spot, dead on.

"Ah!" Lovino moaned, loudly and instinctively wrapping his arms around Antonio's neck.

Antonio thrusted into Lovino, hitting his spot over and over again.

Lovino was reduced to a moaning a squirming mess beneath him.

Antonio looked down and watched Lovino's face.

His eyes were closed and his mouth was open, moans escaping from him.

Antonio then started stroking, Lovino's hair as he thrusted into him.

He brushed against the curl again and Lovino let out a loud moan.

"Ah! Toni!" Lovino moaned.

Antonio cocked an eyebrow. "What was that?" Antonio asked himself.

He tried stroking Lovino's hair again, but this time, nothing happened.

Antonio was confused.

Why did Lovino moan when he stroked his hair?

That bugged Antonio.

It was so confusing.

And then that's when he noticed the curl on Lovino's head.

Curious, Antonio tilted his head and reached for the curl.

He gave it an experimental pull and he was surprised then.

Because when he pulled that one stray hair, Lovino moaned out again.

"Ahn! Ngh…hah!" Lovino moaned.

So that was it!

Now, Antonio got it!

He then remembered the first time it happened and the look on Lovino's face.

Antonio then smiled to himself and leaned down to kiss Lovino.

Lovino wrapped his arms around Antonio's neck, and to his surprise, Lovino kissed back!

And opened mouthed at that!

Lovino moaned into the kiss, letting Antonio explore his mouth.

His tongue wrestled with Antonio's for a while and he deepened the kiss.

Lovino's passionate behavior only made Antonio want to thrust harder.

And he did, making sure to hit Lovino's spot on every single thrust.

"Ah! Ngh…ahn…hah! Ah! T-Toni!" Lovino moaned out as he wrapped his arms around Antonio's torso.

Lovino's legs found themselves wrapping around Antonio's waist and his fingers found themselves lacing into Antonio's hair.

Antonio thrusted into Lovino making him whimper and moan with each thrust.

Lovino clung to Antonio of dear life, moaning into his ear.

"You like that, Lovi?" Antonio purred into Lovino's ear.

Lovino moaned as response.

Antonio then pulled away, from Lovino and grabbed his hips.

Antonio then began pounding into Lovino.

Lovino gripped the sheets, and moaned in ecstasy.

"Ah! Toni! T-Toni! Ngh…Ahn! M-More…more!" Lovino moaned.

Antonio complied and gripped Lovino's hips tighter and began thrusting into Lovino as fast as he could.

Lovino was all but thrashing about and screaming in pleasure.

And soon Antonio could feel his release coming.

And from the way Lovino was squirming around on the bed, he was too.

Lovino then began panting hard. "Ah! Toni…T-Toni…I-I'm gonna…I'm gonna…Ahn!" Lovino moaned out.

Antonio kept pounding into Lovino, and after a few more thrusts, Lovino couldn't take it anymore.

"Ahhhh! Toni! TONI!" Lovino yelled as he came all over himself, screaming in pure pleasure.

As Lovino came, Antonio felt Lovino's walls squeezing around him.

The pressure was too much and after a few more thrusts, Antonio came as well, deep inside Lovino.

Lovino moaned as he felt Antonio's hot seed spill inside of him.

Antonio rode out his orgasm with a few more thrusts.

When he was done, he collapsed on top of Lovino, panting heavily.

They both just lay there, still in their post orgasmic high.

And then Antonio got up and planted a kiss on Lovino's lips.

They made out for a short while before Antonio rolled off of Lovino.

They lay there, side by side, still panting.

"Wow, Lovi. That was amazing." Antonio panted out.

Lovino didn't say anything, and just kept panting.

"God, Lovi, you have no idea how much I've wanted to do that." Antonio said.

Lovino huffed and turned away from Antonio. "Pervert." Lovino said.

"Aww, come on, Lovi, don't be like that." Antonio said, draping an arm over Lovino. "I was just kidding."

Lovino huffed again.

Antonio rolled Lovino over and pulled him into his chest. "So, how did you like it, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"It hurt like hell." Lovino said.

"But it felt good once we got started, right?" Antonio asked.

Lovino didn't say anything and blushed. "M-Maybe." Lovino said.

"Oh, come on, Lovi, stop being so indifferent. You know you loved it." Antonio said.

Lovino grumbled.

"And the way you said my name was so hot." Antonio said.

"Sh-Shut up!" Lovino yelled, blushing a deep red.

Antonio laughed and pulled Lovino closer. "I'm kidding, Lovi. I'm just saying that for somebody that didn't want to do it, you sure were enjoying it!" Antonio said.

Lovino scoffed. "Bastard." Lovino said, lowly.

"But, I am glad that I got to be your first." Antonio said, sweetly.

Lovino blushed again as Antonio hugged him. "Whatever. Just shut up, already." Lovino said.

Antonio just smiled and nuzzled Lovino's head.

They were frozen.

Everything just stopped at the crack of the gun.

They sank down to their knees, the severity of the situation too much.

Ludwig exhaled a shaky breath had he held onto Feliciano.

He had dropped the gun and it lay on the floor, smoke coming from the barrel.

Feliciano moved in Ludwig's embrace.

Ludwig quickly inspected himself to see if he had been shot.

He didn't see a bullet hole or feel any pain.

Then his heart raced as he began to check Feliciano.

After seeing that Feliciano hadn't been injured either, he sighed in great relief.

"Feliciano. Feliciano are you ok?" Ludwig asked.

Feliciano looked up at Ludwig, eyes still empty. "Darn, I missed." Feliciano said, sofly.

Ludwig's eyes widened.

"I guess I'll just have to try again." Feliciano said, reaching for the gun.

Ludwig instantly raised his hand and slapped Feliciano across the face. "Feliciano, snap out of it!" Ludwig yelled.

Feliciano looked up at Ludwig and smiled. "Oh, I know. Luddy, why don't you do it? You already hate me, so it'll be easy for you. And you don't have to worry about me being gone. I'll just come visit you again!" Feliciano said, smiling. "I'm glad that I can be with you for real before I go."

Ludwig's heart started racing again and he slapped Feliciano again. "Feliciano, you have to wake up!" Ludwig yelled.

"Ow, you hurt me. You're gonna have to do a lot better than that to kill me Luddy. Ooh, I know! Use your gun! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I promise." Feliciano said.

Ludwig's shoulders slumped and tears fell down his cheeks.

He felt absolutely helpless.

Feliciano still wanted to die.

And there was nothing he could do to convince him.

And so Ludwig leaned forward embracing Feliciano.

"I'm sorry, Feliciano. I'm so sorry." Ludwig sobbed.

Feliciano just stayed inert in Ludwig's embrace.

He was still in his own little world.

"Oh, Gott, why was I so stupid? Why didn't I listen when you tried to tell me?!" Ludwig asked.

"Luddy? What's taking so long? Are you going to kill me or not?" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig held Feliciano tighter. "It should have been me. I should have gotten shot! It's the perfect punishment for me making you feel as bad as you did. It should have been me…" Ludwig trailed off.

"Luddy? What are you waiting for? Do it already!" Feliciano said.

Ludwig pulled away from Feliciano, tears in his eyes.

He gripped Feliciano's arms and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Feliciano's.

Feliciano's hands tried pushing Ludwig away, but Ludwig held fast, kissing Feliciano harder.

'Please let this work. Let Feliciano come back to me, please!' Ludwig thought, desperately.

Ludwig kissed Feliciano for what seemed like forever.

He then pulled away, desperate to see what the effect was.

Feliciano looked up at Ludwig, eyes still clouded over. "L-Luddy?" Feliciano asked.

"J-Ja?" Ludwig asked, desperately.

"L-Luddy, is that you?" Feliciano asked.

"J-Ja, it's me! Feliciano, it's me!" Ludwig said.

The haze in Feliciano's eyes slowly faded as he returned to his normal state. "Luddy? What happened?" Feliciano asked.

"Wh-What? You mean you don't remember?" Ludwig asked.

"Well, not everything. It all seems like a big haze to me." Feliciano said. "So, what happened?"

Ludwig opened his mouth, but lost his voice.

He was speechless.

"Luddy? Please tell me what happened." Feliciano said.

"Y-You tried to kill yourself…" Ludwig trailed off.

"I did? Oh, yeah…it's coming back to me now. I remember climbing into your house and looking for you…and then the gun…" Feliciano said, looking down at the gun.

His eyes widened as he looked at the abandoned firearm.

He then searched his memory for the events that happened next.

"And then…a loud bang." Feliciano said, looking back up at Ludwig. "And then I-" Feliciano said, before gasping.

Ludwig saw that Feliciano wasn't looking at him.

He was looking at something behind him.

And so, turning around, Ludwig saw what Feliciano was staring at.

There, in the wall, was a bullet hole.

Ludwig's blood ran cold.

That could have been either of them.

Ludwig then felt Feliciano collapse into him

"I almost did it! I almost did it, Luddy!" Feliciano sobbed.

Ludwig turned back around and held Feliciano in his arms.

They stayed like that until Feliciano stopped crying.

Getting up, Ludwig walked Feliciano out of the room and into the living room.

He made sure that Feliciano was ok before going back in his room and straightening up the place.

He put the gun back in the box and hid it when no one would ever find it again.

He also hid the key box in a different place as well.

When he came back into the living room, he found Feliciano clutching a pillow, nervously.

He sat down next to him and pulled him into his chest. "You're going to be alright, Feliciano." Ludwig said, rubbing Feliciano's head.

For the next few days, Feliciano wouldn't even go near Ludwig's room anymore.

Ludwig had to settle for sleeping on the couch with Feliciano huddled up in his arms.

But Ludwig could only take it for so long.

He needed a bed to sleep in.

The couch wasn't a good choice.

It was making his back hurt.

He had to convince Feliciano to get over his fear.


And so, one night, Ludwig led Feliciano upstairs and towards his room.

When they got close, Feliciano stopped in his tracks.

Ludwig looked back at Feliciano.

He was shaking.

"N-No, Luddy! I-I don't want to go in there!" Feliciano said, tearing up.

"But we have to, Feliciano! You need to get over your fear!" Ludwig said.

"N-No, Luddy, I don't want to go in there!" Feliciano said. "Why can't we sleep in a different room?"

"Because I don't like that bed. It's too hard." Ludwig said. "Now, come on."

Feliciano dug his feet into the floor. "No, Luddy, please don't make me go in there!" Feliciano sobbed.

"Feliciano." Ludwig said.

He watched as Feliciano sobbed.

"Please, Luddy. Please don't make me go!" Feliciano said.

Ludwig then pulled Feliciano into his arms.

"Don't worry, Feliciano. It'll be alright. I'll be here with you. Und I won't leave you." Ludwig said.

Feliciano whimpered into his shirt.

And so, slowly, Ludwig led Feliciano into his room, Feliciano hesitating slightly.

He finally managed to get Feliciano to sit down on his bed.

He began pulling of his clothes, putting them on a nearby chair.

Once he was undressed he looked at Feliciano and saw that he was still sitting there.

Sighing, Ludwig walked over and helped Feliciano out of his clothes.

He got Feliciano to lie down and got under the covers with him, wrapping an arm around him.

"Goodnight, Feliciano." Ludwig said, pulling Feliciano closer to him.

He was about to doze off when he heard Feliciano whimper.

"Feliciano, what's wrong?" Ludwig asked.

He looked at Feliciano and saw that he was staring at the bullet hole.

"Feliciano, don't look at it. It'll just keep reminding you of it." Ludwig said.

"B-But I can't. I keep thinking about it. And no matter how hard I try, it keeps coming back! I can't stop thinking about it!" Feliciano said, as he began crying again.

Ludwig paused, thinking.

Sighing, he then rolled over on top of Feliciano. "Feliciano, stop crying." Ludwig said, pulling Feliciano's hand from his face.

Feliciano looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

Ludwig leaned down and started kissing Feliciano's neck, trying to console him.

"L-Luddy, wh-what are you doing?" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig pulled away. "You need a distraction." Ludwig said.

"D-Distraction? Wh-What do you me-" was all Feliciano said before Ludwig silenced him with a kiss.

Ludwig pulled away and began kissing Feliciano's neck again.

He then began nibbling on Feliciano's collarbone.

"Ah! Luddy!" Feliciano moaned, gripping Ludwig's arms.

Ludwig then came back up and kissed Feliciano again.

Feliciano moaned into the kiss.

Ludwig used that time to stick his tongue into Feliciano's mouth.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

He then grabbed one of Feliciano's legs and wrapped it around his waist.

Feliciano slowly responded to the kiss and eventually kissed back.

As they made out, Ludwig felt something stirring in his boxers.

He pulled back looked down at Feliciano.

He was panting hard, face flushed.

Ludwig then began undressing Feliciano.

Since they were already undressed, he didn't have to take as much clothing off.

He pulled Feliciano's t-shirt off over his head.

He then pulled Feliciano's boxers off, leaving him lying naked beneath him.

He reached over and opened the small dresser next to the bed and pulled out a bottle of lube.

He squeezed some on his fingers and spread Feliciano's legs and placed his fingers at his entrance.

He looked up at Feliciano to make sure he was ok and then stuck a finger into Feliciano.

Feliciano gasped at the sudden intrusion.

Ludwig added another finger and scissored them to stretch Feliciano.

Feliciano gasped and moaned as Ludwig fingered him.

And finally, Ludwig added the third and final finger.

He pushed deeper into Feliciano, curling his fingers, and making sure to prepare him properly.

Ludwig pushed his fingers in and out of Feliciano, watching him squirm intently.

When his fingers went back in, they brushed against something.

"Ah!" Feliciano moaned, arching his back.

Ludwig smiled. "Found it." Ludwig said.

He then began abusing that spot, making Feliciano cry out in pleasure.

He watched as Feliciano squirmed and moaned in pleasure.

Feliciano opened his eyes, watching himself get hard. "Ah, Luddy!" Feliciano moaned out.

Feliciano squirmed and arched his back as Ludwig sent wave after wave of pleasure up his spine.

Feliciano was panting and moaning loudly.

"Ngh! Ah! Hah…ngh! Ahn! Ah! L-Luddy!" Feliciano moaned.

Ludwig blushed, watching Feliciano squirm at his touch with half-lidded eyes.

He then felt the arousal in his boxers grow even bigger.

He heaved a shaky breath as he watched Feliciano in the throes of pleasure.

Seeing Feliciano like that stirred up old memories and made him pant with anticipation.

Ludwig pulled his fingers out of Feliciano then.

Feliciano whined at the lost pleasure.

Ludwig sat back on his knees and pulled off his muscle shirt, revealing his muscled chest and abs.

Feliciano began panting heavily at the sight.

Ludwig then removed his boxers, freeing his arousal from its cloth prison.

Feliciano moaned at the sight of Ludwig's naked body, eyes glued on his swollen arousal.

Ludwig grabbed the bottle of lube and began spreading it on himself.

When he was done, he crawled forward and on top of Feliciano.

He looked down at him with lust filled eyes.

He then leaned down, capturing Feliciano's lips in a passionate kiss.

Feliciano wrapped his arms around Ludwig's neck and kissed back, letting Ludwig explore his mouth.

Ludwig then pulled away for some much needed air.

He then positioned himself at Feliciano's entrance.

He looked up at Feliciano to make sure that he was ok.

And with that, Ludwig pushed himself into Feliciano.

Feliciano gasped and moaned at the feeling of being filled up.

Ludwig groaned at the tightness of Feliciano's walls.

As he was being entered Feliciano clutched Ludwig's arms, moaning as Ludwig went deeper and deeper.

Finally, Ludwig was all the way inside Feliciano.

Panting, Ludwig looked down at Feliciano, waiting for permission to move.

When Feliciano caught his breath, he looked up at Ludwig and nodded. "O-Ok." Feliciano said.

Ludwig nodded and with that, he began thrusting in and out of Feliciano.

Feliciano moaned and Ludwig began to pick up speed, making a rhythm for himself.

Feliciano panted and held onto Ludwig's arms.

Ludwig began to ease into the rhythm as he thrusted.

On one thrust, Ludwig hit that spot inside Feliciano.

"Ah! Luddy!" Feliciano moaned out.

Ludwig smirked to himself and pulled out a bit, repositioned himself and slammed back into Feliciano, hitting his spot dead on.

"Ngh! Ah, Luddy!" Feliciano moaned, clutching Ludwig's arm tighter.

Ludwig then began pounding into Feliciano, hitting his spot on every single thrust, making Feliciano cry out in pleasure.

Ludwig smiled to himself. "It looks like I can still find it even after all this time." Ludwig said to himself.

"Ngh! Ahn…L-Luddy! I-ngh! Ahn! I-a-ah…hah!" Feliciano said, trying to form words.

Ludwig then leaned down and kissed Feliciano, passionately.

Feliciano moved his hands to Ludwig's shoulders, holding tightly.

When Ludwig pulled away, Feliciano pulled Ludwig in for another kiss and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Feliciano moaned into the kiss as Ludwig assaulted his mouth.

Their tongues wrestled for a short while before Ludwig tilted his head, deepening the kiss.

Feliciano moaned again when Ludwig pushed his tongue into his mouth.

Ludwig then pulled away and concentrated on thrusting.

He leaned into Feliciano's neck, grunting as he thrusted.

"Ah, Luddy! K-Keep going! R-Right there! Ngh! Ahn!" Feliciano moaned as he wrapped his arms around Ludwig's chest.

He also wrapped his legs around Ludwig's waist and grabbed fistfuls of blond hair.

Ludwig nibbled on Feliciano's neck as he pounded into him.

He grabbed Feliciano's hair and pulled his head back so he could have better access.

He nibbled on a sensitive spot on Feliciano's neck while also slamming into his spot.

"Ahn! Luddy! M-More! More! Hah…hah! Ngh…ah!" Feliciano moaned, clinging to Ludwig for dear life.

The sound of Feliciano's moaning filled Ludwig with sickening lust.

He pulled away from Feliciano and grabbed his hips.

Ludwig then began pounding into Feliciano even harder.

Feliciano began screaming and moaning in pleasure as Ludwig assaulted his spot.

Ludwig bucked his hips into Feliciano's, creating a skin on skin slapping noise.

Feliciano was thrashing about underneath Ludwig, hand gripping the sheet, tightly.

Ludwig noticed that he was messing up the sheets.

He grabbed Feliciano's arms and pinned them to his sides, by his wrists, still continuing to buck into him.

Ludwig held Feliciano down and pounded into him, grunting with each thrust.

Feliciano's mouth was wide open as moans spilled from it.

Ludwig looked down at Feliciano pinned down underneath him.

He looked absolutely helpless.

And there was something about seeing Feliciano pinned down as he pounded into him that made him all the more aroused.

He felt like he could do anything to him.

And that only made Ludwig want to fuck him even harder.

Ludwig growled with lust as he began to fuck Feliciano senseless, pounding into him roughly.

Feliciano moaned loudly, overcome with pleasure. "Ahn! L-Luddy, I can't! I c-can't-Ah! Ngh…hnngh! Hah…ah!" Feliciano moaned.

Ludwig leaned down. "You like that, don't you? You want more?" Ludwig asked, voice full of lust, into Feliciano's ear.

"Ahn, Luddy! D-Don't talk like that!" Feliciano moaned.

"Don't deny it! You like it when I do this! Does it feel good when I do this to you?" Ludwig purred into Feliciano's ear.

Feliciano moaned as a response.

Ludwig chuckled. "Ja, that's what I thought. You like it rough, don't you?" Ludwig asked.

"Ngh, L-Luddy!" Feliciano moaned.

"Feels good, doesn't it? You love it when I give it to you like this, don't you? Why else would you be moaning like this, so don't lie!" Ludwig said, hotly into Feliciano's ear.

As Ludwig pounded into Feliciano, he felt his release coming and he thrusted harder rushing towards his climax.

Feliciano then began panting heavily as he too, felt his release coming.

After a few more thrusts from Ludwig, Feliciano's body shook.

"AHN, Luddy! LUDDY!" Feliciano screamed as he came all over himself.

Ludwig thrusted a few more times, groaning as Feliciano's walls tightened around him.

He gave a few more thrusts until, he too, came.

He gave deep groan as he came violently inside of Feliciano.

Feliciano moaned as he felt Ludwig's hot seed spilling all over his insides.

Ludwig with thrusted deeply into Feliciano, riding out the last of his orgasm.

When he was done, he collapsed on top of Feliciano, spent.

They panted as they lay in a sweaty, tired heap.

Ludwig then grabbed Feliciano's face and kissed him softly on the lips.

He tilted his head as he deepened the kiss.

Feliciano moaned into the kiss and pulled Ludwig closer to him.

They made out for a while and after there were done, Ludwig pulled back, giving them some much needed air.

Ludwig then rolled off of Feliciano and onto his back.

He looked over at Feliciano who was still panting and rubbed his head.

"Luddy?" Feliciano called out.

"Ja?" Ludwig asked.

"A-Are we…ok?" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig rolled over onto his side, looking at Feliciano, who was looking down.

He put his hand on Feliciano's face and pulled it up so that their eyes met. "Of course we are. It's my fault that all this happened. If I would have listened to you, this wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry, Feliciano. I'm sorry that I hurt you like I did. Can you please forgive me? I promise I'll make it up to you. Please!" Ludwig said.

"O-Ok. I forgive you." Feliciano said.

Ludwig smiled, gratefully and pulled Feliciano into a kiss.

"I forgive you…but it's gonna take a while, Luddy. I think you know that after what you said." Feliciano said.

Ludwig cringed at the memory of what he had said to Feliciano in an angry rage.

"J-Ja…I know." Ludwig said, knowingly.

Feliciano smiled softly. "Good. Thank you for saving me, Luddy. I would have been dead if you hadn't come in time." Feliciano said, hugging Ludwig.

"Please…don't remind me of that." Ludwig said, hugging back.

"I'm sorry." Feliciano said.

Feliciano let go of Ludwig then and laid back.

Ludwig looked up at the ceiling for a while, arms folded behind his head.

He was unable to fall asleep after Feliciano reminded him of his near death.

He looked over to Feliciano who had fallen asleep.

He wrapped his arms around him as stroked his hair. "I'm sorry, Feliciano. I'm so sorry." Ludwig whispered into Feliciano's hair.

He then let Feliciano go and lay on his back again.

He continued staring up at the ceiling until his eyes roamed around.

They scanned the walls, going down, and down, and down.

Until they came to rest on the bullet hole.

Ludwig's heart jumped into his throat.

He swallowed thickly before getting up out of bed and walking over to the damaged wall.

He reached out a shaky hand and touched the wall.

They were pieces of dry was on the floor below.

He then walked to the doorway and peeked out.

He saw that the bullet had gone through the wall of his room and another wall in the hallway.

Who knew what other damage the bullet caused?

He'd have to call a contractor to come out and fix the damages.

"I'll call in the morning." Ludwig said to himself.

Ludwig walked back to the bed and lay back down.

He pulled Feliciano close to him and held him protectively.

"I'm so sorry, Feliciano. I'm sorry." Ludwig whispered, before he finally fell asleep.

In the morning, Ludwig awoke to the smell of cooking.

He looked at the clock and his eyes widened.

He had overslept!

More than usual on a day off, anyway.

And so getting up and putting his clothes on, he went downstairs and saw Feliciano cooking.

Feliciano noticed him and smiled. "Good morning, Luddy!" Feliciano said.

"Feliciano?" Ludwig asked, rubbing his eyes. "When did you get up?"

"Oh, I've been up for a while now." Feliciano said.

"What? Und why didn't you wake me up?" Ludwig asked.

"Because you looked so peaceful!" Feliciano said. "And plus, I wanted to make you something to eat!"

Ludwig blushed. "Wh-What? You made me something?" Ludwig asked.

Feliciano giggled. "Yep!" Feliciano said, cheerfully as he walked up to Ludwig and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I made you breakfast!"

Ludwig looked at the spread that Feliciano had set out.

It looked delicious.

"Come on, Luddy, sit down and eat!" Feliciano said.

They ate breakfast together and talked with each other like they had done in the past.

It was like nothing bad had ever happened between them.

Something that Ludwig wished had never been disturbed in the first place.

After they got done eating, they went into the living room and watched TV.

After watching for a while, Ludwig excused himself. "I need to make a phone call. Watch whatever you want." Ludwig said, walking towards the hallway.

"Ok, Luddy! Hurry back!" Feliciano called after Ludwig.

"I will." Ludwig called back.

And with that, Ludwig walked out into the hallway and up the stairs.

He walked into his room and closed the door so that Feliciano wouldn't hear him talking about the bullet hole damages.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

He held it to his ear as the phone started ringing.

It rang a few times before someone picked up.

"Gilbert's Contracting. You break it, we fix it, how may I help you?" came a voice.

"U-Um, Gilbert? I need to talk to you can you do me a favor?" Ludwig asked.

"Oh, West, how are ya? Sure I can! What do you need?" Gilbert asked.

"I, uh…I need you to come take a look at something. It needs fixing." Ludwig said.

"Oh, sure, no problem! I'll try to do it as fast as I can!" Gilbert said.

"Um, c-can you do it today?" Ludwig asked.

"Well, I'm kinda booked solid here for a while. Und we don't do any consultations for a few days what with all the other stuff going on." Gilbert said.

"Oh." Ludwig said, dejected.

"But, since it's for you, I'll make an exception. I am the owner after all! I'll just get someone else to do the other jobs." Gilbert said.

"Oh, thank you so much." Ludwig said, sighing in relief.

"Uh, West, are you alright? You don't usually break anything. Is something the matter?" Gilbert asked.

"Uh, nein, I'm alright. Just glad is all." Ludwig said.

"Oh. Alright, well, I'll see you later then." Gilbert said.

"Ok, I'll see you when you get then. Goodbye." Ludwig said.

"Later." Gilbert said.

And with that, Ludwig hung up the phone.

He sighed and sat on the bed for a while, head in his hands.

He didn't know if he could face Feliciano again.

But he would have to go downstairs to answer the door anyway when Gilbert arrived.

Ludwig had to mentally prepare himself before he walked out of the room and back into the living room.

Feliciano was still watching TV. "Oh, Luddy, you're back! That was a long phone call. Is everything ok?" Feliciano asked.

"Uh, ja. Everything is fine." Ludwig said, trying to smile as he sat down next to Feliciano. "Just fine."

Ludwig wrapped an arm around Feliciano and pulled him close.

Feliciano instinctively wrapped his arm around Ludwig and huddled into his side.

They watched TV for a few hours before the doorbell finally rang.

"I'll get it." Ludwig said, getting up and rushing to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a smiling Gilbert.

"Hey, West! What's up?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig sighed. "Gilbert, I've asked you to stop calling me that." Ludwig said.

"What, I can't have a little nickname for my little brother?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig groaned. "Whatever, just come in." Ludwig said, backing up to make way for Gilbert.

"Gladly." Gilbert said, smiling and walking forward.

Ludwig closed the door as Gilbert came in.

He was about to lead Gilbert upstairs when Gilbert stopped.

"Hey, nice place ya got here, West." Gilbert said, looking around. "It's really changed a lot since I lived here."

"Ja, thanks. Now, are you going follow me or make friends with the paneling?" Ludwig asked.

Gilbert chuckled. "Alright. So, where's the damage? I'll see what its looks like and then I'll bring the materials tomorrow." Gilbert said.

"Alright. It's this way." Ludwig said, walking towards the steps.

As they passed by the living room, Feliciano noticed them and turned his head towards them and saw Gilbert. "Oh, Gilby, when did you get here? Luddy never told me we'd have company!" Feliciano said.

"Hey, Feliciano, how are ya?" Gilbert asked.

"I'm fine. Oh, can I get you anything? How rude of me." Feliciano said.

"Oh, I'm good. West just called me over here so that I can fi-" Gilbert said, before Ludwig clapped a hand over his mouth, silencing him.

He struggled in Ludwig's grip and Ludwig laughed nervously. "Oh, nothing. I just called him over so I can show him something. Ja, that's right. I need to show him something. Right now. Let's go, Gilbert." Ludwig said, pulling Gilbert up the stairs.

Feliciano tilted his head in confusion. "Well, ok, Luddy. I'll see you when you get back." Feliciano called after Ludwig. "And Gilby, don't hesitate to ask for anything!"

Gilbert just nodded behind Ludwig's hand.

And with that Feliciano walked back into the living room and sat back down in front of the TV.

Ludwig sighed in relief and let go of Gilbert.

Gilbert gasped and tried to catch his breath. "Hey, what'd you do that for, West? I couldn't breathe!" Gilbert said.

Ludwig scoffed. "Whatever. It's not like I covered your nose too." Ludwig said.

"So, what'd you do that for anyway?" Gilbert asked.

"Because I didn't want you to remind him." Ludwig said, turning away.

"Huh? Remind who of what?" Gilbert asked.

"You'll see." Ludwig said.

And with that, Ludwig continued leading Gilbert upstairs.

And as he did, Gilbert couldn't help but chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" Ludwig asked.

"Nothing, it's just that your boyfriend's awfully sweet. It's giving me diabetes." Gilbert said.

"What do you mean?" Ludwig asked.

"Oh, Luddy! Oh, Gilby!" Gilbert said, mocking Feliciano. "Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em, don't you West?"

"Shut up!" Ludwig said, curtly.

Gilbert laughed.

And with that, they finally reached the second floor.

"It's in my room." Ludwig said.

"Alright." Gilbert said, following Ludwig into his room.

When they got into the room, Ludwig stood in the center and pointed at the bullet hole. "It's right there." Ludwig said.

Gilbert looked at it and knelt down, inspecting the damage.

His eyebrow cocked in confusion.

"Wow, West, what happened? Did you get mad or something?" Gilbert asked.

"Nein. It's nothing like that." Ludwig said.

"Then what is it?" Gilbert asked.

"It's a…i-it's a…it's…" Ludwig trailed off, not able to finish the sentence.

Gilbert eyed Ludwig for a second.

And then his eyes widened.

"Oh, Gott, don't tell me!" Gilbert said, shocked.

Ludwig looked up and Gilbert and nodded.

"West, is this a glory hole?" Gilbert asked, cautiously.

Ludwig froze and stared at Gilbert in disbelief.

"It is, isn't it? Oh, come on, West, don't make him do that, he's so innocent! I mean, I know you're freaky, but I didn't think you were that freaky! Poor kid." Gilbert said, shaking his head.

"Wh-What?! N-Nein, you dummkopf!" Ludwig yelled, blushing a deep red. "It's nothing like that!"

"Then what is it?" Gilbert asked.

"It's a…bullet hole." Ludwig said, lowly.

Gilbert's eyes widened "Wh-What?! A-A bullet hole?! West, what did you do?!" Gilbert asked.

"Nein, i-it wasn't me." Ludwig said.

"Then what happened?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig took a breath. "Feliciano…tried to kill himself." Ludwig said.

Gilbert's heart raced as he struggled to hear. "Wh-What?" Gilbert said, trying to speak.

"He…tried to kill himself." Ludwig repeated.

"But why?!" Gilbert asked.

"It was after I broke up with him. He changed somehow und when I found him in mein house, he had mein gun to his head." Ludwig said.

Gilbert groaned. "Oh, West, how could you be so irresponsible?!" Gilbert yelled.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault! I didn't think he'd get into the house. Let alone find mein gun!" Ludwig yelled back.

Gilbert sighed. "You should have hidden it in a better place, West. That was really dangerous. Und really close too. You're lucky you got there in time." Gilbert said.

"Ja, I know." Ludwig said.

They both fell silent for a while.

Ludwig then spoke up.

"S-So, can you fix it?" Ludwig asked.

"Ja, I can. I just need to fill it up, paint over it, und it'll be good as new." Gilbert said, inspecting the hole.

"There's another one in the hallway too." Ludwig said.

"Where is it?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig led Gilbert to the hall and showed him the other bullet hole. "Right there." Ludwig said.

"Is this the only other one?" Gilbert asked.

"Ja, I think so." Ludwig replied.

"Alright. I'll fix this one too." Gilbert said.

"Thanks, Gilbert." Ludwig said.

Ludwig then walked back into his room, Gilbert following behind.

He then sat on the bed and held his head in his hands. "Oh, Gott, how could I have been so stupid?! Why didn't I listen to him?!" Ludwig asked.

Gilbert sat down next to him. "West? How did all this happen?" Gilbert asked.

"I…thought he was cheating on me und I broke up with him. He tried to tell me, but I wouldn't listen." Ludwig said.

"Well, was he?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig shook his head. "Nein…he wasn't. But by the time I figured it out, it was too late. After I found Feliciano, he had already been warped." Ludwig said.

Gilbert rested a hand on Ludwig's shoulder.

"Well, just be happy you found him in time." Gilbert said, trying to comfort Ludwig.

"We struggled for the gun und it went off. That's how the holes got there. I'm just glad neither of us were hurt." Ludwig said.

Gilbert squeezed Ludwig's shoulder. "Me too." Gilbert said.

Ludwig heaved a shaky sigh.

"Gottverdammt, why didn't I listen?! He looked so confused and hurt and I didn't care! Why? Why? Why?!" Ludwig asked, clutching his hair.

"Because you were mad, West." Gilbert supplied. "You never listen when you're mad. I know that from experience."

"Ja, but…I should have at least tried!" Ludwig said.

Gilbert pulled Ludwig into an embrace. "Well, just be happy." Gilbert said.

"What do you mean?" Ludwig asked.

"Be happy that you have another chance to try. Now, you know what to do. Und if that meant having Feliciano almost die, then so be it. At least you know what to do from now on." Gilbert said.

"Ja…" Ludwig said, before falling silent.

Gilbert then let go of Ludwig. "Well, I gotta go. That hole's not gonna fix itself." Gilbert said, getting up.

"Thanks Gilbert." Ludwig said.

"Hey, no problem. Anything for you, West." Gilbert said. "I'll be back tomorrow and fix the holes."

"Alright." Ludwig said.

And with that, they headed downstairs and to the front door.

Ludwig opened the front door and Gilbert walked outside.

Feliciano then came up behind Ludwig. "Wait, Gilby, why are you leaving so soon? You weren't here for that long! Why don't you stay for dinner?" Feliciano asked. "Luddy, we can have him for dinner, can't we?"

Gilbert gave Ludwig a sly smile that made him blush.

Ludwig narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

"Sorry, Feliciano, but as much as I would like to, I gotta go. Just have dinner with Luddy. You'll be fine!" Gilbert said, mocking Ludwig.

Ludwig blushed in embarrassment and gave Gilbert a look that said, 'will you please shut up already?!'

Laughing, Gilbert turned on his heel and walked down the steps.

Ludwig growled, annoyed and closed the door.

"Gilby's so nice, isn't he Luddy?" Feliciano asked.

"Ja, real nice." Ludwig said, rolling his eyes.

Feliciano walked back into the living room and turned back to Ludwig. "So, are you ready for dinner?" Feliciano asked, hugging Ludwig.

"Ja." Ludwig said. "I'm starving."

Ludwig held Feliciano protectively.

Gilbert was right.

Thank God he had another chance.

Now that he did, he promised that he'd never let anything happen to Feliciano again.

Gilbert came the next day and fixed the holes, all the while teasing Ludwig every time Feliciano called either of them "Luddy" or "Gilby".

"W-Will you just shut up about that?!" Ludwig asked, face red.

Gilbert laughed. "I'm sorry, West, but I just can't! I never imagined you'd be one for pet names!" Gilbert said.

"Well, what about you?! Yours isn't much better than mine!" Ludwig yelled.

Gilbert just shrugged it off. "Eh, he made it up! I have no control over that. Plus, it doesn't bother me when people call attention to it. You, on the other hand…" Gilbert trailed off, going into another laughing fit.

Ludwig growled, face burning from embarrassment.

When Gilbert was finally done, teasing Ludwig among other things, he began gathering up his equipment.

"Thanks, Gilbert. How much do I owe you?" Ludwig asked.

"Oh, nein, don't worry about it. This one's free of charge. It was my pleasure, West." Gilbert said holding up a hand.

"But how can I repay you? I need to repay you somehow after all you've done." Ludwig said.

"Fine, you wanna know how you can pay me back?" Gilbert asked.

Ludwig nodded.

"The payback, West, is that you take better care of Feliciano." Gilbert said, looking directly at Ludwig. "You almost lost him once, so you better be careful not to fuck up this time. Can you do that?"

"Ja…I can. I promise." Ludwig said.

"Good." Gilbert said, smiling. "Now, I'll see you later. Und be more responsible."

"Ja…goodbye." Ludwig said. "Und thank you so much."

"No problem. Take care of Feliciano and yourself…Luddy." Gilbert said, before laughing loudly. "Man, that never gets old!"

Ludwig's hands balled into fists.

He slammed the front door, annoyed and walked back into the living room.

Feliciano fell asleep while watching TV.

Ludwig sat down beside him and wrapped his arm around him, waking him up.

"Luddy? Did Gilby leave?" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig blushed. "J-Ja. He left." Ludwig said.

"Oh." Feliciano said, simply before laying his head back on Ludwig's shoulder.

That night when it was time to go to bed, Ludwig led Feliciano up to the bedroom.

And like before, Feliciano stopped in his tracks and refused to go in.

"No, Luddy, I told you I don't want to go in there again!" Feliciano cried.

"Nein, it's ok, Feliciano." Ludwig said, pulling Feliciano into a hug.

"Luddy, please." Feliciano said, softly.

"Don't worry, Feliciano. It's alright. Here, I want to show you something." Ludwig said, pulling Feliciano into the room.

Feliciano whimpered, but Ludwig put his hands over his eyes.

"L-Luddy, wh-what's going on?" Feliciano asked.

"Just wait." Ludwig said, leading Feliciano to the fixed wall.

When they were in front of it, Ludwig took his hands away.

Feliciano looked at the wall, confused. "Luddy? I don't get it. What are we looking at?" Feliciano asked.

"Notice anything different?" Ludwig asked.

Feliciano scanned the wall. "No?" Feliciano asked, confused.

"Are you sure?" Ludwig asked.

Feliciano continued looking at the wall.

Then his eyes widened. "The hole. I-It's gone!" Feliciano said.

"Ja." Ludwig said, hugging Feliciano from behind.

Feliciano turned around. "Y-You fixed it?" Feliciano asked.

"Ja." Ludwig said, smiling.

"So, is that why Gilby came over here?" Feliciano asked.

"Ja, I called him over so that he could fix it. I know how much it bothered you seeing the hole, so I had it fixed." Ludwig said.

Feliciano wrapped his arms around Ludwig's neck. "Oh, Luddy, thank you so much!" Feliciano said. "I can't believe you went through all this trouble just for me!"

Ludwig held Feliciano tighter. "Well, I just couldn't see you like that anymore. It was my fault all this happened in the first place. So, I had to do something." Ludwig said.

"Oh, Luddy, I love you." Feliciano said.

Ludwig paused and then swallowed. "I love you too." Ludwig said, trying to keep his composure.

Feliciano then pulled back and kissed Ludwig on the lips.

Ludwig leaned down a bit so that Feliciano wouldn't be on the tips of his toes.

After they pulled away from each other, they began getting ready for bed.

When they got into bed, Ludwig wrapped an arm around Feliciano and pulled him close.

He gave him a kiss on the forehead before they both fell asleep.

They slept like that, Feliciano in Ludwig's arms, for the rest of the night.

Yep, just like old times.

In the morning, Feliciano woke up.

He saw Ludwig still asleep.

He kissed him on the forehead and snuck out of bed.

He went downstairs and began making breakfast.

A short while later, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him and he yelped in surprise.

"You should have woken me up." Ludwig said into Feliciano's ear.

"Oh! Luddy, I didn't hear you come in. I'm sorry. I just couldn't wake you up. You looked so tired." Feliciano said.

Ludwig kissed Feliciano on the cheek and then the neck.

"It's ok. I needed the extra sleep anyways." Ludwig said.

Feliciano giggled. "I hope you're hungry." Feliciano said, turning off the fire from underneath a skillet.

"Very." Ludwig said.

"Good, because I made a little too much." Feliciano admitted.

Ludwig chuckled. "You do that all the time. You're going to make me fat with the way you're cooking." Ludwig said.

"That doesn't stop you from eating." Feliciano said back.

"I suppose it doesn't." Ludwig said.

They sat down and ate together in peace.

Ludwig looked up at Feliciano who was eating with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Feliciano?" Ludwig called out.

"Yes, Luddy? What do you want? Do you need something?" Feliciano asked.

"Nein." Ludwig said.

"Then what?" Feliciano asked.

"Let's do something. Let's go out today." Ludwig said.

"Go out? And do what?" Feliciano asked.

"You know…like a…date." Ludwig said, blushing. "I still want to make it up to you after…well, you know."

Feliciano giggled. "Luddy, you're so cute when you blush like that!" Feliciano said.

Ludwig blushed even more. "S-So? Wh-What do you say?" Ludwig asked, looking away.

Feliciano smiled. "Ok. But you have to buy me whatever I want." Feliciano said.

Ludwig looked back at Feliciano. "A-Alright." Ludwig said.

Feliciano giggled. "Alright. It's a date!" Feliciano said.

"Ja. A date." Ludwig said.

Feliciano smiled and nodded.

Ludwig sighed in relief and resumed eating.

After they got done eating, they got ready to go out on their date.

As they walked outside, Ludwig vowed to make this the best date they've ever been on and to take better care of Feliciano from now on.

When they were on their date, Ludwig remembered what Lovino told him.

"F-Feliciano?" Ludwig called out.

"Yes, Luddy?" Feliciano asked.

Ludwig paused for a minute, not sure if he should tell Feliciano or not.

But deciding that it would be better to, Ludwig spoke up.

"Luddy? What's wrong?" Feliciano asked.

"I-I need to tell you something." Ludwig said.

"Where are you taking me, you bastard?" Lovino yelled.

"Relax, Lovi, it's just a little farther." Antonio called back.

"But, we've been walking forever!" Lovino yelled.

Antonio laughed. "We're almost there, Lovi." Antonio said.

Lovino growled in agitation.

Antonio had told him that he had a surprise for him.

But all he felt right now were his legs on fire.

Damn Antonio.

And as they walked, Lovino began to notice his surroundings.

They were starting to become familiar.

There were now trees beginning to surround them


Were they going to their spot?

Lovino looked around again.

They were walking through the forest.

Yeah, they were.

But that's weird.

Lovino had never taken this route to their spot before.

"Toni? Where are we going?" Lovino asked.

"Just wait, Lovi. You'll see soon enough." Antonio sang back.

"Dammit, you asshole why don't you just tell me?!" Lovino asked.

"Because it's a surprise, Lovi!" Antonio said.

Lovino just groaned as Antonio pulled him along by the arm.

They walked through the forest before they saw a clearing up ahead.

As they got closer, Lovino saw that they were going to their spot.

He knew it!

But what was the surprise that Antonio was talking about.

He'd just have to wait and see.

A few minutes later, they came out into the clearing.

Lovino looked around and didn't see anything.

"Ok, so where's the surprise, you bastard? Or did you just lead me here for nothing?" Lovino asked.

"Not nothing, Lovi. Look." Antonio said, motioning to something.

Lovino looked to where Antonio was pointing and he saw something lying on the ground.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what it was.

As he studied it, he saw that it was a picnic blanket.

He also saw something lying on top of it.

"Come on, Lovi, let's go." Antonio said, pulling Lovino along by the arm.

When they got to the picnic blanket, Antonio sat down Lovino down and sat down across from him.

Lovino looked down at what was lying between them.

It was a guitar.

He looked up at Antonio eyebrow cocked in confusion.

Antonio was smiling back at him.

"It's a guitar." Lovino said.

"Yeah!" Antonio said, picking it up.

Lovino's eyes widened. "Y-You play the guitar?!" Lovino asked, shocked.

"Yep!" Antonio said, as he tuned the instrument.

Lovino then froze.


What was Antonio thinking?

Lovino watched as Antonio began strumming out a tune.

Lovino rolled his eyes. 'Oh, God, don't tell me he's going to play for me.' Lovino thought to himself.

Lovino watched Antonio with crossed arms and narrowed eyes.

Antonio then began to sing as he strummed the guitar:

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."

'Oh, God, don't tell me he's singing to me. Is he really doing this?' Lovino thought to himself.

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamt I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried."

Lovino's heart then started racing and he bit his lip, trying to contain himself. "I-If you think this is gonna work, y-you got another thing coming!" Lovino said.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."

Lovino then turned his head to the side and he started to tear up. "St-Stop it, Toni." Lovino said, voice breaking.

But Antonio continued singing:

"I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me to love another,
You'll regret it all one day."

"P-Please, T-Toni, st-stop it! I-I'm serious!" Lovino said, tears now flowing down his cheeks.

He wouldn't look at Antonio.

Antonio used the head of the guitar to turn Lovino's head back towards him, still strumming.

Lovino looked at Antonio with tear filled eyes and Antonio continued to sing:

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."

Lovino couldn't control the tears coming out of his eyes and he looked with shock at Antonio.

Antonio continued to sing until he finally concluded the song:

"Please don't take my sunshine away
Please don't take my sunshine away
Please don't take my sunshine away
Please don't take my sunshine away."

When Antonio was done playing, he sat the guitar down and he smiled at Lovino.

Lovino continued staring at Antonio, taken aback by the song.

"I love you, Lovi." Antonio said, happily.

And it was then that Lovino lost it.

He began sobbing, hands gripping the legs of his pants.

Antonio leaned forward and brought Lovino into an embrace.

Lovino sobbed and clutched Antonio's shirt.

Antonio stroked Lovino's head.

"Y-You st-stupid b-bastard! I-I told you to stop!" Lovino sobbed.

"I didn't want to stop, Lovi. I wanted you to know how I really felt." Antonio said, squeezing Lovino tighter.

Lovino sniffled and sobbed into Antonio's shirt.

"St-Stupid b-bastard!" Lovino sobbed.

"There, there, Lovi. Calm down." Antonio said.

Lovino sniffled.

Antonio held Lovino until he stopped crying.

Antonio then pulled away from Lovino.

He still had tears rolling down his cheeks.

He then pulled Lovino into a kiss.

Lovino wrapped his arms around Antonio's neck and kissed back.

Antonio kissed back harder and fell over on top of Lovino.

Lovino looked up at Antonio, blushing.

Antonio then leaned down and kissed Lovino again.

Lovino wrapped his arms around Antonio's neck again and let him explore his mouth.

Lovino moaned into the kiss as Antonio's tongue massaged the inside of his mouth.

They made out for a while until Antonio pulled away for some much needed air.

They sat together in short silence before Antonio spoke up.

"Alright, Lovi, let's go. I'm sure you're worried about your brother. Shall we go to your house and see if he's there?" Antonio asked, standing up.

"Ok." Lovino said, softly.

Antonio reached a hand down towards Lovino, offering to pull him up.

Lovino took it and Antonio helped him up.

Antonio gathered up the blanket and guitar.

"Ready to go, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah." Lovino said.

And with that, they began walking towards the forest.

As they were walking, Lovino looked at Antonio and blushed.

He couldn't believe that he sang to him.

He saw his hand by his side as he walked.

He held the blanket and guitar in one arm, so that meant that his other hand was free.

And so, reaching out his arm, Lovino grabbed Antonio's hand.

Antonio looked down at the sudden pressure and smiled when he saw Lovino holding his hand.

He smiled and squeezed back.

They walked hand in hand as they made their way closer and closer to the city.

When they came out of the forest, Antonio spoke up.

"Hold on, Lovi. Let me drop this stuff off at my house. Then, we can go to your house, ok?" Antonio asked.

"Alright." Lovino said.

And with that, they began walking towards Antonio's house.

As they made their way to his house, Lovino heard something.

It sounded familiar.

And then it happened.

The sound got louder as they rounded the corner.

"Oh, Feli, I love you so much!" Ludwig said.

"L-Luddy, stop it! We're in public! People are staring!" Feliciano said, blushing as he tried pushing Ludwig away.

"But I almost lost you once, I don't want to lose you again. I want you to know how much I love you!" Ludwig said, smiling.

"B-But, Luddy, you don't have to do that!" Feliciano said.

"But, I want to!" Ludwig said. "It's a way of making it up to you."

Lovino's eyes widened. "Oh no!" Lovino said, hiding behind Antonio.

"What is it, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"I-It's Feliciano!" Lovino said.

"Feliciano? Wait, you mean your brother? Oooh, where?!" Antonio asked, excitedly.

"Th-There." Lovino said, pointing.

"Huh? Whoa, Lovi, he looks just like you!" Antonio said.

Lovino scoffed. "Not that much." Lovino said.

"Yeah…his hair is lighter that yours." Antonio said.

"That's not the only difference!" Lovino said.

"Huh? Really? I can't see anymore." Antonio said, looking at Feliciano.

Lovino scoffed. "Stupid." Lovino said.

"And is that his boyfriend?" Antonio asked, looking at Ludwig.

"Yeah." Lovino said. "He's the one I told to find Feliciano."

"Wow, he sure is tall." Antonio said. "So, since there over there, should we go over and say hi?" Antonio asked.

"No!" Lovino yelled, pulling Antonio back.

"Why not, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"B-Because…I-I don't think I'm ready to face him yet. C-Can we just go to your house?" Lovino said.

"Sure, Lovi." Antonio said, understanding.

And with that, they walked down the street, careful of not being seen.

They arrived at Antonio's house.

They didn't stay for very long since Antonio only had a few things to put up.

"Ready, Lovi? Antonio asked, turning to Lovino.

"Yeah." Lovino said.

"We can take my car so we don't have to walk." Antonio said. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Lovi?"

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm ready." Lovino said.

And with that, they got into Antonio's car and set off towards Lovino's house.

On the way there, as Lovino looked out of the window, he didn't see Feliciano and Ludwig anywhere.

That must have meant that they were already at Lovino's house.

Lovino took a deep breath to steady himself.

They got closer and closer to Lovino's house.

And soon, they were in front on his house.

Antonio shut the car off and looked at Lovino.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Lovi?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah. I do. This needs to be done. If I don't, then I'll regret it for the rest of my life." Lovino said.

"Ok, Lovi. But remember, I'll be here for you." Antonio said.

"I know." Lovino said.

And with that, Lovino got out of the car and went up the stairs, Antonio following after him.

When Lovino finally got to the door, he reached out towards the door with a shaky hand.

Giving another deep breath, he twisted the knob and opened the door.

He saw Feliciano walking into the living room and he heaved a great sigh of relief.

Feliciano heard him and looked in his direction. "Oh, Lovino." Feliciano said.

"Oh, God, Feliciano!" Lovino yelled, running towards Feliciano. "Thank God, you're ok!"

Lovino ran into Feliciano and wrapped his arms around him.

Feliciano grunted as Lovino crashed into him.

"Whoa, L-Lovino, what's wrong?" Feliciano asked.

"I'm sorry Feliciano! I'm so sorry!" Lovino sobbed.

"Huh? Sorry for what?" Feliciano asked.

Lovino sniffled. "It was me! I-It was me all along! I'm the reason why you guys broke up! I was so jealous of your relationship, I sabotaged it! I wrote a note with a fake letter and hid it in your drawer! I forgot about it and when it all happened, I was so confused. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! Can you please forgive me? I'm the reason this all happened in the first place!" Lovino cried.

Feliciano paused. "I know." Feliciano said, simply.

Lovino stopped and looked up at Feliciano, tears still in his eyes. "Wh-What?" Lovino asked.

"I said I already know. Luddy told me." Feliciano said, motioning towards Ludwig.

Lovino looked over towards Ludwig.

Ludwig looked back at Lovino with an apologetic look on his face.

He then looked back at Feliciano. "Please forgive me. I'm so sorry, Feliciano." Lovino said, resting head on Feliciano's shoulder.

"No." Feliciano said. "I'm the one who should be sorry."

"What?" Lovino asked, looking at Feliciano.

"I said that I'm the one who should be sorry." Feliciano said, repeating himself.

"But why? It's my fault you guys broke up in the first place! What do you have to apologize for?" Lovino asked.

"I was the one flirting with Luddy so much. I kept doing it even though you didn't like it. If I hadn't showed off my relationship so much, you wouldn't have done all that." Feliciano said. "It's also my fault for not asking you how you felt about it. Especially, when I was planning to move in with Luddy. I was just so happy, that I didn't even bother to ask you what you thought about it. Even though you said I could, I didn't even ask for a second opinion.

"I knew that you were happy about it and I didn't want to take that from you. I did start getting second thoughts, but by the time I wanted to change my mind, you were already moving out." Lovino said.

"And it's not just that." Feliciano said, softly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lovino asked.

"It's not just that. It's more…" Feliciano said, looking down.

"What are you talking about?" Lovino asked.

"I've done that to you for so long…s-so long." Feliciano said, voice breaking.

"What do you mean?" Lovino asked.

"I've done that for as long as I can remember. Ever since we were little, I've been doing that to you. I've always done things without asking you how you felt about it! I never even bothered." Feliciano said.

"When have you done that? I don't remember." Lovino said.

Feliciano paused before speaking up. "R-Remember when we used to live with Grandpa?" Feliciano said.

Lovino nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Remember how he used to play with me? And all that time he spent with me?" Feliciano asked.

"Yeah." Lovino said.

"I noticed that he never spent as much time with you as he did me. Never played with you as much." Feliciano said.

"Yeah. I remember." Lovino said.

"He never even paid attention to you when I was around. I was his favorite. He never said so, but I could tell. It wasn't right! It wasn't right, and I never said a word about it! I was too occupied with having fun that I didn't see that it hurt you!" Feliciano said.

"Feliciano, it's ok. That was in the past." Lovino said.

"No, it's not ok! I hurt you, Lovino! I hurt you more than you ever hurt me! That note was nothing compared to years of neglect! Grandpa was supposed to love us both equally, but he favored me over you!" Feliciano yelled.

"Feliciano, that's not true." Lovino said.

"Yes it is, Lovino, and you of all people should know that! Why do you think Grandpa got me everything I wanted and got you nothing?! The only reason he got you things was because he was obligated to! And even then, I got better stuff! I hurt you without even realizing it. I don't even remember sharing with you…I bet you hated me for all those years. I would! And I wouldn't blame you." Feliciano said. "I deserved to be hurt by you."

"No, Feliciano, I didn't hate you. I mean, I was mad, but I never hated you. I was jealous of the way Grandpa treated you. I was invisible to him whenever you were around." Lovino said.

"And then there was that one day. The one day that made me regret it from then on." Feliciano said.

"What day?" Lovino asked.

"You know. Remember that day where we painted with Grandpa?" Feliciano said.

Lovino's eyes widened. "Yeah." Lovino said, looking away.

"He was just humoring us, I know, but I still wanted to paint. It looked like fun, so I wanted to try it." Feliciano said. "When we were done, I showed him mine, but yours…when you showed him yours…he didn't care. He only looked at it. He liked mine, but he didn't even look twice at yours. But I wasn't even focused on that. I just liked when Grandpa praised me."

"It's ok, Feliciano. I'm over that now." Lovino said.

"No, you're not, Lovino. I can tell you're still hurt by that. You may have gotten over that, but not what happened after that." Feliciano said. "You remember the big deal that Grandpa made about it? You know, when he brought all of his friends over just to look at my painting?"

"Yeah, I remember." Lovino said.

"And you remember when he called me his 'little da Vinci'?" Feliciano said, before giving a humorless laugh. "You know, it's funny. Back then, I didn't see anything wrong with that. He compared me to a great artist even though I had no idea what I was doing. I just splattered colors on a blank canvas. And I also remember when someone asked what your painting was. He didn't know it was yours, but he still asked what it was."

Lovino looked at Feliciano, knowing where he was going. "Feliciano." Lovino said.

"When somebody asked what your painting was, Grandpa just looked at it and said, 'Oh, that? Ah, don't worry about that. It's just Lovino's, it's no big deal.' I remember it perfectly clear. I saw the look on your face. And I didn't even comfort you. I was supposed to…but I didn't! I just shrugged it off like it was nothing! And when he told you to paint like me? I remember that too. You have every right to hate me, Lovino. Grandpa hurt you. I hurt you. And I just let it happen!" Feliciano said.

"Feliciano, stop. I know what you did, but that was then, this is now." Lovino said.

Feliciano looked at Lovino. "Yes, that may be, but that doesn't mean that your past can't follow you! You're right, what's done is done. It may be in the past, but it'll always be a part of our lives. The only thing we can do about it is own up to it." Feliciano said.

"Feliciano." Lovino said.

"You know, I also remember my toys breaking. Having Grandpa yelling at me. He yelled at me for having broken toys lying around. That was you, wasn't it? I remember when he gave your toys to me. He said he'd buy you new ones, but he never did, did he? And most of all, I remember the painting. You know, the one Grandpa had been working on? The one that got messed up? That was you too, wasn't it, Lovino?" Feliciano asked. "I know it and you know it, Lovino. But you know what? That's ok. It's ok, Lovino. I deserved it. I deserved it for hurting you like I did."

Lovino's eyes widened. "Oh, God. You mean he found out?" Lovino asked.

Feliciano smiled. "Yeah. He did. I don't blame you at all, Lovino. I'd do it too. It was my fault you were so jealous. It was my punishment. Man, he yelled at me like you wouldn't believe." Feliciano said.

"Oh, my God, I'm sorry, Feliciano." Lovino said.

"Don't apologize, Lovino. I'm the one who needs to apologize. So, I'm sorry, Lovino. I just…I just hope you forgive me. For everything I've done…" Feliciano said. "For making your life miserable, Lovino, I'm so sorry…"

Feliciano then began crying.

Lovino held Feliciano, trying to comfort him. "Wow, it turns out we both fucked each other up, huh?" Lovino asked, trying to smile.

Feliciano sniffled. "Yeah. I guess we did." Feliciano said.

Lovino held Feliciano. "It's ok, Feliciano." Lovino said.

Feliciano pulled away and wiped away his tears. "Thanks, Lovino." Feliciano said, smiling.

"Wow, we really had a lot on our chests, didn't we? It feels good to finally let it all out." Lovino said.

"Yeah. It does." Feliciano said.

Lovino then turned to Ludwig and walked over to him. "Thank you so much for saving my brother, Ludwig. I'm really grateful; thanks…I really mean it." Lovino said, smiling.

Ludwig was taken aback.

This was, of all the times that Lovino smiled at him, the most sincere smile that Lovino had ever given him.

"J-Ja. N-No problem, it was my pleasure." Ludwig said, coming out of his stupor.

"Uh, Lovino?" Feliciano called out. "Who is this?"

Lovino turned around and saw that Feliciano was looking at something.

Lovino walked back over to Feliciano and followed his gaze.

He saw that he was looking at Antonio.

Antonio was looking back with a sheepish smile on his face and waving back.

"Oh!" Lovino said, running forward and pulling Antonio further into the house. "Sorry, I forgot you were here!"

Lovino then turned back to Feliciano. "Feliciano, this is Toni-I mean…this is Antonio." Lovino said. "Antonio, this is my brother, Feliciano."

Antonio waved. "Hi." Antonio said.

"Hello." Feliciano said, smiling.

Lovino then turned to Ludwig. "Ludwig, this is Antonio. Antonio, this is Ludwig, Feliciano's boyfriend." Lovino said.

"Hello." Ludwig said, politely.

"Hi." Antonio said, smiling. "Wow, you sure are a tall guy."

Ludwig blushed. "Uh, j-ja. Th-Thanks." Ludwig said, rubbing the back of his head.

"So, Lovino, how long have you known each other?" Feliciano asked. "Is this the friend that you were always talking about?"

"Friend? I'm not his friend, I'm his bo-" Antonio said, before Lovino clapped his hand over his mouth.

"Uh, y-yeah! He's m-my friend! J-Just a friend!" Lovino said, laughing nervously.

Antonio then pulled Lovino's hand away from his mouth. "What? Friend? I'm not your friend, I'm your boyfriend, what are you talking about?" Antonio asked.

Lovino's jaw dropped.

He looked back at Feliciano and Ludwig who looked back, as shocked as Lovino.

Antonio tilted his head in confusion. "What's wrong?" Antonio asked, confused.

Feliciano was the first to speak and break the silence. "Wh-What? Lovino? You're his boyfriend?" Feliciano asked, shocked.

Antonio smiled and wrapped his arms around Lovino. "Yep! He's my Lovi, alright!" Antonio said, cheerfully.

Lovino froze in shock.

"L-Lovi?" Feliciano asked.

"Yep! And he calls me Toni!" Antonio said.

"Toni?" Ludwig asked.

"Yep!" Antonio said, happily.

Lovino came out of his frozen stupor and turned to Antonio. "Wh-What the hell did you say that for, you bastard?!" Lovino asked.

Antonio laughed. "Well, why not? They were gonna find out anyway." Antonio said.

"But, I didn't want them to find out now!" Lovino yelled.

"Eh, well, it's too late now." Antonio said.

Lovino growled.

"S-So, how did you guys meet?" Feliciano asked.

"Oh, we just happened to meet by chance! And after that, it was basically me just chasing after this guy." Antonio said. "Boy, it was really hard to woo this one, but I did it!"

Lovino's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Wow, Lovino, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. When you said 'friend', I really thought you meant friend. I didn't know you meant that kind of friend." Feliciano said, smiling.

"Oh, shut up, Feliciano!" Lovino yelled, blushing a deep red.

"Aw, Lovi, you're so cute when you blush! You look like a little tomato!" Antonio gushed.

"Shut up, bastard!" Lovino yelled.

Feliciano giggled. "Well, Antonio, it's nice to meet you!" Feliciano said, smiling.

"Ja, a real pleasure." Ludwig added in.

"And it was nice to meet you two!" Antonio said.

Lovino was still silent, face burning with embarrassment.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, did the two of you work things out? Lovi told me what was going on." Antonio said.

"Yeah, we did. We're back together now." Feliciano said, smiling at Ludwig.

"That's good!" Antonio said.

"Ja, I'm really glad." Ludwig said.

"And were you still thinking about moving in with him?" Antonio asked.

Feliciano looked at Ludwig then. "You know what, Luddy? I think I'm gonna stay with Lovino a little while longer. Just so he won't be by himself." Feliciano said.

Lovino looked up at Feliciano in shock.

He was confused.

But didn't Feliciano want to move him with Ludwig?

"Oh, I forgot to ask! Is that ok with you, Lovino?" Feliciano asked.

"Wh-What? But didn't you want to move in with Ludwig?" Lovino asked.

"No, that's ok. I know how much it hurt you when I was moving out. So, I'll stay with you so you won't be alone." Feliciano said, smiling. "Is that ok with you?"

Lovino paused for a second. "I…I-I don't know what to say." Lovino said.

Feliciano giggled. "Just say yes, Lovino! It's not that hard! I can tell you want me to stay with you anyway!" Feliciano said. "And besides, all my stuff is back here already!"

Lovino blushed slightly. "O-Ok then. Y-You can stay." Lovino said, softly.

Feliciano smiled and then turned to Ludwig. "Is that ok with you, Luddy? We won't live together, but you can still come over and visit like old times." Feliciano said.

"J-Ja, that's ok." Ludwig said. "As long as we're still together."

Feliciano smiled and turn to Antonio then. "And you too! We can all eat together! And it'll be fun!" Feliciano said, happily.

"Yeah, I can get used to that! It beats eating alone any day! Plus, I can be with my Lovi that way!" Antonio said.

"D-Don't call me that!" Lovino yelled, blushing.

"Aww, Lovi, you're so cute!" Antonio said, rubbing Lovino's head.

Feliciano eyes widened then, an idea forming in his head. "Oh, I know! Why don't you stay for dinner?!" Feliciano asked, smiling at Antonio.

"Sure!" Antonio said.

"Yay!" Feliciano cheered. "To celebrate our relationships, I'll make us a big dinner! The more the merrier!"

Feliciano then ambled off to the kitchen, getting ready to make dinner.

"Well, Lovi. Looks like it all worked out, huh? See, now the both of you can be happy! That's better than one or the other, right?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah. I guess it is." Lovino said, smiling. "I'm gonna go help Feliciano."

"Ok, Lovi." Antonio said as he watched Lovino walk off into the kitchen.

"We sure know how to pick them, don't we?" Ludwig asked.

Antonio laughed. "Sure do!" Antonio said, smiling. "It does keep our lives interesting."

"Ja…that it does." Ludwig said, thoughtfully.

And with that, they walked into the kitchen as well.

Feliciano smiled as Antonio and Ludwig walked into the kitchen.

"So, you're the one that taught Lovino to put tomatoes in pasta?" Feliciano asked.

"Yep, sure did!" Antonio said, beaming.

"Well, it's really good!" Feliciano said.

"Ja, it is. I've never had anything like it." Ludwig said.

"Well, stick with me and you'll have some of the best food you'll ever have!" Antonio said.

"Ok, bastard, you can stop bragging about it." Lovino said.

"What? I'm just saying that I know good food." Antonio said.

Lovino rolled his eyes and began searching for something to cook with.

"Good. I want to learn how to cook more types of food." Feliciano said.

"I'd be happy to teach you." Antonio said, smiling.

Lovino looked at Antonio, eyes narrowed.

"A-And Lovi too, of course!" Antonio said, nervously.

Lovino huffed and returned to his task.

When everything was all sat out they began preparing the food.

As they all cooked together, Lovino couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness.

They were all talking and laughing with each other.

This was something he could get used to.

Them all eating together and going out occasionally.

He couldn't believe that such a long time ago, he had been miserable.

He was living a happier life now and all the bad things that happened before seemed like just a bad dream.

He preferred this life much much more than the sad and depressing life he had once lived.

He even liked Ludwig now and his relationship with Feliciano didn't bother him anymore.

He could even consider him a friend now.

Instead of an enemy.

He had saved his brother's life, after all.

Lovino figured that after that, his previous hatred towards Ludwig was unnecessary.

And eventually, Lovino found himself acting more amicable toward Ludwig.

They were almost like a big family, the way they got along.

Feliciano was right indeed.

The more the merrier.

And indeed it was merrier with all of them under one roof.

They could finally both be happy.

Lovino couldn't believe that he had been the one who had been standing in the way of both of their happiness.

But he didn't have to worry about that anymore.

He didn't have any more fits of jealous rage.

And he wasn't jealous of Feliciano's loving relationship with Ludwig anymore.

He now had his own loving relationship.

With Antonio.

The one who he had saved twice.

The one who had saved him from the depressing haze that was once his life.

Lovino loved Antonio.

Antonio loved Lovino.

Feliciano loved Ludwig.

Ludwig loved Feliciano.

And if brushes with death was what it took to make them realize that, then so be it.

After all, peace and love was better than hateful jealousy.

Sorry, if I made any mistakes with the German I used. I hope I didn't make any grammatical errors. I sprinkled some German words in, but I don't think I made any mistakes. But if I did, let me know and I'll fix it. And I hope you all got the reference I made. Sorry if I offended anyone, but even you have to admit that it was stupid! The ending may not be perfect and I was debating on how to end it but I think it's an alright ending. So sorry if it disappoints anyone. But believe it or not, this was actually better than the ending I had planned to give it. But, all in all, I think this is a good ending. Not too bad and not necessarily perfect, but good.

P.S. And also, roseprincess546, I told you I could see that song in my story. It was just a matter of deciding where to put it. I think it fit quite nicely. Again, thank you all for reading my story and reviewing it. You gave me hope that my next stories will be worth reading too. And like I always say, read and review. And look forward to the next story! =).