A/N: Just a short story about Fiona and Imogen because I'm obsessed with them. It'll be two, maybe three, chapters long.

Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi, nor do I own the song Next to Me by Civil Twilight.

Enjoy! :)

You are my only escape. You are the reason that I wait.

On the corner of this empty street; oh I just can't wait to meet.

Sad and somber Fiona Coyne, the delicate princess with the keen ability to push people away, is awoken by a ringing sound at 12:37a.m. She checks her phone lazily, and then jumps from her bed when she realizes that Imogen is calling her.

Imogen is the one of the people that Fiona does not push away. Fiona cares about Imogen, in the way that she shouldn't. Imogen gives her butterflies, she makes Fiona so nervous. Fiona knows that she would give away her favorite outfit for Imogen if she had to, and that's a lot coming from Fiona Coyne.

"Oh I've got to get over this stupid crush already!" she exclaims nervously as she picks her up phone, all the while aware that she is not going to get over her crush anytime soon.


"F-Fiona, hi!" Imogen's voice was unstable, and the second Fiona realized this she sits up in her bed worried.

"Imogen, what's wrong?"

"Listen, do you think you can meet me at the corner of your block…w-where the nail spa is, in 15 minutes?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there."

"Thank you Fiona, I'll explain then." Imogen hangs up.

Fiona does not waste any time getting ready and ends up at the corner seven minutes before Imogen shows up.

"Fiona!" Imogen is walking up to her slowly dragging a suitcase with her, Fiona notices that her eyes are swollen.

"Imogen what's wrong? What happened?" she rushes over to hug the beautiful belle.

Imogen collapses in her arms and whispers, "My dad came home drunk and called me…names. And my mom said I deserved it."

"No, no Imogen you didn't deserve it." Fiona rubs her hands around Imogen's back comfortingly. She starts to get angry.

"I-I ran away. And I need somewhere to spend the night- just for tonight please I prom-."

"You can stay with me for as long as you'd like."

Imogen looks up at her still hugging her and says "You're the best person do you know that?"

Fiona blushes quickly. "I- I know." She giggles, attempting to sound casual.

Imogen smiles solemnly and lets her go to pick up her suitcase.

Fiona takes it from her "Here let me. You look tired, and weak."

"You make this world a better place." Imogen hugs her once more before walking, Fiona's insides go warm. "I'll find a place tomorrow, I swear."

"No! I want you to stay with me for as long as you need to. I don't want you staying somewhere unsafe."

"But that's too-"

"It's not too much to ask. Imogen, I want you to stay."

Tears start to form in Imogen's eyes. "Thank you. I don't know where I would be without you."

Fiona blushes and looks at the sidewalk, they arrive at her condo.

"Oh Imogen." Fiona starts to get visibly upset as she unlocks her door. "Ugh! I just want to punch your parents...no offense."

"None taken. I'm uh, actually flattered." Imogen turns to face her with a shy smile as she holds the door open.

Fiona's insides go hot again and she walks in hastily. She paces towards her bedroom and sets Imogen's suitcase on her bed.

Then she comes back to find Imogen standing near the door awkwardly.

"Welcome to Casa Coyne!" She says hospitably. "Make yourself at home."

She makes her way towards the kitchen. "Please don't feel uncomfortable Imogen…Apple Cider?"

Imogen starts to approach her timidly at first, but eventually becomes relaxed.
"Yes please."

"Awesome, and mama Coyne brought some French macaroons over too. I know it's not the most ideal combination but- "

"No Fiona, it sounds great! It'll be our own little special midnight snack."

Fiona has to pause and catch her breath. Goodness this angel is going to be the death of me! She is so caught up in her infatuation that she flinches slightly when she feels Imogen's chin press gently upon her shoulder.

"That looks delicious." whispers Imogen, her warm breath tickling Fiona's starving skin.

Fiona worries she might fall, her knees are so weak. She clenches her jaw trying to control herself.

"Say, are you sleepy?" asks Imogen.

"Not at all." There's no way I'm going to sleep knowing you're here.

"Good, I'm going to go slip into my pajamas so we can have a movie night until we fall asleep."

"Girl's night in!" said Fiona with a nervous giggle, the very thought of spending the night watching movies with Imogen makes her head spin.

"Ooh, I've always wanted one of those!" Imogen skips into Fiona's room and closes the door.

Fiona stares at her teasing walls hungrily. She can make out Imogen's silhouette, her shirt climbing up her arms, her pants sliding down her legs, her curves so suggestive... She looks away feeling like a creep.

Instead she makes sure the couches are comfortable and finishes setting up the macaroons. She can't think straight because this feels almost like a date.

"So what movies are on right now?"

"I'm not sure, I think that-" Fiona looks over at Imogen and loses control over her voice.

Imogen is wearing a tight tank top and black shorts that intensify her curves and show off her silky skin.

"Everything okay?" Imogen approaches her.

"I uh- yeah everything's fine. I just, forgot something in my room."

She takes a step forward, and her vertigo causes her to lose her balance. She almost clashes into Imogen who grabs Fiona by the shoulders in an attempt to catch her. Fiona's knees feel weak; she can't handle being so close to Imogen, their faces, their breaths, their lips so tips of Fiona's fingers tremble as they resist the urge to brush softly down Imogen's arms.

"Easy there, I don't want anything bad happening to you." says Imogen.

Her teeth clatter and she becomes so overwhelmed that she wants to cry.

"Yeah, I'm going to get blankets." Her voice is airy, her breathing uneven. She hurries away.
She stays in her room leaning against the wall, hyperventilating. Calm down, you need to control yourself, calm the fuck down Fiona.

When she comes back Imogen is lying on the couch with a cup on her hand, she smiles when she sees Fiona and pats the spot next to her on the couch. "Come here, let's cuddle." She laughs.

Oh you're not going to make this easy on me are you?

Fiona takes a deep breath and approaches the couch slowly, "I brought blankets."

They settle down and Imogen leans on her shoulder, "Thanks for letting me stay." She whispers. "I love you."

Fiona jumps from her spot and starts to walk away.

Imogen gets up confused, "Where are you going?"

"Um, I forgot my... my favorite pillow."

"I'll get it for you, I'll bring all of them." Imogen rushes to her room.

Fiona stands in the middle of the living room breathing heavily. The tips of her fingers are tingling, tears are forming on the corners of her eyes.

Without thinking about it she rushes to the kitchen and takes out a bottle of wine and a dark water bottle from the fridge.

"Hey, can you look for my phone it's somewhere in my dresser." She calls in order to stall Imogen.

"Okie dokie!"

"Thanks!" she mumbles, feeling guilty when she spots her phone on the kitchen counter.

She quickly fills her water bottle with the cold tempting wine, her throat swallows subconsciously in anticipation.

She takes a long sip and quickly refills. She puts away the wine bottle when she hears Imogen, but she clings on to the water bottle tightly.

"I couldn't find your phone Fiona."

"That's okay. Oooh, there it is on my kitchen counter." She giggles. "Silly me!"

She moves towards Imogen unevenly, all the while drinking from her water bottle.

"Um, you don't want your apple cider?" she asks eyeing Fiona's water bottle.

"Oh, there it is!" Fiona squeals pointing at the cup of apple cider by the couch, "I thought I lost it Imogen. So I got more in this thing!" She holds up the bottle lazily. "To apple cider!" she stammers.

Imogen shrugs "So," she extends the word awkwardly, "What movie are we going to watch?"

"Movie? No movie!" Fiona says drowsily, "Let's talk!"

She takes more sips.

"Okay let's talk." Imogen's eyes narrow, she sits on the couch and faces Fiona.

Fiona takes a long sip and empties the bottle.

"Drat I'm out!" she puts her hand over her lips laughing.

"So what do you want to talk about?" asks Imogen slowly.

"Imogen." Fiona grabs Imogen's cheeks gently and lets them fall smoothly down her chin. "I'm so sorry!"

There's so much that I can do. There's so much that I can say.

See I have done so many things wrong. That you should have thrown me away.

So chyeah, the opening and closing lines are lyrics from the song Next to Me, by the band Civil Twilight. Amazing song.

Leave a lovely review telling me what you think about it so far! Thank you for reading, and if you like this subscribe!