Chapter One

Grell shivered, still pulling hopelessly at the rough, scratchy rope that bound his wrists together.

'Trying to undo rope from behind you with leather gloves isn't easy,' Grell thought bitterly, rolling his eyes behind the silky blindfold that kept him from seeing his captor.

"So, my little red reaper has woken up?" The voice of his captor asked icily. Grell shifted uneasily and scootched as far back on the ground as he could until his back met the wall.

"Silent treatment, hm?" He chuckled. Had Grell been able to see the one who was holding him prisoner, he wouldn't have been so afraid, but being blind, he had absolutely no idea who or what he was up against, and had no idea where he was. All he knew was he was it was damn cold wherever he was being held and that he wasn't getting out of these ropes any time soon.

"Just please, don't hurt me…"

"Well, I'm certainly not going to hurt you anymore than I need to," Those words sent a tremor down Grell's spine.

'…anymore than I need to... What the hell does that mean?' Grell thought in panic.

'Please, just let someone know I'm gone and come find me.' Grell prayed, hoping that someone, anyone, would come to his rescue.

"Sebastian!" The shout of his young master made the butler look up from the pastry he was just finishing with swiping a slight amount of sweet icing across the top. Sebastian knew patience wasn't one of the Earl's strong points so he quickly grabbed the plate and started at a brisk walk down the hall to his master's study.

"Come in," Ciel called, knowing his butler was there without Sebastian even having to knock.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian stepped inside the door and bowed. He then set the small, beautifully decorated little cake on Ciel's desk.

"Good," Ciel said simply as he bit into it, spilling some icing sugar across his papers and Sebastian wiped it up.

"Well, I'm surprised that… thing hasn't paid us a visit yet. He usually stops by every day." Ciel commented, meaning Grell. Sebastian nodded, Ciel was right, it had been almost a week since Grell's past visit, and as much as he disliked the shinigami, he had to admit he was a little suspicious something had happened. Maybe even worried? Sebastian shook his head, he was glad the reaper had been 'missing' for the past while.

'The most annoying being that could ever live…' He though in disgust as Ciel dismissed him. But that was only the beginning of his thoughts towards the reaper.

"Still not talking?" Grell held back a growl as his chin was tilted upwards. The man was so close to him he could feel and smell his breath, wreaking of cigarettes and alcohol. The hand then loosened it's grip and he yanked away,

"Stay away from me you creep!" He shouted, kicking his legs out and smirking slightly in success when he heard a yelp of pain and his foot connected with someone. BBut his victory was short lived as he let out a shaky gasp of pain when a sharp slap drew him back to his senses. Unsure what to do, Grell slumped against the wall, suddenly exhausted, he barely had any sleep in this place, too uncomfortable and cold to even think of trying to sleep. The only thing that kept him in spirits and entertained him throughout the long days was fantasizing about his beloved demon… Grell sighed and even let a smile grace his lips as he thought about if Sebastian came to his rescue, but he then laughed at himself quietly. He knew all too well Sebastian would never even think about saving him… The demon was too busy caring for his precious master. Grell shifted again, trying his best to get comfortable on the hard floor, before trying to replay the memories of what had happened before he was kidnapped, trying to remember his captor's face. But his mind was blank.

'Why… why me?'