a/n: Hello guys! This story is merely something I was playing around with...I have no clue if people will like it or not. If I get some good feedback then I'll add more chapters and stuff, but I may as well see what people will think of it first. To be honest its actually sort of fun to write. I guess you'll just have to read it and give it a chance. Happy Reading!

"Arthur wake up! Breakfasts been ready for ten minutes!"

Arthur opened his eyes with a groan. Who the hell was yelling at him, in his own house nonetheless? For some reason he didn't recall allowing anybody into his home last night. After laying still for a moment Arthur realized that it was Alfred who had called to him.

'Wait a minute, shouldn't Alfred be at his own house?' Arthur thought to himself. Just the other day the git was complaining about having a meeting with his President. Oh, of course! Alfred must be hiding here to avoid working. How predictable...

Scowling, he opened his eyes all the way. As soon as he did, he knew that something was wrong. Very wrong.

This wasn't his room.

"What the bloody hell?" He shouted, sitting up. Instead of white, the walls of this room were painted a light blue. It was a smaller than his actual room, and quite messy. There was a desk with a laptop sitting on it, a dresser with pictures, and a guitar propped in the corner of the room. The walls were also covered with Harry Potter posters, and pictures of punk bands.

He stood abruptly, wondering why the hell he was in a random house, and why America had just called his name. This was most certainly NOT Alfred's house. Had he been drinking again? No, that didn't make any sense. Whenever he drank enough to wake up in a random place his head was usually pounding with hangover. Now he felt just fine.

Arthur walked over towards the dresser, looking straight at the mirror rather than any of the pictures. As soon as he saw his reflection he gasped. Staring back at him was a person with the same forest green eyes and messy straw colored hair. There was one major problem though. He didn't look like his usual 23 year old self. No, he looked more like a young teen around thirteen or fourteen. He was shorter, and also wore pajama pants and a shirt that was a little large.

What the hell was going on? Was he dreaming? Yes, this had to be a dream. Some crazy dream from the result of not enough sleep lately. That had to be it.

"Arthur, you better be awake!" Alfred's voice called again. Alfred. He would be the answer to this crazy dream. Yes, the American would be able to explain everything. He reached out into the unfamiliar hallway and went down the stairs, towards the sound of where Alfred had been calling him from.

When he was downstairs he turned into the room that had to be the kitchen, due to the fact that the stove and fridge were in there along with a small table that fit four chairs under it. On the table was a pile of waffles and sausages. Seated at the table was no other than Alfred. There was only one weird problem.

Alfred looked a little more mature/older than his regular 19 year old appearance. He looked to be in his mid twenties, dressed in a suit.

"What the...Alfred, you better explain this to me right now!" Arthur shouted angrily.

"Explain..? Oh c'mon Artie, I know you don't like sausage that much but you could at least try to eat some. And what's with calling me Alfred?" The American asked as he scooped some food onto a plate.

"What else would I call you? And you know what I'm talking about!" Arthur snapped. Gosh darn it this was confusing!

"Arthur are you okay?" Alfred asked, a look of concern crossing over his face. "Your not getting sick are you?"

Alfred tried placing a hand over Arthur's forehead only to have his hand slapped away.

"Why the bloody hell do I look this young? And where are we? Am I dreaming or is this just some cruel joke?" Arthur asked. Of course it couldn't be a joke, as nothing could possibly cause him to revert to a teenager...or make Alfred look older.

"Okay maybe you shouldn't go to school today." Alfred told him. "There's this bug going around...I think you've caught it. I'll just call the school after breakfast."

"School?" Arthur shouted. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I hope I don't hear who I think I do swearing" Another voice said cheerfully from the doorway. Both Alfred and Arthur turned. Standing in the doorway was no other than Ivan Braginski. This caused two different reactions. Alfred smiled, and Arthur screamed.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here?" Arthur shouted. Okay that was enough. This dream had crossed the line, and he needed to wake up immediately!

"Hey Ivan, I just made breakfast!" Alfred said, happily walking over. Then to Arthur's horror, Alfred kissed Ivan on the cheek. Alfred. Kissed. Ivan.

"This is nuts! This is seriously fucked up! What have I gotten myself into? Damn me and my dreams!" Arthur said, gripping his hair and squeezing his eyes shut. Maybe if he did this for a few seconds then he would wake up.

"Arthur's sick" Alfred announced to Ivan. "I'm keeping him home today. I'll stay home too...he's been acting all weird and confused so I don't think it's bright to leave him all alone."

"Sick?" Ivan asked, walking over to Arthur. The large Russian man, who also looked as old as Alfred did, placed a huge hand on Arthur's forehead just as Alfred had earlier. The teen sized Brit shrunk back, too afraid of what Ivan would do if he tried hit him.

"Da, he does feel a little warm." Ivan said. "I'll call your boss and tell him that you're not coming into work."

"Thanks Ivan" Alfred said with a grin. "It's about time I took a day off anyway, so nows as good as any day."

"You two are both fucked up!" Arthur yelled out in rage. "Seriously Alfred...your with Ivan?

"Arthur, that is no way to talk to your parents." Ivan said sternly. "What have your Dad and I told you about disrespect?"

"Yeah Arthur, listen to your Father." Alfred added.

Arthur gulped, just about on the verge of passing out from shock.


What the hell was going on?


"That's it...stay the bloody hell away from me!" Arthur screamed, grabbing the closest object that was near him which happened to be a broom. He held it like a sword, glaring dangerously at the two other people in the room.

"Oh god Ivan, Artie's gone insane!" Alfred cried. "What are we going to do? I thought we were doing a good job raising him. What have we done?"

"Do not worry my sunflower, I'm sure it's nothing serious." Ivan said. He walked over to where Arthur was and the teen shakily swung his broom/weapon at the large Russian. Instead of being hit, Ivan grabbed the broom and easily pulled it out of Arthur's grasp.

"Now little Arthur, calm down. I want you to sit down at the table and eat. Do you understand me?" Ivan asked calmly, but his voice was stern, which scared Arthur quite a bit. Not being able to do anything else, Arthur nodded and numbly sat down, allowing Alfred to fill a plate up with two large waffles and pass them to him. He ate slowly, almost in a trance as he did so. The shock of this weird situation was beginning to settle in.

"Arthur, have you finally settled down? We don't need to take you to a doctor right?" Alfred asked.

Arthur nodded, breaking from his trance like state.

"Please though...just explain to me." He pleaded. "Tell me something...who exactly am I?"

"Arthur, what the heck are you getting at?" Alfred asked. "To Ivan and I, you are our son. Heck I don't care if we adopted you, no matter what your always going to be our boy, understand? Is that what's bothering you?"

"What? You adopted me?" Arthur asked in surprise after swallowing his bite of waffles.

"Okay seriously, somethings wrong." Alfred said to Ivan in panic before turning back to Alfred. "What were you doing yesterday bud? Were you playing soccer again? Did you get any head injuries?"

"Just answer me!" Arthur demanded. "You guys adopted me?"

"Da, of course we did." Ivan spoke up. "Just eight years ago, when you were six. Your right Alfred, we should take him to the doctor."

"You go ahead to work Ivan, I'll take him." Alfred said reassuringly.

"Alright" Ivan agreed. "Promise to call me when you hear what the doctor had to say?"

"Of course" Alfred agreed with a smile. "Now get your butt off to work, I'll take care of Artie."

"Nothings wrong with me, it's you guys who are the messed up ones!" Arthur spat. "And I refuse to see any bloody doctor."

"Alright, I'd best be going then." Ivan said, completely ignoring Arthur's words. "Be good for your dad little Arthur."

When Ivan had walked out of the house Arthur quickly stood, seizing Alfred's arm .

"Come on Alfred, nows our chance to escape!" He said, pulling Alfred towards the door. Much to Arthur's surprise, Alfred stood as still as a boulder.

"Come on Arthur, we're taking you to the doctor." He said, promptly taking Arthur by the arm instead and leading him out to the garage, where a car was parked.

"B-but Alfred!" Arthur spluttered. " What the hell...we need to get things back to normal!"

"Look Arthur, something is seriously wrong with you right now. Either you bumped your head too hard or you're sick. Either way we need to hurry before this gets out of control."

Arthur sat still in his seat beside Alfred, completely at a loss for words. He really needed to get things straightened out soon. There was no way he could bear with Alfred and Ivan acting first as his parents and secondly as a married gay couple.

They soon arrived at the doctor's office. Alfred pulled Arthur over to a couple of chairs in the waiting room. Luckily it didn't take too long since the place wasn't particularly crowded today. A man in a white coat came out, Dr. Jacobi was his name, and called out that it was Arthur's turn.

Arthur had never liked the doctors, not even in his actual country form. His Prime Minister always made him and his other UK brothers go for physicals every six months, despite their claim that countries didn't have to worry about sickness.

"So, what seems to be the problem today?" Dr. Jacobi asked, motioning Arthur to sit down on the table.

"He's acting crazy" Alfred told the doctor from his place in a chair next to the door. "This morning he freaked out as if he didn't even know us. Then he didn't even know that we adopted him...he's just not himself."

"Hmmm...I see" Dr. Jacobi said, gently feeling the lymph nodes on Arthur's neck before checking his ears and shining an annoying light into his eyes. "How about you explain a little bit to us Arthur. What do you know about yourself?"

"Well for one I am not a teenager. I'm 23 years old physically...I'm also supposed to be in England with my Prime minister and my brothers to get ready for the next meeting. Alfred and Ivan are not supposed to be married, and for some reason I just woke up and all of these things occurred." Arthur said all in one breath.

"Hmm" Dr. Jacobi's eyes furrowed even more as he laid his stethoscope on to Arthur's chest, instructing him to take a few deep breaths. "Tell me what happened when you woke up this morning."

"I woke up in a strange bedroom, and Alfred starts calling me down to eat. i didn't even know the git knew how to cook anything other than hamburgers! Then Ivan walks in and the two of them..." Arthur shuddered. "The two of them started snogging!"

"What do you think is wrong with him doc?" Alfred asked once the Doctor had finished examining Arthur. "Is it anything serious?"

"Physically, Arthur is fine" The doctor said. "However, he seems to have a serious case of memory loss. It doesn't seem to be affecting or harming his life majorly, but if he does anything to harm himself or others then I want you to call this number. It's a psychologist."

With that the doctor passed a small paper to Alfred. "Keep him home for now, and make sure he's kept calm and quiet. Hopefully this is just a temporary thing so his memory might come back. Be patient with him, and explain anything that he wants to know to make him feel more comfortable."

"Okay, thanks doc!" Alfred said, happy that nothing was putting Arthur's life at stake. "Come on Artie, let's get you home."

Arthur was pissed that nobody believed him, but at least now he would be able to get information out of Alfred and Ivan and they would actually answer him! In the car Alfred called Ivan, telling him all about the doctors visit and what had happened. When he hung up Arthur decided to ask some more questions.

"So...how come you guys adopted me?" He asked.

"Well when you were five you were taken away from your older brothers, who were taking care of you after your parent's deaths. Ivan and I really wanted to adopt a kid so we could have a family and luckily we met you. You were really quiet at first, unless you were talking to your imaginary friends." Alfred said, laughing at the memory.

"All of this isn't real." Arthur moaned. "In reality we're all countries. Alfred, your America. Then I'm supposed to be England and Ivan is Russia. None of this makes sense."

"Arthur listen to yourself, how could a person be a country? That is the thing that doesn't make sense. Plus why do you keep calling me Alfred? I'm your dad." Alfred said, clearly hurt.

"No!" Arthur argued. "I was the one who raised you. I'm supposed to be your older brother, but then you had to be an asshole and break away from me."

There was a silence.

"Umm...okay..." Alfred replied, clearly a little freaked out. "I think you need to lie down when we get back."

When they did get back, Arthur began to learn a lot more about this supposed life. Alfred took the doctors words to heart and began showing everything in the house to Arthur, from the bathroom, to where they kept the silverware. He then began showing Arthur many of the photos in the living room.

"...And this one here is your tenth birthday. We invited Uncle Mattie and his Cuban friend, along with Auntie Natalia and Auntie Katyusha. Then this one is out trip to Mexico, you were about eleven and a half I think. That was also when Ivan got stung by fire ants all over his ass."

"Er...wonderful" Arthur commented. "So when did you and...Ivan...get together?"

"Ah" Alfred sighed dreamily. "We met at a collage party, when I was nineteen and he was twenty. It was love at first site, after a long argument about communism. Then one year later we were engaged!"

Arthur turned a little green at the thought of Ivan and Alfred getting engaged. Never for real would this ever happen. He also found out a lot more about this supposed life. Ivan worked for some major business company while Alfred worked two jobs. He worked as a editor for some online site (Which was mostly done at home) and he was also the manager of Mcdonalds. Alfred's jobs he could believe, but he doubted that Ivan could ever hold a job, being so creepy and all.

He was still very overwhelmed with everything. While Alfred made them both lunch (grilled cheese and chips) Arthur explored around the house a little more, mostly in his room. He studied the pictures that were on his dresser. After examining them, his eyes widened in shock.

In the photo he looked about eleven or twelve. The person who sat next to him however, was a big shock. Kiku looked about the age that he looked now, and they were both smiling at the camera. They seemed to have been playing chess together.

"Lunch is ready"

Arthur startled, turning around to see Alfred in the doorway. It was still so weird to see the usual nineteen year old in his mid or late twenties. This was all so weird and confusing and overwhelming. It almost made him want to burst into tears. Instead of the, Arthur swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and followed Alfred downstairs to the kitchen.

"I have a question" Arthur announced midway through the slightly awkward meal.

"Shoot" Alfred said, swallowing his bite of grilled cheese.

"Well earlier I was looking in my room and I saw a picture of me and Japa- I mean Kiku. Are we friends or something?" Arthur asked.

"Of course! You two have been best buds since 7th grade. Heck, he comes over at least twice a week. He even brings video games for me to try out!" Alfred said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh" Arthur said, a little surprised. "But I don't actually go to school. Pretty soon things will be normal again."

"Arthur, you do go to school!" Alfred said, a little exasperated. "Just last week the school called and Ivan and I had to come in. You and Francis were fighting again. By the way, technically your still grounded from computer because of that."

"I go to school with France? Really?"

"Francis Bonnefoy" Alfred corrected. "I don't know why you think everybody is a country. Maybe you should go rest for a little while or something. It looks like your all finished with lunch."

"Yeah...rest" Arthur agreed, standing up from the table. He left before Alfred could say another word, quickly walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom. He laid on his bed without getting under the covers, arms under his head as he gazed up at the ceiling. He stayed this way for about an hour before he heard the front door opening.

"I'm back from work!" Ivan's voice called cheerfully. Arthur groaned. He didn't want Ivan coming back so soon. It seemed like he hadn't even been at work for that long in the first place.

"Ivan, your home early!" He heard Alfred say happily. The rest of their conversation drowned out as Arthur covered his head with his pillow. He didn't want to hear them talk because most likely they would make out or something. The mere thought of Alfred and Ivan kissing again made the teen shudder. He really hoped that the rest of the day would go by quickly. Maybe when it came time to sleep when he woke up again he would be in his normal world.

"Artie, come downstairs for a little bit!" Alfred suddenly called to him. Arthur groaned, not really wanting to deal with Ivan at the currant moment. Nevertheless, he got up and went downstairs to face the huge Russian man. When he got to the living room Ivan and Alfred were both snuggled up on the couch together. Disgusted, Arthur sat down in the chair farthest from the couch.

"So Arthur, how was your day? Did you have fun at the doctors?" Ivan finally broke the awkward silence.

"...Fine..." Arthur responded, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"You can stay home from school for a little while longer until you er, calm down a little." Alfred said. "Ivan is going to take a few days off too okay?"

Arthur's stomach lurched. He could deal with the full grown adult version of Alfred, but with Ivan it would be entirely different. "Fine" He said again, praying that he could go back upstairs soon.

"Well...we have some time until dinner. How about we all watch Tv?" Alfred suggested.

"Da that sounds good." Ivan agreed. "What do you think Arthur?"

"Fine with me" Arthur answered shortly, refusing to look Ivan in the eyes. The Russian man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, looking at Alfred.

"Don't worry, he'll warm up to you. The doctor said to give him time to get used to things again." Alfred whispered, kissing Ivan on the lips shortly. Both men noticed how Arthur cringed.

"He never used to be bothered by our relationship before."

"It's alright, the doctor said to be patient with him. We also have to make sure that he's kept calm and quiet." Alfred reassured his husband. Despite their whispering tones, Arthur could hear every word. The Tv had been turned on to some cooking show and he glared the the screen, annoyed.

After five long and antagonizing cooking show episodes, it was finally time for dinner. Arthur wasn't really in the mood to sit down at a dining table with the two lovers, so he quickly denied being hungry.

"I just feel tired. I'm not hungry, and I want to go to sleep early." He assured them.

"But tonight we're having hamburgers!" Alfred protested. "It's not healthy to skip dinner."

"I know. I'll eat a big breakfast tomorrow." Arthur promised, though secretly inside he hoped that tomorrow he wouldn't be in this mess.

"Well...alright" Alfred agreed. "But let us know if you get hungry. I'll save you a burger."

"Right" Arthur said, before quickly running up to his room once again. He looked through the drawers to his dresser until he found a normal tee shirt and shorts. After changing, he plopped down onto the mattress, this time actually closing his eyes.

The sooner he went to sleep, the sooner things would be fixed. Hopefully...

a/n: Yeah...what the hell is wrong with me for coming up with such a weird plot? Oh well...if you want me to ever update this weird story then feel free to review. I should go work on my other stories now...bye!