Chapter 8/Final: The Sun Pony's Blessing

The heroes and ponies were winding down since ousting Team Rocket from their attempt to steal Fluttershy from them. For Fluttershy, she was important to everyone from her pony friends to her human and Pokémon friends. Now, her concern was about to be on her animals back home. The ponies were still trying to get use to being humans, even Twilight who removed the tiara from her head. "Well, that was a first," she giggled. "I didn't think the Elements of Harmony would still work as humans." A remarkable feat made possible by Celestia's wishes. Pinkie Pie was enjoying her time being human. Heck, she looked like she was once a human before being a pony.

"I'm enjoying this more than the last party the princess invited us to!" she cheered. It was something the Cutie Mark Crusaders sighed. Nothing could bring Pinkie Pie down from this high, even when kneeling to Max. "I can actually do things I normally couldn't do as a pony, especially this!" She wrapped her arms around to hug and kiss Max right in front of Brock. He had a glum mug, upset that someone younger. Max blushed heavily at the affection of Pinkie Pie.

"Aw, my little brother's adored by a girl," May teased. Pikachu giggled at Max's fortune. Fluttershy watched with a smile as well before turning her bright red cheeks to Ash. Then inexplicably, she frowned as she saw Ash talking with Applejack and Rainbow. Did Ash appreciate either of those ponies over her? Twilight saw the face of her friend, concerned that her heart was broken by who she apparently admired.

"Fluttershy?" she called. Fluttershy turned to the pony/girl who she felt comfortable back in Ponyville. "What's wrong?" Fluttershy watched Ash laughing at something Rainbow seemed to be joking about. Finally, she closed her eyes.

"I may have to say goodbye," she reluctantly answered. "My pony heart's telling me to stay with Ash...but I know that Angel and the other animal friends deserve my attention." Conflict. Her mind wanted to return and tend to the animals back at her cottage but her heart wanted Ash. Her head seemed to be winning the personal fight. "And when I do return, I may never see Ash again." A tear trickled down Fluttershy's face. She didn't want to leave but knew that her friends were just as important.

"You know, you can always come back here." That news stoked Fluttershy. She was getting worried over nothing...somewhat.

"Princess Celestia won't block us from access here?"

"These humans are creatures we can depend on in times of need," Celestia expressed. "Perhaps it was fate that brought the misplaced spell book to you and fate that brought Fluttershy to this world of humans and creatures. These humans have shown the care you've shown to your bunnies, birds, otters and what-not by your cottage." If anything, Fluttershy could visit him whenever she can without repercussion. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders wonder if this could also apply to them as well.

"Does that mean we can go to their world, too?" Sweetie Belle asked. Twilight smiled, no big deal to her.

"Of course," she answered. "But you need to earn that trust if you want access." The crusaders groaned, feeling rather dejected. What, finding that lost spell book not enough? Oh, wait. That caused the problems in the first place. Ash and Pikachu came over to the girls in the discussion.

"So, what's the conversation all about?" he wondered. Fluttershy, slightly timid to admit, faced Ash.

"Well, I want to head back to Ponyville to check on the animals," she sadly muttered. Pikachu hiccuped at the news.

("You're going away from us, Fluttershy?") he squeaked.

"I'm afraid so." Twilight only needed a couple seconds to wonder how Fluttershy was able to understand Ash's Pokémon.

"I'm taking a crack at this and say that your dedication to those animals helped you understand this cute mouse," she teased. Fluttershy huffed a sigh, found out.

("I would like to see your animals,") Pikachu wished, interested in seeing who Fluttershy raised. Fluttershy was embarrassed to hear Pikachu's interests with what she had before she gawked at a sight involving...Brock and Rarity?

"You're not the only one who's interested with each other," she pointed out at Rarity making examinations on Brock.

"I must say that this coat is slightly stylish," she judged the brown light jacket worn by the breeder. "And being one that travels all around this world would need to make sure they're organized for any occasion. However, it lacks color. A simple brown design leaves much to be desired." She wasn't serious about the wardrobe advice to someone who's more worried about the Pokémon than what he donned, was she?

"Well, keep in mind that I don't really have time for fashion updates," he tried to clarify. "And besides, how else can I store all of these than in my bag or my pockets." Brock whipped out numerous canisters, recipe slips, potions, medication, spices... Rarity was dumbstruck with how much could fit into all the pockets.

"Well, I didn't expect you to have hammer space within that drab you call a jacket. Tell you what, I'll create a jacket with more flair back in Ponyville. It'll be the first time making clothes for a man, let alone a human." Brock nervously itched his head, embarrassed by Rarity's offer. It was like Rarity was hitting on Brock. Applejack snagged Rarity by her ear and dragged her away from Brock. Poor Rarity was in pain.

"Saddle down, Sugar Cube," she nagged. "They're into seeing the next town, not fashion tip."

"But-!" May watched in familiar awe.

"Usually, someone pulls Brock away from a pretty girl, not the other way around," May pointed out with Rainbow standing by her.

"Really?" she gulped. "Who's controlling Brock's behavior?"

"Well, it was originally Misty but she's back running the Gym in Cerulean City back in Kanto. Now, it's Max. I did once."

"Well, what about Ash?" May seemed befuddled. The two glared back to Fluttershy and Ash where she was saying her goodbye.

"Thank you for everything you did for me," Fluttershy praised. "I know that you'll have a confident journey as you go through Hoenn and I wish I could join." Ash understood Fluttershy's ordeal back in Ponyville thanks to Twilight.

"That's okay," he replied with a smile. "I know how busy it's gotta be with Angel and your vet-like cottage." Fluttershy was satisfied with the agreement. Finally, Fluttershy forgot her shyness and connected her lips to his. This may have been the first time a pony has kissed a human, minding the already discovered fact that this was the first record of ponies and humans interacting with Pokémon as support.

"You know, both of them were rather shy," May awed as she, surprisingly, wasn't phased about Ash receiving a kiss. A tear trickled down Fluttershy's face and bled into the kissing lips. That's got to leave a salty aftertaste.

"I'm sorry, I don't see Shy Ash," Rainbow shrugged. Who could blame her? Ash never backed off from anything. May giggled, not wanting to share embarrassing details. Fluttershy broke her lips from Ash.

"I love you, my little colt..." she whispered as she began walking back to Celestia through the portal. Ash was stunned with Fluttershy's kiss, still tasting the rather sugary tear from her eye. When she slipped through the portal, she transformed into the Pegasus pony from the beginning. Ash finally saw who Fluttershy really was and snapped out to see her for himself. "I'll see you later." The other ponies gave their farewells with Pinkie Pie giving Max one more hug. After the six entered the portal, Twilight turned around to face Ash alongside the princess.

"Ash, we won't forget the fact that you were there when our friend disappeared," she neighed. "Hey, if anyone of us need any help, we'll come on over." Ash nodded before Celestia closed the gate. Both worlds were free of any dimensional tears. Max came over to Ash's side who was still tasting Fluttershy's tear.

"I didn't think tears were that sweet," he finally spoke. Max gawked a look to Ash, wanting to make sure what he said was what he heard.

"Ash, tears are suppose to be salty, not sweet," he clarified. Ash was certain what seeped into his mouth while locked with Fluttershy's was in fact sweet.

"I'm serious, Max. It tasted like cotton candy." What flavor?

"You sure that was her tear?" Sullivan questioned. "It could have been her lips." An interesting suggestion right there. Her lips were the sweet thing Ash had tasted, not her crying tear. Even Brock had to chuckle at that.

"Ash sure knows how to get the ladies, even if they're ponies," he teased. Hearing Brock sound nonchalant had May scratching her head. Wasn't Brock the least bit jealous? Heck, wasn't May just as jealous to her little brother getting a kiss from Pinkie Pie?

"Ash and Max both were kissed by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie," she pointed out. "And you're not upset about it?" Brock's boast soon became utter envy.

"And you're not upset about it either?" May joined Brock in sighing defeat.

"Believe me, I am."

"Me, too." Perhaps they need to get lessons in how to get the girls, or boys in May's flustered state. Pikachu and Hannah tried to console both defeated youngsters.

"This also shows something that you two may take a little time understanding," Sullivan pointed out. "It doesn't matter if the one you love is human, a pony or Pokémon. If you can connect the hearts, it's a win for you and the significant." A lesson from the "fishing god." Even Ash had to criticize who Sullivan was.

"What are you, a fishing legend or a love legend?" he joked. Sullivan laughed.

"Maybe I should have expected that considering the wives I won by my fishing alone." The kids laughed at the antic Sullivan presented. Still, Ash wondered if what Sullivan meant was true. Could love still work despite that one is a human and the other a pony? Fluttershy wondered the same thing as she pranced back to her cottage. She and Applejack arrived to her home, the animals happy to see that she was okay. That included a white bunny who seemed thrilled to have Fluttershy home and hugged her reapplied hooves.

"Oh, Angel!" she greeted. "I'm alright!" Seeing all the hungry animals told Fluttershy one thing: work. "I see that the other ponies didn't try to help you while I was gone." Applejack begged to differ.

"Actually, Pinkie Pie did take care of the animals once, and so did Big Macintosh though it was funny to see him feed the birds." She and Fluttershy shared a giggle at the expense of this Big Macintosh. Finally and with Applejack's help, Fluttershy was feeding the tiny animals back at her cottage. Weeks past since Fluttershy met and fell in love with Ash. As the time elapsed, the animals were shocked to see their caretaker of a pony crying at times. She was starting to miss Ash. Even Spike saw the stained face of the Pegasus pony.

"What's the matter?" the baby dragon questioned. "You've been more and more of a mess in your mane." Fluttershy turned her messy head to the dragon on her mysterious way.

"Spike, I wonder if he ever really loves me," Fluttershy whimpered. If she referred Ash, she could only be praying for it.

"I'm sure he hasn't forgotten you. It's just that you miss him." Fluttershy hoped Spike was right about this yet she had doubts about his word. "Look, I understand that dragons aren't creatures that you fancy but if you want, we'll go see Twilight and ask if you can visit him." What other idea could Spike have if only to help convince Fluttershy? Going by his word, the two entered Twilight's home. Twilight's not around. "Uh, Twilight?"

"Yeah?" she voiced from the balcony railing above the two. Spotting Fluttershy, Twilight figured her purpose of coming to visit. "Oh, hay! Fluttershy, you're a mess! Let's clean you right up." With Spike's help, Fluttershy was primed and ready to ask.

"I'm sorry but-" Fluttershy tried to speak when Twilight's nod told her story.

"You miss your human, don't you?" A shocked Pegasus pony, Twilight's guess was on the mark. "I had actually checked on him and he and his friends actually got done with their trip around the Hoenn Region." How long ago? Fluttershy missed a lot apparently.

"I guess he had forgotten me," she assumed, thinking Ash and his encounter with the ponies were nothing but a distraction. Twilight's shake of her head said otherwise.

"Guess again. When I last saw him, he was rubbing his lips. I think that kiss is everlasting to him that I doubt anyone has ever did it as well, not even May." An uplifting moment, one Fluttershy felt was a capitalizing opportunity. "He still remembers. If you want, I can send you to see him." That's what Fluttershy wanted and he wasn't going to waste this moment.

"Thank you, Twilight." However, she wasn't the only one to want to see him.

"Hold the train to the Pokémon World," Rarity announced her invite. "I would like to travel there to find the designers who would appreciate the line of fashion I created for any great breeder." She has to have an affection for Brock. This was also breaking Spike's heart believing Rarity would prefer a human over a dragon.

"Rarity wants...Brock?" he whimpered. "" Twilight tried to hold her laughter at Spike's demise.

"Oh, Spike!" she wanted to comfort. As preparations for the humans' world were commencing, Ash, Max and Pikachu were heading away from a city and entered a path which signed "ROUTE #1."

"Okay, I'll admit that I forgot that Normal attacks don't work on Ghost Pokémon," he confessed. "But Agatha's Gengar looked so solid that I thought a Quick Attack would work!" Max shook his head like Ash should have known better than attempt something against a type which cancels.

"Solid, perhaps," he acknowledged. "Still, to show off your training skills to a member of the Elite Four...AH! I can't wait to be a trainer and team up with Ralts again!" Why wasn't Max a trainer?

"In due time, my friend. You still have a couple years before you're eligible." As if it would relate to picking your nose, Ash was rubbing his thumb onto his lips.

"You know, her kiss wasn't that epic that you had to keep rubbing it." Realizing his habit, Ash shyly giggled and removed his hand from his face.

"Sorry, but I forgot to rub it in my match with Tyson and Agatha. Fluttershy's kiss was like a good luck charm she gave me. Not to mention that I could also remember the taste of her tear, which I gotta say is not a normal salty taste. I recall the taste of cotton candy with her tear."A sly look painted Max's face. The taste of Fluttershy must have aroused a theory.

"Does that mean you like Fluttershy's kiss? Hm?" As if interrogated, Ash surrendered with a timid smile.

"Okay, you got me and yes I did enjoy her kiss. You think I should kiss her back to make it even?"

"That might not be a bad idea. Maybe I can do the same with Pinkie Pie." Ash and Pikachu giggled as they came across a stream.

"Okay, it's a bit tricky. Watch!" Ash skipped over the bobbing rocks with ease and landed on the other side.

"Not bad, Ash! My turn!" Max leaped on the rocks, taking three-point stances to keep steady ground. Seconds later, Max reached the other side without difficulty.

"Nice~!" The boys were across. Now it was the girls' turns. No, seriously...

"Could you hold on for the rest of us?" voiced Rarity. The boys turned to their shocked surprise in the form of their human ponies.

"Rarity, Fluttershy and...Pinkie Pie?" Max gasped. Rarity was hesitant to make her attempt to cross the stream.

"It's really easy, Rarity!" Pinkie Pie entrusted. "It's nothing more than a hop, skip and jump. Watch!" Pinkie Pie skipped across the stones in the same fashion as Ash. She landed on the other side only to dive onto Max for a hug. "Maxy! Oh, I missed you!" AW!

"Easy for you to say," Rarity snarled. "You're not afraid to to get your clothes wet. If only I had your wings or Rainbow's, I wouldn't be frantic about this." Considering her wear like back those weeks ago, a mishap could do quite a bit of damage to the fabric. Fluttershy thought that she needed more time to prep her cross.

"I'll go ahead if you want," she offered.

"Thanks, Fluttershy." Fluttershy didn't have the same success as the first three. Pikachu didn't really count since he was riding Ash the whole time. She stumbled and nearly fell into the water a few times but she didn't quit until she hit the final rock. She slipped and Ash rushed in to save her from injury or soaking in the drink. Ash caught her hand and pulled her up.

"I gotcha!" he informed. Able to stand on her hind hooves...two feet, the two were eye-to-eye.

"Ash..." she shuttered. "Thank you." Ash could welcome the praise but had one of his own.

"I should be thanking you for that kiss you gave me. Really helped throughout Hoenn." Ash took a deep breath before he leaned up and...SMOOCH! Payback's sometimes a good thing, this being one of those moments. Max, Pikachu and Pinkie Pie watched, her arms draped over Max's shoulders. Fluttershy closed her eyes, imagining living with Ash as couple and having a child together. Not a tiny foal but an infant which both could take care of. Rarity also peered at the kiss from Ash, irked by his hesitant breath.

"I could swear that this was the first kiss he's actually given," she ascertained. "I guess colts of boys have a bit of a harder time bequeathing love than accepting it." Even as they broke, Ash and Fluttershy smiled. That's when Pikachu spotted the remaining pony stranded on the other side of the stream.

("Come on, Rarity!") he squeaked her over. ("No pressure!") Pikachu, why? Hindered by Pikachu's motivating confidence, Rarity made her attempt. She paused on each rock to make sure her boots were dry. Each step was unnerving to her. Finally with one more skip, she made it but she was shaken to the point of passing out.

"I don't wanna go stream skipping for as long as I live!" Pikachu was there to console her, patting her on the shoulder. Rarity petted the Pokémon in her relief.

"By the way," Max spoke to Rarity. "What are you doing here with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie?" Rarity rose to her feet, holding Pikachu in her front hooves or arms.

"Well, I have designs for new fashions that I wanted to present to top designers for trainers' wear on both male and female." Was it really necessary, considering that Ash hasn't really changed his clothes? Or could it be for future trainers?

"Really?" Pinkie Pie doubted. "Didn't you have a thing for Brock? I mean, you did go after him after we disposed of Team Rocket." Rarity gulped, feeling cornered by the allegation.

"Y-You see, I...uh..." It's apparent why her name was Rarity and it wasn't the choice of fashion. Ash was going to correct the direction of where Brock was. If he wasn't with Ash and Max, where could he be?

"Brock went back home to Pewter City, north of here," Ash pointed out. Rarity struggled to keep her composure, even glaring back at the stream she just barely crossed. "But I'm sure you can come with us to Pallet Town. When I tell him of my next journey, he'll be here to join us." It was relief for Rarity as the white Unicorn pony/human female in white figured that she didn't really need to cross any streams she couldn't stand, even as her pony form.

"Delightful, I thank you." The humans, ponies and Pikachu journeyed down the path heading toward Pallet Town, Ash's home. As they walked, Ash's and Fluttershy's hands were held together. It didn't matter that Fluttershy was a pony, albeit a Pegasus pony, and Ash was a human. Love defies who or what we are. Ash and Fluttershy, Max and Pinkie Pie...they were just two examples that being one or the other was meaningless.