The last notes of Shine a light still echoed through the venue when I looked into the black flashing mob while smiling wide.

I was happy. I was happy because I knew that this time I didn't make any mistakes. I played every chord right, played the crowed like I used to, didn't forget my lyrics and sang every note beautifully.

I looked to my left and saw Dougie trying on a bra that was thrown on his microphone earlier in the gig. Then I looked at my right and saw Tom making a heart sign above his head while telling the crowed he loved them. And finally I looked at Harry who was standing behind his drum with his hands in the air.

I smiled as wide as I could because I was convinced that this would make everything right again. All the fighting and yelling and especially the names they call me.. It will all be over now!

As we walked of the stage I was still buzzing with adrenaline and said 'Man that was awesome!'

'Shut up Danny, nobody asked your opinion' Dougie said rude

'What's wrong?' I asked confused.

'You're wrong Danny. Don't you understand? We don't want you anymore, we're better off without you' Tom said and went outside to get into the car and Dougie followed him.

I looked at Harry and hoped for.. I don't know.. something. Something reassuring, something to stop these tears from drowning my eyes. But he just shook his head with a loud sigh and also went to the car.

'Come on moron, get in the car!' Dougie yelled at me. I quickly dried my tears and took a deep breath to calm down and then ran after them.

I sat in the back of the car and stared out of the window while the others were joking around and laughing. I used the sit with Tom up front but that changed months ago and I had to switch places with Dougie.

When we arrived back at the house we all went to the living room, like the tradition, to discuss the night.

'I'll get some drinks' Tom said. 'Dougie, Harry the usual?' He added while already walking into the kitchen.

He intentionally didn't ask me and the others didn't say anything either. They didn't even look at me. It was like I wasn't even there, like I was invisible or just air. Things were getting too much for me but I quietly stood up and went to my room so it wouldn't show that I was upset. But once I was there I let my tears run freely.

What did I ever do to be treated like this? We used to be best friends and do everything together, what changed? What did I do that was so horrible for them to treat me this way?

I looked at the photo on my nightstand. It was the four of us during our first number one single: five colors in her hair. I stroke the photo with my hand.

'I miss you' I said while another teardrop fell down my cheeks.

While putting it back I noticed my suitcase standing besides my closet. Maybe I should just leave? They don't want me anymore. Tom said so himself multiple times.

I packed my bags and looked around in my room. It's for the better that I'm leaving. I can't stay here where I'm obviously not wanted. I've been hurt enough, I need to get out.

I went downstairs and found the guys still in the living room. 'Guys?' I said a little hoarse from crying. In the meanwhile my heart started racing in my chest. How will they react when I tell them I'm leaving? What will they do?

But they didn't respond. 'Guys?' I repeated a little louder this time but still not one of them bothered to stop talking and look at me.

'I'm leaving' I said firm. But when there still was no reaction it hurt so much that my hand was already on the doorknob, ready to leave. But I couldn't. I couldn't leave like that. Without giving a proper goodbye even if they don't deserve one.

I decided to write a letter for them to find when I'm gone. I placed it on the kitchen table in the fruit basket.

Then I took my bags and opened the door to close it right back behind me. It felt scary leaving them after living so many years together. But they've hurt me too much and for too long. They didn't give me any other solution than to leave.

After a deep breath I turned around and there I was alone, at our front porch, not knowing what to do or where to go.