AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys, it's Luna and I apologise for the late update. I've been busy lately so I made this chapter a bit longer than usual. :) So, in this chapter, this is where the food will go bye-bye so um CLATO~ So, Rue and Marvel are not expiring yet. And the announcement will not happen here. t will happen in the next chapter or something so this story might be 6 chapters instead of 5. :) Previous chapter was kind of short so um yeah. welp.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Hunger Games. All credits go to Suzanne Collins. Some dialogues and paragraphs were taken from the book and was tweaked a bit. Yeah. :DD

We leave Loverboy, thinking that Cato left a big enough wound to kill him. But we were wrong. We didn't see his face in the sky that night.

"Damn it." I hear Cato say under his breath.

"Don't worry, he'll die," Marvel says, "Sooner or later."

He nods. It's weird. He didn't throw his sword, he didn't punch the ground, he didn't do anything he does when he is angry. I stare at him, and try to read his face.

But it seems that I have stared too long.

Marvel taps me on the shoulder and mouths, "You okay?"

I smile at him, to show that I am. He smiles back.

"I'm going to sleep." Marvel states, "I'll take second watch?"

"All right." Cato says, "Clove?"

"I'll take first watch," I say.


He moves an inch closer to me and lies down on his backpack. I move my eyes to him for a second then I realize he was looking at me too. I gulp.

"Goodnight, Clove," says Cato. I can feel his stare on me.

"Goodnight." I don't look at him.

An hour passes and I see tears coming down on Marvel's face. I roll my eyes. Seriously? He's still crying over her?

Then all of a sudden his eyes snap open, he is breathing rapidly. I roll my eyes again. I raise my eyebrows at him and he just shrugs and tries to go back to sleep.

I yawn and he asks if he could take his shift already. I say yes.

He sits up as I lie down, facing Cato.

I stare at his face for a moment. He looks so calm when he is asleep. I wonder if I look as calm when I am asleep.

"Clove?" Marvel says, probably noticing my eyes weren't closed, and were just focusing on the face in front of me. I shut my eyes close and I hear him say, "Alright then."

I shift my position and open my eyes again and I see that I got closer to Cato. We've never been this close before, this is probably the closest we've ever been; but I want to get closer. So close our lips can touc-


I have to stop thinking about him! This is the Hunger Games, only one can win, and I plan on doing so. But that would mean that Cato would have to die. I can't kill him. I can't-

"Clove?" Marvel asks again, "You all right?"

"Yes," I say.

I close my eyes and I fall asleep instantly.

With the help of Cato dying in my sleep.

"Clove! Clove!"

I open my eyes. Cato was shaking me.

"What is it?" I say groggily.

"Clove!" he says, and continues shaking me.

"What?" I snap, "Damn it Cato, stop shaking me!"

He smirks and I feel butterflies in my stomac-

Butterflies? Ha! Yeah right, I'm probably just hungry.

"Finally, you're awake." he says, still smirking. Damn that smirk. Damn that face. Damn him.

"Yeah, I'm awake," I growl, "What do you want?"

"You." More like fuck him.

"Me?" I feel blood rushing to my face. Goddammit, I swear in my head.

Cato lifts his arm and points to smoke. I smirk with him.

"You were the only one asleep," he explains.

"Oh," I say, rather stupidly, "Right."

He stands up and extends his hand, I take it and I feel shivers down my spine. What the? I ask myself. I shake the feeling off and stand.

"Cato! Is he coming?" I hear Marvel shout, pointing at District 3.

"He's coming. We need him in the woods, and his job's done here anyway. No one can touch those supplies," says Cato, "Come on." He thrusts a spear into the hands of District 3, and we head off in the direction of the fire. As we enter the woods, Cato says, "When we find her, I kill her in my own way, and no one interferes."

"Fine." I say, I was kind of hoping that I would do the deed, but I know better than to argue with Cato.

We walked a few minutes until we got to the fire. Nobody was here except for us.

"What the hell?" Cato says under his breath.

I scan the trees to see if she was there. Nothing.

Until I see smoke rising into the air.

"There!" I shout, pointing.

"Yes!" Cato cheers, running already. You're welcome, I say in my head, as I follow.

When we get to the second fire, nobody again.

"Okay, something's going on here." Marvel states.

I look for her again in the trees.

Wait, Marvel actually said something right. Two fires, and nothing?

I hear fast footsteps and I see that Cato was running in the direction of another fire. Something is going on here.

"Cato! Cato!" I shout, running towards him, "Wait!"

We reached the third fire and again, empty. I don't scan the trees anymore.

"Where is she?" Cato growls.

"Cato, le-" I say but I was interrupted by an explosion.

We all cover our ears.

Cato's head shoots up, "The supplies!" He runs again, this time toward the supplies. We all follow. We hear more explosions as we run.

We make it.

And we see ash.

My jaw drops. Marvel was correct. Marvel was correct. Ha, he was correct. Weird.

But then Cato rips his hair out and starts pounding his fists on the ground. Oh no. He's really angry.

District 3 is throwing stones into the ruins and declares all the mines have been activated.

I approach the wreckage and so do the others.

Cato starts kicking open the containers while we poke around in the mess, looking for anything that has been saved. Unfortunately, we found nothing.

Cato suddenly rises his head slowly and turns to District 3.

He's shouting his head off.

I'm not really paying attention, as I hate seeing him like that. I like seeing him when he is calm, like when he is asleep. When we were so close our lips almost-

Okay, Clove, stop.

But something catches my attention. District 3 tried to run. You're not going far, loser. Cato catches him in a headlock from behind and I see his muscles ripple in his arms - I sigh, in the inside of course - as he sharply jerks District 3's head to the side.

That was quick. I guess he wanted it to be quick. But he needs to calm down.

"Cato," I say but he cuts me off.

"All the supplies are gone, Clove!" he shouts, gesturing to the mess.

"I know but-" he cuts me off again. Goddammit.

"We need to return to the woods," he says, "She's still out there, I know it."

Marvel points to the sky, "He, or she, would be up there."

"We need to go back into the woods!"

"Cato, Marvel's right," I say, also pointing to the sky, "Whoever did this-"

"I need to kill her!" Cato snarls, "She's-"

"Dead, Cato." I say, "She would've died in the explosion!"

"Yeah," says Marvel, "We couldn't have heard the cannon because of all the explosions."

"But what if she's not-"

"Then you'll kill her." I say, hoping it would reassure him, "You're going to kill her, Cato. You are."

That seemed to calm him down. I hope.

"Alright." he finally says, "C'mon. Let's go somewhere else first so they could get him."

Marvel looks at me, smirking, and winks. I blush and tell him to shut up. His smirk grew into a grin.

Wait a minute.

Did I just blush? Ugh. Stop it, Clove! I tell myself, Focus!

We walk to the far side of the lake as we wait for the Gamemakers to take District 3 away.

"Hey Clove," whispered Cato.


"Thanks," Cato said, "For calming me down. I was really angry and you just-"

"No problem, Cato." I cut him off before I throw my hands all over him and kiss him full on the mouth.

I mean, what?

Anyway, I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

God, that smile.

God, I'm grossing myself out.

"Psst." Marvel hisses, and winks.

"I will cut you." I tell him, bringing out my knife.

He puts his hands up and mutters, "sorry" repeatedly.

For someone so scared of me, he sure is brave enough to tease me about Cato.

We hear a cannon shoot.

"They're done. Let's go." Cato says.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope that could cover up the long wait. So sorry if it did not! D: