"No no no no! just a bit longer, please!" the femme wobbled in the air, he thrusters spluttering as she flew.

"Please Primus, if I have only one wish, please, let me escape" she prayed, losing altitude.

"There she is! Shoot her down!"

"NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she wailed as the Decepticons below began to shoot at her, she couldn't go back to that…that place! She couldn't go back to him! No, she couldn't, she refused to, and surely she had suffered enough?

"I'm going to get her for killing Starscream!" roared Skywarp, agony and grief consuming him and his fellow Trine mate Thundercracker.

"No, it wasn't me! I didn't kill him, please, believe me!" she begged as she continued to dodge the shots sent her way.

"Why should we believe you, femme? You pushed him into that pit!"

"No, I didn't, it was Megatron!"

"Then why did we find him weeping for the loss of his lover?" snarled Thundercracker, shooting.

She felt her spark sink, if they didn't recognise her, nobody would.

Suddenly, a shot got her in her left thrusters, causing her to screech in pain, her left thrusters was her most sensitive thrusters.

Oh please Primus, if you do exist, don't make me go back to him! Please! If I have ever done anything worth this request, let me escape now! PLEASE! She prayed, she couldn't go back the Nemesis, she didn't want to be captured again!

Then, a miracle happened.

By some strange glitch, a spacebridge opened right in front of her.

"Thank you Primus!" she screamed for joy as she went shooting into the bridge, seeing it shut behind her.

Now, there was only one problem-she had a severely damaged thrusters, she was spiralling out of control and she had no idea where the pit the space bridge was going, and to top things off, she didn't have the knowledge or means to fix said thrusters.

Oh well, she'd cross that bridge when it arrived.

Seeing the end of the space bridge, she poured everything she had into getting out of the spacebridge before it closed.

She just made it. Just.

However, there were side effects. The main one being that now her wings were in an enormous amount of agony, even worse than anything she had ever felt before.

And, now she rapidly losing altitude, heading right towards a bunch of very painful looking boulders.

Also, she was back on Earth. Slagit!

Oh, this is going to hurt she thought as she headed towards them, only to hear the sounds of engines-Decepticons!

Oh no! no no no ! She thought as she headed faster and faster towards the rocks, despite all her efforts to get away from them not Decepticons, please no! I can't go back! No!


She screamed. If the pain was bad before, now it was even worse, she could FEEL her wings twisting and scratching, and the rocks had cracked her optics

She looked up, only to see someone tall standing above her, and only one person was that size.


"Nooo, don't take me back, please, leave me alone, I'll do anything you want, just please, go away and leave me!" she wept, her optics finally smashing, leaving her blind, and afraid.

She felt hands coming down around her, triggering memory's, phantom pains.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed, thrashing, not caring that she was blind, not caring about the warning and the pain, only wanting to get away!

She cried, huge sobs that forced their way up through her chest, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to go!

"I won't let you take me! I won't, I won't! Just leave me, just go, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooo!" she screamed, trying to get away, away from her abuser.

"It's ok, none of us are going to hurt you"

That voice…maybe it was…could it be?

"It's Ok, we're not going to hurt you, I promise, my names Skyfire"

Oh Primus, it was him! She was saved! Skyfire would save her, he would help her, and he always did.

"Skyfire" she choked out, smiling a smile of pure relief, no longer struggling as she felt him gently, oh so gently, she had begun to forget how gentle bots could be.

"It's ok; I'm not going to hurt you Star"

Did he recognise her?

"Skyfire, why did you call her Star?"

"Her paintjob reminds me of Starscreams, his is exactly the same"

"Sky, its me"


"Please, help me!"

"But, how?"

She couldn't answer, the pain was too much.

The last thing she did before losing consciousness was grab onto Skyfires arm.