A/N: We have reached the end of our story. I'm sure not the ending we'll have OS, but the one my muse directed me into writing. I do hope you have enjoyed it! Comments are greatly appreciated!
Chapter 5
Doug leaned against the closed deli door only moments after Brendan's departure looking at Ste with a new understanding lighting his eyes. He'd been such a fool not to have seen it sooner. It had always been there. He supposed he should be happy to have made this discovery now before things had progressed any further between them... yet a part of him wondered about what might have been – if not for Brendan Brady. Doug shook his head in derision. If not for Brendan Brady. Doug realized that was a huge if. At one point or another, Brendan's machinations affected everyone... in the case of Ste, he would always be present. Doug could see that clearly now.
Ste scrunched up his nose staring at Doug in confusion. "Why you looking at me like that? I told ya. It was nothing."
A patronizing look fell across Doug's face. "You don't really believe that, Ste."
"It doesn't matter, Doug. I told you I'm done with Brendan and his games. I'm not going back..." Ste continued to protest, oblivious to the fact that his protests only grew weaker.
"Be realistic, Ste. You've been looking back ever since Brendan started showing he cares." Doug's face became saddened for a moment. "It's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen between us. Yet, if we did move into something more and our friendship was destroyed – that would tear me up."
"Me too," Ste whispered almost forlornly. "I don't want to lose our friendship. But, you're wrong, Doug. Brendan cares about Brendan. He's just getting his kicks from messing with me again. It won't last. He gets bored, then moves on."
Doug shrugged. "I'm not one to ever understand the mind of Brendan Brady. I don't even want to try... but, I see one thing clearly, Ste. He's into you. I think he's always been, hasn't he?"
Ste flushed. "It's hard to explain this thing that's always been between us. I don't even understand it. All I know is this – I won't go back to it. I can't. We're just no good together. When we hook up things are good for awhile, then everything gets twisted and ugly." Ste stared off into the distance for a long moment, his words falling out unintentionally... his voice broken. "I can't go back to that life no matter how much I lo-"
"No matter how much you love him?" It broke his heart to push Ste away and back towards a man that would undoubtedly end up hurting him, but what other choice did he have. Ste loved Brendan. He had always loved him. Doug's gut told him that Ste always would – no matter what. "You need to resolve things with Brendan... once and for all. I know you never had closure."
"I didn't... but, that only works when both people are trying. Brendan's never been that open..."
"Try one more time, Ste. I get that basically Brendan will never change... but, I think he's more open in some ways. Go see him. I think you might be surprised." Knowing he needed to get away from Ste before he took back every truthful word he'd just spoken, Doug told him, "I have some errands. I'll see you in the morning, partner."
Ste nodded, more than slightly distracted, uncertain of what to do next. "Yeah. See you in the morning."
Doug slipped out the door, immediately flipping open his phone to text Brendan. Part of him wanted to be wrong, but he didn't think he was. In fact, he was certain that Brendan loved Ste. His text was short and to the point. Not looking for a response or worse yet a call from Brendan, he powered his phone off as soon as he finished. You owe me, Brendan. If Ste comes to you, don't mess it up this time. I won't back away from him next time.
Brendan swore as the fifth call to Douglas in the past two minutes all went directly to voicemail. What were those two blokes up to now? In particular, what was his Stephen doing – especially if Douglas suspected he could be on his way over to Chez Chez? He had to think. He had to play his moves right. So far all of his maneuvering hadn't placed him any closer to his end game. After realizing the budding closeness between Stephen and Douglas – one thing was for certain... there was no room for error. It had to stop. He wanted Stephen back. It was time to step up and be the man Stephen both wanted and deserved.
The games were now over. Now the time had arrived to stop playing around and make things happen. Brendan almost shuddered at his own thoughts. Who would've ever thought it? Brendan Brady, the master game player, hanging up the elaborate con to do the opposite and secure his heart's desire through the sincerity of genuine affection. If this failed he knew he would find another way. Stephen belonged with him. He had accepted that. Reaching into the safe, Brendan withdrew the document that he hoped would prove not only his love to Stephen, but that he could be worthy of his trust as well.
He had just stepped behind the bar pulling out two bottles of beer, having heard light footsteps approaching... knowing without looking they belonged to Stephen. Turning his gaze to the stairs, he raised an eyebrow as he gave Stephen a half-smile. "A little pigeon told me you might be stopping by." Raising the two bottles of beer, Brendan asked him, "Join me, Stephen?"
Ste nodded, sitting down at a table, watching warily as Brendan sauntered over. "I'm not even sure why I came. Doug seems to think we have unfinished business."
Brendan forced himself not to grit his teeth as jealousy overwhelmed him merely from the sound of Douglas' name falling so sweetly from Stephen's lips. "Douglas does get a good idea in that little head of his at times. And, you know how I feel about unfinished business, Stephen. Don't ya?"
Ste shrugged. "You might have mentioned it a time or two."
"Right," Brendan murmured in what came out in a whisper. He reached into his pocket to pull out an envelope that would either seal or close the deal. The old Stephen he could read so very well. The stronger and more self-assured Stephen these days wasn't so easily read. Tossing it onto the table, Brendan nodded towards it impatiently. "Open it, Stephen."
"What is it?" Ste asked, looking at the envelope in suspicion.
"Open it and find out." Brendan sat down across from Stephen, determined to give the lad some space... at least for now.
Ste set his beer down on the table, reaching out to slowly open the offered envelope. He unfolded the papers, his eyes scanning the contents in confusion before immediate understanding assailed him. Throwing the papers down in anger, Ste stood to his feet... a mixture of anger and hurt swimming in his eyes. "I can't believe even you would go so far to get a hold on me again. I straight up told you I wanted nothing from you. I don't know how you got Doug to agree... but, I'm sure it was the result of your deceptions."
"Not really. In the end I think Douglas believed me when I told him I only wanted the best for you." Brendan stood up, staring at Stephen intently. "I've committed many deceptive acts. This wasn't one of them."
"Why now, Brendan? Why you telling me this now?" Ste laughed bitterly. "Afraid me and Doug were getting a bit too close?"
"Are you asking if I'm jealous of Douglas?" Brendan moved closer, the table still separating them... both of them knowing the small piece of furniture only an obstacle for as long as Brendan willed it to be so. His eyes glittering, he spoke in a low rasp. "Now's not the time to push that button, Stephen. We both know you've never looked at another man the same way you look at me. Not Noah... and most definitely, not Douglas. However, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. There's one more document you need to read."
Ste's eyes widened warily as Brendan extended a single slip of paper. He took it, unable to look away from the fierce determination in Brendan's intense gaze. Shaking his head as if to clear it, Ste opened the paper... his shock and confusion reaching an all new level. "I-I don't get it. Does this say what I think it does?"
"Yes, Stephen. I've written the debt off. The deli belongs to the two of you free and clear." Brendan smiled, knowing that regardless if this gave him what he most wanted he was doing the right thing.
"I don't understand," Ste whispered, his eyes moving back and forth between the paper in his hands and Brendan's watchful gaze. "Why would you give up your edge? Brendan Brady doesn't do that."
Brendan nodded. "You're right. If it was about the money I wouldn't. I want you back, Stephen. I don't want this business of the deli hanging between us."
"But, you spent all that money to get leverage over me... and, now you're letting it all go..."
"I meant what I told both you and Douglas. I only wanted to help you. I knew this would give me an excuse to be back in your life. After all the time apart... all the bad things said, I knew I had to find a way in first," Brendan told him, his voice soft and aching... uncaring at this moment how vulnerable he appeared.
Ste smiled, unable to believe what he was hearing. It was a dream come true... more than that, even. It was a dream that he never imagined to have a place in reality. Now that Brendan was revealing all... he needed more. "Tell me why, Brendan. Why did you want to help me so badly?"
"Putting me through the screws, aren't ya, boy?" Brendan narrowed his eyes in appreciation of the man that Stephen had become. "I love ya, Stephen. I want you back."
"Behind closed doors? I won't live like that again, Brendan. Not even for you," Ste told him, refusing to budge.
Brendan reached out to slide his large hand behind Stephen's neck. "There are things about me that will never change. That has changed, though. I'm not afraid of who I am now." He stared into Stephen's eyes for a long moment. "Don't expect a lot of hand holding and public cuddling. I may admit I'm gay... but, I'm no one's pansy."
Ste laughed, his heart about to burst out of his chest. He crinkled his nose, before saying, "I'd be scared if Brendan Brady changed that much. So, what happens now?"
"We live our lives... but, together. I was thinking Cheryl's place is getting a little crowded... and that maybe we could get a place. It's not something that has to be decided now." Brendan looked at Stephen intently, his eyes burning with both love and desire for him. "How do you feel about that?"
Ste moved his body forward, leaning over the table... lips meeting lips as he answered a question that he'd never hoped to ever hear from Brendan. Lips, tongues and hands became reacquainted... each of them reveling in the knowledge they were finally together again. Ste wrapped his arms tightly around Brendan's waist as he gave himself completely over to Brendan's ravaging and possessive kiss. His lips stung as they finally separated. A burn that he'd more than welcome, day or night. He reached up, stroking the side of Brendan's face. "I love you, Brendan."
"I know." Brendan swatted Ste playfully on the ass. "Let's get out of here. I want to be alone with you."
"What about your office?" Ste asked, knowing that had been sufficient in the past for a quick fix.
Brendan shook his head, leading Stephen out of Chez Chez and towards the nearest hotel, knowing the news of their reunion would spread around long before they left in the morning. "I want to do this right, Stephen. I want the whole night. And, I want a bed – with you in it."
Ste slipped his arm around Brendan's waist, resting his head against Brendan's chest. "Whatever you want, Bren. I'm all yours."
Brendan stilled his steps in front of the hotel, yanking Stephen against him... proceeding to kiss the breath out of him, amidst all the shocked gasps around them. "Yeah. I like the sound of that. Mine, this time mine to stay..."