Chapter 4: The Last Years

A/N: I've been studying for way too long now, and I thought I should take a break from studying. I awarded myself for updating this story, since I hadn't updated this story in more than one week. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter; it's going to be short because of my time limit. Also, please read my other story To Love Another.

Chapter 4: The Last Years

"Brandon…it's you!" Bloom shouted. She hugged her brother, which she hadn't seen in years. Stella stood up, and looked at the brother and sister. She was very happy—because her best friend was happy, and she gets to see a friend she hadn't seen in years once again. Bloom breaks the hug and they stare at Stella.

"Is that…" Brandon says, but he was too surprised to continue. Instead, Bloom had decided to continue for him.

"Yes, it's Stella!" Bloom says with excitement. Brandon quickly left Bloom, and there was a huge grin on her face. Brandon walked slowly towards to Stella, each step getting closer and closer. Brandon sees Stella; they weren't less than an inch away from each other.

"Stella…is that you?" Brandon says, looking at her honey golden hazel eyes. Stella smiled.

"No…it's not me. Are you…some hunky man I've hadn't seen in years?" Stella teased. Brandon laughed and hugged Stella. He quickly spun him around while Stella begged him to stop. "Hey! You kept on doing that to Bloom and I when we were young! Stop doing that!"

Bloom and Brandon laughed and giggled. They loved it how Stella kept on whining whenever they do something she doesn't want anyone to do. Brandon laughed and placed her on the ground, while Bloom went to them. Bloom hugged Brandon, while Stella joined the hug.

"You know what I still have?" Brandon says. He removed a necklace inside his shirt. "This." It was that same necklace that was given to Brandon and Bloom years ago. "This necklace kept on telling me not to forget about the memories we had."

"I have it too." Bloom says. She gets it from her bag. "I always bring it with me where ever I go."

Stella smiled and she had that same necklace too. She then looked at the both of them. "It's been in a while. How'd you get here? How was everything? Let's sit at the dock and discuss about it!"

Everyone nodded and they sat at the dock. Bloom first asked on how he was doing when he arrived to the new place he was at. There were a few long stories and all. Stella then asked if he attended a new school, and yes, he did. He joined Red Fountain, made a new friend, and became a popular boy. Bloom wanted to tease somebody.

"So…Brandon, do you have a girlfriend?" she asked while placing her shoulder around Stella. Stella gave an uncomfortable smile. Brandon hadn't noticed Stella's smile, but he did noticed Bloom's question.

"So you're asking about a girlfriend…are you serious? I'm not ready for dating, even though I'm twenty. So, are you dating anybody? Bloom? Stella?" Brandon asked. Bloom blushed and shook her head.

"No…I have to deal with school first, then I can't anybody. Hey Stell, you hadn't talked about any guy you like. We've talked about some guys we like with the girls, what about you? Don't you like anyone? I think boys have crushes on you." Bloom says. Stella shook her head and got up.

"I'm sorry—but I think right now is the time for me to leave. Since you have a special thing tomorrow, maybe I should go. Anyways, hey, Brandon, maybe the girls and you can hang out here tomorrow and swim. I'll see you later." Stella says while getting up. She starts to leave, but Brandon grabs her arm and pulled her down.

"Where are you going? We just asked you a question and you started to leave? Now, don't tell me you don't have a crush," Brandon says. Stella shook her head.

"Let me go, we aren't playing a game! And Bloom, look what time is it. Nine! You should be getting ready for your beauty sleep. Now, my parents are coming and I need to get my own beauty sleep. So, I'll see you later. Brandon, don't you have a place to stay at?" Stella asked.

"Stella—what's the problem? We're only asking you questions. You could have just told us that you don't want to tell. Besides, we're already eighteen and all and we won't tease you that much," Bloom snaps back.

Brandon decided to change the topic before a talk can turn into a huge argument.

"Um…Stella…I'm staying in a hotel with a friend of mine. Bloom, please calm down. I only came here to check on you guys…and…and I don't want something else to happen wrong. Now, please—"

"I'm going now." Stella says sharply. "See you tomorrow." She then gets her arm back, and went into the lighthouse. The lighthouse was her old home, where hopes and dreams were created, where her parents lived, where Stella spent her childhood, and where Bloom and Brandon would play with her all the time.

Stella quickly reaches her room, and lay down on the bed. A maid had been here the whole week to fix the place because Stella was planning to come back here again. Stella quickly got up, and changed her outfit. She was now wearing her pajamas, and looked out the window. Bloom was gone, but Brandon was still there.

His head was in his knees, and he just looked down. He suddenly looked up, and stared at the moon. Brandon quickly got something from his pocket, and there was a little box in it. Brandon opened it, and it was a golden necklace with a peridot in the middle.

"Will she ever feel the same? I came back here just to visit her. But I don't know if she's going to love me back…" Brandon says.

Could it be Stella? Or is it someone else?

A/N: Similarities from this chapter to original chapter: this chapter had the part where Brandon sees Stella and Bloom again. Differences: Brandon talking about if this girl loves her, or if she doesn't. This story is changed a lot, and yeah. If you had already read this story it's probably from TheSophomore.