Hey! I had a cool idea and I wanted to share it. So here it is! I also have an idea for a KentaRyuga but I hope it isnt a spoiler, but I'll see first. Thanks for reading!
Yu and Kenta trudged behind Tsubasa, each carrying a basket of clothes. It was laundry day and it was the worse possible day for it. A heat wave swept through Metal Bey City and the sky was void of every cloud imaginable. The boys thought it would be over by now, as they wanted to go to Bey Park, but of course, it didn't.
"This sucks!" Yu stomped his feet on the ground, "I hate hot weather!"
"Well yelling won't make it better, Yu. Just calm down and we'll be there soon," Tsubasa tried to remain calm himself, but the hot air made his hair stand in every which direction and the only alternative was putting it in a ponytail, which was a huge no. It was already proven by Kenta and Yu that he looked too much like a girl already.
"Yeah Yu. Just think about. I read that in the end of an intense heat wave, a heavy rain follows. So, next thing you know, we'll be jumping in puddles."
Yu looked over at Kenta. The boy was truly optimistic, but then again Kenta liked warm weather. His constant wearing of a t-shirt and shorts proved it. Yu, on the other hand, preferred to wear his long sleeve jacket, but instead he was stuck with his a-little-too-big overalls, but at least Tsubasa stopped laughing.
"Alright, we're here. Now put the clothes there and you guys have a seat," Tsubasa began washing the clothes while the boys sat patently. After Tsubasa put at least half the clothes in the machine, he joined them. The laundry mat was basically empty, save for the present bladers, and Yu became bored very fast.
"I want it to snow. Now. Right Now. At this very instant. NOW!" Yu's voice rose higher and higher. Tsubasa and Kenta merely sighed.
"Again Yu yelling won't help, but…" Tsubasa's voice trailed.
"But what?" Kenta and Yu stared intensely at Tsubasa.
"Oh nothing. But I need you guys to do something for me."
"Does it involve going out in that heat?" Yu asked.
"Yes, but don't worry. I'm sure it won't be too long."
Yu and Kenta got up from their seats, "Okay. We'll do it, Tsubasa."
"Great, here you go. Follow this map very closely to find out what to do."
The boys looked at the map oddly and then at each other. At each destination, there were instructions to follow and the instructions didn't even make much sense. Sometimes Tsubasa could prove to be a bigger oddball than Hyoma, but they looked at their first stop, which was a bookstore.
"Hm this doesn't surprise me. Tsubasa loves this place," Yu said.
"So, let's see what to do."
On the map, next to the store were the words: 'Bull, Lions, Pegasus, horses with human features, scales, eagles, warriors and dogs all have something in common. However, the bull, lion, horse and scales are closer. Will the verdict be in your flavor?'
"Huh?" both boys pondered on this. They couldn't begin to think of how they had anything in common, but they were determined.
"Well let's go to the animal section and figure it out," Kenta nearly bolted but Yu stopped him.
"Yeah, but what about the warrior and scales. They aren't animals."
"You're right and how does a horse have human features?"
"Kenchi, your Sagittario!"
"That's right. Sagittario has a horse body, but he's human as well!"
"But what does that have to do with scales?"
"Silly boys."
Behind them, Ryutaro sat quietly with a book in his hand about dark magic.
"Don't you know anything about your beys?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, why they have names like, Leone, Gemios and Sagittario?"
"I never thought about it, but why?" Kenta asked.
"It's because they're names are taken from the constellations in the night sky. However, there are some beys that are a part of a special group called the Zodiac. I am very knowledgeable of it as I am a part of it and so are you two."
"The Zodiac? Hey can you tell us- he's gone!" the boys only looked away for a second and Ryutaro was nowhere to be seen, but he left his books behind. One of them was called Zodiac Stars.
"Let's see. It says that there are 12 signs," Yu looked down the list and spotted several names that looked familiar, like Gemini, Libra, Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus.
"Wow, look Yu. This Taurus looks like Benkei's bull and hey! There's Sagittario or Sagittarius."
"Hm, I wonder what the note said about a verdict though. Unless…" Yu flipped through the pages and stopped at Libra and on the page, was a piece of paper.
'Congrats, you found it! But I'm sure you're wondering about the verdict right? Well, hopefully the next place should give you a clue about my decision.'
"Hey! It's another clue, like a scavenger hunt!"
"But, Kenchi. Why would Tsubasa send us on a scavenger hunt?"
"I don't know, but let's find out what the next thing is, okay?"
The boys looked down at the map. The next place was the site of the old Dark Nebula building. It wasn't used and no one bothered it, so why did they have to go there?
'This is place is scary for sure, but you all learned a valuable lesson here, right? I certainly did. If you don't know the lesson, look in 145.'
"Huh? What's that?" Kenta asked.
"145…145…I know!" Yu ran to the building, with Kenta hot on his heels.
I wonder what Tsubasa has planned for our young friends. We'll see.