[A/N]: Okay, this was a story that I had written out roughly two weeks ago, after the 47th episode of ZeXal. Naturally, it WOULD be a depressing episode that would start my writing spree on the newest Yu-Gi-Oh series, eh? Anyways, lots of us on Tumblr were rather frightened of how Yuuma ended up without his spirit of Kattobing, and well, this scene really made me wonder-what if Yuuma never really heard that word from his father and didn't have it as a crutch to keep him from feeling so much like a failure? And then this happened. It was originally written as two chapters, but I've put them together for a single upload, since they're both about the same event-the beginning!

Just to warn you-Yuuma is suicidal and does express those thoughts throughout this fic, so if that's not your cup of tea, just go on your merry way and don't worry about this stuff, okay?

Now, let's go!

Yuuma held the key in his hands, terrified and shaking. It had been a long time since he had last seen this key, and holding it only brought up the bad memories of how he had received it in the first place. It, along with several other items, had been left to him in his father's will. His father was now either dead or missing, Yuuma didn't care either way. All he could remember when he thought of his father was that damned camping trip, the trip that had sealed his fate as a worthless and pathetic loser.

Going out with his father had been such an escape, a way to be free from school for at least a short time. Out there, nobody called him stupid, teased him for not being able to do a thing. He could pretend to be strong when he was with his father. But then, that one climb up that cliff face…

"I can't do it! It's too scary, I can't do it!"

"Of course you can, Yuuma!"

And then, without a further word, his father kept climbing. Yuuma, held by only a thin rope, could do nothing but follow lest it snap. Continually being dragged onward and upward, against the cold and the wind and the fear, his father ignoring or not hearing his crying to stop, his hands and knees cut against the stone as his little body struggled to keep up with his father's strong movements, so much unlike his own. It was too scary, and he couldn't do it. He couldn't. And when that rope snapped from being put under so much strain, his father too far up and too fast for Yuuma to keep up with, he was lucky to be so close to the ledge where his father had pulled up. All he had to do was to haul his body up the last foot or so of bedrock.

And he couldn't do even that. He held on, shivering and crying until his hands were numb against the rock face, and when he finally brought himself to try and pull himself up…his hand lost its grip, too numb to even try and exert any strength. If his father hadn't caught him…well, that would have been the end he deserved, wouldn't it? Instead, he had been bodily hauled up by his father, cradled like an infant as he continued to cry until he fell asleep, waking up later in his room.

When his father had gone missing only a scant few weeks later, Yuuma found that he felt little for the father that should have been able to do so much for him, yet couldn't even help him become even a tiny bit less of a failure. When the box of various ancient trinkets came into his possession, he only felt a hollow emptiness, as if any hope of him becoming any better was completely and utterly gone. The trinkets were left up in the attic, never to be disturbed.

Until today. Yuma felt the strings of the old and dusty hammock creak from the strain as he shivered and curled up in it, holding the key close. For so long, he had been haunted by that door in his dreams. "Whoever opens this door shall have nothing to fear. But in exchange, they will lose what is most precious." And for a long time, he was too cowardly to open that door. It was a terrifying thing, all tall and demonic, stone mouth large enough to swallow him whole should it not feel like bothering to chew him up with the large, foot-long teeth. But now…

At the school, many students had recently fallen to the trouble student, Shark, and his ferocious, almost vengeful, dueling. Just today, Yuuma had been unfortunate enough to see Tetsuo, the strongest duelist in his class, fall to the terrifying rouge duelist. And then Shark had spotted him. Had designated him as his next victim, "for a breather round," as Shark had put it. That was all a pathetic person like him could offer at his best, anyways.

Yuuma knew he wouldn't win. He could never beat Tetsuo, after all, and Shark had crushed him easily without taking a single life point of damage. And when he inevitably lost, his deck…it would be gone. His father's deck. The deck that he used despite the painful memories it held because he was too scared or too unskilled to get other cards. The deck that had been reduced to its bare bones due to him already losing so many cards due to the ante rule that students sometimes used when teachers weren't using (always dueling him whenever they chose to use that rule because they knew he would be too scared to report anything to the teachers). It would all be gone. And just like that, he knew that any redemption he could have scrounged for himself would be over. After all, hadn't he once declared that he would be Duel Champion? A declaration hastily blurted out, for no other reason that he didn't know what to say, and he was scared to be the only child without a dream. And now that would be over.

There was no point in him even trying to scrounge a living after that. What everyone suspected, what everyone whispered under their breath, would be proven true, and he would never be able to redeem himself, never be able to grow beyond the worthless loser that he knew that he was. And so he found himself in the dusty attic, crying silently as he curled up as much as possible, the golden key clutched next to his heart in clammy, shaking hands. The voice in his dreams echoed in his mind.

"Whoever opens this door…"

He saw it. In his mind's eye, he saw it as he closed his eyes, looming and towering over him.

"…shall have nothing to fear."

Yes. He'd have nothing to fear after this. Nothing.

"But in exchange…"

The price. It was nothing. It was completely worthless, after all.

"…they shall lose what is most precious."

What did he have left that could even be considered precious? What, after all, was he so worried about losing? His self-respect, his right and will to live. That was all he could rightfully claim, as a worthless person. That was his most precious thing. His grip on the key slackened briefly, before clutching it even closer to his heart as more tears came, dripping down his face, landing on the tiny green gem that was embedded in the key. In his agitated state, the deepest wish of his heart found its way to his lips in a feverish, frightened whisper.

"As worthless as it is…it's what I hold closest. As you demand…please, take my life, so I don't have to fear anything in this world anymore!"


When Yuuma made his desperate request, and heard the door creak open, he felt completely drained. All his pent up emotions were suddenly gone, released in that fitful request, and now his body didn't feel as if it could respond to anything. He saw the door open, felt the burst of wind and power and energy rush past him.

He saw a glimpse of something blue, then a glimpse of many small things surrounding him and cutting off his vision-cards? Before he could confirm it, there was the loud sound of something shattered, and they all flew apart. One remained with him, settling in his hands, and as a dark black energy exploded from it, he passed out.


Waking up in his hammock, he felt a brief moment of surprise. He was still alive. What had the door taken from him, if not his life? Yuuma couldn't help but let out a sigh as his clammy hands opened, revealing the golden key. Of course it didn't take his life. It was too worthless to even consider as a price.

"So finally, you have awakened."

Yuuma stiffened. What was that voice? It sounded malicious, and angry…he looked up, slowly, shaking even more than usual. What he saw left him speechless.

It was a black humanoid figure, intricate green marks scattered around its form along with blue gems. There was a few red marks on its face which served to make its predatory expression even more intimidating. Yuuma didn't know what it was, nor did he have the courage to even inquire. Instead, he let out a strangled whimper and tried to back away, only finding that being curled up on a hammock left little he could do at the moment without summoning the strength he knew he didn't have.

"Hmmph. Pathetic." Even though he knew it was coming, Yuuma couldn't help but wince. Of course even otherworldly things would find him worthless. "You'd be of much more use without that meager will of yours…" And before Yuuma could let out a cry, the thing let out several thick tentacles that emerged from its almost liquid-like body, aiming straight at him. He flinched and covered his eyes…

And opened them when a bright golden light emerged from the key, blocking the entity's attack and causing it to snarl angrily. Yuuma only whimpered. He watched as the thing mused out loud, letting him hear whatever its intentions were.

"Of course the key would protect even a miserable wretch like you. This won't be as easy as the Original, oh no. You actually have memories and a personality to boot…I suppose I'll have to be…" and here the face twisted in an ugly snarl, making Yuuma flinch yet again. "…diplomatic."

"W-who…" Yuuma gulped, surprised that a coherent word managed to escape him. But if this key was apparently keeping him safe, then… "Who…are you…?"

"I…?" The thing grinned, which somehow proved to even be even more terrifying than its snarl. "I am Number 96: Black Mist. And you, miserable wretch, have unlocked my power."

"I…? How…?"

"By opening the path of the Original, of course."


"Oh, he's nobody special. You might have gotten a glimpse of him before I got to him. But you see, the shock of breaking the seal shattered his memory, so he really is probably the only one worse off than you. Imagine, not knowing even your name or why you exist!"

And Yuuma only shook, eyes widening.

"A…are you saying…that…Orignal was…worthless?" Like him. No reason to exist. Black Mist only laughed.

"Essentially. You see, his memory shattered into us Numbers. I happen to be one of the most important." The last word was heavily emphasized, the Number drawling out the last word with an almost sensual pleasure.

"I-Important…?" So what was it doing here, with him? "Why?" The Number looked delighted, as if it had been waiting for Yuuma to ask that question.

"You see…" It cackled, and Yuuma felt a chill run down his spine. "I remember why he was meant to come to this world in the first place. When he realized that I did, he immediately surrendered direction to me, as he knew nothing at all. So easy to lead around, like a small innocent child!" There was more laughter, high and mad, and Yuuma felt dizzy from hearing it all.

"So you're important…" How was this meant to help Yuuma, however? The Gate had promised that Yuuma would have nothing to fear…but at this moment it looked like Yuuma would be fearful of this…thing that he had released into the world for the rest of his life.

"Indeed." And the Number drew close, uncomfortably close even with the distance forced by the key's protection. "And your role, now that you've opened that door…you are meant to aid me in my endeavors."

"M-me?" What could he do? He was worthless and pathetic! It wasn't like he could be of any use. "What…what could I even do?"

"Oh, it's simple, really. You work together with me to destroy this world."

"W…what…?" The surprise in his voice was evident, even with his voice being reduced to a scared whisper. "H-how…why would I…how could I even…" Black Mist grinned, as if enjoying his mental distress.

"Oh, I know that's not something you wanted, but you opened the door, you pay the price. Besides…" The Number's tone was taking on that dangerously suave tone, drawling out his words again. "This world of yours is doomed to destruction eventually, just as all things are. Does it matter if you bring it about just a bit faster?"

Yuuma could only breathe heavily for a few moments. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine that anyone would come to him for help with anything, much less such a monumental task of destroying the world. But…destroying that world…wasn't that a bad thing? Wouldn't he be faced with disapproval if he even tried something like that?

Then again, nobody approved of him anyway. They all thought of him as worthless, all made fun of him, even when they spoke with kind words. If he did something like that, the disapproval and hatred of everyone…that was nothing new. The worst that could happen was that they'd lock him up to wallow in his own misery, or outright kill him, and he'd finally get the end he deserved either way. After all, what else could he do but fail? Even with these thoughts, it took him a long time to speak.

"I…I was supposed to die…a long time ago. If…If this is how I meet my end, being able to long enough to see the end of the world…that would be more than I expected. If…If destroying the world is the only way my life can end, after opening that door, then…" Yuuma gulped, not believing that he was actually saying these things. "I…I don't think I'd mind that…"

Black Mist let loose that unsettling grin once more at those words.

"I see. So, will you help me?"

"I…I…" Yuuma flinched at Black Mist's look of annoyance. "It's…scary…" The words left his mouth before he could stop them. His response to everything. Why he couldn't do anything. Because he knew he would fail everything. "I can't do it…I know I can't do it. Why…why would you ask someone like me?"

Black Mist sighed in impatience, biting out the next few words as if they were costing him a great deal of patience.

"If I had my way, I'd just control your will the same way I did the Original's. But the key protects you from me because you see me as a threat. But I need that key's power. It opened that door and let me free. You have that key. You can open that door. That means you have some worth, at least. So instead of controlling you…" and here, Black Mist scowled, "I'll have to work with you. Understood?"

"I…I understand, but…" Yuuma saw everyone in his mind. Their disapproving stares. They knew he couldn't do anything. He knew it too. "I can't do it! I'll just fail! I always fail at everything! I'm just some pathetic, worthless loser!" He started panting heavily, that outburst of emotion having shocked him to his core. He hadn't said anything out loud like that since he last talked to his father. And look at what that had gotten him. He couldn't look up for what felt like forever, but when he did, he saw Black Mist looking strangely thoughtful.

"So, what you fear most is failure, is it?" Yuuma didn't know what the Number was getting at, but eventually he nodded. "Then the solution is simple."

"It…It is?" Was there really an easy answer for his dilemma?

"Of course." Black Mist's voice had taken that eerily smooth tone again. "You simply just have to let me decide what you do for you."

Yuuma looked up at Black Mist with wonder. Never had someone been willing to simply guide him through. They only expected him to try things on his own and fail. Black Mist seemed to take this look as encouragement to keep talking.

"If you simply act as my eyes and ears, my way of interacting with this human world, then you won't have to worry about failure. Anything that you fail at would be my failure instead, because I was the one deciding everything." And then the Number got closer. It was closer than ever, and Yuuma belatedly realized that the key wasn't repelling Black Mist as strongly as it was before.

"You wouldn't need to fear anything, if you let me think for you."

Yuuma's breath caught in his throat. That was what the door had promised him. He would have nothing to fear. He wouldn't have to cower from everyone's disapproving stares. He wouldn't have to shy away from tasks that everyone else could do. He could salvage what little was left of his life…

"I…I don't have to think? Or…or feel? I can just let you…decide?"

"Only if you are willing to let me in, boy."

Black Mist had gotten closer again. Their faces were almost touching. Yuuma couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. This felt like it was too good to be true.

Slowly, hesitantly, Yuuma held his hand out to the Number.

"O…okay. I'll help you."

Black Mist seized his hand with its own, sharp nails digging into Yuuma's skin as it gripped tightly. Tentacles again erupted from its hand, but this time they weren't as aggressive as before, instead crawling slowly up his arm and feeling almost…soothing…with their gentle steady movement.

"You agree to help me with the destruction of this planet?"

Yuuma watched with fascination as the tendrils continued snaking up his arm, before looking back up to Black Mist. Their eyes met.

"I…I do."

"You agree to do whatever I say, unconditionally?"

The tendrils had reached his neck. They curled around it, but somehow, it didn't feel wrong at all despite how constricting they were slowly becoming.


"You agree that your will is my own, that your body is mine to do with as I see fit, and that we, from now on, are bound as partners in my endeavors?"

He had never been able to hold eye contact with anyone this long before.

"I do."

There was a searing pain in his neck, and his body seized up momentarily before becoming limp, cradled gently by the tendrils that had grown down to his back and were supporting him, keeping him upright. The number 96 burned brightly from underneath his uniform's shirt collar, before fading away.

"Then the vow is sealed."

Black Mist let loose that vicious, predatory grin once more. But this time, Yuuma found, it didn't scare him all that much.

It was actually almost comforting.

[A/U]: Yep. That's how it turned out in my mind. And yes, Yuuma doesn't get Hope in this story. He has no need for it. It's already failed him enough that he's stopped believing in a concept of "hope" and so he receives a different Numbers. Of course, this is assuming that Yuuma follows the rules of the other Numbers users and that their first Numbers took the form of that person's 'Inner Darkness.' It's highly likely that he doesn't, considering he has the original, Astral, and Hope instead, and that Hope and Black Mist are just unique among the Numbers for having stronger personalities than the others, and the show will probably throw more hints about that, but until then, that's how I'm explaining how Yuuma got Black Mist.