A/N: *peeks from behind a wall* Hi? *hides quickly to avoid flying ammo* I'm sorry! It's been, I don't know, more than a year since the last time I updated this? I told you guys to pray, but apparently, you didn't pray hard enough. :)) Kidding! I'm really really really sorry, but this is going to be the last chapter of Junior Year. :( It's just that, I'm already in college and I can't bring myself to do stuff like this (stuff I don't have the passion to do) in the spare time that I have. I can't see myself updating this in the near future. However, I may see myself writing new chapters for this particular story in a couple years? Maybe? I don't know. I guess you'll just randomly see a new chapter in a few years' time.

Since I've already had this written out, I thought I might as well post it, right? Enjoy the "last" chapter of Junior Year, guys. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson & the Olympians


Suddenly, Travis sat up straight and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Percy, how did you say Chiron escaped from the hospital?" he asked his eyebrows furrowed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Out of all the things I told him, this is what he asks me?

"He went out the window." I replied hesitantly.

"Percy," he said slowly as if trying to break it to me gently. "Chiron is crippled." Then and there, I felt as if all of my beliefs shattered with that one sentence. ]

"No. I know it was Chiron! I… Maybe I… I would've known if… I…" I stuttered. How could I have missed that? I've known the man since I was a kid! I stared at Travis with absolute horror before I jumped down from where I was sitting and promptly ran towards the building, barefooted. I heard Travis yelling behind me to stop but it was too late, I was already on my way to see a certain Vice Principal of ours.


Even after a year of studying here in Goode High, even after a year of enduring its absolute boringness, I still can't stand Mr. Brunner's ADHD class. I like Mr. Brunner enough sure, but this class just really sucks. Who in their right mind would willingly teach a bunch of dyslexic, ADHD kids? Who would even put them in one room in the first place?

Subconsciously, my eyes travel around the room, taking in my surroundings without moving my head. Good thing I was in the second row from the leftmost side of the room, right beside the door. Right in front of me, was Nico. His eyes were trained on the board but I would bet my lock-picking kit that his eyes were glazed over by the way his foot kept an irritatingly loud beat on the floor. Beside him was Calypso. She was paying attention but her eyes drifted occasionally to the door or to the window as if waiting for something. I wonder what that's about. To her right, Fred was writing something in his notebook. God forbid it's another haiku. He's usually good at writing poems but he just sucks at haikus. My eyes snap to my right where Fred's brother sat. He was shifting in his seat as if he would love nothing more than to jump off of it and run to the nearest exit. What's his name again? Bill? Gill? Will! I notice his eyes kept travelling to the right then he would blush and look away. Curious, I lean forward, making sure it looked like I was paying attention to Mr. Brunner, and take a peek. Since I couldn't exactly turn my head, all I saw was long curly hair and a hand furiously copying down notes. I didn't know her but it looked like Will really likes her. I put the knowledge away for further investigation and use. (READ: BLACKMAIL)

My eyes snapped to the front when I heard Mr. Brunner cough. He was looking behind me. Thank god.

Just as he was about to reprimand whoever was behind me, the bell rang. I internally leaped for joy and hopped out of my seat. Good thing I never bring anything for this class.

As I was exiting the room, I noticed somebody running towards me. No doubt it was Percy – his messy, jet black hair is impossible to miss – but that wasn't what caught my attention. Nor was it the fact that he appears to be barefooted inside the school. No. It was the fact that my brother, who was equally shoe-less, was running after him yelling for him to stop.

"Percy! Stop!" A certain brother of mine said. "Per- Connor! Stop him!" knowing better than to argue with anyone, especially Travis, when it concerns Percy, I quickly tackled him. Both of us went down with an "Oof!" but I was willing to bet that I hurt myself more than I did him.

Travis quickly caught up with us and helped keep a struggling Percy down.

"Travis! Connor! What the hell?" Nico demanded from the doorway.

"Nico! Help! Percy! Chiron! Arg!" Travis was able to say before Percy elbowed him on the gut. He was able to hold on but the breath was knocked out of him.

Nico looked at me in confusion but I can only send him an equally bewildered look before he sighed and pressed Percy's pressure point. Percy immediately slackened in our arms but whatever height we managed to pull him up in, vanished due to his weight. We slammed back down with a groan but with the help of Nico, we managed to bring him upright and drag him towards the door before too many students came out of their respective classrooms.

"What the hell happened, Travis?" Nico asked as he fished the hummer's keys from Percy's pocket. He unlocked the door and we put him inside. We climbed in – Nico at the driver's seat, me beside him and Travis at the back with Percy – and Nico locked the door. I caught Travis' eyes and I immediately understood that I had something to do with Angeloí Fylakes. "I heard you say something about Chiron," he continued.

"I think it would be better if Percy explains." Travis said.

"So does it concern Chiron?" Nico asked. Travis' eyes travelled to Percy's still form before meeting my eyes. He nodded but kept silent. Nico furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I quickly copied his expression just in time for him to look at my direction. He sent me a questioning glance and I shrugged.

A groan came from Percy and all of us snapped our heads to his direction.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing his head. He winced when he suddenly shifted. "I feel like I have a hangover. What the hell?" He blinked when he saw Nico and I sitting in front of him. "Nico? What are you doing here? I remember Connor tackling me but why are you here?"

"I pressed your pressure point." He responded with a shrug.
