A/N: So just to clarify up some stuff, this is and AU and AH story. The rest will be explained in the following chapters. Enjoy. :)


I groaned as I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I turned around facing my window and quickly went back to sleep. A few minutes later I heard my clock go off again, but this time I chose to ignore it. I heard someone come in and walk towards my window. The person threw my curtains open letting the sunshine in. I groaned as the sunlight hit my face hurting my eyes.

"Wake up, Percy. It's the first day of school and you cannot be late. Gumising ka na." Mrs. Williams told me, throwing the covers off of me, revealing my bare upper half and my blue and black plaid pajamas. I rubbed my tired sea green eyes and looked at her, but all I could see of her was of her silhouette since she was standing against the light. "Stand up and shower. Go on. Quickly."

I sat up and shuffled to my bathroom scratching my head, making my jet-black bed hair worse. I stripped out of my pajamas and stepped into the shower. Five minutes later, I came out of my room wearing a fresh pair of pants and a gray green long sleeved v-neck shirt.

I walked to the kitchen where Mrs. Williams stood cooking breakfast. Mrs. Williams was an elderly woman with shockingly white hair that was always in a tight bun, she was plump and a little on the short side. Her brown eyes are always full of love and she has laugh lines that crinkled whenever she smiles, which happened a lot. She was born and raised in the Philippines but when she was old enough, some British dude whisked her off here, and married her. They have 3 wonderful kids, but the dude died in a car crash without any will and testament of any sort, leaving her and her 3 kids penniless. Luckily for her, my parents took her and the kids in. She has been taking care of my cousins, Nico, Thalia, Jason and I since we were kids. Her kids, Lloyd, Sean and Josephine-aka "Joey"-are now grown up and are either in college or working. I've met them once or twice and they are awesome. They are carefree and it was obvious that they loved their mother more than anything in the world.

"Good morning, Mrs. Williams. Where are the others?" I greeted her as I kissed her on the cheek, grabbing some of the delicious French toast she was cooking. I sat down by the granite counter still facing her.

"Good morning, Percy. They are still sleeping as usual." She told me as she smiled warmly at me. "And don't forget, your parents and uncles and aunts, will drop by later for a visit. So, don't be late. NO stopping over at all costs, you hear me young man?"

"Yes, ma'am." I answered. Our fathers are the co-owners of the very successful Olympus enterprises. They pretty much covered everything from oil to commerce to buy-and-sell. They traveled around the world with our mother's in tow, leaving us kids alone. When they realized that their huge houses were always left empty aside from us and the servants, they gave us the penthouse suite of one of the many condos they owned. Don't get me wrong, they were wonderful parents; they visited us as much as they could, but it would've been better if they could just stay at home like normal parents.

"Good morning, Nico." Mrs. Williams said as Nico shuffled into the kitchen in his black pajamas.

"Good morning, Mrs. Williams, Perce." He yawned and scratched his messy, jet-black curls. He sat on the counter with me and glanced at what I was wearing before he lowered his head to the granite counter, "Why are you dressed up, Perce? Going somewhere?" he said while he yawned again.

"Why do you think, idiot?" I asked him, laughing silently knowing that this would happen.

"You have a date?" he asked again, still half-asleep.

"No, Nicholas. If you have forgotten even after I told you this morning while I was attempting to wake you up, your junior year starts today. Magbihis ka na ngayon." Mrs. Williams said.

"Holy crap! I thought that was a dream!" he yelped. He jumped up and hurried to his room, muttering curses all the way.

"Language, Mr. Di Angelo." Mrs. Williams called out to him.

"Sorry, Mrs. Williams. Morning, Thals." we heard him hurriedly say.

"He forgot didn't he?" Thalia said. Mrs. Williams and I just laughed and nodded. "Typical Nico behavior."

"Who forgot what?" Jason asked as he entered the room. It was kind of hilarious that Thalia was a pale brunette while Jason was a tanned blond. He was 2 years below us, making him a freshman and I already knew he would be one of the populars, not just because of his good looks but because he was one of us. We unwillingly became one of the populars because of our parents. It was kind of annoying actually. It would've been fine if we were popular because of what we did, not because of our parents. But no, the kids at school knew our parents and they decided, to make a big deal out of it.

"NIco forgot that school starts today." I replied to him.

"That's Nico alright." He said shaking his head. He grabbed 2 plates and stacked French toast onto it, handing Thalia one. "Here ya go, sis." He said already munching on his.

"Thank you, Jason, but close your mouth when you talk. It's disgusting" Thalia said looking at Jason with a mix of affection and grossness. Jason just shrugged and continued eating. We all started eating and talked about random stuff for a few minutes before Nico ran in again.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go." He said glancing at his watch. We laughed at him again and started putting our dishes in the sink. "Oh man, was that French toast?" he complained looking at a spare plate of Mrs. William's wonderful toast.

"Here you go, Mr. Di Angelo. I knew you love French toast so I packed you some for school." Mrs. Williams said, handing him a brown paper bag. Nico looked at Mrs. Williams and the bag like they were gods or something, and he would start worshipping them at any moment.

"Thank you Mrs. Williams." He said grinning and kissing her on the cheek. She just laughed and shook her head. We all grabbed our stuff and kissed her cheek goodbye.

"Mag-ingat kayo ha." She told me while I grabbed the keys to my black Hummer.

"Of course, Mrs. Williams." I told her and kissed her on the cheek, waving goodbye as I pushed the button going down to the lobby.


My eyes opened immediately at the sound of my alarm clock, but I was so not looking forward for this day. I hit the snooze button, silencing the insistent ringing and sat up, stretching. I yawned, stood up and shuffled to my bathroom.

As I entered my bathroom, I looked at my hello-kitty shirt and short shorts clad body, messy blond curls and sleepy gray eyes. I sighed at the sight of my very messy hair and started to strip. As I took a shower, I thought about the past few weeks, the tears, the goodbyes, and the arguments that eventually led to our moving her to New York city all the way from San Francisco. It was annoying that my mother thinks she can just uproot us and move us to a city that was near her job just because he wants to spend more time with me. Why can't she, the hot shot that she is, just fly to Cali and join us herself? But no, she had to uproot me from where I grew up for her selfish reasons! At least the rest of my family agreed to move here with me instead of letting me stay in an apartment all by myself.

After my shower, I hair dried my blond hair, put it in a messy bun and left the bathroom to change. After a minute or two, I emerged from my room wearing a black and white striped top, black jeans, and black flats. I climbed down the stairs to the sight of the twins, Bobby and Matthew, watching some cartoons in the living room while eating their favorite cereal.

"Good morning, Bobby, Matthew." I greeted them while messing up their sandy-colored hair. They just grunted "Good Morning", never removing their eyes from the screen, and fixed their hair, annoyed. I chuckled and continued to the kitchen where my dad and step-mom, Helen, were talking. "Morning, Dad, Helen." I greeted them as I kissed their cheeks.

"Morning, 'Beth." My dad grunted from behind his newspaper. I rolled my eyes, like father, like son, literally. They had the same hair and eye color and they were tall. The only thing Helen contributed was their almond-shaped eyes.

"Good Morning, Annabeth!" Helen chirped from the stove. Helen was a short Asian woman with long raven hair and a bubbly personality. You can never catch her without a smile, even when the twins are running wild. "Care for some some eggs," she said offering me some from the pan.

"Don't mind if I do, Helen." I said smiling as I grabbed a plate and took some of the scrambled eggs she was making and some toast bread. I put some tomato ketchup on my plate and dug in. After I finished eating, I put my plate in the sink and kissed my parents and brothers goodbye.

"Come home early later, Annabeth. You have to babysit the twins." my dad, called out to me.

"Yes, dad! I'll come home directly after school!" I replied as I grabbed the keys to my blue Maserati Spyder, which was a gift from my mother, Athena-the only good thing that came out of this whole moving thing- and drove off to my new High School, Goode High.


Hey guys, what do you think? Awesome? Awful? Review and let me know!