1 TITLE: In Front of You: Chapter 6/6

AUTHOR: Kansas J. Miller



SUMMARY: "I'm glad you're happy."

SPOILERS: "Enemies Foreign and Domestic", ("Posse Comitatus"(Rejected!)


He saw CJ on the television, briefing the press with her magic spin. She looked good, Simon mused, she looked much healthier than she'd looked during the three weeks of Service protection. Could that have been from his attention? Simon didn't want to admit to an ego, but CJ certainly reinforced his self-confidence.

And what man wouldn't want that woman on his arm? Simon asked himself, fully aware of how much work he was blowing off in order to watch CJ's briefing on CSPAN, a briefing that would surely be re-run twice today. But he had caught it on accident, and now couldn't take his eyes away from the gorgeous creature on the screen; it had been that way since day one.

Oh sure, he'd known absently who the White House Press Secretary was and Simon had even seen her a few times at events where he'd been guarding Eagle. But waiting in her office on the first day of CJ's own protection had been slowly maddening. Her space held a slight whisper of the perfume Simon now so easily recognized, and when CJ had brushed in, dressed in red and an attitude…

And he had been an idiot, making a joke about seeing her naked. Simon chuckled now, recalling the stupid way he had felt directly after his comment. He had instantly recognized his attraction and had made the joke knowing he couldn't go anywhere with CJ Cregg. Luckily that had been all wrong.

"I hear you're happy." Ron Butterfield's deep, methodic voice broke Simon's concentration on the television. Sitting up straight and wondering how easily he could flick off the television without being obvious, Simon swallowed hard. Ron was a good Agent and a good friend, and it had taken a lot of guts for Simon to request removal from CJ's detail. His dealings with Ron had since then been stilted, and it was apparent that Ron was disappointed in Simon's handling of the matter.

Clearing his throat, Simon nodded. "Yes, sir."

Ron smirked, waving his hand in the air. "None of that 'sir' nonsense right now. I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad for you."

Simon narrowed his brow, a bit stunned. "I'm sorry, I thought you were upset about it…"

Ron cocked his head. "I was when you told me, because you shouldn't have let that happen. But I realize that you were doing the right thing. I was too hard on you."

Simon nodded. "I just didn't want her to get hurt because…"

"I know," Ron admitted, "You were responsible."

Simon nodded again, unsure of how much more he should say. A quick glance back at the television brought a laughing CJ into view. Turning back to Ron, Simon pursed his lips.

"I think you should also know that I didn't go looking for this and I did try to ignore it," he gestured at the television, at CJ, "but once I couldn't…"

Ron held his hand up, nodding in understanding. "Like I said, I was too hard on you. And I'm glad you're happy."

After Ron got up, leaving Simon alone in the area, he turned his attention back to the television. CJ was wrapping up the questions, and as he switched the set off, Simon was left strangely satisfied with Ron Butterfield's support.


"Okay," CJ smiled out at the Press Corp, "That wraps it up. We'll do this again at 4:30, see you then."

To a chorus of 'thank you, CJ' the Press Secretary made her way out of the room and into the hallway. Stopping to adjust the errant strap of her back-less heels, CJ stood back up face-to-face with Carol.

"What now?" CJ asked with a wry grin, noting the harried look on her assistant's face.

As they walked, Carol ticked off the information. "Leo needs you before the next briefing, Toby and Sam have a new problem with something Ritchie's people said to the AP, Donna was looking for you, and Simon called."

Stopping outside her office, CJ spun around with a smile. "What did Simon want?"

Carol couldn't help but grin; ever since CJ and Simon had given in to their attraction, CJ became another person at mention of his name. "Just wanted to say hi and said to tell you that he CAN come to the thing on Friday."

CJ nodded, satisfied. "Finally, a State Dinner that might be fun…Listen, get the AP reports and tell Toby I'll take care of it."

"On your desk," Carol directed, heading for her phone. As she briefly let Ginger know what was going on, Carol watched CJ through the blinds. She'd picked up the phone, no doubt to return Simon's call. The glow on CJ's face was apparent, and Carol felt instantly happy for her boss. Simon was indeed a good man.

After CJ had made a few other calls, Carol approached the door. "You need anything else?"

CJ smiled. "No, I'm waiting for a phone call back from Ritchie's people. Strangely, their campaign reminds me a lot of ours four years ago."

Carol sat down, nodding. "Sometimes it seems like eons ago. And then again, it feels like yesterday."

"Mm," CJ agreed, her mind moving from the campaign to Simon. "Bet he looks good in a tux," she pondered aloud, a sigh in her voice.

Carol giggled. "Someone's in love," she teased good-naturedly, knowing CJ wouldn't take offense.

CJ smiled brightly, her tone lower as to indicate a confidence. "I really am."

Carol jumped at the truth in CJ's voice, leaning towards the desk conspiratorially "Oh wow…When did you realize?" she wondered, biting her lip at the good drama right here in the office.

CJ cocked her head and let her hair fall along her jaw line as she thought. "I knew I wasn't supposed to feel that way, but when he came in here flashing his Secret Service badge…"

Carol nodded, silently agreeing that Simon was pretty hot. "Love at first sight."

"No," CJ laughed, "I thought he was sexy at first sight. I didn't realize I loved him until…"

"When?" Carol asked with great interest, annoyed when the phone rang.

"Until later," CJ smiled up at the now-standing Carol. "CJ Cregg," she spoke into the phone. "Is this Governor Ritchie's Press Secretary? Yes, hi."

Carol headed for the door, grinning from ear to ear. There was just something about seeing people in love. Turning around before she returned to her desk, Carol smiled at CJ.

"I'm glad you're happy," she offered quietly, knowing that CJ had heard. *