A/N: And here's the final part. I apologize again for the wait. I hope you enjoyed this. Songs used are 4ever by The Veronicas and Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper - neither of which I own. Characters belong to FOX/Glee/Ryan Murphy/people who aren't me.

Kurt was miserable. He almost wished he didn't even bother coming tonight. That's not completely true, he looked fabulous and he was here with all of his friends, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit bitter that he was the only one without a date. And yes, Rachel was his best friend, but how did SHE get two dates to prom when he couldn't even swing a platonic friendship date? And yeah, this is Ohio, not really known for its gay population, but still. He had at least counted on being bitterly single with Rachel tonight. Kurt looked up from the table when he heard people walking towards him. Oh speak of the devil, he thought to himself.

"Rachel." Kurt gave her a slight nod, trying hard to keep the grimace out of his voice.

"Kurt I have to tell you something." Rachel started before she stopped herself. "Wait that's all wrong. Kurt, I want to introduce you to someone." Rachel turned around and grabbed Blaine by the hand and pulled him next to her.

"Kurt, I'd like to introduce you to Blaine." Kurt raised his eyebrow at Rachel before replying.

"Rachel. I met Blaine. Has Puck finally succeeded in spiking the punch?" Kurt turned around quickly, arching his back and craning his neck to see the punch bowl; like he could tell from here if there was alcohol in it or not. Blaine felt his breath catch in his throat at the site of Kurt's pale neck stretched out in front of him.

"No I haven't been drinking the punch, I don't trust a bowl of juice in this school – let's be serious Kurt." Rachel said, pulling Kurt's attention back to her. "Who you met before was Blaine my date, but now I want you to meet the real Blaine. Kurt, this is my older brother, Blaine." Blaine grinned, his teeth nearly blinding Kurt.

"I'm sorry. I must have misheard. Your who?" Kurt could barely breath. Rachel had a brother? That's right, she did. She had a brother that was currently a junior in college and he rarely came around because when he wasn't at school he lived with his biological mother. Wait a minute – wasn't Rachel's brother gay?

"Hi. I'm Blaine. I'm Rachel's awesome older brother." Blaine winked at Kurt before sticking out his hand. Kurt, still somewhat bewildered, took Blaine's hand and oh his hands were rough with calluses but for some reason it felt really good against Kurt's hand.

"Ooh Rachel I was right, his hands are really soft." Blaine smirked before letting go of Kurt's hand.

"Rachel – isn't your brother gay?" Kurt blurted out before he could stop himself. Kurt felt himself blush and quickly looked down at his hands in his lap but not before he saw the grin stretched across Blaine's face.

"Yes. Very gay. And might I add that you look absolutely ravishing tonight, Kurt." Blaine said as he gracefully dropped into the chair next to Kurt.

"Thank you." Kurt blushed again.

"Well I'm glad you two are happy. I need to go find a good bathroom stall to hide in when everyone finds out that I took my brother as my date to my senior prom because I didn't want to go alone." Rachel cut in with a dramatic flair; but Kurt could hear the softness in her voice.

"Who says anyone is going to find out?" Kurt asked.

"Are you trying to tell me that the people who feed on gossip to live aren't going to find out what is going on when I'm ok with my best friend slow dancing with my date to Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time?" Rachel replied, this time not even hiding her smile.

"That's oddly specific." Kurt mused before the opening notes of Time After Time started playing. Kurt rolled his eyes as Blaine and Rachel shared a look across the table. Rachel waved her hand at Blaine as if to say, "get a move on!" before she flopped down into an empty chair. Blaine smiled before he stood up, holding his hand out to Kurt.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, barely able to contain a squeal of delight as Kurt nodded and accepted his hand.

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,

And think of you

Caught up in circles confusion -

Is nothing new

Flashback - warm nights -

Almost left behind

Suitcases of memories,

Time after -

Once they reached the dance floor Blaine pulled Kurt flush against him and the two boys began to sway slowly together to the music.

Sometimes you picture me -

I'm walking too far ahead

You're calling to me, I can't hear

What you've said -

Then you say - go slow -

I fall behind -

The second hand unwinds

Blaine spun Kurt out and then spun him back in right before leaning in close, so close that Kurt could smell his cologne mixed with soap, a scent that was so specifically male and so specifically Blaine. Kurt filed it away in his memory to remember this moment forever. Blaine began to sing along with the chorus into Kurt's ear, his voice low, almost crooning as he danced with Kurt.

If you're lost you can look - and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you - I'll be waiting

Time after time

Kurt couldn't believe this was happening. Sure, they had danced together earlier that night, but that was when that Kurt thought that Blaine was off limits. But it seems like Rachel only told Kurt about Blaine because… maybe Blaine liked him?

"So I have to ask, although I almost don't want to." Kurt asked softly.

"There's nothing to be scared of, ask away." Blaine replied, pulling Kurt closer.

"What made Rachel suddenly decide to tell me the truth about you? She seemed pretty eager to stop you from telling me earlier."

"Because I may or may not have said some inappropriate things to her about what I want to do with you." Kurt pulled away from Blaine slightly, unsure of how to react to that. "Oh no! I meant I t was mixed in with some sweet things but I just get over excited when I see someone I'm attracted to and I just word vomit – and I don't censor myself." Blaine rushed over his words as he pulled Kurt back into his arms, not ready to have Kurt leave them yet.

"You think I'm attractive?" Kurt questioned timidly, still not quite believing that this was happening.

"Didn't I call you ravishing at some point? I don't say that to just anybody; I only say that to people I like." Blaine spun Kurt around again before he dipped him.

Kurt held his head up for a moment before asking, "you like me?"

"What's not to like?" Kurt let his head fall back right before Blaine pulled him up.

"But I just met you."

"Technically. But Rachel always talks about you and when I walked in and found out that you were the Kurt Hummel that she always speaks so highly of, I kind of couldn't help myself."

"The Kurt Hummel? I feel special now." Kurt quipped.

"You should. It's very rare that my sister talks about someone just as much as she talks about herself." Kurt flushed again. Kurt realized that the song had changed and he stopped dancing.

"Well, thank you for the dance." Kurt said as he stepped back, out of Blaine's arms, suddenly feeling colder.

"Hey where are you going?" Blaine asked softly before pulling Kurt back in towards him. "Dance with me?" Blaine asked again, his hand coming up to cup Kurt's face so Kurt is forced to look him in the eye.

"It's not even a slow song anymore." Kurt replied, a twinkle in his eye, as the opening notes to 4ever by The Veronicas came blasting over the speakers.

"So?" Kurt shrugged before letting himself get swept up by Blaine. Blaine leaned in close, letting his forehead rest against Kurt's, the bass of the music reverberating around them. Blaine let his gaze linger on Kurt's lips before he brought his eyes back up to Kurt's.

"You can kiss me if you want to." Kurt whispered, surprised at himself for saying it. Blaine smiled before he gently put his hands on either side of Kurt's face and brought him in for a sweet kiss. It was like time stood still; for just that moment Kurt was kissing Blaine and Blaine was kissing Kurt and nothing else mattered. Everyone else was jumping and dancing and acting crazy, but Kurt didn't notice because he was finally getting his first kiss from an amazing guy, who liked Kurt.

Come on baby we ain't gonna live forever

Let me show you all the things that we could do

You know you wanna be together

And I wanna spend the night with you

Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah

Come with me tonight

We could make the night last forever

Blaine pulled back from the kiss. "You are so wonderful." Blaine murmured before he grabbed Kurt by both his hands and they both began jumping around and dancing wildly to the music, getting lost in the crowd and the music and with each other and everyone else. Kurt didn't think it much, but for once, bless Rachel Berry. Kurt shot Blaine a smile as Blaine spun Kurt around one more time before he pulled him into his arms and the two of them stood there, rocking with each other to the music, not having a care in the world, because Kurt knew, he knew that he could spend the rest of his life happily in Blaine's arms. And Kurt had a good feeling that Blaine would be ok with that.