A/N: Because I rooooooole!!  I also don't own Pokèmon.  I own the fic though ^^  Ain't I great?  It'll be finishing soon too and a second story written ^^  It's my only excuse to bring back an evil scientist XP  Look forward to it peoples!

This is how it happens

Questions went to and fro all day, especially with the new comers to the wedding.  By sunset however, every one of the surviving anthros were at the hotel.  And almost all of them were talking about the news Ember had given them prior to her wedding.  For once, the bride was able to escape the commotion going on inside the building and sit outside alone, crimson eyes watching a crimson sunset.  Wind played with her golden locks while she rested on the white bench, one hand absent-mindedly laying upon her stomach, a look a pure contentment within those eyes that reflected the perfect sunset.

'Mind if I join you?' asked a voice that the Ninetales hybrid instantly recognised.  Smiling, Ember nodded and the almost human form of the Mew hybrid sat down next to her.

"Beautiful night isn't it Mel?"

"Very beautiful.  A perfect night to lead onto tomorrow I think"


"Yes Ember?"

"Did you know before you were told?"

"Know what Ember?" she asked, looking over at the Ninetales.

"About the wedding and my child"

"The child I could sense.  I only knew you were engaged when Darkfire got word and told Fifteen, who told me"

"Where is Fifteen?  I thought he was always watching over you"

"Sparing with Amoura's Scyther and Scizor.  I also told him I wanted to be alone for a while.  He knows I'll contact him if I'm in trouble"

"Both Thanatos and Jale say my baby is fine, growing normally, but I'm worried about it Mel"


"I wasn't created to breed.  None of us were.  We just developed the necessary parts because it was in our DNA.  What if something happens to it?"

Looking over at the bride-to-be, Melete smiled, then placed her own hand upon Ember's bump.  Closing her eyes, the Mew girl did what she did best, then smiled and nodded softly.  "They're fine"


"Seems Thanatos and Jale aren't very good at pregnancies"

"Jale was going to ask Sam to take a look at me, but she's been to busy"

"Well, when you see him, tell him it's twins"  Mel smiled at her, and Ember couldn't help but smile back.  "What names were you considering?"

"I don't know.  Now I know there's two, it'll be even harder, I think"

Melete chuckled "Pick your two favourites"

"I'll wait and see when they're born"  Snuggling down on the bench next to her mentor, Ember rested her head upon Mel's shoulder and sighed softly, both hands now resting upon her stomach.  "I thought it felt funny for it to be just one.  Maybe that's why I was so worried, because it didn't feel right.  Thank you Mel"

"So how long have you know?"

"Sam was the first to notice, I was about two weeks gone then.  I was worried there was something wrong with me and went to ask her.  When she told me, and explained everything, I didn't want Jale to know.  It was three months until he found out, which was when he asked me to marry him.  That was only last month"

"Four months in total?"

Ember nodded "Five to go"

"What was it like?"


"When he asked you?  Can I see?"

Ember smiled, and nodded "I've gotten bored of telling people what happened.  Of course you can"

Lifting her hands, she placed them gently upon the sides of Ember's head and looked deep into her eyes with her own, searching for a particular memory within Ember's mind.  Closing her eyes once she'd found it, Melete placed herself in that very memory to watch.

     - Flashback -

Early morning, and exiting from the bathroom for the third time that morning, Ember crawled back into bed next to Jale and laid her head down upon the pillow.  As she closed her eyes to try and go back to sleep again, she felt the other's form move, and a hand gently place upon her shoulder.

"Em'?" asked his silken voice, a little drowsy "Are you alright?  That's what, the third time you've thrown up?"

"I'm fine" she groaned, pulling the quilt tighter around her shoulders, keeping her back to him.

"Your not.  You've been acting strange for nearly three months.  I do notice when the woman I love is ill"

"It was the food last night.  I'm tired, let me go back to sleep Jale"

"I ate the same as you and I'm not ill"

"Your not the same as me though.  It mustn't of agreed with me because I'm a Ninetales"  She yawned and shuffled further away from him, shrugging his hand from her shoulder "Now let me sleep"

"I'm a doctor, let me at least take a look at you"

"You study behaviour, not health" she murmured.

"And your behaviour is off.  You've not been yourself for a while, and your not yourself now"  Moving to sit up in the bed, exposing the female's golden back, Jale looked at the wall opposite their bed "You've been having mood swings, your appetite is whacked out, your eating more.  Your also waking up more often in the mornings and throwing up.  There is def...Oh my god..."

Rolling over, she opened her eyes slightly and looked up at him.  "There is what...?"

"Your not ill"

"Glad we got that sorted" And she rolled over again.

Looking down at her, he took a deep breath, then slipped a hand infront of her curled up form to place it upon her stomach.  "There's something in there isn't there?"

"I have no idea what your talking about, and your hands are cold"  Swatting his hand away, she curled up even tighter, her nine tails curling over her legs, one of which she gripped in her hand.

"I thought it wasn't possible.  I guess he had in mind that you were going to be useful for more than just fighters" Jale said to himself mostly, although Ember heard him.  "Ember, I'll be right back"  Pulling the sheets away, he climbed out of the bed, dressed then left the room.  Sitting up, still clutching her tail in one hand, the Ninetales anthro watched him leave, before flying towards the bathroom again to throw up.

- End –

Mel opened her eyes and smiled at Ember.  "He's smart.  He figured it out on his own"

Ember nodded in reply "Care to see more?"

"You've experienced more than all of us.  I'm glad you share your experiences with me"

"Anything to help"

Closing her eyes again, Melete search for another memory within Ember's brain.

- Flashback –

Coming downstairs in early afternoon after finally being able to get some sleep, Ember walked into the kitchen, her tails sliding across the floor behind her.  Looking out of the window, she saw Jale standing in the garden, talking to Thanatos.  Ignoring the pair, she set about making herself and drink, then sat down at the table.  Glancing at the magazines on the table, Ember lifted on and flipped through the pages.  They defiantly weren't there yesterday.  She never remembered buying baby magazines, or wedding magazines either.  Flipping through the pages of various babies and baby items, Ember's free hand fell upon her stomach without her realising it.  So lost within her thoughts, she didn't see Jale and Thanatos walking back inside.

"Proof positive Thanatos.  Just look at her.  It's definite"

Pulling her eyes away from the magazine, Ember looked up at the pair, then glared at Jale "What is proof positive"

Walking to her side, Jale leaned against the table and placed and hand upon the magazine she was reading.  Looking down at her, he used his free hand to hold her's, running his thumb over the back of her hand.  "Tell me the truth Em"

"Maybe I should leave?"

"No Thanatos.  Just wait in the living room.  I'll call if I need you" Jale said to his friend, never once taking his gaze from Ember's red optics.  "Ember, answer me truthfully, are you pregnant?"

Biting her lower lip nervously, then chewing softly upon it, she nodded ever so slightly.  A bright smile broke out upon Jale's face, and releasing her hand, he flung his arms around her shoulders, hugging her tightly.  Taken by surprise, Ember stiffened, but it was only mere moments before she melted into his embrace, wrapping her own arms around him, burying her face into his shoulder and crying softly.  After a few moments, he pulled away, and wiped her tears with his thumb.  Still infront of her, he took hold of her right hand then fell down onto one knee.

"Ember, I've been putting this off for a while now.  Sure, it's been less than a year since you first broke yourself free of that stasis tank, but I love you more than I thought was possible, and now, with this news, there's something I really want to ask you"

Sniffling back her tears, she watched him, almost confused, but nodded to let him continue.

"Ember, subject number four, once known as Lea, will you put that all behind you?"

"They make me who I am, I can't just let it al go"

He smiled at her "No, I don't mean forget it.  I want to know if you want to move on"

"I suppose so.  I've already declared myself as Ember.  I really like the name you gave me"

Jale chuckled "Your not taking this seriously!  I want to know if you'll marry and you go commenting on how I got to name you.  I'd like you to have my surname to go with it"


"Of course, you probably have no idea what I'm asking you.  Well, you do, but you probably don't know why...What did you say?"

"Yes" She smiled brightly at him.  "I'll marry you"

"You watch too many movies"

Leaning forwards, she pressed her nose to his and laughed softly "You're the one down on his knees holding my hand.  Sam said that you're the type of idiot to go all out"

- end –

Sitting back, Melete laughed softly and wrapped her arms around her friend.  Looking up at her face, Ember sighed softly, then relaxed against her once more.

"He's going all out too.  Many people have said to have a small wedding, not to announce to the whole world.  There are still people out there that would like to experiment on us, yet everyone here knows, and I suppose many others do too" Ember explained.

"He loves you, and wants the whole world to know"

"I can't say I don't blame him" came a soft, silken voice from behind the two girls.  Sitting up, Ember looked behind Mel's head to see him standing there, smiling brightly. "It proves that the hybrids created are so much more than warriors"

"Care to join her Jale?" Melete asked, standing up to look at him.  "Ember has something to say, and I must be getting back to Fifteen, or he'll get worried"

"Sure" nodding to her as the mew girl walked by, Jale watched her enter the building again, then sat down next to Ember.  "So what have you got to tell me?"


A/N: Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!