A/N – Epilogue. Oh and I have been remiss. I own nothing. DA belongs to JF.

So I think the story is quite finished. I have a little epilogue here, not sure where it will take me only that I don't want to do a wedding, wedding night or a discovered expectancy of child…

To Willa Dedalus: do you know you don't allow private messaging? Thank you for your response. I had not recalled "the damn stick" reference – likely because Lavinia was swept out so early, so I understand your comment and I see my error in positioning it as affectionate – as neither reference in canon is relevant to this AU.

On the ring, it never occurred to Matthew to give it to Lavinia and as he never had the reference point to which he was going to give it to Mary, I don't think we can speculate that that should have given him a clue that his feeling weren't up to snuff. Although, I think he always knew Lavinia was no Mary in his heart, he just wouldn't let himself go there with Lavinia in the picture. He was quite happy to be ignorant in order to maintain the world he had created.

June 2, 1953 – Grantham House, London

Matthew sat in a comfortable chair in his wife's room patiently waiting for her to finish dressing for their attendance at Queen Elizabeth II's coronation at Westminster Abbey. They had been in the city for the last week attending festivities for the great event and Matthew knew Mary wanted to look just right.

Even so, he had been waiting for nearly half and hour and he knew the hour was approaching where they would have difficulty navigating the streets of London and get to the Abbey in time to be properly seated. With that in mind, Matthew prodded his wife, "Mary, you do look splendid, I dare say you alone will warrant a page in the society section. I don't want the Queen to find displeasure with our family." he teased.

"Oh Matthew, really! I wouldn't dare. And in any case, I am ready." Mary said as she turned to face Matthew and he could do nothing but gape opened mouthed at how beautiful and regal his wife looked.

"I take it you approve?" She teased noting his familiar response.

"Thank you Helen." Mary said dismissing her maid.

As Helen left, Matthew rose and closed the distance between he and Mary. He gathered Mary gently in his arms so as not to upset her finishing touches. Nuzzling his lips against her cheeks, he moved down to her neck and finally finding her ear, he whispered, "My darling Mary, you are a vision, I love you."

Mary's heart pounded in response and a familiar fire began deep within in her, but noting the solemnity of the event they were to attend, Mary pulled away admonishing Matthew. "Please darling, you know how easily I can be carried away. I will take a rain check on your charms." She said seductively sporting a wicked smiled for emphasis.

Matthew groaned as he released his wife. "After you." Matthew said reluctantly, as he stepped aside for Mary to lead the way.

Once downstairs, they greeted their gathered children; Reginald, Robert, Violet, and Margaret, together with their respective spouses and adoring grandchildren, Katherine, Mary, and Edward.

Matthew beamed at Mary. To have such a gathering these days was rare indeed as their children had scattered, and as much as he was reluctant to sit through the stiffness of today's events, he was happy to have this occasion so they could all be together.

Mary glided next to Matthew and it was her turn to whisper, placing her lips close to Matthew's ear, she said, "My darling Matthew, this is my vision, I love you."

A/N – Reviews greatly appreciated. They really do help. Thanks for reading. Thanks to all who have favorited, alerted, but please also give it a review and let me know what you liked or not.