Harry Potter and The Brand New Life

Chapter 3

'talking telepathically'

Not my best chapter! :( I will make my next chapter better! Hopefully!

Hope this will tell you I am not done with writing. By the way there's a authors note at the bottom of this chapter :)

Beta reader:Kitedtk

Chapter Tres (Three)!

"Shite!" Harry swore under his breath, as Ron shoved the door open. He looked over at Cho, who looked unhappy that her locking charm had faded already, and he sent a quick message using their rings. 'Don't worry, we knew we would have to grow into our magic, it's just something we have to work on.' Cho nodded, a frown of determination on her face, and Harry was amused that she had dropped her wand into her hand, hidden from the Weasley's view. Harry clamped down on his initial reaction, which was to kill the red head where he stood, because it wasn't time for Ron to get what he deserved. When the time came, he wanted Ron to know exactly why he was dying in agony.

Harry schooled his face into a look of mild curiosity as this version of the boy he thought was his friend stuck his head into the compartment. Ron looked the same as Harry remembered from his second year, except that his hair was cut short. He was still wearing the crimson and gold of the Lion's House, which didn't surprise him, considering that his entire family seemed to be in Gryffindor. That, of course, didn't really impress Harry, having seen just how closed minded and judgmental the Lion's could be, especially with McGonagall as their Head of House. He wondered briefly if it would be worthwhile to change the house into something that Godric would have been proud of again, but set it aside to deal with the current problem.


Ron frowned in concentration as he tried to remember the spell to open a locked door. His mum had worked with him over the holidays to drill the basic spells into his head, because she wouldn't be as understanding if he failed his first year again! Frankly, he'd been shocked that she didn't punish him for failing his exams the first time. It wasn't his fault, really, it's just that with practicing to get onto the house Quidditch Team, he didn't really have that much time to study. He tried his best, of course, but he still ended up failing all of his exams.

When he got home from Hogwarts, he was so embarrassed he went straight to his room. He didn't even stop by the kitchen for a snack. He just wanted to hide from the bawling out he knew he was going to get from his mum. He was trying to think of a way to avoid the punishment he knew was coming, but was drawing a blank. He was still desperately trying to plan when his mum knocked on his door. Bracing himself for the lecture he knew was coming, he opened the door and let her in.

You could have knocked him over with a feather when she smiled at him, and told him that having to repeat a year was a good thing, because he'd be in the same year as the Potter boy, and perfectly set up to become his friend. He could keep an eye on both Harry and Ginny, and, when the time was right, slip the two of them the potion that she had been brewing. Ron smiled, relieved that he wasn't going to be punished. It didn't bother him at all that Ginny was going to be used just to give them access to the Potter Vaults. In Ron's mind, the only thing more important than money was his beloved Chudley Cannons, so that his innocent little sister was practically being used as a whore to get the money didn't even register in his mind. Of course, he wanted to make sure he got something for getting close to Potter, he was going to be the boy's guide to the Wizarding World after all! By the time the conversation was over, his mum had agreed to ask Dumbledore to get him a smart girl to do his homework. He just hoped she was good looking, because he was going to be shagging her in a couple of years, and didn't want a ugly girl as his girlfriend.

Finally remembering the unlocking spell, he pointed his wand at the door and gestured, saying "Alohomora!"

The door rattled, alerting the four people in the cabin, but did not open. Casting the spell again, the door latch opened and he stuck his head inside, looking around curiously. He already knew who two of the people in the cabin were of course, his younger sister Ginny and his target for the year, Harry 'boy who lived' Potter. He ran his eyes over the Ravenclaw, Chang he thought her name was, and saw that she had started getting some tits over the summer, and briefly considered telling Dumbledore that he wanted her for his helper, but decided that he didn't want to date a wog.

He glanced over at the third girl in the cabin and, seeing her obviously muggle clothes ignored her. She wouldn't be any use to him when it came to homework and tests, because she didn't know anything about the 'real world'.

"Hello…umm I was wondering if could sit with you guys? Everywhere else is full." Ron said.

Harry grimaced internally, he was well aware that the Ginger was lying to him, and couldn't believe he fell for it last time, but he shook his head,

"I'm sorry, we're already full, you'll have to keep looking." Harry saw Ginny cover a smirk with her hand as Ron started scowling. He braced himself for the coming explosion, knowing that Ron had a nasty temper. Even as a first year, when he didn't get his way, the ginger tended to explode for the smallest of reasons. Harry was expecting the redhead to force his way into the cabin, or try to order one of the others out, but, to his surprise, he just nodded and walked away.

Cho shut the cabin door after him, using the locking spell on it, but Harry and the others each added their spells, wanting to make sure they weren't disturbed. After he was satisfied that nobody would get the door open if they didn't want to see, he turned to Ginny and said, "Any idea what that was about? I was sure he was going to make a scene."

Ginny shook her head, "The only thing I can think of, is mum told him to be on his best behavior so he doesn't ruin his chances for getting close to you."

Cho snickered, "Well, I'm afraid he's going to be disappointed, those chances were ruined before he opened his mouth!"

Turning to Ginny and Hermione, Cho continued, "As I'm sure you've realized, things are going to be very different this time. We really can't afford to trust many people with our secret, because all it would take is one word getting back to Dumbledore before we are ready and all of our work will be ruined! So I'm hoping you will keep an eye out for things that are changed from the last time. We've already made some changes just by coming back, considering that you, Ginny, were a year behind us originally, not to mention, if my mother is successful, Sirius will be free soon, instead of having to break out of Azkaban and spend the year on the run."

Hermione nodded, but decided to raise a question that had been bothering her since Cho first explained things to them. "Harry, do you have any idea who your other bonded are? I mean, besides the three of us, do you have any way to know who they are?"

Harry shook his head, "Not really, no. All we were told is that when I first meet the girl, our magic will react, as long as I've already bonded with my Alpha. But since that hasn't happened yet, we just have to wait and see what happens."

Hermione and Ginny nodded but Ginny had another question. "Do you know who the Alpha is? Because it seems to me that finding her would make things a lot easier when it comes to finding the others."

"It would be easier, that's true, but I really don't know who the Alpha is going be, although I do have my preference, I'm not sure if she would feel comfortable in the role. Fortunately, we have a couple of years before our bodies are ready for the true bonding, so we have some time."

Ginny grinned, remembering the times she and Harry were together, before growing serious. "So the Alpha could be anyone? Even someone who was married to someone else like Fleur or Tonks?" When Harry nodded, she groaned, "That's going to make things even more complicated. I thought we just had to keep an eye out for girls who didn't get married!"

Cho spoke up before they could start speculating on who the other girls might be, "We'd better end this for now, because we will be in Hogsmeade fairly soon." Turning to look at Ginny and Hermione, she continued, "I know the two of you have a lot of other questions, but we don't have the time right now. However, we can still talk later even if we are in different houses." Pulling two rings out of her robes, Cho handed one to each of the girls.

When the girls put the rings on their ring finger, Harry said, "These rings will let us talk to each other, as well at to Cho's mum, since she has one as well. To use them, all you have to do is think about the person you want to speak to, for example.." Hermione jumped in surprise when she heard Harry's voice in her head.

'The nice thing about the rings, is there is no limit to how far we can communicate, so being in different houses, while inconvenient, won't really slow us down.'

Smiling at the looks of excitement on Hermione and Ginny's faces, Cho said through the rings, 'It's going to take some time to get used to talking like this, especially if there are other people around. It took Harry and I several days to get the hang of it.'

Harry saw the look of determination on Hermione's face, and knew that she had already accepted the challenge of mastering the rings. Looking over at Cho, he raised his eyebrow questioningly, and she nodded slightly.

"Of course it will take some time. Anyways we have couple of other things we need to talk about. First, this involves everyone here, we tell everything to each other. We can't and won't keep secrets that may hurt us later on." Harry said while looking at Hermione. Hermione looked away. She felt uncomfortable the way Harry was looking at her.

"Hermione everyone makes mistakes, Our third year, you made one by not telling me you had the time tuner that year. No, Hermione, I don't blame you for telling me nor do I hate you. You thought you were doing the right thing."

When Hermione nodded in agreement, Harry continued,

'I know I've already touched on this, but we have to be careful of how much we change, we've already made several changes since we came back, but it's important that some things remain the same so that the Tri-Wizard Tournament happens and Voldemort gets a physical body again, so we can finally kill him. The changes we've already made shouldn't effect that, but we have to be careful. We've only affected a few people with the changes we've made, like keeping Luna's mum alive, and me taking the role of Lord Potter, but not a lot of people are aware of that yet. Future changes have the potential to really mess things up, especially since we aren't going to be going after the Stone or the Chamber this year unless something happens to force us to get the stone this year and the chamber next year. Whatever we face, we face them together.' Harry finished. He turned to see determination on the girls' faces.


Harry and girls are getting off the train at Hogsmeade Station. As everyone hopped off the train they hear a tall man going "Firs' year! Firs' years over!" Quite loudly to get everyone's attention. This man is eleven feet tall and goes by the name of Rubeus Hagrid. Cho told them they will meet each other later. With Cho gone, Harry and girls followed Hagrid to the boats that they were going to use to get to the castle.

During the walk to the boats, Ginny saw Ron right behind them, she told Harry and Hermione this and Harry quickly decides to get the boat that only holds three people. So Ron won't get on the same boat with them. The last thing they need is the annoying red head next to them. Thankfully they did get one of the boats that holds only three people, so Ron needed to sit somewhere else. For the time being but judging by the scowl on his face, he was clearly not happy.

Harry look at the castle that brought so many memories back. He remember ever single dangerous, happy, sad, and pleasant memory he had here. He really loved the pleasant and happy ones for the obvious reasons. Looking towards Ginny, he remembers the day he asked her out.

(Flashback Begins)

Harry stares at Ginny from the field below as she practice with Gryffindor Quidditch team. He has had feelings for Ginny for a long time but never acted on them. Since his second year at Hogwarts, he had a little crush on her, like she had a crush on him. Ginny's crush on him when he met her was cute to him. He never thought a girl would have crush on him especially as young as eleven year old girl.

Harry shook himself, he grabbed his broom and flew towards Ginny, practice was done for the day. He saw Ginny smiling at him as the flew closer to each other.

"How was that Harry?" Ginny ask.

"It was a great practice." Harry lied. He wasn't paying attention to the practice. He had only looked at her the whole time. It was now or never, it could go either way. Hopefully she would says yes.

"Umm...Ginny I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime? Umm with me?" Harry asked. His face turned red as he asked Ginny out. He heard her giggle and squeal, next thing he knew he was being crush by a hug. He heard a muffled 'I'd love to' from her.

(End of Flashback)

The two girls saw Harry smile while he stares straight at Ginny. They hadn't a clue at what he must be thinking about to make him so happy. Ginny reached out with her arm and shook him.

"Oh, sorry I was just remembering something." Harry said with a smile on his face. "And what were you 'remembering'?" Hermione asked. She was curious about what Harry was thinking to make him so happy. "Just remembering the time when I asked Ginny out." Harry said simply with huge smile. Ginny smiled as she too thought about that memory.

Finally after the journey across the lake they were getting off their boats. They got off to go into Hogwarts. Harry, Ginny and Hermione were quiet during the walk into the castle, because they were all reminiscing about the 'past'. 'Harry what house are you going to be in?' Ginny asked with a worried voice. Harry knew she was scared they wouldn't be in the same house. Harry wanted them in Ravenclawso they could be with Cho. Even though he didn't want to admit it he was scared about the uncertain future. He been afraid ever since he came back. Sighing he replied 'I don't know but I do know this you, Ginny, and Hermione should be in Ravenclaw. I have no idea if I am going to be in Gryffindor because I am Godrics heir. If I am we still can talk over our rings.' One quick look at Ginny and Hermione, he knew they didn't like his decision. He had no way around it. He didn't know if the sorting hat would even consider sorting him into Ravenclaw because he is the heir of Gryffindor. Also he does want to be near Ron's rat, that little bastard doesn't deserve to live. After all the bastard had betrayed his parents. But he had to live until Voldemort gets his new body. 'I don't like it either but because I am Godrics heir I may be required to be in Gryffindor. Also I could keep a eye on the rat when he comes to Hogwarts next year.' Harry wanted to explain completely why he was doing this. 'We understand but you owe us something.' Cho said. Harry nods and replied, knowing he would always be indebted to them.


Entering the castle was different for some reason. Harry, Ginny and Hermione felt something surround them if as the magic around the castle was embracing them. They couldn't remember if this had happened last time. Harry walked up the stair as he thought about the odd feeling. He shook it off, they would find out later if something about the castle was different.

Hermione had a lot of things going through her head as they walked. But one thing that was going through her mind was an evil desire. How to punish Minerva McGonagall for what she did to her. How could she ever do that to her. Even though she had no reason to suspect anything, she blamed herself for letting Professor Mcgonagall control her. She knows she has to contain her anger and stop herself from doing anything rash. She will have her revenge on the Deputy Headmistress but for now she will just do nothing. She hadn't expected her emotions to affect her so strongly, when she saw the old witch. Thankfully for Hermione, she hid her emotions very well from almost everyone.

Ginny who was right next to her saw the anger in Hermione's eyes. She couldn't blame her for being angry with Professor McGonagall. Like her she has angry but towards her mother and brother. She knew the anger wouldn't go away. Probably not until she had punished them for what they did to her. She wanted a baby so bad and she wanted Harry's child. She loved the day idea of being Harry's wife and especially the idea of being a mother, but that hadn't happened. Why? Because her mother and brother gave Harry and herself love potions. She would make them pay for that. What would happen to them, well not even Ginny herself knew yet but it would probably hurt a lot. A small part of Ginny, smothered by her anger was crying inside, weeping because of what her mother had done or would be willing to do to her. The thought of her mother trading her for money hurt her deeply. She couldn't believe she would do that. Why would she use her only daughter to get money. Her mother always wanted to have a... DAUGHTER! Something clicked in her mind. She was going to be sold to anybody who had the money to pay. 'Ginny, Hermione are you two alright? I feel a lot of anger coming from the both of you.' Harry ask both of them with concern.

'Tell you later.' Ginny said quickly. She didn't want Harry to blow a fuse now. Hermione silently agreed with Ginny, she would tell them later as well. Right now was not a good time since they just stopped in front of professor McGonagall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors, and join your fellow students. You will be sorted into different houses. Wait here, there are a few more procedures before you will be sorted" Professor McGonagall said as she walked through the giant doors that led to the Great Hall of Hogwarts. With a swish of her robes Professor McGonagall was gone, while the first year were waiting by the great doors.

The end of chapter 3

AN: I am back! Sorry for the lateness of this chapter. Real life happen!

My Chapter going to be like 2,000 to 5,000 words each. Don't expect long chapter, there will be a few long chapters but not a lot. Hope this would help me to update faster. I am very sorry for the late chapter I didn't mean it to be update late.

The next update won't be for while but I will update when I can. I have work, school, and family things that are keeping me from writing. So until next time later!