Psychotic: Hey, back with a new story. I will update sometime my others, but too lazy. I want people to review, I've seen alerts and favorites on my other tow stories, but almost noreviews. :(

Midnight: You need to update regularly...O.o

Psychotic: I want reviews.

Disclaimer: If I onwed Kingdom Hearts, i would have made it into a movie, Yaoi, and porn XD But sadly I don't own. T-T Enjoy.


Chapter 1

"Why did you drag me here again?" A brunet girl asked as she folded her legs under her body. Another younger brunet sat with them in her mother's room.

"Vincent asked me to marry him!" Yuffie squealed.

"That's great!" Both brunets squealed at the same time.

"Yup. Oh I came here to ask about Leon's birthday. What does he like? I want to give him something cute!" Yuffie said.

"My uncle doesn't like cute." The teen said with a smile on her emerald-green eyes.

"Olette, I will ruin Leon's pride. Sorry Aerith, got to go now. I have to ruin someone's pride. A.K.A your brother. Later." Yuffie waved and left.

"How did you even asked her Vince?" Sora asked as he sat next to his cousin.

"Easy. I propose to her on top of the mountain, where we first met. If she had said no, then I would have pushed her down and get on with my life." Vincent answered like he was talking about the weather.

"How romantic." Leon said rolling his eyes.

"When's the wedding?" Sora asked excited.

"I don't know. Probably when after the baby is born." Vincent said.

"You were going to push her down the mountain with your child!" Zack had wide eyes. When he first learned that Aerith was pregnant with twins at a very young age, he was so happy that he fainted.

"I was thinking. The way you said it sounded that I didn't love her at all." Leon heard Vincent say.

"LEON! I'm so going to ruin your pride tomorrow! I promise you!" Yuffie had weight on top of him. He glared up at the pregnant woman, who was jumping on top of him like a jump house.

"Yuffie, you're pregnant! You shouldn't be jumping like that. What if you lose the baby!" Olette gasped.

"Yuffie is indestructible. I'm sure our child will be fine." Vincent said from his spot.

"We'll stop by and wish you a happy birthday Leon." Yuffie bounced next to her fiancé waving excitedly.

"Why are they coming again?" Leon asked scratching his chin.

"Tomorrow is your twentieth birthday silly." Aerith smiled clasping her hands in front of her.

"Uncle Leon, when I turn twenty, I want to be just like you." Sora smiled as he hugged his favorite uncle.

"Thanks kid. Now go get ready. You have to go to Axel's and Reno's to finish that project. Olette, Demyx and Zexion finished early. Go." Leon pushed his nephew out the door and closed it in time when Sora turned around to look at them with a confused look.

"I see why you want to move out fast." Olette said as she made her way upstairs.

"If it weren't for college being so expensive, I would have moved out of here right when I turned eighteen." Leon groaned. He loved his nephew and niece, but sometimes they are too much. Olette is a little more serious than Sora. Oh a huge headache is coming. He went to go to his room and take a nap before school started. Which was at one in the afternoon. Lazy man.

Olette decided to go in the attic in her parents room. Her mother wouldn't let her go up there, she heard Sora enter his room from the window. She ignored him and opened the door that would lead her to the attic. She then climbed the stairs and crawled through the space, once she stood up, she walked the rest of the way.

Something caught her eye from the corner. She looked to her left and saw a chest that was glowing naturally out of nowhere. It was a white halo light surrounding it. Olette was about to go to it when a hand stopped her. She gasped and turned around to see her older brother with a smirk on his face.

"Mom said you can't be up here." Sora said.

"I know, but this chest is glowing. Don't you want to check what's inside of it." Olette said still staring at the glowing chest.

"Yeah, but we-" Sora was cut off as his necklace that he found started to glow, it was a silver necklace with a key. He found the necklace in his mother's room since he was six. He fell in love with it when he touched it, his mother must have forgotten about it, because she never once mentioned the necklace to them.

The necklace jerked forward taking Sora with it, making him fall on his face. Sora whined and rubbed his face as the necklace kept jerking him forward. He took the necklace off and pushed it inside the keyhole.

"Be careful. What if it's some sort of bomb?" Olette was shocked. Something you would only see in movies was happening in real life.

Sora nodded and turned the key to the left. They heard a click and the chest was opened. A light blue glow came out of it making both teens cover their eyes for a moment. Sora took his hands off first, he looked down to gasp as he saw the cutest things he's ever seen in his life. The cutest plushies he has ever seen in his life. Three blonds and a silver-haired one. They had big round eyes, the three blonds all had blue eyes and the one with silver hair had sea-foam eyes. Sora squeal and made a grab to the one with silver hair. Olette grabbed the three blonds and hugged them real tight.

She looked down to see four necklaces on the chest. One looked like an 'x' shape with sharp tips, the other one had a wolf head, the next one had a sun and the moon ying-yang, last and not least the last one was heart with a cross at the bottom of it. Olette touched them gently, the necklaces glowed and went to their owners.

"I know what Yuffie can give uncle Leon," Olette smirked.

"Oh your cruel. I'm keeping him." Sora smiled as he cuddled the silver-haired plushie.

Leon's Birthday! (A/N: I don't know when it is! DX)

"Happy birthday my baby brother." Aerith and Zack smiled as they gave him their present.

"Thanks," Leon took it. He opened it to reveal a small gunblade necklace. He has been having his eye on it for quite a while now, it was too expensive to buy it. Now that his older sister bought it, he loved her even more for buying him the gunblade necklace.

"My turn!" Axel shouted with a smirk. He handed Leon his present.

"I wonder what it is." Leon received the small thin box. He opened it, then threw it at Axel hitting him right in between his eyes. "I am not watching some gay porn video. I'm straight," Leon glared at Axel, who was laughing.

"I know, just wanted to see what was your reaction. Here's your present from me and Reno. He couldn't make it because Rude is fucking him." Axel dodged a vase that was aimed for his already injured face. He looked at Aerith's glare.

"Not in front of my children!" She hissed.

"Sorry," Axel sweat dropped.

"Idiot." Leon stared at the small box and gasped, the griever necklace he saw at the store the other day. He was planning to buy it when he received his next paycheck, it was expensive alright, but a little more cheaper than the gunblade necklace. Axel, his distance nephew, made it in his books. Since he and Axel are about the same age, the red-head being only nineteen, Axel could get away by calling Leon by his first name. They grew up together.

"Thanks," Leon muttered with a smirk.

"Mine! Mine! Pick mine dammit!" Yuffie said.

"Don't have a miscarriage, I'll pick yours." Leon heard Yuffie squeal. He opened the light box, he undid the bow and took off the wrapper and saw what was inside.

A big blue eyed, blond plushie was starring at him with huge eyes and a smile. He wore a sleeveless, high-collar black shirt, black pants, black boots, and a black cloth on his arm; the cloth only covers his left arm and the bottom half of his waist making him look adorable.

"You like it? Olette, and Sora have one too! Well, Olette has two look-a-likes. Twin plushies!" Yuffie squealed as she hugged Vincent chocking the life out of the poor man.

"I hope that our child will not have your energy," Vincent sighed.

"We can play with our plushies Leon!" Sora hugged his with his strength. His plushie had on a light-grey sleeveless jacket with yellow trims on top and bottom, with a black shirt zipped up, dark blue jeans and black shoes.

"I've got mine." Olette showed hers a pair of twins. Both had the same exact blond hair, waved to one side and the big blue eyes, if you look closely, one of the twin's eyes had a tint of grey, barley noticeable; and the other difference was that one of them had a jacket white on one side and black on the other, the collar of the jacket is red and pleated, under that he wears a grey vest and several white angular patterns on it. The plushie wears a high-necked, black shirt under all that. It also have a dull green and grey armor on his midsection that appears to be under his vest, and another armor on his left shoulder. His grey, black, and white shades of pants were balloon outward slightly before closing up halfway down his legs. A black and white checkered wristband with white edges. He wears two criss-crossing straps on his chest. His boots are a dull grey mixed with green.

"I like the other one better," Axel looked at the other twin. He had the same facial features. He had a black high-collar jacket with a zipper. Over his jacket he wears another jacket, unzipped and white instead of black and white like the other one, it had several black block designs and a grey hem at the end of each sleeve. The red collar was pleated and folded back. His two-colored pants also made him different from it's twin; the legs of his pants are beige with several buttons on the hem that looked like they are attached to the legs, and the other part is dark. His shoes wore grey and black, and had red straps in place of laces. His wrist was black and white checkered, with black edges, and last, he wears a black ring and white on his fingers.

"Yeah, they're almost the same…" Olette said.

Leon decided to put the plushie down on his lap, it's big eyes starring at Leon's blue-grey. He played with the wolf necklace that the plushie wore around its neck, the head of a wolf, if the plushie were to be a real human, then he would look very attractive.

"I could have sworn I've seen those plushies somewhere," Aerith said looking thoughtful.

Leon saw her think. She had on a hard thoughtful expression, he knew it would be futile to talk to the woman. He just decided to wear his necklaces that was given to him. He sat on the couch for a while longer until his older sister asked Olette to bring him something from the kitchen. He stared at his only niece that went inside the kitchen and came back with a medium size box. Leon smirked when he knew that Aerith made him a cake, his favorite Méxican cake 'De Tres Leches'*. he loved that cake with all his heart, man, if he ever found a woman that could cook that cake, he is going to marry her. His ex-girlfriend, Rinoa, she tried making that cake, which made Leon run to the bathroom for three days. She broke up with him because she was pissed that she couldn't win against Aerith's recipe.

Leon rolled his eyes at the thought. How can someone break up with him over something so silly?

"I wanted paopu cake!" Sora whined.

"Its not your birthday." Olette said rolling her eyes at her older brother's whines.

"Make a wish for every candle you blow." Aerith smiled as she helped her husband light up the candles.

"Make sure it's not another girlfriend," Yuffie grumbled. She thought Leon had a bad taste in girls he's chosen.

"Fine." Leon rolled his eyes and thought for his wish.

There really was one wish, and that was for a companion. He knew it was too early for a life companion, but he didn't care. He was slightly jealous of his older sister for finding her companion at age thirteen. She got pregnant on her fourteenth birthday, Sora and Olette were born, they got married and are still in love as the day they first went out on a blind date, curtsey of Yuffie and Jessie. Leon wanted someone to hold, someone that could protect themselves and not have him coming for their every need. He'd had enough with Rinoa and all his other ex-girlfriends. He helped Aerith take care of his niece and nephew, he wants one of his own little kids running around his home. Filling the house with laughter, he can't wait to meet his other half.

"What did you wish for uncle Leon?" Sora and Olette asked in excitement.

"Can't tell." Leon smirked at their pouts.

It was late and Leon took his clothes off, leaving him in boxers that hung low on his narrow hips. He climbed into bed, he turned around to see the plushie that was next to him. He left the plushie there and went to sleep starring at it's big beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong Aerith?" Zack asked as he was sitting on top of the bed.

"I just can't remember where have I seen those plushies. It's like I've seen them before. But where?" Aerith held both hands in front of her face as if praying.

"Let's get some sleep babe, maybe you just need to sleep." Zack said as he went under the covers.

Aerith nodded and went to join him.

"Okay, it says put the corpse in the cauldron, a dried up frog, a live crow, bat's fangs, a lion's claw and fill it up with five different blood of virgins. I need to mix them all up and chant the words." A tall overweight man said as he read a book that he found at a wizards house. Merlin, one of the last wizards that is still alive, he tried his hardest to fight for the book, but couldn't as he killed his apprentice.

"Dark as night, light as day. I'll slowly wake you up from your slumber, to the past your soul would be, no longer will you be asleep, waking up would be like a dream, the beating heart will slow down making it drown in darkness, to come back to this world with the Heartless, make me into somebody, I'll bring back the Nobodies. Now wake up at this day with six hours, with six minutes and six seconds."

The cauldron began to shake from it's spot, a dark green light erupted with black orbs inside. The man gasped when an explosion was heard, he took cover behind a rock seeing the green light make a huge circle a couple inches from the ground. Black smoke appeared around the dark green circle, a big dark green light appeared making the man cover his dark eyes.

He uncovered his eyes and gasped at what he saw. His ancestor, she was tall, slender, and had green skin. A black robe adorned her slender body, a hat that looked like two horns adorned her head. She looked like Satan himself. She looked around to see where she was, eyes landing on the man who was still hiding behind the rock.

The man heard her laugh out loud, the laugh reminded him of a witch's laugh. Ugly and haunted. He came out of his hiding spot with a smirk on his round face. The woman saw him and stopped as she rose a slender eyebrow at him.

"I'm free. Now I can get my revenge on those four that decided to seal me up five hundred years ago. First, I have to find my staff. Next, I'll look for them. I also cast a spell on their miserable asses…" The woman made an ugly giggle showing her fangs.

"What do you want me to do…Maleficent?"

Psychotic: So how was it? Good? Bad? Review, if I get at least four reviews I will post up more. I have some pre-written chapters already. But I need FOUR reviews. :P I know this is a lot, but I want to know if people are even reading my stories.

Midnight: Come on people, she's mean! She won't even let me read them ahead of time. DX Review. :D