Short, but I felt bad for just literally leaving this alone for the longest time! School is starting so...yeah you get the gist of that. Well thank you for all the lovely reviewers, originally this was just going to be a smutty one-shot, but after writing a bit of my other story, Panem University, I had thoughts to really progress my stories more so, even if some aren't, I'm extremely proud of this change and I hope you don't abandon this story just yet!
Clove escorted me back to my floor informing me of our strategy for the games, which started tomorrow, much to my dismay. I was told to run away from the bloodbath into whatever and someone would come and find me. I was tempted to ask what of Katniss, but thought that I could keep her alive easier this way, without the rest of the careers knowing.
When Clove left, I immediately stripped of all clothing, too tired of today's 'events,' and just quickly tried to doze off into sleep, unfortunately though, my constant thoughts about, well, everything were keeping me from doing so. Would being with the careers really prolong Katniss's survival? I felt as if I was betraying her, but my thoughts quickly changed to those of a muscular brute, who is more attractive than I give him credit for. What did I feel for Cato? I was supposed to be in love with Katniss, I can't fall for him! I must've gotten tired of rambling on about the games that I dozed off, the last thought that came to mind was; could I kill Cato if it came to that? I already knew the answer, no.
I woke up feeling refreshed, until the screeching voice of Effie burst into my room. "Today is a big, big day! Come on Peeta, get out of your bed and start getting ready, the games are today!" Great, you're excited for the death of twenty four kids. I wouldn't stir though, I guess I deserved getting the blanket being pulled off of me, but Effie deserved the sight that she saw, "Peeta! Show some decency and put some clothes on! Manners!"
I was trying to keep a frown on my face, but Effie's outburst on my nudity was far to amusing that I couldn't help but laugh.
"Effie, could you please get out so I can put my clothes on?" I tried to sound as polite as I could, but I could hear the sound of my own malice seeping through.
Effie, of course, didn't notice. "Of course my dear, I'll let you get to it then. Good luck today Peeta, and may the odds be ever in your favor." Effie gave me a smile that reassured me that she didn't really enjoy the games and was merely doing her job by getting me prepared.
I couldn't help but give her a smile back, "Thank you Effie, I couldn't imagine having a stay in the Capitol without you."
"Of course, I had a wonderful time being your escort. Goodbye, Mr. Mellark." I saw a tear run down her face, and felt tears start to form, but I couldn't afford to look weak now, so I held them back with much restraint.
I got dressed in the only attire left in my closet, a black jumpsuit with the number twelve on the shoulder representing my district. The jumpsuit was snug, but felt good on me.
I walked out to where Haymitch and Katniss were having breakfast, and if my ears didn't deceive me, they were talking about strategies for the games. I was a little jealous, it seemed like Haymitch was rooting for Katniss's survival more than mine, of course I to was trying to help Katniss survive, but I was in love with her. Key word: was.
"Good morning Peeta, you thought about what your plans for the games are?" I looked at our drunken mentor and just nodded. I wanted to yell at him, 'you're my mentor, you're supposed to tell me what to do to survive,' but of course I was too shy and afraid to ask.
We ate our breakfast quick and headed for the hovercraft that took all tributes to the site of the arena. It wasn't surprising that Haymitch went to visit Katniss before she boarded, so I didn't bother to wait for his pep talk to me and just left to the flying hunk of metal that was to bring me to my death.
I walked up to the thing and didn't see anyone on board yet, "Hello? Is anybody here yet?"
I was surprised to hear a reply from behind me, "I'm here, if you don't mind my company." It was Cato who was sporting that sexy smirk that was always plastered on his face. I don't know why I did it, but I quickly ran into Cato's arms which took me in without question. "What, couldn't wait until we got in the arena to finish our business?" He winked at me which caused me to laugh. Somehow, I knew that siding with the careers was the right choice now.
"And what business are you referring to?" I asked teasingly. I knew what he was talking about, but if I'm going to die soon, it won't hurt to drop the shy guy front once in awhile.
He let a small laugh escape and gave me that smirk, "You know exactly what business we have," he gave me a wink, "do you mind sitting next to me?" He led me to a few seats towards the back and motioned for me to sit down. "Peeta, I just want you to know that I-"
"Cato, are you in there?" I turned my head to the entrance of the hovercraft and saw that it was Clove.
"Yeah, Clove I'm at the back." I'm surprised he knew who it was, he didn't look to see, and his eyes were focused on me the entire time. I looked into his gray eyes, what was he going to say just now?
Before I had a chance to ask, Clove along with many of the other tributes sporting the career pack came rushing in all seating near Cato, and inevitably me.
"So this is the runt from 12 huh? I don't know what you see in him, but I don't know what use he's going to be for us." I didn't know who he was, but I knew he was right. Newfound questions started to form in my head. Why was I in the career alliance? What did I have to offer? Would they just use me as some sort of bait for other tributes? My eyes and thoughts wandered to the frame of the district 11 male walking alongside his district partner. My gaze was set for maybe about 10 seconds until the 11 tribute returned my gaze. I quickly looked down at the ground and continued my thoughts, but only one came to mind, would Cato be the one to kill me?
Well that's the beginning of the arena, I know that I sort of left you on a cliffhanger there...but it's 2 A.m in the morning and I have church in a couple of hours! Review and ideas, what you liked and what you didn't like, which characters you'd like to see more of and which less. :)