So this is my first story and it includes a M/M relationship. Rated M for future chapters (hopefully)
Truth or Dare
It was the night before the arena and all the tributes were gathered at the top of the training center, the district 2 tributes, Clove and Cato, were the last to arrive. I sat next to Katniss to try and keep up the façade that they were so called, 'star-crossed lovers.' In reality, I wasn't in love with Katniss, on the contrary, I was gay. I never came out with it due to it being frowned upon in district 12.
When they were all settled, they decided to share their secrets considering they were going to have to try and kill each other tomorrow. It started with district one's female tribute Glimmer, she said that she was engaged to someone back home, I thought it was just a way to gain pity from the other tributes so she would survive longer. Marvel the male tribute, said that he was happy to be in the games to get away from his parents, he was apparently being forced to marry.
When it was time for district 2, Cato went first; he told everybody that he was gay. There was a long pause, but you could see most of the male tributes start to drool when they looked at him from there on. When you think of gay guys, you would think of skinny jeans and most of the time make-up, but with Cato, he was just like a regular guy, even more so than other guys. The time finally came when it was district 12's turn, Katniss told everyone that she wasn't sure if she was in love with me or with a friend back home, I decided to look sad to everyone and I even heard some girls like Clove say, 'Awww, poor Peeta,' when she said that.
I looked at everyone, especially Cato. There was just something about the boy that I especially liked. I inhaled deeply and said, "I'm bisexual." Everyone was gaping, their mouths wide open, and I was disgusted by the fact that some guys started to drool again, but over him. All the while, my eyes were fixated on Cato who was intently staring back never breaking eye contact, Clove must've noticed because she had a wicked grin on her face. She proposed we play truth or dare to ease the mood, and everyone casually agreed. She went first and asked me, "So Peeta," she said, "Truth or dare?" Everyone was looking at me, feeling like they were boring holes through me. I finally spoke up and said, "Truth."
So yeah, like I said first story and it's really short. If you could please review so I know if it's good or not?