These 4 unknown kunoichi were renowned all across the shinobi world. They were swift, accurate and efficient; they're team work, flawless. Their uniform consist of dark shorts, singlet, gloves and silver ANBU breast plate and arm guards with black boots also the signature ANBU mask all painted according to their personalities and on top of it, they wore black capes with a hoodie.
Azure swirls representing Misaki, the gentle and calm spirit. Her movements are graceful and elegant, a master of close range taijutsu striking an opponent's chakra pathway with impeccable accuracy.
Emerald swirls representing Kaori, the strong and masculine spirit. The weapons master, hurling her deadly weapons with precision, she rarely misses.
Violet swirls representing Miki, the eccentric and kind spirit. Her mind games are a force to be reckoned with, famous for her espionage skills to enter her opponents mind and trick the enemy.
Finally, crimson swirls representing Kana, quiet and powerful. Her amazing strength and taijutsu surpassing the fifth Hokage; Tsunade and self-taught genjutsus rivalling those of the Sharingan.
Together these kunoichi make the ANBU 4, many have fallen by their jutsus and weapons. They have helped thousands of people and are famous in all bingo books. A selected few know where they are from.
The moon glistened on the roof of the Hokage Tower, in the office on this lethargic night, stood five powerful women.
"You have no idea how proud I am to have you four coming from this village," congratulated the blonde Hokage, "although no one except the people in this very room knows who you are."
"Way to kill the mood," mumbled the brown haired girl.
"Hinata Hyuuga, Ten Ten, Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno making the ANBU 4, I give you the highest regards," the Hokage praised.