SO. I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON. AND I'M SORRY. AND I'M NOT GIVING UP ON ALL YOU LOVELY'S BUTTS 3 I PROMISE. So, here is a little teaser kay? I promise, next chapter will be at least twice this little crap, AND proof read. I'm just really impatient to get this out. So, here ya go!
"So weird," M'att said softly, touching the couch. After getting acquainted with their mentors, Wally and Winnie's complaints of hunger started to become intolerable. So the teens, minus Robyn, Zayn and Zatanna, decided to see just how similar their worlds were by taking a tour of the mountain. Their first stop had been the kitchen and living room, "Just so you two will finally shut up!" as Ruby and Roy had put it.
"It's exactly the same as back home," The Martian continued.
"Almost," Connie stated, pointing to a small black area on the couch. M'gann blushed.
"I uh, kinda dropped a cookie there a few months ago. It caught on fire so I just flew it over the counter," She admitted sheepishly, rubbing her arm.
"It was fine," Conner assured her. "You put it out."
"I don't care how burnt they are!" Winnie moaned, falling dramatically onto the couch, covering the blackened area with her head and pulling off her cowl to reveal a face full of freckles. "Just bake some!"
Robin cackled, "Yep. Just like Wally."
"Shut it Rob. And no! That'll take too long! I'm too hungry to wait!" Wally protested, looking on the verge of a mental breakdown. "Megs, what've we got in the fridge? Something? Please?"
"Is food all you ever think of Baywatch?' Artemis asked, folding her arms across her chest.
"No. Sometimes I think about you babe," Wally winked, earning and soft kick and look of disgust from Winnie.
"Oh grow up," Artemis scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Uh, what happened to Robin?" Raquel finally asked. The group looked around the room for the Boy Wonder, but he was no where to be found. "Wasn't he just here a second ago?"
"He really needs to stop that," Kaldur sighed, shaking his head in amusement,
"Dammit! He did that just to distract you guys. Remember the mission. FOOOD!" Wally enunciated.
"I have some leftover Chinese food, and if you're really craving cookies we've got some Girl Scout cookies from the sale at school," M'gann offered. Before she had even finished her sentence there was a thump as the two speedsters crashed into each other making a move for the cookies.
Winnie quickly untangled herself from Wally and jumped to her feet, searching every cabinet for the cookies. When she finally came to the last one she made a grab for the cookies, only to be pushed to the ground by Wally, who quickly snatched the cookies before they could fall too.
His feet were quickly snatched from underneath him and with a thud he landed on the floor. They both lunged for the cookies, but before either could reach it Conner was there, pulling them apart and glaring at them both. "We have more than one box," He deadpanned. They both blushed as the others in the room laughed.
"Speedsters," Kaldra smiled. "The black holes of Earth."
"Hey Zee," Robin said softly as she began to stir. "How ya feeling?" She groaned and rubbed her head.
"Not very asterous," She mumbled, rubbing her eyes and blinking at the bright light as Robin grinned at her choice of words, "I feel like a ton of bricks hit me. What was it? And what did I miss?"
"Well, we know where the portal lead to. The thing that hit you was a titanium bow, so you'll have a headache for a little," He said sympathetically.
"Great," She sighed sarcastically, gingerly rubbing the bruise on her forehead. "So, where did it lead?"
"Hm, I guess this place is exactly like our - oh! You're awake!" Robyn exclaimed rushing into the room with a pouting Zayn behind her. Zatanna blinked at the newcomer, eyes widening as she glanced from her back to Robin and then to Zayn, to at which point her eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"You're such a pretty girl," Robyn continued talking to Zayn, seeming unaware of the heart attack she was giving the other girl. Her boyfriend blushed slightly, causing Robyn to smirk.
"Hold up, hold up. First of all, thank you, I think. Second of all, who the hell are you?"
"I take it you haven't been awake long?" Robyn asked. Zatanna shook her head, still in a daze.
"They came out of the portal Zee," Robin informed her. "They're us from another dimension." The ebony haired girl turned back to the newcomers, her and Zayn inspecting each other. When she seemed certain he was her, she turned to Robin.
"This is all I missed right? Because if a mini-me comes running in, I will be officially creeped out."
"So...what now?" Wally asked, glancing at the others. Robin, Zatanna, Robyn and Zayn had joined them in the living room. "I mean...I have the guest room at my house...and I'm pretty sure Mom would kill me if I don't tell her about you," He told Winnie, who was across from him on the couch closed to the door. She shook her head in shock, snapping out of her puzzled stare, realizing he was talking to her.
"I said, you can stay at my place tonight if you want to." He enunciated.
"Oh yeah. Sure, I'd love to," She replied, continuing to give him a bewildered look, trying to figure out why he was sitting next to Artemis while she was on the opposite side of the couch across the room from Apollo. The blond was even rolling her eyes at him, but he didn't seem to mind. She was starting to wonder if he was just too much of a wimp to fight back...
"Well, Bats didn't really give me a choice," Robyn rolled her eyes from her spot on the couch next to Zayn. "Not that it matters. I could have convinced him to let me stay here, but I'm really curious about what home is like here."
"Any chance you wanna invite me to your giant mansi-" Winnie was cut off by a hand promptly clamped on her mouth.
"Can't trust you with shit, can I?" Robyn raised an eyebrow behind her mask, smirking at her best friend. Winnie shrugged and giggled sheepishly.
"I think Agent A has enough work left from the last time we had a speedster over," Robin added with a glare in Wally's direction.
"Pooh. He makes the best cookies on the planet," Winnie complained.
"Tough luck." Robyn shrugged, straightening herself so she was no longer resting on Zayn's shoulder. "Robin!" She stood up, mimicking a deep, rough, but pompous voice and raising one arm up. "To the Batcave!"
There was a bright flash of light and two voices cackling. As the team rubbed their eyes, they realized the two were gone. Kaldra shook her head in dismay.
"I wish she would stop doing that."
"I thought it was a mission-only thing." Raquel groaned, leaning forward and holding her head in her hands.
"No. He does it all the time. Unfortunately," M'gann shook her head, but smiled. No natter how annoying it was, she found the habit to be a cute quirk.
"'re welcome at my place too...Apollo," Artemis said uncertainly, the name foreign on her tongue. "I'd have to take Jade's old bed..." she trailed off, looking him up and down. "I think you might fit in it anyway. It might be a bit of a squeeze, but I guess if push comes to shove you could take the couch?"
"Sure. Thanks," The blond boy replied awkwardly.
"Gosh, you two have the social skills of Batman," Winnie rolled her eyes, now laying on the seat so that her head was hanging on the edge and her feet were by Kaldra's head, swaying to an imaginary beat. "I for one, am still starving. So, boy me, where exactly is home?"