Welcome to the first chapter of A New Reaper! I got this idea while figuring out how to draw pictures with layers on GIMP. If you wanna check out the picture of the girl Alecto because I can't really describe it that well its posted as Alecto Sarin on DeviantArt.

Disclaimer: Do I look Japanese? Didn't think so.

It was a slow day at the Shinigami Dispatch Society. Everybody was still at the office and little work was getting done. Well, except for William. He was steadily working his way through a pile of papers that the redheaded Grell had created.

A teenage girl walked in through the door, walking towards a large office near the back. She had medium-length blue hair held back by a black headband with a skull on it. She had midnight blue eyes, and was wearing black lipstick. Her skin was pale, even more so because her outfit was completely black. She had on an interesting looking top that looked like a tube top connected to a collar on her neck by two intersecting lines. She also had two lines that wrapped around her upper arms. Her pants were completely black, and her combat boots had a generous amount of buckles and straps.

Reaching the door she took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and knocked.

"Grell I have told you for the millionth time..." the voice trailed off as William saw blue instead of Grell's red hair. He adjusted his glasses and saw that it was a teenage girl. Holding back his surprise he motioned for her to sit. "Welcome to the Shinigami Dispatch Society, what is your business with us today," he asked waiting for it to be some sob story about why her parent/relative/friend shouldn't have died.

A look of bewilderment crossed her features and she readjusted the bangs covering her left eye. "So this isn't Walmart? I really wanted that slushie," she frowned when the man did not get the joke.

"I can get someone to escort you out," he said reaching for a pager of sorts.

The girl sighed and fiddled with her bangs. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?" she asked. "Why else would I come here? I want to be a shinigami."

The man's face didn't change when he told her," I'm sorry Miss, but you are far too young. There are also extensive tests and paperwork you have to go through to even be considered for the job." Again he reached for the pager.

"Where is he?" the girl asked under her breath.

Suddenly, a door was thrown open and a pale top hatted figure stepped out. "Sorry I'm late," he announced,"it was just that I was working on this corpse, she was so beautifully mutilated. I lost track of time. The left side of her skull was crushed in so I had to-"he was cut off by William.

"Undertaker-senpai, what are you doing here?" he asked showing surprise.

"Well," he started going to stand behind the girl, "you do know how I am considered a reaper of legendary status. That means I have the authority to vouch for anyone who wishes to become a reaper. They would skip all the formalness."

Williams mouth hung open. "Y-you wish to v-voucher for this girl?" he stuttered.

"Of course!" the Undertaker exclaimed with one of his signature laughs.

"Why?" William asked, extremely confused.

"That is none of your business," the girl said earning a pat on the head from the Undertaker. He offered her one of his bone shaped biscuits, which she politely refused, then shrugged and ate it himself.

William was still terribly confused, and he showed it. "You start tomorrow at eight a.m. sharp."

The Undertaker tipped his hat, then walked back into the closet he came from. The girl just got up and left.

She shoved open the office door sending two figures on the other side sprawling. They were the redheaded, and blonde and black-haired reapers. They had eavesdropped on the entire conversation, and they were both equally confused.

"Who are you?" asked one of them.

"Alecto. Alecto Sarin," she answered walking towards the main door without looking back.

"If you do get your slushie, can you bring me one too?" the redhead called after her.


Phew, I finally got that typed up. That was just the introduction, nothing really exciting happening there. Expect the next chappie to be up pretty soon, if I'm not too lazy to type it. I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors. Please comment! I am also having a hard time trying to figure out which pairing it should be *nudge nudge* reviewers get a slushie too. Thanks for reading!