Age 1

In my arms, he sleeps.

A pureblood prize, the most recent in a line stretching back generations, and Mistress has entrusted me with his care. The youngest Black heir, young Master Regulus, and I am charged with keeping him safe.

He starts to cry, and with soft shushing noises I sooth him back to sleep. Settling into my arms, his tiny pink mouth goes slack with slumber and relaxes into a perfect little O.

Age 9

In my anger, I forget myself.

Master Regulus is in tears, silver tracks running down each cheek and there's a crack of power. A shock snaps through me, and his tormentor falls backwards into the fish pond. The splash startles young Master Regulus into silence, and the tears stop as he stares at his soaked older brother.

Before I can react, Mistress swoops down on us, pulling her eldest son from the water and swatting at him with her walking stick.

"Stupid child, I told you not to pick on him! He's starting to manifest and you know he can't control it yet."

Sirius' face crinkles in rage and while they are occupied in hating each other, I take Master Regulus' hand and lead him to more peaceful territories. His startlingly wide grey-green eyes stare up at me in wonder. His protector.

Age 15

In my loyalty, I lie to my mistress.

"Master is not feeling well, Mistress. Master requests mild bread to ease his troubles." I pat the basket in my hands reassuringly, resisting the urge to pull the linen tighter across its forbidden contents.

She frowns, concern crossing her features. "Regulus is ill?" she asks, taking a half step toward the stairs.

"Please, Mistress." She looks down at me, surprise stopping her for a moment. I try to look as stupid as they expect me to be, smiling vacantly up into her disapproving scowl. "Master has not been well. Mistress must not sully herself. Allow Kreacher to clean first, I beg you."

Her nose wrinkles in distaste and she pulls back. "Very well. Tend to him as you will. If he's not improved by morning, I shall send for the healer."

With a swish of her full skirts, she is gone. When it is safe, I hurry upstairs and push open the door to Master's room.

"Excellent." Master claps me on the back, almost knocking me over. "Well done, Kreacher. Well done." He pulls the pilfered bottle of fire whiskey from my basket, turning triumphantly to his secret house guest. I forget to move, stunned by his praise, but he does not order me to leave.

Age 18

In my hand, the locket shines.

This is all I have left of him, and I must not fail my master now. My fingers close tightly around the prize that has cost me everything, and I apparate away. I have a promise to fulfill.

Author's Note: If you enjoyed this snippet, it was written as backstory exploration for Regulus' role in another story. The Secret Carrier is a novel-length fic where you'll find a lot more of Regulus, though that story is told from Severus' POV. In Memory is a part of the Secret Carrier universe, though the connections may not be obvious until I get around to writing Regulus' prequel POV. Thanks so much for the positive response to this story! Your reviews and favorites keep me going. :)