A/N: Thanks to Bell1 for pointing out that Will has become Leon. Sorry for the confusion, he's back to Will now. Also, to Debbie Hicks, you posted your latest chapter as a review.

Grace was seven years old when Paul and Bella started trying for a baby of their own.

Skye and Salvatore were now on the cusp of puberty and there had been several incidents that were only made worse by their special abilities. Salvatore's passion for sports had given him a body that rivalled that of the Pack and he had an extra strength and speed that helped in play.

For instance, there was the time where all the siblings were in town. Kit had suggested a pre-dinner basketball game and had learned to regret it. He had underestimated Sal's competitive streak and when he tried to pull a sneaky manoeuvre, Sal tackled him to the ground after calling him a cheater. Paul and Rusty had stepped in to pull the brothers apart and both needed a good half hour before they could sit around the same table.

Skye's mishaps occurred when she'd brought home a pot plant that had been on sale. She spent days reviving it and one night left the lamp on overnight, close to the plant. By morning, her room resembled an overgrown jungle and it took a while to find the door and push the foliage aside. Precious's water abilities had only heightened the plant's growth spurt and after that, Bella forbade plants in bedrooms.

Paul and Bella did their best to ensure their alone time did not focus solely on 'baby-making'. Although as the months past with no results, Bella felt her old jealousy reignite. It had always amazed her that some women could push out babies with little bother, her mother being one in question. She had kept up her therapy appointments and sometimes Paul joined her for couple's therapy.

The therapist reminded them that they were both young and there was a time and place for everything. Of Bella's miscarriage and car accident, she commented that whilst they wouldn't help, no doctor had said she wasn't able to have a baby. In the meantime, they concentrated on raising the siblings and building their finances for the eventual arrival of Baby Lahote.

Meanwhile, the Pack continued to grow through the original members settling down with their imprints and building their own families. Emily tended to smother her two children, leaving Bella and Paul to later swear to each other that they would never allow their children to behave in a brattish way. They valued confidence over dependence and gratitude over entitlement.

It was another three years before Bella fell pregnant. Business was booming and her siblings were busy enough with their own lives to not need her as much. Still, they were all delighted for her and when the day came for Bella to give birth, Precious was by her side along with Paul and Leah.

As the gender was announced, Precious ran from the room to announce to the waiting family; "We have a niece."

Paul didn't care that his friends would call him a softy. His little girl had his dark hair with a shimmer of red in for good measure. Meanwhile, Bella was distracted by her body going once more into the state of labour. Leah called for Precious to get in the room, in enough time for Bella to give birth to a little boy.

Neither had wanted to find out the sex of the baby and had gone for gender neutral colours. After settling down to give the babies their first feed, the family took turns to visit the new members of their family and discuss arrangements for the naming ceremony.

Despite it being more of a Demon ritual, the new parents agreed to go through with it, as long as all they had to do was show up. Set for the following week, the names of the babies were to remain sacred to Paul and Bella, lest some misfortune fall on the little ones. Charlie was disappointed not to know what to call his grand-children, but he accepted it as he had so much else.

On the day of the service, everyone was gathered to welcome Aleah and Harley into the fold. The babies were passed around as the gifts were given with blessings for the future.

Everyone commented on Bella's ease with the children, knowing full well she had had years of practise. There was a relaxed atmosphere about her now that helped blot out the earlier years. Paul still thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world and was grateful everyday that she was his. Really his.

He would go through it all again to hold his wife and children in his arms, but luckily there was no need. After Roux's death, Bella never phased again and now that she had her children, she saw no need to. Paul would continue to do the odd patrol but there was precious little Vampire activity to warrant it.

The Cullens never returned to Forks and the Pack were able to raise their children without fear of their shifter-gene becoming activated. So, all was well in Forks and soon their experiences became the new generation's legends, leaving their children in awe of what their families had suffered and what they had overcome.

Grace finally ascended her birth right and developed the gift of flight. The transition from baby of the family to the position of aunt had triggered the development in an otherwise happy-go lucky child. Most mornings, she was found to be levitating above her bed. Bella learned to leave the windows shut at night when Grace was found in the woods outside Charlie's house in Forks. He had simply called his daughter to announce that the child was there.

Grace's abilities also helped her become better at sports, particularly ones where her feet would leave the floor. She had to be pulled out of school for the first few weeks, in order for her to gain control of her talents. But Bella still made sure she completed all her assignments so she wouldn't fall behind.

She also bought Grace a pair of heavy boots in an attempt to keep her feet on the floor. Gradually, the girl was able to survive the daily drudge of school without too many disturbances, leaving the evenings for training. Meditation was useful to focus her energy and allowed her to imprint at will on any bird she saw.

Unlike the Quileutes, the bond allowed her mind to link with the animal and join in it's journey through the skies, her body shifting to mirror her tutor. She found that no bird had the same skill set and favoured the great eagle to the common wood-pigeon.

Like all good role models, Bella set limits to these sessions and banned them on the grounds of misconduct. Grace continued to be a good-natured child out of desire not to lose her privileges.

Paul and Bella grew older, as was the natural way. They did not have anymore children but that didn't bother them. After all, they had all of Bella's siblings to contend with and that was enough.

More than enough.

The siblings remained loyal to their sister and swore to protect their niece and nephew from any fool that would dare to threaten harm. Thankfully, it remained a firm promise and not an actuality.

We leave them now, safe in the knowledge that the past is behind them and the bright future waiting for them to reach out and touch it, knowing that it would never be too late for happiness.

A/N: Thanks for reading. This time, it really is over.