Author: Silent Lullaby

Warnings: mythical creatures, yaoi,
possible yuri,
violence, angst, fluff, and maybe some
other things
will come up in later chapters. I'll
tell you then

Pairings: 2x1, 3x4, maybe some others

Gundam wing doesn't belong to me. The
story and
original characters do.


Due to popular demand here the epilogue I
planned. I hope you enjoy and that it
ties up the loose ends. I'm taking a
few days off before starting any other
stories and I won't be writing epics for
awhile due to the demands of school. If
you have any pairing requests, ideas,
etc. I'd be happy to see if I can use


Michalyn stepped backwards to push open
the large kitchen doors as she balanced
the plates. The Heavy wood bore it's
scratches and years with dignity as she
stumbled. She closed her eyes as she
moved towards the floor but felt
herself become steadied. Looking up she saw
pale blue eyes.

"Thanks Millie, you're a life saver."

Walking Past the brown haired girl
headed for the table and laid the dishes
down. Steam rose from the food as the
last of her friends was given their

Millardo sat on one side of the massive
circular booth with his reunited lovers.
Wufei moved so that his head and
shoulders rested on both men as he
smiled in content.
The other couples curled against their
significant other. This was how it was
meant to be.

"What happened anyway? I still don't

Dorothy looked at the wheat haired girl.
She deserved to know considering it was
her brother who was involved the most.
However it was Heero who spoke up.

The black creature is known as Descris by
the fallen. It was the reason we fell
from the heavens in the first place.
When I destroyed its body its mind
entered Millardo. Pieces of the
essence drifted and entered other
people, animals, and plants.

The core of the creature entered Duo
when he was a child dying by the plague.
That why he lived while others did not.
That's also why the creature couldn't
separate from Zechs until it had
regained all of the pieces to its

The blue eyed boy grew silent as he
collected his thoughts. Memories
flooded him as he tried to put their
trials into words.

"The mind grew stronger and Millardo
grew older. Taking over his body for
short periods and then near completely.

That's what Zechs was. Descris and bits
of Millardo lost in the fog of his

The group grew quiet as Heero's words
faded into the air. Dorothy carefully
laid her arm over Relena's shoulders
only to find the other girl turning and
lying on her as she let a single tear

She hadn't known that was inside her
dear brother. How much everyone had
suffered because of it. It was gone now
though and no one was hurt thanks to
Michalyn's healing.

A smile crossed her features, small but
growing until it lit up her face despite
the tear. It felt so right in Dorothy's
arms. Perhaps they could become more.

Duo and Heero watched the others as they
stood and moved out of the booth.

"See ya guys latter, No offense but we
could use a break after this. See ya

With that the pair left the cozy diner.


Duo watched Heero from the shadow. The
setting sun's light danced upon his
chiseled features as the wind played with
his hair.

He walked closer and wrapped his arms
around his lover from behind. His lips
planting a kiss on his love's neck.
Heero turned to speak.

"What's on your mind love?"

Heero turning in his braided love's arms
and kissed the pert nose. Duo smiled and
licked at his love's feature.

"Reading a letter from Michalyn."

"What does it say?"

Heero looked into Duo's violet eyes and
saw the reflection of himself against
the sun set sky. In Duo's eyes he was
beautiful. Duo was thinking the same
thing as he replied.

"Michalyn is engaged to a young man she
met a little after when we left for this
honeymoon of ours. He sounds perfect
for her.

Treize, Wufei, and Millardo are making
up for lost time. I'm glad there isn't
an awkwardness considering what happened.

Looks like those love birds Dorothy and
Relena have finally gotten together too.
I'm glad they deserve a little

Quatre and Trowa are doing great it
seems. They bought land in some country
I've never heard of and turned into a
real cool place. They taking kids from
all sorts of places.

It also seems Trowa is staring a zoo
with all the rescued animals he's got.
I think we should check it out some time.
I'd love it if they had something like
that when I was a kid. Solo would of
loved it too."

Duo grew silent and a sad look entered
his eye as he thought of his lost
friend. He wasn't really lost though,
he was still with him in a way. As long
as he remembered him he would be alive.

"We should visit sometime."

Duo smiled at his lover and kissed his
forehead softly. How had he been so
lucky as to have his angel as his own.


Heero awoke in abed no knowing where he
was. Slowly memories came back. Those
men and the braided boy...he remembered
the boy from somewhere else, but where?

As if on queue the brown haired boy
emerged from the door. A smile on his
lips and a plate in his hands.

Heero stared at what he guessed was
food. It was nothing like what he had
seen before. Large fluffy disks covered
in a brown chocolate sauce and berries
over it and a white foam cream on top.
It smelt good though.

"I didn't know what you like so I made
you my favorite. Hope you like sweets."

Duo laid the food in front of his guest
and watched the blue eyed boy eat.
Sounds of satisfaction and delight came
from the boy as he at the concoction.

Duo took the soiled dishes away and came
back to the boy. It was the statue, he
was sure of it. He was the lonely angel.

Without knowing what he was doing, Duo
leaned in and kissed the brown haired
beauty. The boy didn't respond but
slowly melted into the kiss and licked
as the other's lips.

Finally they pulled back and smiled at
one another. They had never parted


Duo smiled at the memory as he kissed
his love like the first time. Softly at
first and then with more passion as the
melted into each other under the full
moon. Duo looked at the boy in his arms
and a single star fell from the sky.