title: Send
author: Silent Lullaby
warnings: mythical creatures, yaoi, possible yuri, violence, angst, fluff, and maybe some other things will come up in later chapters. I'll tell you then

pairings: 2x1, 3x4, maybe some others later.

Gundam wing doesn't belong to me. The story and original characters do.


The sound of footsteps invaded his senses.
Turning slowly to meet the noise his eyes widened in shock at the site before him. Stumbling, he took a step backwards before emiting a low hiss at the man before him.

" YOU!!!"

Unfazed the man merely smirked at the outburst.

" I see you remember. Let us see if you also remember this."

The man crouched and a bolt of electricity filled the air. The sindows on either side of the alley shattered sending shards at the crouching man and the boy. The glass seemed to turn black and vanish as it reached the crouching man. The boy was not as lucky as the glass struck at him from all sides, sliceing the already tattered trench coat and dirty skin.

" How could I forget Zechs. However, this time I'll WIN!"

The bleeding boy crossed his arms over his chest and turned his head down just enough so that his glowing eyes glared at the man.

" I doubt that very much, however, feel free to try "

Even as the man spoke the boy had begun glowing violet to red as black lightning crackled within the orb the boy had created.

" and you can feel free to die zechs. "

Before the last word died in the air the newly transformed boy lept into the air. Black wings spread out from him and a glowing green orb appered in his hand. The orb lengthened and curved into an arc of a sythe. Violet eyes glared at the man, promising death and pain.

The man's eyes widened slightly at the demonlike creature before him.

" It can't be! You couldn't of improved this much, it's a trick. Yes, the joker has pulled another prank. Your a weakling Duo, always."

Duo's mouth curled into a smirk as he landed on the ground.

" Maybe, maybe not."

With that he lifted the sythe over his head and swung.