Battle in the 4th war

Chapter 1: Zel got bored

I do not own Naruto or Type Moon

This idea just came to mind after watching Fate Zero season 1 so I'm going to roll with it. Hope it goes well.

XChapter StartX

The Holy Grail War…

It was a competition to decide the ownership of the holy artifact between chosen magi for a chance to gain access to the power of the 'Third Magic – Heaven's Feel', the power to grant the winners any wish.

The Grail allowed the 7 chosen magi to summon heroes of old to aid them in their battle, choosing one of 7 classes of warriors.

These classes were Saber – the swordsmen who are strong and powerful in close combat and believed to be the most powerful class.

Lancer – a warrior very agile and skilled with long-range melee weapons, such as spears, lances, etc.

Archer – Warriors that are usually proficient with projectiles and have less skill when concerning close combat.

Rider – Warriors that are placed upon their mount of sorts and strengths are in power and speed.

Caster – The weakest class but adept in magecraft and can affect the very world around them with their magic.

Assassin – A warrior of stealth but has weak combat skills, but as a result target the masters of the other servants.

Berserker – A warrior that have superior power to Saber, but have traded their very sanity for it and a difficult servant to control.

Al of these servants come together for a battle royal for the grail and after 3 wars we now come close tothe beginning of the 4th grail war.


In the present date as the prestigious Magus school, The Clock tower in London the Dead Apostle Ancestor, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the Headmaster of said school.

Before him stood a young friend and student who was one of the few in the magic community to stand his brand of humour, even if his brand was giving people memories of their alternate selves where they could be a drag queen and into dog play in public. Naruto Uzumaki was someone had met Zel some years ago and the old vampire had taken an interest in when he found out that Naruto had inadvertently come into contact with a parallel version of himself in his dimension and as a result he became a Dead Apostle like himself.

After a trip across time and space he had found Naruto, who had finished a war of his own before seeing him. Naruto was surprised seeing Zel, due to how he had believed he was gone completely when he inherited the power of the Second magic. When Naruto had asked Zel about this, he just shrugged and offered to show Naruto a little more about the magic ad took him on as a student and allowed him to view other worlds he resided in.

It was an interesting experience for Naruto when he met some of his alternate selves but also the sheer number of girls one of them had. It made him a little glad his number of girls was under 10, although he could attest to having one man, but that was deniable under pain of death.

"Alright Zel what did you call me for?" Naruto asked staring at the old man in front of him, who was currently looking through his notes over on past events in the war a few months after the end of the 5th one.

"I was just looking over my notes over another failed grail war and I got me thinking." The old vampire turned up from his notes to look at Naruto who was dressed in a full black suit, blue shirt, dress shoes and no tie. His hair what was once bright blonde was now ash white, his eye also turned from blue as the ocean to blood red with a slitted pupil. He preferred to like smart nowadays when travelling around the worlds, made him look respectable to his other selves and to their female company. It was also at one of his own female lover's requests that he look smart so she could dress however she liked and still look good, with him being dressed smart enough for him and her.

"Why do I immediately not like this?" Naruto asked deadpanned, his eyes narrowed knowing Zel had an idea which meant trouble for him.

"What is with the tone? You make it sound like I'm going to do something bad to you." The vampire acted by placing his hand over his heart, putting on a mock hurt voice.

"Because you are, last time I got called by you I got sent to check out something I ended up waist high in raw sewage fight a giant opera singing piece of shit, with a foul mouthed little squirrel next to me. There's also the time when you sent Neko-Arc after me who at 'your' request kept shooting beams at me, to which I had to work off the debt at the café. So forgive me for being suspicious of you seeing as only two good things came from meeting you Zel and one isn't the different interesting places you sent me." Zel just smirked knowing 'exactly' what good thing he had brought to this Naruto's life.

"But this isn't one of 'those' kind of worlds. In fact it's our world but just a little back in time and different setting, honest." He raised his hand as if he was a scout, which was something Naruto knew Zel never could be… Too many rules… but waved his hand so he would explain his idea.

"Well go on before I decide to simple relax for a few months like a normal person should with multiple girlfriends." Come to think of it, he hadn't seen his girls for a day or so due to his meetings that he covered for Zel, lazy bastard.

"I want you to fight in the fourth grail war!" Naruto gave a dead stare at Zel for his request, before turning to the door. "Wait! Come on Naruto, it'll be interesting, trust me," he said grabbing the boy's shoulder before he could reach for the door.

"Zel… a Grail War, the same war where the destruction of Fuyuki city and maybe most of japan could have been destroyed by the factor affecting the grail after the 3rd one from what you told me. Why on earth would you want me in that war I have to ask?" Naruto's eye twitched as Zel just offered a cheeky smile.

"I want to see how much ass you could kick while you were there, and I want to see a proper end to that war instead of the messed up one that happened all those years ago." Naruto started rubbing the temples of his head the mass madness that Zel would end up giving him would make him go grey, if he was still a blonde of course.

"Zel, really that's why you want me in a grail war. Plus, if I did go who would I be replacing as a master?" he asked as Zel walked back to his seat and turning his black board that he liked using for diagrams. Flipping it Naruto saw the seven command seals of the fourth war, and Zel began drawing an eighth.

"You wouldn't be replacing any of them but, simply added to the equation. It's not like you can't do battle with a servant hell even my granddaughter has a little trouble keeping up with you when you end up sparing." It was true Arcueid was one of the few to match Naruto for raw power now, after he ascended to the ranks of the Dead Apostles though, if before he be a smear on the floor.

"True, plus I'd prefer to battle heroic servants on my own thinking about it. But what would become of my lovers if they find out I've been sent to a different world without knowing if I'll be back soon. At least last time you did that I ended up with that funny man with a bow tie and blue police box." Yeah… Naruto had been in several situations where Zel left him high and dry, but Naruto's luck usually helped him out in those situations if only slightly.

"See you like the idea all the more now. But if you do go, I'll be giving you memories of another you from a similar reality that had lovers in a reality similar to this one, hell he even has the verbal tick you used to have." Naruto growled slightly, with red cheeks not liking to be reminded of stupider times with that goddamn tick of his, which he had conditioned himself out of.

"Oi Old man, stop picking on my boyfriend!" both turned to the loud female voice and Naruto braced himself as he was hit by a human missile with long red hair. "Hi Naruto-kun, happy to see me?" asked the user of the 5th magic otherwise known as the Blue, Aoko Aozaki. The lover of Naruto, who had been accepted into the family due to how she could pretty much kick his ass swaying the scales of who could win an argument from slight chance of winning to always in favour the girls. Naruto oddly didn't mind too much since he knew trying to win arguments would never end well for him and doing what he could to keep his lovers happy made him happy. Wearing her usual ansemble of a white short sleeved shirt, blue jeans and trainers, she rarely wore clothes out of her style like this even with Naruto trying. But when a woman can destroy a mountain by pointing her finger, you tend to stop arguing.

Putting his arms around Aoko's waist Naruto leaned down and gave her a small kiss on her lips, leaving her rosy cheeked, she did seem like such a school girl at times. "Always Aoko-chan, but how come you're here if you don't mind answering?" he questioned the mage who ushered her head toward Zel.

"Apparently Zel wanted my help on something, although it seems he wants you in on it too. Do you have any clue?" Naruto felt a little hesitant before answering. He knew him being forced away into the alternate realty wouldn't be good for Aoko's temper, which was justified seeing how she could create explosions with but simple thoughts and her powerful magic circuits.

"Um, Zel wants to send me back to participate in the 4th grail war to see how much different it will be with me taking part in it." Naruto could literally feel the nice happy Aoko turn angry as the words left his lips even though she was still smiling.

"So after a month or so of odd jobs and mage meeting, where you kept visiting the others, the first time I see you I learn you're being sent on one of the old man's twisted adventures over his curiosity. Please tell me Naruto-kun… why shouldn't I blast you now?" Naruto resisted the temptation to whimper at Aoko, an angry Aoko her fist sparking with energy at that, but remembered there was one way to calm her down in situations like this.

"Because if you do, you won't ever get a massage again or spend real quality time with each other and…" he leaned in to whisper into her ear, "I won't be able to make you scream in pleasure which you can't live without." Aoko stopped in her angry moment and instantly developed a a blissful expression with drool coming down her chin and well as blood dripping from her nose.

"Oh so that's why she hasn't killed you. Huh makes sense thinking about it now but, how long before she breaks out of that, I need her if I'm sending you?" Zel questioned Naruto who sighed knowing he probably would be going into the war now.

"Just give her a minute; she'll break out of her fantasies in a moment or three. Can you merge the alternate Naruto memory while we wait for her Zel?" the man nodded placing his hand on the white haired youth. Taping into the great power of the 2nd magic he found the needed memories of the Naruto who fought in the 5th war, but also was some parts about the 4th. All of this would allow Naruto to know what events and meetings to change and manipulate to his own ends to kick the other master's asses and save a fair few hundred lives in the process.

When he lifted his hand, Naruto held his head in pain as the memories began to sort themselves out while maintaining his own identity and mind-set. He didn't want any unnecessary memories to come through, although it appeared that the Naruto that ended up in this reality or close to, had managed to capture the hearts of a few servants, magus and a homunculus, not bad if he was honest, although it looked like an alternate Zel had sent him back in time too with Aoko helping that Naruto as well but, he was not as friendly with her as he had become, his loss.

"Damn… what a rush." Naruto said taking a deep breath through his nose to clear his mind of all issues over the memories he'd have to go through them later to sort them out.

"Yeah, I know right. But what are you going to take for your equipment seeing as how there are some powerful Noble Phantasms in the 4th war, and vampire powers can be bested by conceptual weapons you remember?" Naruto nodded to Zel, before pulling back on his sleeve, revealing an intricate tattoo design that appeared to be one of a black dragon.

"I think these will suffice for the war. Plus I haven't really had much use for them thinking about it. That and my mystic codes" Zel nodded remembering what Naruto had sealed in his arm, plus his skill in forging mystic codes for himself. He watched the tattoo fade meaning Naruto had shifted the equipment into his body rather than his arm, making it easier to summon in battle. If he was honest about what Naruto had, he was sure that it would fit perfectly well with the warriors of the 4th war.

"I believe it will, just hope your swordsmanship is up to scratch and you remember which sword is which. Still I have to ask what will you do first when you get sent back, you'll have some time before the two week war begins." Zel's info that he had given Naruto allowed him free rein on what could be changed.

"I have an idea, but I'll have to work fast if I am right about the memories you gave me. Oh Aoko-chan is coming back." Said mage began blinking and furiously wiped the drool and blood from her face before grabbing Naruto in a searing kiss.

"You come back, or I find you and blow your legs off. After that you won't be able to run from me and the rest of us, understand!" Naruto nodded smiling knowing this was Aoko's way, although he wouldn't deny that he was scared shitless by the threat and also knowing that she would indeed follow up on any threat she made against him as long as it didn't harm his manly parts which she got her lovin from.

"I'll always come back to you and the girls Aoko-chan, my Aoi-hime." Those words made poor Aoko almost stop in her cooperation of the bloodsuckers plan, but knew he would whine, and then annoy her and the others until he got his way. He always got his way in the end sadly if he annoyed you long enough.

"Should I leave you two alone for a minute or can we get to the matter at hand?" Zel's question cut the mood between the two, Aoko irked by him speaking when she was happily hugging Naruto's side.

"I'm ready Zel, just make sure it doesn't hurt this time, I was sore for two days after you and I visited that dimension. Not to mention that I met a man so perverted, it surpasses even Ero-sennin." Naruto recalled the memory of the huge dark skinned warriors he had met on a journey with Zel to another dimension.

"Yeah, yeah. Aoko you ready on your end?" said mage nodded and the two raised their hands and Naruto stood in front of the two. "When you arrive please give me the details and try not to piss off the queen, and have fun." Naruto gave a nod and mouthed 'See you soon' to Aoko as a bright white and blue light surrounded him and then felt his body begin to shift and his head spin.

The process of going back in the time stream as well as traversing dimensions is something few would ever attest to being able to pull off and still remain whole. As he felt time whirl he pictured the different people involved in the war the masters and the servants who protected them from harm. He also recalled from the now synched memories that needed to be saved in order to really make a change for the better.

Little by little the felling of time passing and the effect of the multi-dimensional refraction phenomenon, when it finally ended Naruto was stood in the same spot as before only now instead of Aoko, there was now another woman Naruto recognised. The woman with brown hair in a ponytail, a white coat and brown pants made of extremely fine material, a crimson bow around her neck, and a gauntlet on her right hand was Lady Barthomeloi Lorelei, Vice Director of the Mage Association and Queen of the Clock tower and well known hater of vampires.

Seeing her scowl as she raised her hand, Naruto quickly channelled prana into himself allowing him to done black armour on his legs. It reached up to and above his knees, almost covering his carves. One could maybe compare the armour to a rook on a chessboard to how they seemed designed like a castle pillar. However on the right leg's knee there was a slight difference, in that the head of a dragon was on his knee guard and it had red rubies for its eyes that glowed with energy, the mouth of it opening ever so slightly to release a small amount of black flame.

As the Queen shot her high powered wind blast at Naruto, who in turn shot his right leg forward that was covered in black flame. The attacks fought for supremacy and both mages having to use more of their circuits to ensure that neither lost this battle, although one was fighting for pride more than anything. Eventually Naruto decided to end the battle and used the added power of the armour to help divert the blast, sending it to the side of the wall, utterly demolishing it before speeding forward and slamming his leg into the Queen and laying her on her back, putting his foot on her stomach to stop her moving.

"Keep moving and I burn you, right down to your circuits Lady Barthimeloi." Naruto voice was in a commanding tone seeing as how he didn't like people who attacked him for no reason. "Now allow me to introduce myself, I am Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto, Future Rank 4 of the Dead Apostle Ancestors, User of the Second Magic and Future representative of the Director of the Clock tower Zel… and his pupil sadly." There was silence as Naruto announced his title to the two and Zel found that a very large grin was forming on his face hearing that this boy was both a user of his magic, was his future student a time traveller (always fun) but most importantly for him, he was his representative. This meant he no longer had to suffer those darn Clock tower matters anymore, a godsend if he did exist.

"Oh and Zel, you sent me here with a job that doesn't include me doing all your work here at the tower." Said man snapped his fingers at this statement but on the other hand he was intrigued to what mission he had given this boy who took his foot off The Queen and dispelled the armour and fire from his legs. "Now if necessary let us all talk this over with some tea."


Thankfully Lady Bathomeloi restrained herself from attacking Naruto again as the three sat down in a now repaired office with a pot of tea in front of them, currently brewing Earl Grey for them. Naruto while they had waited for the repair crew and maids had explained some of what he could do but nothing of his time period as it would be pointless for them to know. He did offer a little about his abilities, stating he was stronger than his time's Zel but lacked some training in some areas of thaumaturgy but still stronger and able to use more of the second magic which he was able to incorporate into his battle style.

He did show them that he also had obtained a set of command seals for the 4th grail war, something that shocked Zel, seeing how Naruto informed him he wasn't going to be summoning a servant and that the other master would reveal himself in about a year or so. Roughly Naruto found he had a year and a couple months which he was free to use to prepare.

"So I wanted to see you kick ass in a grail war, one that apparently went to shit. I buy that but seriously, no servant, I made up the roles of master and servants for the war so wouldn't you be at a disadvantage?" Zel questioned Naruto who shook his head and poured for the three of them.

"No, I'm fine on my own. The training I have and my other abilities make up for the lack of servants, plus I doubt have to worry about the personality of the servant classing with my own. Imagine if I summoned some massive prick who believed he was God's gift to mankind or something, and I don't play well with people who act like they're better, present company excluded of course." Naruto knew well enough not to piss off the blue-blooded mage next to him; even if he could best her it was best not to aggravate the woman who could have challenged Zel in the future, although by that point he wasn't much of a fighter.

"Hmm… you're much different from other vampires I've had the misfortune of meeting. But you also a student of this man which isn't good from my perspective, so I ask for my own sake, are you a threat to the Mage Association, the human race or the Church?" Naruto expected the question seeing how Dead Apostles were now well liked in any society in this dimension. He had accepted the stigma of his race after a few weeks of working with Zel and being with the girls.

"Lady Barthomeloi, you have my promise as a dead apostle, mage and on the heart that belongs to my lovers that I will not act in any threatening way towards the mage association, human race or the Church, unless they strike first in which case I will act accordingly based on the act against me. I don't seek trouble, only to do the job tasked to me and make sure there are as few problems as I can possibly avoid. I will be leaving for Fuyuki early tomorrow but for now I need to earn some money and my A+ rank luck needs a test run in this dimension." Zel gave a small chuckle as Naruto finished his tea and left the room, most likely heading to the many gambling halls of London where he would make a fast fortune in no time at all. Although he was still a little miffed that he would be unable to avoid that Clock tower meetings without a descent excuse, which made his mind begin to whirl as to how he could get back at the boy.

"Zelretch what is going on in that head of yours? The last time you smirked like that we had to put several high class family mages into a mental ward when you decided to take them as a group of students, which they have only just this week recovered from. What do you plan to do to that boy there?" Lady Barthomeloi questioned the vampire knowing full well what twisted ideas and tortures the man could think up for his entertainment.

"Just wondering if I should call someone I know fairly well to go and keep Naruto company, I think it would do her well with how bored she ends up getting all the time, plus she doesn't like being alone either so it's perfect. I wonder where about she is…? I need to make some calls, see you later M' lady." Zel then left the room himself making the Queen of the Clock tower very annoyed.

"Do not just leave Zelretch, we still need you to go over the reports for the previous year!" she said clenching her armoured fist and proceeding to walk in chase of the old vampire, not knowing he wouldn't be found if he didn't want to be.


Turns out that Naruto was correct in his assumption that, his luck would yield a large profit from the casinos found in the London area earned him a substantial amount of money that would help in his extended stay in Fuyuki City in Japan. Once he had the money he started making arrangements for the war by contacting real estate agents to find an available living accommodation for the coming war in Fuyuki and found a moderately priced three bedroom house to stay in that, had two bathrooms, was in proximity to a school, a garden, which was an absolute must for him, and a good sized kitchen.

As of right now though, Naruto was sitting in first class on his British Airways flight to Japan sipping his wine that was chilled, giving the flight attendant a nice tip for her service. The flight allowed Naruto's mind to wonder what fighting in a Grail War would be like as Zel had told him stories of the others that he oversaw from a distance. The very concept itself to him seemed amazing, in that one could summon an ancient hero to aid them, but he also remembered the somewhat cruelty of the war in that it was essentially a battle royal with no holds bar.

'Everyone involved has something staked against their life, from what I can make of the memories the Matou master is at great risk with him betting his life to save the girl Sakura. The other me seemed quite attached to her, even if the first one was very affectionate to him. I guess I should head to the prepared house first and head to fetch her from that horrible practise of theirs, the dates coincide with my arrival of when she was handed to the old leech luckily enough, ahh the joys of high ranked luck.' Finishing his glass he leaned back in his chair to take a small nap, allowing many female and flight attendants to stare at the handsome gentleman who could be royalty in their imaginations. But none of them seemed to notice the strange marking on his hand that was made of three lines that all came together in a spiral.

The plane landed comfortably enough and security was a smooth process, thankfully mind you, as he made his way to the car with a man dressed in a suit holding a sigh with his name on it "Uzumaki-san, your car is fully fuelled and ready to go if you would just sign here, if you would be so kind?" the man said holding out a receipt on a clipboard.

Naruto signed it, again giving the man a tip as he did have money to burn. He was probably forever banned from those casinos now thinking about it, before shrugging his shoulder and stepping into his new Porsche 911, (996 Turbo) coloured black and equipped with GPS. Turning the key in the ignition the car gave a roar as life sprung into the engine and Naruto placed his hands on the wheel and gear shift. "Time to check out my residence while I'm staying here in Fuyuki." Switching to first gear, the car sped off on the road reacting to the actions of the driver.


Naruto had arrived at his house in no time at all, the car now comfortably sitting in the driveway of the house, earning a rest for its good work. After which Naruto quickly found the local grocery store and bought supplies for both him and possible guests that would be staying with him. Thankfully Naruto also had prepared the house to be fully furbished when he had phoned ahead and as such there was no need for extra furniture. However Naruto had set up runes and boundary fields around his home which was in fact a detached house in a fairly populated area. He had considered the use of a geis on himself to avoid possible confrontation at his home but it may not be fully effective against some opponents and servants.

All this went on while the other masters were beginning to plan their actions for the war. Naruto's first action of course began as the sun set as he took to the roofs of Fuyuki, reinforcing his body and wearing a rune enchanted cloak that would make people not look at him if he was in possible view, it was a simple technique for concealing himself but not the best. If he was right the other masters would be cautious of any magic use in Fuyuki at the moment, the Mage association being no exception seeing how they had sent a high member of the Archibald family who was chosen by the grail to Fuyuki.

It didn't take long to find the Tohsaka manor in which contained the next master of the Archer class, Tokiomi Tohsaka who at this very moment was handing his daughter Sakura, over to a shrivelled lump of meat that barely passed for a human being, Zouken Matou (formerly Makiri). 'To think that there are still people who cling to life in such disgusting ways, being their means or methods.' He stared as Tokiomi pushed Sakura over to the Zouken who put his hand on her shoulder grinning like he had just won the war already.

Naruto was aware why this was happening, the Matou family literally had no magic for them to use, unless via the use of the filthy technique. With the Tohsaka family having two daughters, Rin and Sakura, the gift of allowing them to adopt Sakura to have use of a magic using child was seen as a way to connect the two families. But all Sakura would get out of this deal would be thousands of worms that would penetrate her body and feed off her emotions, granting her power at the cost of her flesh, life and possibly her mind.

There was but one obvious task that Naruto 'had' to perform in order to save a pure soul as the girl Sakura, who reminded him of his old friend Hinata back in his first dimension, but also of one of his lovers. All of them had a gentleness to them that shouldn't be harmed in any way shape or form. He followed the car back to the Matou home manor and stood atop a tall tree just outside. He called upon one of his Mystic Codes, a pair of six barrelled guns, holding them out in front of him he began channelling them with prana. He would have used one of his blades but there were essentially Noble Phantasms so it would make his presence more known to all. When half charged he released the blast directly at Zouken who had just entered the top room.

Said man didn't even notice until he saw a bright light in his face "What in th-"

'CRASH! BOOM!' Were the sounds produced, from the gun's powerful attack. "Good thing it wasn't fully charged, it could've brought the whole place down if I did, now to find Sakura." Naruto set off rushing through the hallway, after jumping through the now very open window.

Sakura herself was scared and anxious, mainly due to her being taken from her mother, father and sister in favour of the old creepy man who scared her. And now she had heard a loud crashing noise upstairs and smelled smoke. "Sakura?" a voice called out and the girl looked up from her hiding position from behind the couch, where she had gone hearing the explosion.

"W-Who is it?" she asked nervously from her position, looking over to see a well-dressed white haired man with odd marks on his face.

The man kneeled down in front of her "Hi, my name is Naruto. I came here to help get you back to your mother and sister. Would you like to get away from this place and with me, I promise to protect you. Please answer quickly as I doubt the old worm has been fully dealt with." He offered his hand out to her.

Sakura tentatively came out from behind the couch "Can you take me back to Okaa-san and Onee-chan?" she asked wanting to see her sister again soon as well as her mother.

"Yes I can, eventually mind you. But I promise you'll see them again Sakura-chan, until then you can stay with me, is that okay?" Sakura gave a small nod as she took Naruto's hand, before he scooped her up in his arms and held her to his chest. "Hold on tight Sakura-chan, this might get bumpy." Naruto placed the concealment cloak over both of them, proceeding to break open the door and make a break for it.

Sakura being held was treated to a sensation that she would liken to a bird flying through the air and the warm embrace of the man who offered her help. It was that warmth that made her believe it was safer with him than with Zouken, and his eyes, those deep red eyes, held no lie and she could tell he would bring her back to her mother and sister. As he held her while they flew through the air like paper being carried on an updraft she felt herself drift to sleep and snore lightly, her last sight being that of the small smile Naruto gave her. "Sweet dreams Sakura-chan."


"ARGH DAMN IT ALL!" Zouken cried out as he freed himself from the debris having taken a fair bit of damage from the mysterious figures blast, but he wasn't dead sadly, mainly thanks to his worms keeping him alive. His rage however was mirrored in the worms around his feet as they flailed about at the outburst of emotion.

"Who was that bastard and how did he manage to nearly kill me? Better yet how did he get so close to the manor without me noticing and only take Tohsaka's daughter. I doubt he sent him, he doesn't have the spine for it." The old man muttered aloud in thought walking down the hallway. "It can't be the mage association or the church or I'd be on a table by now. But whoever they are they've ruined my planes for this war, I still need a master for it." As he spoke Zouken remembered he still had a card to play for his schemes… his son Kariya.

"Hmm… I think I have enough to manipulate that fool of a son, he'll never even realize it either, I'd best prepare before calling him." His cruel smirk seemed to make the worms dance around him, as if excited at the old man's plans of treachery.


Meanwhile at the Tohsaka residence, Tokiomi was in his workshop, a place that was his lab for research and experiments, but also a place where he would receive information from the church as well as the Clocktower to help in his endeavour for the war.

Right now his magically crafted printer was writing up a report for him, the pen going back and forth over the parchment, intriguing both Tokiomi and his new student from the church Kotomine Kirei, an executor, a trained magus killer.

"This is strange…" the chosen master spoke aloud as he read the old language on the parchment.

"What is it my master?" asked the man wearing priest robes, a cross hanging from his neck with an emotionless face.

"My contact at the Clock tower has sent me an… odd message. It speaks of the headmaster having a new representative who is being sent to Fuyuki for some reason. But I can't be for the war, the Archibald is set to be the master, with myself, you, Archibald, Matou, and Einzbern it does leave two spaces open for servants. Despite that they make no mention that he is being sent in to the war, plus the message talks about him being a representative. You are aware of the Kaleidoscope, aren't you Kirei?" Tokiomi asked as the stoic man gave a small nod as he was handed the parchment.

"Yes, the Church speaks about his… unique ways often and Lady Barthomeloi's frustrations toward him. It's strange that she seems to approve of his representative speaking that he managed to block an assault made on him by an unknown foe which might mean her. That alone speaks volumes for his strength, there aren't many who can fight against her. Do you think he will become a problem?" Kirei asked placing the message on the table, his thoughts shifting to the new possible factor in the war and methods he have to take against him if need be.

"For now, we wait and see what happens while gaining as much intelligence on the other masters as we can, my relic should arrive in a year or so now. Anyway let us continue with our lessons." Tokiomi proceeded with the magic lessons that he had taken to teaching Kirei.


Morning came in Naruto's house, while he himself felt the sun's rays hit his face wakening him from his dreamless sleep. As he woke he let out a small yawn, it seemed his late night did not mix well with him, strange considering his nature of a vampire, but Naruto did make a habit to be unique.

'Errr, late nights and without one of the girls to cuddle, maybe I should have brought one of them with me, might have made Sakura-chan a little more comfortable.' As the thought came to mind Naruto felt something squirming under the sheets, lifting them he found a sleeping Sakura clutching at his side. 'Guess she must have had a bad dream and ended up coming into my bed. Not surprising considering Zouken's aura or the fact she was basically sold off by her father and separated from her family.'

Naruto moved his hand to brush a stray hair out of the girl's face that seemed to relax on her grip on him, allowing him to sneak out of the bed. "Time to make breakfast for me and little Sakura-chan." Naruto's whisper followed his small chuckle as he left the room and made his way to the kitchen to get started on breakfast for the two of them.

This would become a common thing between them while Naruto also, started teaching the little girl how to cook all sort of different dishes. Naruto was now her guardian, she would need to be protected from both the war, the Matou, her father, the church. Naruto could tell that Sakura was unique, while lacking an affinity for any of the five elements, she had potential to use magic to affect spiritual beings such as servants and if taken by the Matou a vessel for the old man.

He swore that Sakura would never be used by that man, he's rather fight the Crimson Moon Brunestud that fail the little girl.


As time pressed on, a year started to roll by in which time Naruto and Sakura had become almost siblings with how they acted with each other. He told her stories of his adventures across different world, whether she believed them was another matter. But Sakura was always smiling when she was with him, and even took to calling him 'Onii-chan' which Naruto secretly loved. Naruto kept up to date with developments and he even found that other servants had now been summoned; Saber, Archer, Lancer, Berserker, Rider, leaving only Caster to be summoned as Assassin had already been summoned.

But Naruto in his investigation found that he had made a mistake, Kariya Matou, Zouken's son had been duped into becoming a master for the war. It seemed he had manipulated him into believing that he still had Sakura based on the fact he was desperate enough to have the crest worms implanted in him. As a result he was now dying from the worms and barely had too much time left and he was also unable to find a trace of him. It seemed Kariya had taken to hide in the shadows like Assassin did as his skill.

He hadn't told Sakura yet, which he knew was a mistake but that smile she had made him want to shield her from the harshness of the world a little longer. He also learned that his memories were right in that the Einzbern had sought outside help in their choice of master this war, Kiritsugu Emiya, the Magus Killer was Saber's master with his wife Irisviel was to serve as a decoy master.

'I can't fully rely on all the memories of the alternate me, my saving of Sakura has already changed things. For now be aware of the other events but be cautious on how I approach them.' Naruto's thoughts were brought to a halt when he heard something from the kitchen, and Sakura was at school, sadly not the same one as Rin but he had to play it safe with her.

Walking into the kitchen he found a black cat on his table eating a piece of a rice cracker from the plate he left out for snacking. The black cat had red eyes like his own and also a blue…ribbon… tied at the back. 'That bastard wouldn't would he?' Naruto hoped that he was wrong in his assumption, but he reluctantly called out a name. "Len…?"

"Meow" the cat nodded and Naruto went to the nearest wall and banged his head against it.

"I'll be with you in a moment Len, I just have some issues to work out right now." Naruto's statement was met with a voice of amusement as he continued his head banging action.

"Ehh Grandpa was right was right on what your reaction would be, kinda funny looking at it now." Naruto turned his head to see the one person he didn't expect to see, Arcueid Brunestud, the White Moon Princess, The True Ancestor. "Hi there," Arcueid waved happily "Grandpa sent me here to help you out with something, I'm Arcueid Brunestud, nice to meet you Fishcake."

"I'll kill him, make sure everyone knows, put it on display and take any possible memories of his alternate selves that would scare hi- Scratch that I'm giving him a Gai and Lee never ending illusion before handing his ass to Aoko and the others. That ought to be good for a warm up, the next will require more planning." Naruto ranted while Arcueid walked over and sat at the kitchen table and took a rice cracker.

"He seems fun, don't you think Len?" Arcueid asked her familiar who nodded and they continued to watch Naruto rant while hitting his head against the wall, leaving an imprint of his face, thankfully he had the sense to reinforce his face before doing so.

After about an hour he finished his action and took a very long breath to curve his frustrations over old men who liked to see people suffer for his amusement, a lover of Schadenfreude by all meanings of the word. He turned to his new guests "Hey, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, friend and future torturer of your grandpa, please to meet you Arcueid-san… again." He said the last part with a slight whisper.

"Oh yeah, Grandpa did say you're from another time and dimension. What am I like in your place, do I look any different?" she asked excitedly as Naruto knew she could be.

Arcueid was a blonde haired girl like himself, her hair was fairly short but shined almost golden in the light of the night as he remembered. Her eyes still those piercing red eyes that he had grown accustomed to having himself, only his didn't have loneliness in them anymore. 'Makes sense since she met Shiki ten years from now, guess Aoko might succeed in her Plan-H in this world like she told me about after a night of drinking. She might even claim him in this dimension if Arcueid was going to stay by me. I doubt we'll see each other as anything but friends though.' Naruto thoughts were accentuated by him cupping his chin, as he looked her over in her blouse and long skirt.

"I'd need, some time to check but I think you're pretty much the same as in my time and dimension, also please don't blurt that fact out, only the Queen and Zel know that fact. Anymore and it could be troublesome, hell they might try to get a S.D. (Sealing Designation) on me, not that they ever could with my position. It won't stop them from trying those idiotic members of the association who seek to dissect anything for answers as to how to use certain magic. I swear some of those so called noble families are such fools, believing in their own superiority in their blood lines and family magic, granted some do offer extremely powerful mages but still." He noticed that Arcueid had tilted her head in slight confusion. "Ahhh, forgive me I tend to ramble when issues involving mage society, welcome to my home Arcueid-san, Len-san."

"It's okay, I've seen tonnes of people that have gone crazy, and you're the most normal and sane after being with Grandpa so long. But I have to ask what will you be doing for the war that's starting soon?" the True Ancestor asked in wonder.

"Reconnaissance would be first as its best not to be unprepared for the battles themselves. While I have some knowledge of the war and its masters but, I want some first-hand information so I can make my assumptions. I may have to investigate further on a few more prominent masters, the Einzbern more so if I'm right. But where are my manners, seeing as your both here would you care for some lunch?" he asked the two who both nodded.

"Sure, it's been a while since I had a good cooked meal." She said in her usual joy filled tone but Naruto resisted the urge to frown knowing the harsh reality of her words. Instead he gave her a warm smile and took out his utensils.

"Well I guess I'll give you a small teaser for the banquet I'll make tonight. You'll meet my adoptive sibling while I'm here, I think she'll love you Len." The cat nodded at the thought a little curious as to who this Naruto was living with, it intrigued her as to who, a person like her master, saw as an adoptive sibling.

Naruto hummed a small tune as he proceeded to cook some simple Omurice and Melonpan for the three of them. Arcueid instantly beamed as the warm food touched her tongue "Wow~ this is really good Naruto-kun." Arcueid tone brought a smile to his face. He did enjoy cooking for those he was tasked to take care of, plus if he was honest he didn't really mind Arcueid, more just how she came into his home. If he was to liken Arcueid to an animal it would obviously be like her familiar, a cat, just her behaviour and mannerisms just made him think of a cat when he had met with the other dimension's Arcueid and Shiki.

"I'm glad to hear it, although looking at the time we'll have to leave soon for the school to pick up Sakura-chan. It'll be a chance for you to meet her, she's a very sweet girl, but a little shy around others." he was sure Sakura wouldn't mind Arcueid at all she'd like her personality without a doubt.

"Ohh, she sounds nice, can't wait. But can I eat these on the go?" she questioned pointing to the melonpan.

Naruto chuckled as she seemed at odds with the idea of leaving the bread behind, after it taking a fair bit to make for her, and it looks really good like the last dish. "Sure, you can eat the bread on the way, but I can make more if you like it when we get back since I had some dough left over." Her furiously nodding head made the answer clear. Len seeing what was happening hopped from her position and onto Naruto's shoulder. "Hehe care for a little trip too?" the nodding showed Naruto that Sakura would meet both new guests. "Well then off we go."


As they walked toward the school Naruto told Arcueid and Len the reason why he was actually picking up Sakura, even though the school was close by. The serial killer that had been roaming around, specifically targeting children, though he loathed to admit, whoever it was had very good skills keeping himself hidden from authorities and the mage association would throw a fit if he got involved since him investigating ruled as a possible threat to exposure of magic.

However, as they were walking Naruto felt a prick on his hand, his left hand. 'The last one has been summoned it seems… the war begins then, the sooner the better.' He thought to himself hoping the new master was at least descent.

Sadly he didn't have the memories that the serial killer was the master of the false hero Bluebeard, but the facts about Caster's master weren't well known in the alternate's memories.

"It may be better not to think about it." Said a voice in Naruto's head, who turned slightly to see Len resting her head against his.

'Ah I forgot you could communicate via contact Len-san, but you may be right, my investigation might be able to tell me enough. Also Sakura has knowledge of the magical world so you may reveal your true form if you'd prefer.' He informed the little succubus.

"Thank you Naruto-san, it seems your memories of myself and Arcueid-sama are pleasant although they are confusing sue to their nature regarding the boy with the Mystic eyes." Naruto mentally nodding knowing the truth of it, mixing memories was something that was a little rough when they were from different times.

'I imagine, but don't peer into those memories; they may no longer be possible in this dimension due to circumstance.' Which reminded him, he needed to contact the church to enquire about two of its members.

"I understand Naruto-san." Len replied as Naruto stopped at the gates to Sakura's school waiting outside the gate with Arcueid along with the other parents who smiled and waved to him, him doing the same with a small smile. The children were soon running out the doors at the sound of the end of day bell, heading for their parents if they came to pick them up. None of them even saw the barrier Naruto had placed as a small precaution for them, just a simple field to help detect evil intent toward the children.

It didn't take long for Naruto to spot Sakura, who saw him and ran toward him into his arms, Naruto giving her a small spin making her laugh in glee. "Have a good day Sakura-chan?" he asked his little charge and almost adoptive sibling.

"Hai, onii-chan today was great we got to learn about archery in class, it looks fun." Her smile was infectious to all the parents around, the mothers wanting to take a picture of the cute moments that the two often had.

A number of them actually did in fact.

"Well that's interesting, maybe I'll teach you some since I know a little of the art. But I have a bit of a surprise for you Sakura-chan." He took Len from his shoulder after he put her down and placed the cat in her arms. "Meet Len, she's a friend of our new house guest Arcueid who arrived today, say hello to them and introduce yourself." Sakura held the cute kitty to her chest, petting it's head softly electing a purring from her, before turning to see the tall blonde woman next to her onii-chan. She was very pretty and had the same eyes as Naruto.

"Um… hi I'm Sakura. Nice to meet you Arcueid-san." She didn't give a surname due to the fact she was without one after being given away by the Tohsaka and saved from the Matou. She shifted her feet a little under the gaze of Arcueid who crouched down to her level and smiled at her and putting her hand on her head.

"Naruto-kun is right, you are cute. Please to meet you Sakura-chan." Sakura's nerves seemed to just float away, hearing Arcueid's voice she became very happy to just smile as she kept petting Len in her arms.

"Come one Sakura-chan, I'm cooking us a big meal tonight in celebration of our new guests. But I'll be heading out tonight on an errand so you'll be spending the night with Arcueid okay?" he said knowing she was no doubt have fun with the vampire with Len sticking with him for the night, her input would be useful as she had less defensive purposes than Arcueid and he had been finding the bodies of worms over the past few weeks, Zouken had apparently attempted to find him, but his barriers covered a 5 mile radius so he wouldn't be having luck finding his home which had several boundary fields protecting it with the runes added closer and at the home.

'I'll see how her former father is doing tonight, I need to see if the King of Heroes really is that powerful as the memories seem to suggest.' Naruto thought to himself as he picked up Sakura and put him on his shoulders and set off for home.

Unseen to him, a rather youthful woman had spotted that plum coloured hair of Sakura as she was making her way across the town collecting something from her home, rubbing her eyes, believing that were fooling her in seeing the young girl. "It can't be… they said she was kidnapped."


Later that night, Naruto stood on a branch of a tree that overlooked the manor home of Tokiomi Tohsaka, one that he now lived at in solitude if you didn't count his servant. He was wearing his concealment cloak again as he called forth his familiar to observe this house. Naruto didn't like using animals for such tasks as they could easily die so instead had created spirit foxes that took form in any of the five elements, mainly wind as they served best for stealth. The current fox sat next to his feet awaiting his chance like its master.

"So you are investigating the Tohsaka master first Naruto-san, why?" asked Len inside of Naruto's head as she leaned against it in her cat form.

'If I'm honest, it's more to do with his servant. I want to see his level of strength and plan on what level of strength I should go at and if any more of my mystic codes will be needed.' This intrigued Len slightly often interested in the concepts of mystic codes in case they would be dangerous to herself or her master.

"Do you have many, Naruto-san?" she asked without any reluctance feeling no threat from Naruto, mainly due to him being a friend of Zel and a Descent vampire unlike those Arcueid hunted.

'A fair few, mostly my own work, I even managed to construct a blade of Holy class but added a feature possibly making it a Noble Phantasm but, I haven't fully tested it against an actual opponent, if it works though… hehehe Zel will pay hehehe…" his dark chuckle didn't disturb Len, having seen odder behaviour from her master who never really seemed to grow up. It was then that Len felt a couple of presences close by.

"Naruto-san…?" he nodded, telling her he was aware of the approaching figures which were a man in priest robes and the other a servant dressed in complete black. Naruto using his emotional sensor tried to get a read of the executor Kotomine Kirei, current student to Tokiomi. All he got was a hollow feeling from the man, if he had to guess there was, also confusion and a seeking of something in his spirit. The hollow feeling though… Naruto didn't like it, not one bit, people who were hollow often get filled and driven to dark thoughts in the absence of emotion.

He continued to watch as he sent one of the many Assassin class shades towards the manor. He knew that Assassin unless the True Assassin was actually several different people under one class. Clearly this was a ploy via a collaboration of Kotomine and Tohsaka with a side of favouritism via the church. Kotomine was the sun of the current Grail war overseer that alone caused a conflict of interest.

He would need to visit the so called neutral church sometime soon. But for now he was content watching Assassin make his way through the traps, in clear view of the other master's familiars of course. 'Still Assassin's true power isn't well known, unless you know someone from the old war.' He thought to himself Assassin seemed to reach for the jewel maintaining the defences only to be killed in an instant via a high speed spear and several other weapons to the face.

"Is that… an Archer class? How is that possible?" questioned Len seeing the golden armoured man standing on top of the manor overlooking the garden he had just torn into. "How, there was no bow of any sort." Though her tone was even Naruto could tell such a strange and powerful servant did make her a little nervous, despite not showing.

Apparently the grail found it too much trouble placing him above the King of Knights for Saber class, not to mention how he would never work without his independent action that Archer class gives. But the contents of his armoury… they are dangerous in every single meaning of that word.

"Oi you mongrel hiding like in the tree, show yourself." The Archer called out to Naruto who walked out of the trees a bladeless handle in hand.

"Yes?" Naruto said a little surprised he'd been sensed but given his strength and his rather simple cloak it was to be expected to a degree. "Is there something you'd like to ask Eiyuu Ou?"

Said king raised his eyebrow "So you are able to recognise a true king at but a single glance, I suppose that redeems you to a small degree but you cowardice still puts you at level with the other dogs at my feet." His golden gate behind him glowed as various weapons began emerging. "Explain your presence and I might let you keep you limbs, speak quickly as my patience for those like you doesn't offer much."

"I'm merely a passer-by Eiyuu Ou, but also a representative of the Mage Association and the Clock tower. My curiosity brought me here alone. But it seems your master doesn't take well to guests so I shall take my leave if you don't mind… oh and one small thing Eiyuu Ou pleasure to meet you and thanks for disposing of Assassin for the war." Naruto was gone without so much as a blink from the golden demi-god surprising him at the speed that could match and surpass that of a Lancer.

"Huh, perhaps you may be something of interest, Inu." The king took spirit form to go and speak with his master and Naruto made his way away from the scene, a small smirk on his face. Managing to bullshit his way out of the situation with only a couple of truths that were known was something, he had escaped an early assault from the king of heroes Gilgamesh.

Turning to his guest Len, he smiled seeing she was alright which to him was as important as his own safety and how the king hadn't noticed her under the cloak which was for the best knowing the hero's want for treasures.


Making his way back across the roofs Naruto noticed that he was being targeted by something, the intent was low and barely noticeable but still there. Coming to a stop he chanted a small spell and channelled mana to his ears.

"…e just stopped for some reason. He might have discovered he's being tracked." Naruto could tell that the far off voice was female so looked in the opposite direction so she would keep talking.

"Is he showing any signs that he knows your position?" a male voice said slightly muffled possibly meaning it was radio contact.

"Negative, he's looking in the wrong direction. Should I continue tracking or move to subdue?" the female questioned as Naruto discreetly moved his hand into his sleeve.

"No Maiya, just take account of any distinguishing features, anything will help narrow down just who he is. The man seems to be the extra master the Clocktower sent to this war; apparently he didn't require a servant so don't engage. We need to plan ahead." The male said sternly a shuffling sound suggested that she gave a small nod.

"Roger Kirtisugu… but do we know the target's name?" she asked into her head piece.

"I'd be happy to answer that for you Ojou-chan." The girl whirled round to throw a knife into the voice's face, only for it to be caught between his fingers and thrown away. "Honestly, that's a bit much for a reaction. Anyway seeing as how you want to track me I'll give you my name to be fair. I'm Uzumaki Naruto… Rank 4, bye" the cloaked man vanished again and Miya turned to her scope on her rifle and found the image of where he was dissolve into petals.

"Kiritsugu… did you get that?" Maiya asked as she heared a low tone from her partner.

"Maiya… never approach that man, you will die. Only Saber has a chance against him." His tone worried and confused Miya.

"Why is that?"

"Because that rank… his position in the Clock tower from the reports… that Uzumaki, he's a Dead Apostle Ancestor." Maiya suppressed a gasp from slipping from her mouth at the shock, a high raked Apostle was the new member for the war. Kiritsugu was now planning a new strategy for the new fact, not that it would help against Naruto's behaviours and actions in the war. He was still the most unpredictable person.


The rest of Naruto's journey went without further incident thankfully and slipped through his window silently, so as not to wake up Sakura. "Have fun?" Arcueid's voice asked right next to him as he entered his room.

"Fun isn't really the word I would use to describe what happened tonight Arcueid-san. I'll tell you over some tea, but how was Sakura-chan, no problem I guess?" Arcueid's nodding confirmed his thoughts, knowing how good Sakura was.

"Yeah, she asked about me so I told her I'm a traveller but not much else. How much about magic does she know about?" she asked wondering if Naruto had informed her of his vampirism, which he had, as well as how much of the magic society she already knew.

"She knows more than she did a year ago. Seems that her sister Rin was the chosen child to inherit the family name and magic, a few weeks of us moving in here I took her to one side and asked if she'd like to learn more about magic." Arcueid titled her head in wonderment, she herself liked magic just not some parts of it. "She did, and she is a very good student, attentive, patient and careful with its use when practising. We've worked a little on jewel work, low level spells and some rune work, but it'll be some time before we get to advanced fields of magic. I don't want to put her in too much danger by offering her too much, she knows that magic can easily turn on a user if used incorrectly so only practises when I'm with her or under the guidance of the familiar in the Lab."

"Well that's good, plus she's not at all snooty like some of the mages I've met. But what are we doing tomorrow Naruto-kun?" she asked as Naruto put the kettle on while absentmindedly petting Len in his lap.

"I know, she's a perfect student thinking about it and has a good number of magic circuits that also provide a potent amount of mana to flow through them. I might show her one of my special runes and see how much she can grasp of it." Naruto poured the tea of for him, Arcueid and Len, well milk for Len at least.

"Oh yeah it's Sunday so no school for her, guess we'll get to hang out more. Did your memories tell you if anything happens tomorrow then?" she questioned as Naruto sat back down, Len now drinking on top of the table.

"Going over some of the old material for reference before showing her new runes plus my special one, but to the evening the memories I got told me that there will be a battle at the docks with Lancer among other servants. We'll be going and introducing ourselves as participants of the war along with meeting the now former vessel of the grail Irisveil." Both Len and Arcueid were confused partially knowing that the Eiznbern's provided the homunculus for the wars and the current one was named Irisveil so why did he say former.

"Now when you're finished with that both of you head off to bed so we can all get up early and have a nice cooked breakfast." He got up from his seat and put his mug in the dishwasher and made his way up the stairs leaving a still slightly confused pair at the table trying to make sense of his words.


The residents of the Uzumaki home all had pleasant sleeps and woke up to the morning feeling fresh. The two new members were woken to the smell of breakfast being cooked down stairs so Arcueid dragged herself out of bed with Len following behind her.

Making their way downstairs they found that the table had a more western style breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausage, fresh juice and toast. "Morning Arcueid-san, Len-san, sleep well?" asked Naruto to the two girls as Len was in her human form, Sakura not too shocked as Naruto had explained when they were cooking breakfast. She thought Len looked cute in her human form, even if she kept her emotionless face on.

"Yeah, the bed was really comfy, best sleep I've had in a while. Ohh~ food~" Arcueid took her seat at the table and placed some food on her plate before giving thanks and tucking in. "Umm~ it's really good." Arcueid's words brought a smile to Sakura and Naruto's face, both liking Arcueid's personality more and more, well Sakura more since Naruto knew her already.

"Thank you Arcueid-san, onii-chan had helped me in cooking different meals over the year." Sakura gave a small bow with her head to the blonde who looked up from her plate, some bacon hanging from her lip.

"You made this Sakura-chan. You're really talented then, I mean I only a little older and I can't really cook." Naruto resisted the temptation to comment on Arcueid's small lie on her age, but decided against it for the better of his health. That and it wouldn't be fair to Arcueid to mock her for her lack of domestic skills due to her upbringing.

"I'm not that good, onii-chan is still way above me in cooking skills." The girl admitted a little bashfully. Naruto chuckled ruffling the girls head and a small whine from her for doing so.

"Don't doubt you skills Sakura-chan, you certainly are a fast learner for everything I teach you. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't start experimenting with dishes and make them your own soon." His praise had her with a small tint of redness in her cheeks.

"O-Onii-chan…" she said a little bashful before he smiled down at her and passed her a small package.

"This arrived today, it's next week's work material, plus a little something for you." She opened the small package and found rubies of varying size inside but also a small bracelet that had a ruby embedded in it. Sakura's eyes lit up seeing it and jumped out her seat to hug Naruto.

"Thank you onii-chan!" she shouted as he wrapped his arms round her and spun her a little in the air before plopping her back in her seat.

"Anything for my little hime." She gave a bright smile as she slipped the bracelet on her wrist and gazed at the gems which she would be working with for magic practise next week. "Now, go get washed and dressed before we begin today's lesson. If you do well we're all going for ice cream how does that sound?"

His answer was both Sakura and Arcueid jumping and shouting "Yay~ Ice cream!" Len just raised her arm like the other two to show her enthusiasm for the prospect of ice cream; she enjoyed a nice vanilla herself.

One she was ready Naruto led Sakura down the hall now wearing a light pink dress and through the door to the room that served at the mage workshop or the atelier as more commonly known in the mage association.

Naruto didn't put it in the basement due to how he preferred some acess to natural light which most mages didn't seem to like. Admittedly they needed a room that was confined so as not to allow a leakage of mana, not that it mattered to Naruto with runes keeping mana from escaping and setting people off.

He had four bookcases, all filled to the brim with texts and magic tomes for her to read on, of course some for when she was older and more advanced in the field of magic. The table in the middle of the room had a fair few odd magical items like a magic compass that pointed out use of mana, jars of caterpillars for study in insect use. There were also jewels, and tools for constructing items that could use mana.

Naruto sat Sakura down in front a rather large book with 8 stones with runes on them. He also put a stone the size of his fist with one of his runes on the table too as a sort of challenge for the girl. Arcueid and Len watched from the side and looked at what books he had, Len was tapping the jar of caterpillars as the wriggled about.

"Now Sakura, there are a few spells here I want you to identify and practise on the dummy over there." He pointed to a straw dummy across from the table and placed a book next to her which would help her identify the runes. "Once you finish with that I want you to try and identify this rune here," tapping the larger stone, "the book will help but this is a rune of my own creation and has a specific purpose."

"Okay Naruto-sensei." Sakura and Naruto had agreed that he would refer to him as sensei when in the atelier due to the more serious nature of what they were working with. They still had their usual sibling like relationship, but now with an air of business to it like there was a school. Sakura opened the tome as she looked at the first rune and seeing that it emitted a small mana signature looked in the fire rune section to identify.

For an hour Sakura wrote down what the runes were and their primary use, they ranged from simple fire and water runes, an eyesight enhancing seal, a tracking seal, etc. The personalised rune of Naruto's was giving her a little trouble as it seemed to be based off a water rune but not for the use of water itself, but rather the 'warding' of it. The rune from its core workings, she had hypothesized that it would create a small thin layer of mana over what it was placed on, but the actual use of it was what baffled her. She looked up from her work and saw that Arcueid were playing with the small aquarium that was in the room in case they needed sea life to test on. Arcueid and Len seemed to be racing tine paper boats across the surface of the water, Arcueid clearly losing to Len despite all the effort she seemed to be doing in blowing it forward. The main reason being that it was sinking in the water, obviously she had used parchment instead of thin paper which was weighing it down like a normal person would in water.

'Wait… That's It!' Sakura shouted in her head as she took the stone over to the water and channelled a small amount of mana into it and placed it on top of the water. And like she had guessed, the stone didn't sink but rather sat on top of the water "It's a water rune that lets you walk on water." Naruto smirked from his corner of the room observing his student figure it out. Admittedly he had suggested that Arcueid and Len help Sakura out in providing a fragment of the solution for her, that and it kept them entertained in the slight boredom that came with teaching beginner's magic.

"Well done Sakura-chan, you got it right. This rune is something I made after learning from my own teacher, mainly due to how useful it could be and that a friend of mine really wanted to look like some religious figure to annoy the people of the church, I never asked how that went." He said taking off his shoe and showing that the rune was on the bottom of it. "The rune is useful when on placed on the bottom of shoes and feet, I'm glad you managed to figure it out. It means we might be able to move along in your studies in the next month or so. But enough about that, time to pay up on my side of the bargain and go get some ice cream."

All three girls raised their arms in joy "Yeah~!" two of them said and Len held up a bit of paper saying the same with her free arm wanting to add her own words without saying.

"Right, let's get out of here and head for Yuki's shop, I'm sure she'll be looking forward to see his favourite customer." It was true that their friend and shop owner Yuki Amayo did see Sakura as one of her favourite customers. Mainly due to how cute and well-mannered she was, but Naruto wondered how he would like Arcueid and Len being added to her list of customers. Grabbing their coats the small group left the house and Sakura began leading Arcueid forward by her hand while Naruto walked beside Len at a more normal pace. "She always has such energy about her doesn't she." Len nodded to Naruto's statement as she watched Arcueid smile brightly nearly skipping with Sakura as the little girl led her on.

Only a few minutes passed before the group entered the door of Yuki's shop a bell ringing as the door opened. Yuki was a fairly young woman with long hair tied in a high ponytail. She had a fairly white complexion that seemed to draw attention to her heart shaped face and pale blue eyes. She was a beautiful woman by most men's standards but had high standards for a male partner.

Hearing the bell Yuki turned to the door and spotted a familiar pink dressed girl with plum hair "Ah Sakura-chan!" she said with glee coming out from behind the counter to hug the girl.

"Ohaiyo Yuki-san," Sakura greeted the woman as she returned the hug and waved to the other staff member behind the counter. "Has it been busy today?" she asked seeing only a couple of people at the tables eating their ice cream.

"No, not really. It's been a bit of a slow morning really. But it's expected with the weather being a little colder of late. Ohh you have a friend with you, who might you be miss?" she asked looking at Arcueid with curiosity.

"Hi, I'm Arcueid Brunestud. I just moved in with Sakura-chan and Naruto-kun. Nice to meet you." She smiled at the woman who seemed to have a very cheerful nature on first glance.

The bell rang signalling the entrance of Naruto and Len into the shop, the former gave a wave in greeting to Yuki. "Yo, Yuki-chan, nice to see you again." Naruto walked over as Yuki the white haired male a hug.

"You too Naruto-kun, but who's this adorable little friend you have here?" she asked kneeling down to Len's level. "You look so cute with that bow of yours." She said patting Len on the head.

"Her name is Len, she a mute I'm afraid to say. She and Arcueid moved in yesterday and Sakura just finished her school work for the day so I brought them here." Yuki stood up and walked back to behind her counter ushering the four forward.

"Well then I guess the first scoop will be on the house for my favourite customer and her friends. What would you all like?" the girls beamed hearing this and looked through the various flavours.

The girls had chosen their flavours in less than a minute, Len simply pointing to the flavour. Naruto got his own cone and sat done at a table by the window giving him view of the busy street of Fuyuki. Casting his gaze out to the street and all around, he spotted a small glint of light from on top of the buildings; he smiled in its direction and waved no doubt shocking whoever was surveying him.

'Ahh such fun messing with people like that. Hmm… I feel a resonance from my seals, there's a master close.' He channelled a very small amount of mana to his senses he homed in on whoever was setting off the reaction. Len seemed to notice what he was doing as put her hand on his channelling her power to try and help. While unneeded he was thankful for the help as he focused on his target, looking into the street he spotted a tall woman with pale skin, snow white hair and red eyes wearing a white coat. Next to her was a blonde woman with green eyes wearing a black suit, looking like her bodyguard of sorts? The two seemed to be peacefully chatting between each other. 'That's … the Einzbern homunculus, Irisveil. Then the blonde must be Saber if the memories serve me right.' Bringing up her stats his thoughts were confirmed that it was indeed Saber. 'They must have arrived today, I haven't heard much from that servant's movement as much as Emiya's. I'll have to follow them while I take the girls home.'

He looked down to the succubus sat next to him eating her ice cream. "Len-chan, lend me your ears would you?" he asked as she nodded and he leaned over so he could place her forehead on his. 'The servant we sensed was Saber. I'm going to send a familiar to follow but when we get home I'm setting off to follow them, there should be a battle between her and Lancer tonight. Do you wish to join me again?' he asked her mentally as she shook her head.

"No. it might be more dangerous if there are multiple servants. I and Arcueid-sama can watch over Sakura-san tonight if you wish?" Naruto nodded to her offer.

'Yes, I'll change and claim a couple items once we get home. Thanks for this Len.' The girl nodded as she licked her treat.

"It is fine, I am also thankful for this treat, it was nice." Naruto smiled promising to bring them again as he silently constructed a wind fox familiar that was invisible to those without magic and left the shop to perform its mission for now.


Once they had gotten home Naruto informed the girls of his job and Arcueid agreed to look after Sakura. He was glad Sakura could cook since he didn't want to trust Arcueid's cooking skills after hearing a story or two from Zel and Shiki. He put his black suit back on, as well as a different cloak that was made more for defensive and movement purposes than his stealth cloak. He collected a couple of his codes for use in the possible battle before kissing Sakura good bye who he swore he would return without a scratch on his skin. An easy task given his healing rate, giving her a hug he set off tracking his familiar in the direction of the docks.

By now the day was drawing to a close but he wanted a vantage point so made his way to Fuyuki bridge and stood atop it. Looking over to the docks with all the carrying crates he spotted Lancer who was wielding two different spears at his side while Saber had downed her armour that was blue and white, with armour covering her legs, torso and arms.

However his solo observations on the bridge didn't last long as he spotted a flying chariot being pulled by two bulls pull up next to the bridge. A tall muscly man with red hair and dark complexion wearing a large red cloak disembarked along with a frail young male with dark hair who immediately gripped the side of the bridge.

"Oi Rider what do you think you are doing Baka?" he boy cried out clearly stating that one the man was a servant and that he was a master and two the servant was under the Rider class. A fact proven obvious based on the method of travel.

"Oh company." Naruto's words drew both males attention as he offered a small wave to the two. "Evening, come to watch the fight young master?" he asked looking at the boy who seemed a little shocked by the question.

"Wait are you another master, but where's your servant?" the boy asked him as Naruto gave a small chuckle.

"The Clock tower decided to send an extra master into the war this time. The Director apparently had one of his ideas again. My name is Uzumaki Naruto new representative of the director of the Clock tower. Who might you two be?" the boy's eyes went wide in fear at the fact that this was the extra master added to the war at the whim of the Kaleidoscope.

"AHH you seem to be a man of great strength. I am Iskandar, King of Conquerors!" Rider proudly proclaimed to Naruto no subtly held in his voice "I am the servant summoned under the Rider class in this Grail War."

"WHAT! What the hell are you thinking, revealing that you BAKA!" the young boy yelled raising to his feet only to for Rider to flick his forehead with a fair bt of strength knocking him back, but thankfully not off the bridge.

"What joy that fate has brought us together to fight in this war. Care to join my army as my underling boy?" Rider asked as Naruto shook his head.

"Sadly I must decline, my job as the Second's representative is enough work. And I am already an underling to my lovers so forgive me that I can't accept your offer." Naruto's rejection was very polite as Rider scratched his cheek.

"Is that so… a shame you seem like a strong type with some experience under your belt. You don't seem to be wary over your servant not being here to defend you." Naruto smirked as he turned to rider and the young master who had crawled his way forward. He looked at them both with glowing red eyes that unnerved the master and surprised Rider seeing the battles that they had seen in a flash.

"I'm a little different from most magus and masters Iskandar, is it alright to call you by your name?" he asked as the man nodded taking a bottle of wine out from under his cloak.

"Not at all, care to share a drink?" Naruto nodded, moving to stand next to Iskandar and taking a gulp of the red wine. "So here to observe or are you going to join in?" he asked as the boy nervously stayed at the side of rider clutching the iron beneath his feet.

"Observe until necessary, my boss sent me here with a small task. Oh and boy I didn't get your name." The boy looked sheepish as he turned his head to Naruto, unwilling to meet his red eyes.

"W-Waver. Waver Velvet, student of the Clock tower and master of Rider." He said as Naruto recalled the name from his time. The next head of the Archibald Family was a man named Waver Velvet.

"Velvet eh? A young magical family, you certainly must be something to be accepted by the Grail young Waver." Waver blinked in mild disbelief at how civil the Directors representative was being having once seen how the Vice-Director treats students and people she didn't like, that consisted a lot of the school. "Anyway let's pay attention so we don't miss anything."

The three men turned their attention to the two battling servants who skilfully traded blows, Lancer utilising his two spears different lengths to try and catch Saber off guard. Saber defended with her superior strength and using her advantage of an invisible sword to attack Lancer with, but she did seem to be having a small bit of trouble keeping track of both spears being thrust at her.


"While there is no honour in a battle fought without an exchange of names, allow me to offer my regards, it is impressive for a woman to fight this much without even breaking a sweat" Lancer said with honesty, pleased to have such a skilled opponent.

"You need not be so humble, Lancer, even without knowing you name, words from such a master of the spear do me honour, I accept them gratefully." Saber said a little pleased that her first battle was with one of the three knights of the seven servants

"That's enough fun, Lancer." A voice sounded all over the area, surprising the two women as they believed that lancer had come alone.

Irisviel looked around "Lancer's master?" she muttered confused as she looked around to find the source of the voice.

"Do not allow this battle to drag out, Saber is a formidable opponent, defeat her with all haste." Lancer's master ordered clearly before adding, "You may use your Noble Phantasm." The order put Irisveil and Saber a little on edge due to the allowance of the servants greatest resource to them.

"Understood, my lord." Lancer dropped the golden lance to the floor and held onto his longer red lance.

'So the long spear is his Noble Phantasm.' Saber affirmed to herself as she was unsure if the NP was te golden of red spear, Lancer's action seemed to clarify which it was.

The rune covered cloth that was wrapped around the spear began unravelling until completely gone, unsealing the spears abilities. "That's right." Lancer twirled the red spear in his hand and took his stance, "I shall go for the kill now. Saber you're still using mana to conceal your blade with wind?" Saber tensed at his words.

"I see… so you have to hide your sword. My guess is that the sword reveals your true name." Lancer hypothesised to Saber to kept her hidden sword held in front of her, both hands on the blade.

"How unfortunate, Lancer. You will never know the name of my blade, I will finish this before then." She brought her blade up to her face in preparation.

Lancer slowly began walking away from his abandoned spear "We'll see about that. I shall expose your invisible sword Saber." Lancer charged forward with a thrust that Saber blocked easily but found the air covering and hiding her blade's hilt be undone before her, the strong condensed winds blowing in both their face, Lancer's holding a small grin. When the two broke apart Saber's face was showing shock at what just happened. "Your cherished sword has been exposed."

"The Invisible Air was dispelled?" Saber said alarmed at the disruption of one of her abilities that revolved around her sword. More precisely the layers of condescend winds that distorted the light around her blade rendering it invisible to all by certain mystic eyes.

Lancer's grin grew as he rushed back on the offensive, piercing the ground where Saber's feet would have been had she not backed away, but lancer acted upon his fortune and pushed the dirt up to obscure his attacks with a cloud of smoke.

It was thanks to Saber's hard earned battle instinct that she managed to dodge the attack on her head, before shifting her body to dodge the next blows. Lancer changed techniques and swiped with his long spear, only for Saber to drop to the floor and roll away. Lancer moved at attack again at her prone form, to which Saber lost a few hairs from her locks, but nothing else. She quickly got back to her feet and parried a blow from Lancer, once more revealing part of her blade as the winds were blown apart by the spear.

Each time she parried the spear another part of the blade was revealed, the spear chipping away at the wind concealment.

"What's happening?" wondered Irisveil in worry as she watched the two battle and hoped her husband would make his move before Saber was fatally wounded by the spearman. Sadly said man was a little preoccupied seeing how Assassin had appeared and was observing the battle from high atop one of the nearby structures. Well… at least until a projectile passed through his skull ending his life and making him disperse. Kiritsugu looked round to try and see where whatever hit him came from.

As the two crossed weapons again, the blowback of the strike sent more rubble into the air and tore up the ground. Seeing this lancer sped forward hoping to catch Saber again giving a large swipe with his spear at her. Saber to avoid an up the side of the metal shiiping crates around the dock and jumped away as the spear cleaved into the tough metal.

Lancer spun his spear between his arms looking a little smug as he stared at Saber. 'Than red spear is chipping away at the Invisible Air,' Saber thought in worry at what the spear would and technically had revealed to her opponent.

"I now know the exact length of your blade. Now I don't need to worry about getting struck." Lancer charged forth showing that his words proved true as he thrust his longs spear fully knowing the blade's length and allowing Saber less chance to counter.

Saber meanwhile was trying to think up a counter attack as she was on the defensive right now. 'I still have a way to counter that spear, however.' Lancer dragged his spear before putting it ready to pierce into her. 'If I can just wait for a brash attack…' she ran a simulation in her mind in which lancer's spear would be deflected by her armour allowing her a clean blow into his torso. Seeing her options were limited she went to meet Lancer and deliver her attack on him.

She charged at him fully ready to strike, only for blood to flow from her side as she felt herself be cut into by Lancer's spear, her armour not being able to defend her. But before she had time to think she block a swing from the base of the spear and retreated back, her blood leaving a trail.

Lancer gave a smug look as he proudly held his now bloodied spear. "Saber!" Irisveil cried out before reciting a healing spell to the servant, stitching the wound back up as she held her side. Saber felt Irisveil's spell fully heal her.

"Thank you Irisviel. I'm fine, the healing was effective she told the wife of her master as she grasped her blade with both hands again.

"So, you won't let me win that easily?" Lancer said while Saber's mind whirled at how she had been struck.

'But why? My armour should have easily defelcted that srrike. So how did that blade…' she checked her bloodied armour and found something strange. 'The armour wasn't pierced. What's going on here? The only explanation is that Lancer's blade went through my magically woven armour.' She thought as the image of the spear passing through her armour played in her head.

"So that's it. I see the secret of your spear, Lancer." The man offered a sound as if to say 'And what is that?' Saber continued her claim "That red spear cancels mana."

"And your armour was created with mana. You should just surrender if you're relying on it, Saber." Lancer told her before adding "You're as good as maked before my spear."

"Don't think that you have won simply by depriving me of my armour." With just a small gesture Saber's armour was gone leaving her in only her blue battle dress. "If I cannot defend against your blade, I only need to cut you down first. Prepare yourself, Lancer!" she put the blade so that it was facing behind her.

Lancer would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed at how bold a move Saber made, but he also wouldn't be lying when he said how foolish it was as well. "So you're going all out. You're betting everything on one strike. You're converting the disadvantage of having the armour to the advantages gained by abandoning it. What courage. What a bold decision… I like that." Lancer slowly began moving his feet, edging backwards away from Saber.

"But it is a foolish mistake in this case, Saber." Saber slowly edged forward herself not wanting to give lancer any extra time to avoid her next attack.

"We shall see. You can continue remonstrating after my next attack." As lancer moved his right foot back he seemed to slip on the ground. Seeing her chance Saber pushed mana into her sword the wind glowing golden and turned the wind into a booster for her own speed, shooting forward like an arrow.

She didn't see the smirk on lancer's face as he made his feint 'I am telling you, that's a mistake.' Lancer kicked up his second spear up into his hand, the cloth vanishing as the shorter golden spear's ability was activated.

As she made her move to swing her golden blade Saber realised one crucial fact about servants 'Noble Phantasms need not be limited to one. A trap?"' she realized too late as she tilted her head to avoid the golden spear, managing to cut into Lancer's tendons and he did the same to her with his spear.


"This is bad… extremely bad." Rider muttered to himself as he observed the scene.

"Indeed, that Lancer is very skilled. He might defeat Saber at this rate." Naruto said as Waver poked his head up.

"Why is that bad?" he asked kneeling down for safety.

"Lancer has begun his ultimate attack. He'll end the battle here." Rider's words confused Waver slightly.

"Isn't that batter for us?" Rider's response was to slam his foot making the boy offer a small noise and bow his head.

"No… for all it's worth, Saber being defeated on the first night probably isn't the best since all the other servants haven't been revealed yet. Both Iskandar and I hoped to see more of them come out." Rider nodded at Naruto's words agreeing with him.

"Correct and if Saber falls… it'll be too late" Waver raised his head again.

"T-Too late?" he questioned his servant's choice of words. "The plan was to attack once they'd knocked each other out." He stated, explaining his strategy for their attack on the servants.

"Indeed, I'd hoped another servant would answer Lancer's challenge. Of course, it would be easier to fight them together than to find them one by one." Naruto smack his fist into his palm.

"Ah like putting all your eggs in one basket. By doing this plan you could meet all the other servants in battle or a proper battle royal." Naruto's words were met with yet another nod.

"Yes, and unlike those who simply watch and wait for the best time to strike from the shadows like that one you dealt with earlier. He was unlike Saber and Lancer, both valiant warriors whom I would dearly love to duel and even you given the chance if my presumptions are right. None of you should die before I have a chance to battle you.

"But isn''t that the point of the battle. The Grail's war is to kill one another!" Waver's shouting was met by two men flicking his head sending him spinning.

"If you wanted a servant to do that you should have summoned the barbarian, Berserker. It's clear that Iskandar requires a proper battle to decide this war, like his history, he wants to conquer this war with no questions over his ability in his endeour afterwards.

"Yes. What I truly seek is to have truly conquered this war with all my strength." He drew out his sword and swiped at the sky which opened in a torrent of lightning that, channelled through the metal of the bridge. His great chariot came through the tear in the sky as Waver held onto the bridge for dear life. "We wait no longer. We shall participate, boy! Naruto, do you wish to ride with us?" he asked.

"I have my own methods of arriving Iskandar. I just hope your master is up to the task of going into the thick of things. I mean it's not like he's 'afraid' is it?" he asked with a small smirk which Rider mirrored.

"If he's afraid I'm sure he can remain here and observe as we enter." Hearing him Waver mind made up his mind.

"I'll go. Take me, damn it!" he shouted like his life depended on it." Rider's smirk grew hearing Waver as he pulled him onto the chariot and Naruto flared his cloak so that it gained the appearance of a pair of wings.

"Yosh… that is my Master!" Rider proclaimed as he and Naruto took off into the sky with speed.


As Saber got back to her feet, she reactivated Invisible Air on her sword hiding it from view. Both her and Lancer were bleeding from their arms 'This is bad. He severed a tendon. I can't move my thumb' Saber realized in real worry seeing how she wouldn't be able to properly hold her blade with two hands now.

"You just won't let me win." Lancer said in slight amusement of the fight. "Still, I admire your persistence."

What are you talking so much for, you fool?" the sound of Lancer's master was heard all around the area again. "You missed the chance to defeat her." Lancer's master healed the wound on his servant's arm who clenched his fist to check it was working alright.

"I apologize, my lord." Lancer got ready to take his stance, keeping his eyes trained on Saber.

"Irisveil, heal me as well." Saber asked of the woman behind who was really muddled at something.

"But I have… I have and yet… I healed you. It should have worked" she said aloud as Saber's arm continued to drip her blood. "Saber you should already be fully healed!"

"You did well to realize your armour was useless before my Gae Dearg. But it was rash of you to abandon your armour." He kicked his golden spear back into his hand, "Had you not done so, you could've guarded against my Gae Buidhe."

"I see... a cursed blade that inflicts wounds that will not heal. I should have realized this sooner." Saber said in realization. "A red spear that negates magic, a cursed yellow spear and a mole, that enchants women beneath the right eye. First of the knights of Fianna, Diarmuid of the Radiant Face. I never dreamed that I would have the honour of facing you."

"It's all thanks to the Holy Grail War. But it is me who is honoured here." It seemed that Lancer had sussed who Saber truly was. "No Heroic Spirit summoned by the Holy Grail could ever mistake that golden blade. To face the legendary King of the Knights and land even a single blow… I must be pretty skilled myself." He shook his head at the humour of the situation, "Now that we both know each other's names, we can duel honourably as knights. Or are you upset this is happening after you lost an arm, Saber?"

Saber reequipped her armour and held her hidden sword in her right hand. "Don't be ridiculous. It is humiliating that you would be concerned over such a scratch." Saber said with determination and courage over her current battle situation.

Lancer took his stance with his two spears, "Prepare yourself, Saber. I'll get you this time." He smirked seeing how the battle was now a true duel and more enjoyable now that they knew who each other was.

"Only if I don't get you first, Lancer." Saber replied, but before that could reengage thunder struck in-between them and the sound of bats could be heard around them. A large chariot dropped between them with a rather tall muscular man at the helm, while bats began congregating together and formed a human shape before dispersing like ash leaving a young man with white hair.

The muscular man raised his arms to his side, "Both of you, sheathe your blades, you are in presence of a king!" he said as he looked at what reactions he was getting. "I am Iskandar, King of Conquerors!" Lancer was shocked… this servant just publicly revealed his true name "I am of the Rider class in this Grail War!"

Waver's jaw dropped as his servant revealed the usually hidden information. Naruto gave a small chuckle, he liked this servant, reminded him of some of the quirky people he'd come to know, mainly Jack oddly off the top of his head, at least this one wasn't a massive pervert.

"What are you thinking, you baka?" Waver cried out earning him a flick to the head.

"Fate has brought us together to fight for the Grail, but first, there is something I must ask… how about…" he then stretched his arms out. "Yielding the Grail to me and joining my army?" he said with a smile. "I will treat you both as my friends, and we shall share in the joy of world conquest together!" he said honestly making Naruto smile at how honest the man was, he could have led a village with words like that.

Lancer swayed his head at the unbelievable man before him "I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I will give the Grail to only one man, my new avowed lord." He glared at Rider, "Not to you, Rider!"

"So you disturbed our battle merely to propose a ridiculous plan? This is a grave offence against my honour." Saber said wanting to cut into the man for his disturbance of their battle.

Rider just picked his ears and flicked the wax of them, "I'd be willing to discuss terms." His words showed he wasn't really listening to the two knights.

"Shut up!" both shouted at him in unison before Saber continued speaking on her own. "And further, I am the rightful King of Britain. I could never lower myself to mere retainer, even in service to a mighty king."

"King of Britain, say you… what a surprise! I'd hardly have expected the King of Knights to be a little girl." Rider's words greatly irked Saber due to her history dealing with the fact she was indeed a woman.

"Iskandar, I don't think gender matters right now. It's clear to you and me that she is King Arthur and as such very powerful in her own right. Plus gender means nothing in strength as someone I know is able to blow up a continent by pointing her finger." This drew attention to Naruto and the question of who the heck Naruto knew.

"You speak truth boy," cue tick mark on Naruto. "You seem to understand that because I am a woman doesn't mean I won't spill your blood on my blade, Rider!" she said as Rider's shoulders seem to slump.

"I guess negotiations gave failed. What a waste, what a shame." He sighed as Naruto shook his head.

"Are you rider's master?" questioned Lancer as he felt something originating from Naruto, a strong aura of sorts that he would reluctantly admit surpassed his own making him wonder if he was a powerful master.

"Oh where are my manners, My name is Uzumaki Naruto, Magician, The Clock Tower director's representative… 8th master for the war." This drew gasps from a number of people for his mention of the Clock tower, his position and magus rank.

"W-What magic?" Waver asked nervously hiding his face behind the chariot. Naruto put his finger to his lips.

"Now that would be spoiling the surprise, wouldn't it?" Everyone blinked as Naruto was now beside Irisveil.

Lancer was shocked at his level of speed, and he was a master. "Greeting's miss Irisveil, Kaleidoscope sends his get regards to your blessing of 8 years and growing." Irisveil put her hand over her mouth hearing that this new master knew of his daughter. "Don't worry, she'll be free soon enough to be with her father and mother, I promise" he whispered to her.

"Maiya… it's him isn't it?" asked Kiritsugu from his position observing the scene and aiming for Naruto's head.

"Yes Kiritsugu… but I'd advise against attacking since it would reveal our position to Lancer's master before we can hit him.

"Agreed, but keep your eyes on him since we don't have to worry about Assassin for the moment.

"So you were the one, eh?" said the voice of Lancer's master echoing around the area and unnerving Waver further as he was spotted. Waver began to shiver in firght trying to locate the source of the voice. "I'd wondered what madness had compelled you to steal my relic. I never imagined that you yourself planned to enter the Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet-kun. How would you like me to school you privately" the voice called out in a blue-blooded voice. "How ages really kill one another. I'll teach you all about the fear and pain involved feel honoured."

Waver croched down holding his head in fears as tears welled upo in his eyes, until he felt something on his back. Looking up he saw both Naruto and rider with their hand's patting his back, surpsising Waver slightly at how he had sneaked behind him without a sound.

"Oi Mage! So you were to be my Master rather than the boy. Absurd… only one brave enough to ride the battlefield at my side could ever me my master. A coward lacking sufficient courage to show himself, is not nearly close to being worthy." Rider began laughing as Lancer's master scowled before he felt a pressure on him.

"Iskandar is right, Waver was chosen to be his master. At least supplies him with mana instead of putting someone else's power into their servant but bears the mark. Why the Grail chose you confuses me and no doubt the director. Please note I detest you so called nobles in the Clock Tower and I will make my point very clear and what I do to them if necessary." Naruto's words relieved Waver of his stress and fear as he turned to him. "Waver… don't listen to the ramblings of a guy like him, it isn't worth it." He hopped over the side of the chariot.

He turned to a nearby lamppost, "I know you're there, why don't you grace us with your presence Golden King!" Naruto shouted out loud.

"Yes stop skulking in the shadows!" Rider added sensing the other observer.

"Who are you speaking to?" she asked Naruto as she was stood next to him a little surprised at how relaxed he was next to a servant.

"Surely you didn't think you little battle went unwatched by the other masters, one of them is standing atop there." He pointed to the lamp post.

"Yes, Heroic Spirits summoned through the Holy Grail, gather here and now! Those too cowardly to show themselves will earn the scorn of Iskandar, King of Conquerors!" he yelled.

All of them watched as golden dust began collaborating together at the top of the post. A blonde haired male with golden armour stood atop looking down on the other servants.

"That's…" Waver began to say.

"The servant that defeated Assassin?" said Lord Archibald seeing the new servant that had annihilated Assassin the previous night past.

"So I am in the presence of two lesser beings who dare to name themselves king, and the mongrel who tries my patience once more.

"I cannot see where any problem lies, I am Iskandar, the lengendary King of Conqyerors" Rider idely scrathed his cheek looking at the golden warrior.

"What nonsense. I am the one true king, all others are mere pretenders." He spoke down to Rider as if it was obvious.

"If you're that insistent then why not name yourself? No true king should be troubled by giving his name." Rider asked of the man standing atop the post.

"So you would question me, pretender?" the light beneath his feet went out as he broke it by stomping his foot. "Me, the king? At least the mongrel there was able to discover my true name on first glance, it was the only reason I gave him a chance to live. For the rest of you, if even in the presence of my glory you cannot discern my identity, your blindness will seal your doom!" from behind him a golden glow appeared and two weapons appears out of it.

"Boy, who is that servant?" Lancer asked Naruto who kept his eyes on the Gate of Bablyon.

Naruto only muttered two words that would ring through the other servant's heads "Eiyuu Ou." Eyes went wide all round, while in the neutral church and in the Thosaka there was silent cursing at the blurting out of the servant Archer's identity.

Rider meanwhile seemed more interested in the weapons behind the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. "I see. So that is how he killed Assassin." He muttered as Saber and Naruto moved in front of Irisveil in protect her.

"Boy, I thank you for the information but step away from Irisveil. Your assistance will not be required in a battle against servants." Naruto just looked at Saber before flaring his aura making the King of Knights shiver feeling the power and realizing that this was not a boy.

"I am helping whether you like it or not Pendragon." Naruto said a little coldly using Saber's last name, making her flinch. "Not to mention that curse on you left arm now making you weaker in some aspects of your abilities.

"I… I apologise." Saber said as a new presence made it know to the group. A fire as black as night erupted and a dark aura began emanating from it; the flame exposed a black knight that roared into the night as his body was covered in a thick blast miasma.

"Berserker!" Naruto and Saber said in unison.

"Hey, King of Conqueros. Planning to invite him?" Lancer joked toward Rider.

"He doesn't seem terribly interested in negoiations. Boy… how powerful a Servant is he?" Rider asked waver who seemed slightly put off staring at Berserker.

"I don't know. I can't tell!" he told his Servant.

"I can't either… that Servant… he has something blocking our senses from telling us his weakness. All I can tell is that he's a servant but seeing how's he's a Berserker class he is obviously strong, based off the heavy aura he produces from the Mad Enchantment. Other than that, nothing." All eyes starered at Berserker, his mere presence unnerved the masters viewing the battle, minus a couple.

"Looks like it'll be another difficult enemy." Irisveil muttered to Saber and herself, although she was a little worried about the white haired mage who had managed to make Saber flinch with only a few words. 'It's strange… if he has that much power as a mage, why didn't he summon a servant before the others did. The Director's representative shouldn't have trouble procuring an artifact if what Kiritsugu has told me about the Magus association is true.'

"That spirit has a curse or some special ability that conceals everything about him." Saber added her input on Berserker's apparent ability concealment. "But that's not all. With four others present, we'll have to be very careful." As she said this Maiya and kiritsugu were considering their options, kiritsugu telling his partner to find Berserker's master and take him out while he kept his target's set upon Kayneeth.

As they did so Berserker turned his attention to Gilgamesh atop the lamp post. His staring was something our king took offence to, "Who gave you ermission to gaze upon me, rabid dog?" he re-aimed his weapons in the direction of the black knight. "May your scattered remains entertain me, mongrel. At least until the rotten inu decides to join in." Naruto narrowed his eyes seeing that Gilgamesh was seemingly the first to know his true nature besides Kiritsugu.

Taking his hands from under his cloak his began slowly running toward the golden king. On both his arms were a pair of gloves that had metal covering the fingers and joints, but still allowing free movement of them. The gloves had a more useful function as golden coloured string shot out of all ten fingers. "Shape Ist Leben!" quicker than anyone human could see Naruto had weaved and created ten wire eagles all charged with his prana and shot forth to attack Gilgamesh.

"Heh, simple alchemy, I thought you'd come up with something better if you're giving the rabid dog some extra living time." Without even a gesture Gilgamesh began launching weapons of all sorts at Naruto and his eagles which were much larger than an average eagle seeing as how he was riding on one.

"Simple it is, but basics can kill, as can misdirection." Naruto smirked as the king's instincts kicked in as he drew from his treasury of weapjn s and pulled forth a single sword and turned to stab another Naruto coming from behind, which spat out blood as it went straight into his body and out the back of it.

"Hmm you gave yourself away." Gilgamesh proclaimed proudly as the Naruto he had stabbed smirked.

"Not quite." His body seemed to lose its form and became red before collapsing into simply blood and the king turned round to see several of the large eagles coming for him. He opened the gate wider and pelted the wire constructs taking them out easily. But in his act the wires that made the eagles went all over the place like shrapnel would with a grenade and as a result he lost a few strands of hair and gained a small cut on his cheek.

"you… YOU… YOU BASTARD! YOUR DARE TO MAKE A MARK UPON MY FACE WITH SUCH WORTHLESS MAGIC! DIE AND GO BACK TO THE GROUND WHERE YOU AND YOUR KIND BELONG!" Naruto's own eagle was taken out and he was forced to construct a mock barrier out of the golden wires.

'Wow, he must really never get hit. Kinda like gaara except more arrogant and a literally smorgasbord of ancient and powerful weapons which are too strong for this code right now. Damn, underestimated that independent action of his, with it he'll act to kill me without having to be ordered too.' Naruto thought as he slammed into the ground, and was down on his knees as a result of the countless weapons being hurled at him. So much so he didn't have time to repair his shield when there was an opening.

Launching a sword and spear at him the king was sure he would kill the insolent cur, who dared to leave a mark on his face. What he didn't expect was for the black knight to step in front of him as the blades hit and there was an explosion.

The other masters and servants had their jaws dropped slightly at the small battle that had just taken place. While he had used a simple form of magic, he had taken it to a new level of power as the Eiznbern could usually only construct life-size versions of animals based on prana use. Naruto's technique seemed to go beyond the rule of exchange that governed alchemy unless he was genuinely producing more than enough prana to construct ten triple sized eagles with wires that could hold against several noble phantasms for more than a second.

"Naruto!" Waver shouted having not minded the white haired male for the few minutes he knew him. He found Rider pat his head and smile down at him.

"He's fine, that berserker was just in time it seems. He's very versatile for a madman who has lost his ability to think." Rider muttered as Waver looked at him in slight confusion, "What? You couldn't tell? That black thing easily caught the first sword sent at Naruto before using it to destroy the second spear as it approached.

"Guess I can't afford to go unprotected." There was a flash of light from within the cloud where Berserker and Naruto where. When it began to clear you could see a perfectly fine Berserker still holding the sword he got staring at Gilgamesh. Naruto on the other hand had changed his appearance drastically making Saber and Irisviel gasp seeing him in his new outfit, or more accurately armour. The armour was black and gold, but with small sections of it in blue and red cloth. The legs were the same he had used a year ago defending himself, the dragon head on his knee eyes were glowing in anticipation. The shoulder pads had tufts of fur where his shoulder blades met and on his hands there were red chains tied around them, his cloak blew back in the winds giving him a somewhat more regal look. But what arguable drew most people's attention were the five swords hanging from his back, all of the seemingly a medieval style broadsword.

(Link to armour design: typemoon. wikia. com / wiki / File: RDNasu. png - delete the spaces)

'A knight… he wears the armour of a knight. But not like mine or the others, his seems to be a much different knight with different roles.' Saber thought as the now two black knights looked up at Gilgamesh, Naruto drawing on of the sword at his side that had five gems imbedded along the blade of it and a cross shaped hilt. Once the blade was drawn the other servants could feel more of Naruto's presence as it seemed to linger in their minds.

'Impressive armour, looks stronger than Saber's but that blade is a bit more of a mystery as I suspect the others are. Maybe this is more to the reason why he doesn't have a servant of his own… he doesn't need one.' Rider only wanted Naruto in his army more now seeing his presence made his blood pump quicker around his boy and a large grin found itself plastered on his face.

'Such pressure… from just a master alone, it doesn't seem possible. I have to focus so I don't buckle to my knees. Who is this Naruto character?' Lancer just stared at the imposing figures of Berserker and Naruto wondering what would happen now.

'Such impudence, his posture is of royalty yet he makes no claim to a title. There's something else though.' Gilgamesh's slitted eyes noticed a slight flickering image behind Naruto, that unless you focused on him you wouldn't even notice. "Kisama… you have one don't you?" he asked as Naruto gave a small smirk.

"Those eyes are yours are pretty good, if you managed to see that, but for the moment you have two black knights to deal with." Naruto flexed his free hand while the other gripped the sword tight.

"So not only do you insult not only me with your presence the rabid dog has the audacity to lay his filthy hands on my treasures… I'll take immense joy in this, making sure nothing remains of your corpses." As the weapons out of the gate were all aimed at the two knights the other masters looked in shock of the sheer number of noble phantasms.

As the blades shot forward, Berserker caught a spear while Naruto deflected the axe aimed at his skull. The two went back to back as they defended themselves from the onslaught of weapons being flung at them. Berserker kept switching weapons that got thrown at him, while Naruto kept his back clear of any dirty shots from the Archer. All the phantasms didn't even seem to scratch the sword he held as it glowed with mana. Eventually Berserker threw his two weapons and Naruto swung his sword releasing an arc of energy at Gilgamesh who was forced to jump from his perch as the lamppost got cut into three and Gilgamesh almost lost some of his armours fabric from the energy arc.

When he touched solid ground with his feet, the golden king was beyond enraged and literally shook in anger at what the two had force him, HIM, to do. "How dare you… You're making me stand on the same ground as you? I, who belong among the heavens?" in his high emotional state the gate behind him grew more and more weapons began emerging from within it. "Your impudence has sealed you both, your eternal doom. I'll make sure to burn every scrape of your corpse and take that armour and sword into my possession as payment for your death."

XChapter EndX

Ahh the joys of writing, this idea sprung to mind after re-watching the anime of Fate/Zero and L33t horo's story but with my original spin on things. If you read my stuff you may have a general idea that this Naruto is the same as one of my other Naruto's and reveals the end of that story if you think about it.

Now Naruto's power… Zel was ranked 4th but when he was turned into an apostle his body was weak and didn't really improve. Naruto changed fairly early in life with his usual regeneration easing the pains at the time. His apostle strength can basically rival berserkers and he has 5 noble phantasms which I will reveal but are fan created for the special armour that Naruto has on his possessions. Oh and the mystic codes, Naruto has a fair few that may see some air time.

The only possible romances in the story are Arcueid who I love adding intothe story and maybe Saber. If and this is a big 'if' I feel it appropriate after season 2 comes out I may add Iri into the group, I like Iri so honest and pure like her daughter, and Kiritsugu…

Until next time, Bye