Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Mutant Enemy, WB and Fox. Bastards. :)

Pairing: Cordelia/Angel (eventually) with Buffy/Angel references. (Past tense!)

Timeline: Directly after the Angel episode Provider, which makes it around the Doublemeat Palace time for Buffy. It's the only safe time setting for a fic lately, before all the big plots start a-rollin'.

Distribution: Want. Take. Have. But please let me know when and where. [email protected]

Note: This is a crossover fic written as a response to a challenge by Love's Bitch over at Stranger Things. The requirements were: Angel and Cordy be invited to some kind of party in Sunnydale, Cordy's demon status be revealed, Cordy coax Angel onto the dance floor, and Buffy and Xander's responses to the last two. Thanks, LB! I don't get ideas without prompting.

Absolute Last Thing I Promise: Can we just, for the sake of fiction, imagine that Cordy found out about her glowy powers earlier on? I kinda needed them for the story. Thanks!



by Loki

2.1.1 Chapter One: Our Own Hellmouth

"I don't get it, though. Willow's not evil."

Angel looked away from the road long enough to roll his eyes at Cordelia. "No," he explained, "not yet. But her magic was getting that way."

"So this is like those one-month 'Yay for Abstinence' parties people throw for alcoholics?"


"Except there *will* be alcohol, right?" Cordelia asked anxiously.

The vampire shrugged. "I guess."

"Cause, 'cause, there's nothing magical about alcohol that we know of. Is there? Except for its propensity to turn balding accountants into hotties?"

"I'm pretty sure they have alcohol at the Bronze, Cordy."

"Thank God," muttered Cordelia, plucking at her seat belt. "If I have to deal with Sunnydale, I need a helping Cosmopolitan hand. Y'know?"

Angel was silent for a second, before a smile crept across his face. "I really do," he admitted, and they both snickered.

They drove in silence for a while, Cordelia humming tunelessly along with the radio.



"I'm bored. Can I drive?"


Cordelia narrowed her eyes. "Look, I know you're all mama-bear about this car, but I've driven it heaps of times. Times you don't know about, even. Well, until now," she finished, a shameless grin crossing her face. "Come on!"

"Cordy, I don't like-"

"Being a passenger. I know." She beamed her million dollar smile at him. "Time to relinquish some control, big guy. Pull over."

Angel sighed. She had used That Smile. The one that made his chest hurt. As the car drew smoothly to a halt at the edge of the freeway, the vampire wondered for the nine thousandth time exactly when it was Cordelia Chase had become the boss of him.


"I don't get it though," said Buffy despondently. "Willow's not evil."

"Again, thankfully no," Xander replied.

"Then explain to me why she invited Angel and Cordelia?"

Xander chuckled. "Because now that both of our lives are relatively normal, this is our comeuppance?"

Buffy sighed. "Oh yeah. Our uppance has *definitely* come. God, I can't deal with this right now."

Xander rested his arms on the table. "Sorry Buff, but Deadboy-"

"Don't call him that."

"Sorry. *Angel* … he's always giving you the wiggins. Time to rise both above and beyond."

"Besides," added Anya from the depths of the refrigerator, "this is my chance to invite them to the wedding."

"No!" Buffy and Xander chorused in panic, before Buffy grinned wickedly at her friend.

"Is that rising above and beyond, Oh Mature One?"

Xander squirmed. "I meant *you*."

Anya emerged from the fridge, holding something yellow in her hand. "I don't understand this concept," she said. "If you really couldn't believe it's not butter, why did you buy it?"


Outside the Summers residence, a long black convertible sat shrouded in darkness. Inside it, Angel and Cordelia were looking at each other. Every now and again, one of them would cast a trepidation-filled glance at the house, then return their gaze to their companion.

Finally Cordelia took a deep breath. "Well, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye, right?"

"Don't say that!" Angel protested quickly.

"Why not?"

"This is Sunnydale. It might happen."

"Oh, right."

They sat in silence for a minute longer, then Cordelia steeled herself and opened the car door. Angel stopped her with a hand on her arm.

"So, we're agreed?" he asked.


"Uh, Connor."

"No, you agreed and I'm going along with you half-heartedly." She gave him a pointed look. "I still think they deserve to know."

"Cordy, I'm not ready to discuss him with Buffy. It'll bring up too many questions."

"Oh yeah. Of the how, why, and blonde variety." Cordelia looked at Angel sharply. "Fine. I won't mention him on purpose, but if I accidentally slip … Connor's your dentist." She grinned wickedly. "Or your new boyfriend."


"Buffy!" called Dawn from the top of the stairs. "Angel's car is outside!"

The Slayer felt the jolt right to her toes. "Eep." Raising her voice, she shouted, "Thanks!" and beat a hasty retreat back into the kitchen.

Willow followed her in. "Are you gonna be okay, Buff?" she inquired.

Buffy squared her shoulders, game face squarely in place. "Yeah. Nothing like total fear to spice up your evening, right?"

Willow scrunched up her nose. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think. With Tara not coming…"

"Couldn't reach her, huh?" Buffy asked sympathetically.

"Oh, there was reaching," said Willow, sadness in her eyes. "Just not the kind of reaching that led to the agreeing to come."

"I'm sorry."

"S'okay. What with the rejection and the … rejection, I just kinda called everybody in my address book. Except for Amy. Sorry."

"Will, you have every right to feel good tonight. You've earned it. And if you want them here … then I want them here."

Willow raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

Buffy grimaced. "No. It's *way* weird. But I can pretend. And goshdarnit, I will, because you're my best friend and I love you."

The redhead smiled. "Thanks."

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" screeched Dawn, rushing to the first landing.

Buffy paled. "And I'll just be … over here for a while." She disappeared down the basement steps. Willow watched her go with a sigh.

Angel cracked the door open. "Hello?"

"Angel!" Dawn raced down the stairs and threw herself at the vampire, her sheer speed driving him a few steps backward.

Angel caught her and swung her around, the rarest of huge smiles on his face. "Hey, Dawnie. Long time."

"Not by your life-span, I s'pose," she countered, hugging him. "How are you? What's the what? Got the skinny on the big LA evil?"

"Always," he told her, setting her down gently.

"Hiya Dawn," spoke up Cordelia from the veranda steps.

Dawn beamed. "Cordy, you came!"


"Well what?" asked the teenager.

"Do I get jumped on too?"

"Um … if you don't mind?"

Cordelia broke into one of her biggest smiles. "I'd be pretty offended if I'm not."

Dawn grinned, and threw her arms around Cordelia, who hugged her back tightly.

"My God," Cordy exclaimed as she drew away. "You're like a beanstalk or something. A Dawnstalk. This is incredible, you're huge. Buffy, she's hu-" Cordelia broke off. "Oh. Buffy."

Unnoticed by the happy trio on the porch, Buffy had sidled nervously into the doorway. She was watching the reunion with a small smile on her face.

"Hi guys."

Angel swallowed. "Buffy."


"It's … good. I'm good. We're good." He closed his eyes briefly. "You look … good. Uh…"

Buffy chuckled, the ice broken. With Angel being such a dork, it was hard to hold onto the fear. "It's good to see you too, Angel." She crossed to the vampire and kissed him swiftly on the cheek. "I'm happy you could come. Both of you," she said, turning to Cordelia.

The two girls eyed each other for a moment, before Cordelia stepped uncertainly forward.

"I'm glad to see you," she said nervously. "And I'm so glad you're not … you know … any more."

Buffy smiled. "I know," she answered. "Me too."

Cordy grinned back. "Are we too stand-offish for hugs?"

"Probably, but let's do it anyway," Buffy said, and embraced the taller girl warmly. "Thanks for being here for Will. Let's go inside."



An hour or so later, Xander watched as Angel and Cordelia hugged Dawn goodbye. Protesting, Dawn had been packed off to a friend's for the evening, under strict instructions not to return until after daybreak. She had begged to be allowed to stay, but Buffy was unmoved. There was no way Dawn was coming to the Bronze, and no way she would be left in the house alone. When her first attempt had failed, she had asked to stay with Spike.

*That* had taken some explaining to the pair from LA.

A strangely pale Buffy had said that Spike was out of town and not expected back for a few days. So, whining all the way, Dawn had made her goodbyes and headed for the car waiting outside.

It was funny, thought Xander darkly, how the vampire had not allowed himself to be out of arm's reach of Cordelia all evening. He seated himself next to her at dinner and watched her eat, never took his eyes off her as she regaled the group with tales of LA, or when they told their own stories in turn, followed her to the living room like a black leather cloud, hovered as she chose her sofa position, then settled next to her. If Xander hadn't known better, he would have sworn the big guy was acting kind of the way he had around … Buffy.

Weirdness ensues.

After a half-hour brood session that rivalled one of Angel's, Xander decided to just pretend he hadn't noticed anything. At all. Much, much better for all concerned.

"So, Willow," said Cordelia, stretching languorously, "no more with the bad mojo, huh? Good for you."

"Thanks, Cordy," Willow smiled. "It's been difficult, not to mention the kind of fun that isn't."

"If it's okay to ask … does it hurt?" asked Angel curiously. "Withdrawal, I mean?"

"It's okay. A little at first," admitted the redhead. "But the worst part is-" She broke off, staring at her feet.

"What?" asked Anya.

"Hon," cautioned Xander, making the universal gesture for 'Drop it'.

"What?" asked Anya again, this time to Xander. "She brought it up."

"It's okay, Xander," said Willow, as Angel fidgeted uncomfortably.

"No, it isn't, Will," said Xander in exasperation. "Anya, we've talked about this kind of stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" protested the former vengeance demon. "Willow started a sentence and then didn't finish it. It's frustrating. Like that television show you always watch where they tell you about the next episode, but just when something interesting happens they stop and say 'Next time on an all new Dawson's Creek.'"

Xander paled. Buffy's lips twitched and Cordelia let out a small snort of laughter.

"Ahn," muttered Xander, "shameful secrets not so secret when you announce them loudly to all."

"Oh, it's okay," grinned Cordelia wickedly. "There's no judging. Only love."

Buffy bit back a smile. "So what *is* happening in the heady world of Pacey and Joey these days, Xander?"

"Shut up," mumbled the flame-faced young man.

"I don't get it," said Angel, and Cordelia patted his arm, pulling a face at Buffy.

Xander smiled in relief. "Angel, there's my guy! Let's go over here and talk about manly stuff. Broken any bones lately? How's your drywall?"

"Okay! Time for patrol, not to mention a subject change," interrupted Buffy. "I wanna get in a quick one before the Bronze. Angel, I set up the basement for you if you want to dump your stuff down there. Guaranteed flood-free. Cordelia, you can take Dawn's room if you don't mind the mess."

"I'm in," said Xander, stretching his arms above his head. "Anya? Will?"

"Oh, I would, honey, but I don't want to," said Anya, smiling sweetly.

"Duly noted," replied her fiancée. "And we'll all remember that answer next time I'm asked to make pancakes at three in the morning, yes?"

"Anybody mind if I skip?" asked Willow. "I wanna take a shower and change before Bronzing. You never … know who might be there."

Buffy nodded. "Go pretty up, Will. We'll catch, okay? What time is everybody getting there?"

"I told them about ten."

The Slayer began digging around in her weapons chest. "Cool. We've got ages. Few dusts, you'll never even miss us."

"Wait! I wanna go too," Angel protested, then mumbled something incoherent as several amused faces turned his way. "I like to kill … I mean, I need to stretch," he finished lamely.

Buffy smiled. "The more death the merrier, as long as it's not mine." She grimaced. "Again."

"He's tired of being the dead one, too," Cordelia put in absently.

Angel grinned down at her with an expression Xander could only unhappily file away as affectionate. "You coming, Cordy?"

Cordelia looked up at him. "You know what? I just might. A lap around the graveyard for old times sake. Could be fun without all the screaming and the fear." She stood up and turned to Buffy. "You got a sword I can borrow?"

There was a stunned silence. Angel smiled.

*On to Chapter Two…*