Miko shifted on her feet nervously. She took a few deep breaths, then walked out of the school doors and looked around. It took a few seconds to locate the vehicle form of her Autobot guardian, and when she saw him she ran over and hopped into the passenger seat.

"Hey, Miko," Bulkhead greeted, sliding his seatbelt over his charge and backing out of the parking lot. "How was school?"

"It was..." Miko paused to try and think of an appropriate word. "... Interesting."

Bulkhead let out a small chuckle. "Interesting? I never thought I'd hear you say something like that about learning."

"Yeah, today has been full of surprises." Miko replied, glancing out of her friend's window.

The two companions were quiet after that. Bulkhead waited for Miko to say something else, but when she didn't, Bulkhead became confused. "You're really quiet today, Miko. Did something happen?"

"No!" Miko spoke quickly, fidgeting in her seat. "Wait, yes! I mean, no. Absolutely nothing happened at school today."

If Bulkhead was in his bipedal mode, he would have been raising an optic ridge. "You sure about that?"

"Mhm!" Miko nodded, crossing her legs. Bulkhead was beyond suspicious, but he didn't ask any more questions.

After a few more minutes, Bulkhead spoke again. "Oh, can you call Raf and tell him I'm coming to pick him up? Bumblebee's on a scouting mission, and he won't be back until later."

Miko immediately stiffened. "Uh, yeah, before I do, I have a hypothetical question for you."

Bulkhead slowed down to stop at a red light. "Ask away."

Miko began twiddling her thumbs. "You know how I take a lot of pictures of you guys?"

Bulkhead nodded internally. "Yes."

Miko refused to look directly at the steering wheel. "... And, you know how all of those pictures are on my cell phone?"

"... Yes." Bulkhead replied, not understanding where the conversation was going.

Miko kicked her legs lightly. "... Well, I can't call anybody right now."

It took almost a minute before Bulkhead put the pieces together. "...Oh no, Miko, tell me you didn't lose your phone."

Miko laughed sheepishly. "Surprise?"

Bulkhead quickly made a U-turn, speeding up considerably. "If those pictures end up on the internet, Fowler will kill you. And me!"

"Oh, come on, Bulk'." Miko said, flashing a guilty smile. "Raf can just take them off like last time, right?"

"That doesn't mean people won't see them," Bulkhead continued, rushing through a yellow light and into the school parking lot. He snapped off Miko's seatbelt and opened his door. "Hurry, Miko."

Miko slipped out of Bulkhead and ran towards the school. After looking back at her guardian she walked through the doors that for six hours a day she was dying to get out of.

It took almost an hour before Miko found her phone. It turned out to be in her pocket the whole time. When Bulkhead and Miko finally arrived at Raf's school, he was nowhere to be found. They sped back to the Autobot base, fearing what potentially deadly situation they would end up in once they got back.

The sight that greeted them there was an angry Bumblebee, a nervous Raf, the usual grumpy Ratchet, a scolding Arcee, a condescending Jack, a swearing Fowler, and a silent Optimus Prime.