Morning came to early for Jason. He had been up all night tossing and turning.

This was it. In a few hours he would be leaving Camp Jupiter, his home, his friends, and Reyna,quite possibly forever; maybe, maybe not.

It was about 4:30 am when Jason finally decided to give up to fight to sleep. He quietly and stealthily got up from his bed and pulled on a blue hoodie.

Since it was so early, no one would be up. In cohort 5 barrack, he was the only one stirring. He left the barrack and headed into the city.

Jason simply walked around New Rome, committing his home to his memory, hopefully, Juno would have no reason to steal these newly formed ones.

The sun was slowly climbing its way to the sky when Jason reached temple hill. he leaned back on a tree, his foot braced against the tree bark and his hands in his pockets. He watched as the sun cast its light into new Rome, into every nook and corner and chased the darkness away.

As he watch this happen, he smiled as he felt his burdens rise from his shoulders. Finally he was feeling the peace he so yearned for since all this began.

Jason looked on as citizens of new Rome came out of their homes and made their way to the various destinations they had in mind. A few of them came to temple hill to make offerings to the gods.

His mind couldn't stay undisturbed forever though. Automatically, his thoughts turned to the quest, to Hazel and Frank. It worried him that Thanatos hadn't taken Hazel's soul when he should have. Its not because he wanted Hazel dead, but it definitely had serious implications for the future. Frank on the other hand, well there was certainly going to fires, especially with Leo around.

Jason sighed inwardly as his mind turned to his rather dreaded problem with Piper and Reyna; focusing rather heartlessly on the events of last night.

I'm not going there...I'm going for breakfast ...yum yum...he told himself as he pushed himself off the tree and headed to the mess hall.

Piper was the first to spot him when he entered the mess hall. The look on her face was of genuine concern and it made him feel slightly embarrassed and entirely guilty.

"Hey where you been dude?" Leo asked him, his mouth stuffed with omelette.

Jason shrugged. "went for a walk."

He sat down next to Leo, opposite Piper. His hands were palm down on the table and Piper took one and enfolded it within her's.

"Are you alright? Where were you? After you ran off last night...I went to the barrack to check on you...but you weren't there...so I waited for you but..." Piper stopped and lowered her eyes. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

She did not want to admit that she had fallen asleep while waiting for him.

But Jason knew. He was the one who draped a blanket over her when he did eventually go back to the barrack.

Piper cleared her throat and continued "...you weren't there either this morning. I was worried." she finished up. but the way she looked at him, Jason could tell she wanted to know where he was and what happened.

Fortunately for him though, his guilt did not run so deep as to tell her about what had happened or almost happened last night. That definitely was no concern of Piper's. At least not now anyway. Eventually he will have to tell her that he felt that Reyna was the one he wanted, the one he'd always want.

But right now, just before they were due to leave for a very important quest, was not the right time to tell her. Much for the same reasons he didn't tell Reyna how he felt about her last night.

He didn't know how everything was going to play out, but he was certain that he didn't want to leave anyone waiting or hurting because of him.

Jason glanced at the their linked hands. After eight months the magic in her touch wasn't there. He didn't feel the comfort he had come to associate with her hands.

He shrugged. "went for a long walk."

He didn't actually lie to her, yet the look in her eyes made feel as though he had.

"Hm...You should have seen her this morning, she looked like a really angry bear who was forced to wake up from hibernation because she forgot to gather nuts...or berries...or whatever it is that bears eat." Leo said, still digging into, quite possibly his fourth omelette.

Jason felt Piper's foot slightly touch his jeans as it headed towards Leo's unprotected shin. Mentally he felt pity for Leo as he dropped his fork and yelled "ouch!"

Externally though, he tried to suppress a smile that was spreading across his lips. That imagery did not fit a daughter of Aphrodite/Venus.

"So where is Annabeth?" Jason asked. Piper and Leo were glaring at each other and rather than hear them argue, he decided to change the topic.

"She is at the principia...we're suppose to meet everyone else there..."

"Oh...er...we should go then..." Jason started to get up, then he glanced at Leo's fork, midway to his mouth. "or not..." he smile at Leo.

"You should eat something..." Piper said to Jason.

He nodded, after all, he hadn't eaten since lunch time yesterday.

He ate dry toast and drank coffee, and when he was done, they all got up and headed towards the principia.

When they arrived, Percy and Annabeth were already suited up. Hazel and Frank were on the other side of the room. Both pairs were speaking in hushed tones and looked rather nervous when they spotted the trio arrive.

Frank looked rather sadly at Leo...and it really made Jason curious.

Piper walked over to Annabeth to examine the amour she was wearing. She did not like parting with her snowboarding jacket, but in this case, she really had little choice.

The senate had insisted that they wear armors, and carry extra weapons as well. The seven demigods did not believe that they would need any extra weapons, but they took it, just in case. They were also given extra food, clothing, nectar, ambrosia and unicorn shavings...everything they would need in a medical emergency.

Piper and Leo walked over to Hazel and Frank and allowed them to help them into their armors. Jason stood apart form them all. There were only two armors on the table. One clearly for a female, that being Piper and the other was being placed on Leo. There was none for Jason and he wondered slightly at that.

"Hey sparky...why aren't you armoring up?" Piper asked him as she noticed him standing aside.

Leo knocked the plain golden amour and offered," gold...electricity...bad combo...he might fry us all"

Jason placed his hands in his pockets and rocked back slightly on his feet. A slight smile played across his face. He looked at Leo and rolled his eyes.

Leo was definitely the one person he hang out with right now. The Latino seriously knew how to keep a person's mind off things.

The door opened and in walked Reyna. Everyone looked at her. She had a golden chest armor in her hand. It was intricately designed with roman symbols. She stood far away form everyone.

Jason stared at her for a while longer than everyone else.

She looked as she always had, her hair was neatly braided, her cape was secured on her shoulders and her dagger was in its place, sheathed at her waist. Her face formed into that mask of invulnerability that she always wore, the one that made people look up to her as their leader. She looked, to all the world, untouched, as though the events of last night did not actually happen.

But by the extra stiffness in her stance, and the way her eyes looked harder than usual, Jason knew that she was merely overcompensating in order to appear normal.

He knew that behind that leadership facade was someone who was just as breakable as everyone else was, and that she trying really hard to hide that fact.

Jason looked away from her and decided to stare at the jelly bean bowl. He could feel the the tension fill the air; in fact he could practically reach out and grab it.

It registered in his brain that everyone else was feeling it as well. He was pretty sure that Piper had eyes trained on Reyna, her features twisted in what was probably her best poker face.

"Ahem...er...maybe we should go outside to make sure you guys can walk in these..." Frank stated uncomfortably.

Leo opened his mouth to agree but Piper answered before he had a chance.

"We're fine..." Piper answered too quickly and shakily for anyone to really believe her.

She cleared her throat and continued " besides its only for a few minutes right?"

She looked at Annabeth for some form of support. Annabeth unfortunately had her eyes trained on the floor. She then looked to Jason but he was staring at the jelly bean bowl.

"Well...we're not sure...Octavian is going to give a speech...its customary...he'll announce whatever visions he got from his...er...ritual...and knowing Octavian...he want to make a long speech." Hazel said, her eyes darting to Frank and Reyna.

Reyna nodded, "he'll want to make you look like fools...if you're not able to manage that armor, then you'll just make his wish easier." she said absentmindedly.

Piper clenched her teeth. "I am very capable of managing this armor...I've been in it for a while now."

Jason sighed as the tension in the room just jumped a couple of hundred degrees.

"A whole 2 minutes...must be a new record...Octavian can talk a lot longer than that though. It's his favorite pastime." once again Reyna answered absentmindedly.

This only mad Piper madder. Her cheeks became red and her hands were formed into fist at her sides.

Jason was just about to assure Piper that she should go try out her armor when Leo spoke. Mentally Jason thanked him.

"hey Pipes, its not a bad idea you know. I mean how many armors have you worn in the past? Besides...we should make sure you don't fall over from strain...wouldn't want that happening to the beauty queen now..." Leo said calmly as he placed his hand gently above her elbow. Carefully he turned her towards him and tugged her towards the door.

Before leaving, Piper threw one pleading look to Jason, but he was still focused on that blasted jelly bean bowl! She sighed mentally and followed Leo. It seemed as though no one was giving her a break.

With heads bowed. Hazel and Frank followed after them.

Percy and Annabeth left with them as well. Before leaving, Percy looked at Reyna and Jason and said " see you guys outside." he then left with Annabeth hand in hand.

Only Reyna and Jason were left now, and neither of them looked at each other.

After a few moments of silence, Reyna said "this is for you" and she handed him the armor she was holding. Jason took it and examined it. It was a beautiful piece of work.

"that was yours from your battle with the titan was made by Vulcan himself, so you might want to let your friend Leo see it afterward." she then paused and added thoughtfully, " it has saved your life many times. I hope it does the same for you this time..."

Jason looked at her and swallowed.

Last night she had called herself his sidekick. That meant that they had fought together side by side for perhaps years. They were probably together in all their quests. It must be hard now, to watch him go into battle and not be there with him.

It must feel very strange.

"Help me with it?" he asked her.

She nodded and came over to him, to his back more specifically, and worked from there, until she was standing at the front of him.

Jason closed his eyes and enjoyed the swift, sure movements of her fingers.

When he opened his eyes, she standing in front of him. Her hands fixing the last clasp in the armor. Her eyes were fixed slightly above his shoulder. He could see though, that she was in some emotional turmoil.

There was sadness in her eyes, and something that looked like shame and guilt.

But why?

"Reyna, look at me" he said softly.

She didn't respond in any manner.

"Please rey..."

She looked at him, and he forgot what he was going to say to her.

She lowered her eyes,

"I'm sorry...about last night"

She raised her head slightly to find Jason looking her, confusion on his face.

"I...er...behaved rather immaturely last night...I said things that were...uncalled for"

"You don't have anything to be sorry for Reyna"

Reyna laughed a little disbelieving laugh and looked away from him. Her eyes once again settling on something above his shoulder.

"I'm serious Reyna...you have nothing to be sorry for..." Jason tried again but she interrupted him.

"If you love her Jason...if you love Piper then by all means...you should be with her."

The expression Jason wore was even more confused.

This was definitely not what he expected to hear. Especially since he practically decided that he was going to come for Reyna as soon as this quest was done.

Reyna looking at him again, and completely misunderstanding his expression said "it okay Jason...we've never really had anything you know..." tears were in her eyes but she did not let them fall.

She shrugged " if you two...if you have something special with Piper then... you should enjoy it. Don't deny it because of me...because of the way I acted."

Was that it? Did I decide on Reyna because of last night? Or was it because I genuinely love her?

Jason asked himself. For once his little annoying mental voice did not have the answer, so Jason tried something else. He told her what he had yet to tell anyone else.

"Its not just that you know...I'm...I'm a bit worried about the quest..."

Reyna tilted her head slightly, "it is a very difficult quest...it is very daunting..." the she smiled lightly " but we've been through difficult and daunting...you'll be fine don't worry to much...just go with what you think is right"

Jason relaxed a few degrees, he was escalated that she was not belittling him for being worried. For some reason, even though he was home, he felt as though he needed to present himself as a self sufficient person who was never afraid, never worried.

Of course she would understand. And not judge you, she feels just like that. New Rome requires the perfect leader to carry on its glory. The leader who would never let his/her emotional side interfere with whats right for the city. Reyna provides that...and you did too at one time...its only natural she understands you...

"Yeah but I don't even know what I think is right. I mean...I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing with you and Piper...it really frustrating and sometimes it just too much..." Jason broke off.

He shook his head and then said " I don't know if I'm capable of doing this quest. What if I do something and I endanger everyone else. What if I'm not strong enough?" he asked her.

Jason licked his lips, he knew that he was allowing himself to loose control, and if he did that, then he wouldn't be able to focus on anything for a while, but he couldn't help it, he needed someone to confide in.

"I know...I know..." Reyna spoke soothingly. It was strange hearing her voice so velvety; you'd never expect that tone from a battle hardened leader.

She placed her hand on his chest and Jason was thankful that the chest armor hid the fact that his heart beat quickened at her touch.

She sighed.

When Reyna spoke, her voice sounded distant, as though she was in a dream land, but there was an edge to her voice, as though she was in some sort of pain.

"sometimes our heart and our mind tell us two different things. When that happens we have to listen to them separately and then choose our actions wisely. Our heart tells us whats right and whats wrong. It tells us what we can live without, and what we can't live without. Our minds on the other hand tells us whats logical, whats the best strategy, what we can do to ensure the least damage. We, as Romans, have to be able to do both these things. We must do whats right and whats logical. But there are times when we must choose. Times when we have to think not only of ourselves, but of others, of those who depend on us, of those whom we love and who loves us. Sometimes we have to do whats best for others, and not necessarily whats best for us. sometimes, we have to let the things we love go, because its best for everyone else, because its best for the one we love."

when she said the last part, she and Jason were staring at each other, though swirling around each of their heads.

Is that why you're telling me to be with Piper, Reyna? Because its best for me, the one you love?

Jason was on the verge of asking her that question when she took his hand in her warmer ones and placed something on his palm, she then closed his fingers around it.

Jason didn't look at what she gave him, his eyes were trained on her bowed head.

She looked at him and caught his eye. "a token...for you to remember me..." she shrugged "whenever you feel like you need someone..." she gave him a crooked smile.

Then without any form of warning she raised up on her toes and placed a kiss just under the left corner of his lips.

It was merely a light brush on her lips by it fired up something in Jason, and he lowered his head to catch her lips fully, but he was to late, she had already turned.

She was in fact walking towards Argentum and Aurum. Apparently the metal dogs sensed her mood, because Argentum nuzzled up to her leg while Aurum licked her hand.

Jason bit the left corner of his lip. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps you should call her back, and kiss her properly...Do you know why? Its because you love her...

Jason took a step towards her then stopped. There was still a lot of things to do, and the they needed to be on their way to Rome.

Just then. Percy came in.

"am..hey guys...err..we need to get started."

Jason nodded, while Reyna made no reaction. Percy looked at her as though worried.

She then breathed in, and straightened herself.

"well lets go then." she said, her voice once again assumed that commanding tone of a leader.

They all left the principia.