Hey guys! So here is a new fic. Obviously it is a Percy Jackson fanfiction. I absolutely love the series Percy Jackson and I can't wait for the release of the Mark of Athena! This takes place after the Son of Neptune so everything that happened in the books applies.

Background Information (most of this is self explanatory as the story progresses):

The Romans are at the Roman camp, but they keep in touch with Camp Half-Blood. Percy and Annabeth have been dating since they were sixteen. Finally, after defeating Gaea, at the age of twenty-two they decide to tie the knot. They bought an apartment about thirty minutes from camp and have been living happily together for six months. Percy got a job as a police officer during year, but Annabeth and him spend their summers at camp. Annabeth works for a small architect firm in the City (she works at home most of the time). Sally and Paul got married and Percy now has a six year old little sister named Madison (Maddie). They live about twenty minutes from Sally and Paul.

Annabeth's POV:

I worry about my husband every night. He is a part time Police officer here in Manhattan he also helps Chiron with the new campers and is in charge of keeping the city clear of monsters. Every night I sit on the couch waiting for him to come home. I know he loves his job and I would never take that from him, but sometimes I just want tie him to a chair and force him to stay home were I know he's safe. When I hear the door open I quickly lie down on the couch and slow my breathing; feigning sleep.


The sound of Percy's voice sends shivers down my spine. I hear the lock on the door click and I feel strong arms pick me up bridal style. I moan as if I was disturbed from my apparent slumber. I blink a few times to give the effect of waking.

"Percy?" I whisper.

"Shh go back to sleep." He whispers as he places me on our bed.

"Fine" I mumble.

I close my eyes and after a few minutes I feel the bed dip and his arms come around my waist.

"How was your day?" I whisper

"Hmm? Oh fine. Caught a few guys ganging up on this kid walking home from school. No big deal. Didn't take much to get him down."

"Fun." I mumble, sarcasm etched into my voice.

He chuckled. "Go to sleep." He kisses my forehead. "I love you." Percy whispers

"I don't want to sleep. I haven't seen you all day." I whimper.

"I know but tomorrow we go to camp, and we can spend the whole summer together." He whispers into my hair.

I laugh and tell him okay. Slowly we drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Percy's POV:

I wake up when I feel Annabeth stirring.

"Good morning beautiful" I say.

"Morning." She whispers groggily and she turns to kiss me.

We stayed in each others arms for a few minutes then I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Being the son of Poseidon, showering in the morning gives me energy and wakes me up quickly. I walked back into our room and pulled on jeans and a sea green T-shirt. Annabeth must have already gone downstairs because the bed is made and her pajamas are crumpled in the corner of the room. As I walked downstairs I heard Annabeth yelling.

"No. No Thalia!" She must have been on the phone with the ex-huntress. "When Im good and ready! Okay." I frowned at this "Okay Okay! Jeez. After tonights camp fire. Promise." She was starting to worry me know "Okay. See you later. Tell Nico I said hey." I smiled slightly. Nico and Thalia have been dating for about three years. We all think he is the reason she left the hunt. "Yeah we have to go out at some point now that he is 21. Okay. Bye."

I waited a few minutes before walking into the kitchen. When I entered to kitchen she was making eggs and bacon. She's wearing jean shorts and my plaid long sleeve plaid blue shirt unbuttoned over a black tank top. She has her beautiful blonde hair pulled up in a messy ponytail.

I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

She jumped and then laughed "Why hello there Seaweed brain."

"Hello Wise Girl."

"Want breakfast."

"Sure we should hurry though if we want to make it to camp before the new arrivals come."

She laughed again "It's only 8 o'clock Seaweed brain. Chiron doesn't expect us until noon."

"Okay, okay. I guess i'm just excited to get back to camp and see everyone." I laughed, leaning against the counter top. I stared out the window. It was sunny and beautiful. I took a deep breath. "So….what were you talking to Thalia about?"

I heard something fall to the floor and looked up to see Annabeth glaring at me. "You were eavesdropping?"

"Hey, it was an accident. If theres something wrong you know you can tell me right?"

She sighed and picked up the spatula. "Such a Seaweed Brain. Yeah I'm fine. Thalia just wanted to know when we would be going to camp. She wants to spend some time alone with me, you know do girl stuff."

I sighed. I didn't believe her. "Oh okay. Well I think I'm gonna skip breakfast. Gotta go finish packing." I told her. She laughed at me.

"Okay. Love you." She said then she kissed me.

"Love you too." I reply

Annabeths POV

I waited until Percy leaves and then let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

'That was too close' I thought as I made my plate.

I knew I should tell him. He has every right to know. I'll tell him eventually. No. I'll tell him tonight. After the campfire to welcome the campers I'll go to his cabin and spend the night and I will tell him. What if he is mad? What if he leaves me. He has never expressed any desire to have children. I can't help but tear up at the thought. I can't lose him. I love him too much to lose him. My chain of though was broken by the sound of something hitting the floor. I looked up to see Percy smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Um, Perce, Its 9 o'clock. Isn't it kinda early?"

"I know, but I'm so excited to go back I can hardly wait!"

I laughed at his childish behavior and nodded. He picks up my suit cases and his and we walked out to the car. He pulled out his keys and unlocked his blue Mazda sports car.

"Get in Wise Girl." He said and then flashed that smile that makes my heart melt.

" Okay Seaweed brain."

The drive to camp is quick. About a half an hour. We spent it talking about what we were going to do once we got o camp. We held hands and watched the strawberry field come into sight. At first I was smiling, happy to be back to the first place that I had ever called home. As we pulled up closer to camp my heart sinks. Monsters were attempting to penetrate the borders. Hellhounds, two Colchis Bull's, and a bunch of Empousai were trying to breach the border. That wasn't wait troubled me though. I was unnerved by the fact that they seemed to be working as a group. They seemed organized.

Percy was out of the car almost before he parked it, his trusty pen Riptide already uncapped. He was a whirlwind of distruction. A young girl about fifteen was leading a group a campers. She looked a bit like our friend Clarisse (who should be here soon with her boyfriend Chris). I smiled slightly at the thought of our friends and reached for my dagger, which I always kept on me. I opened to the door an began racing toward the group of campers defending the hill. Before I had reached the closest Hellhound, however, someone ran into me, encasing me in a strong, yet non-threatening hold.

"Where do you think you're going Annie?" The person asked me, and I realized rig away it was Thalia.

"I have to help Percy." I explained. H

Thalia rolled her eyes. "You really think I'm gonna let you do that?" She said.

"But-" I began.

"Annie please. Just go to he big house. Go find Chiron. I'll keep and eye on kelp head." She winked at me and ran over to help Percy with on of the bulls. I sighed knowing she was right. I had a feeling I wouldn't be fighting for a while. With one last glance at Percy and Thalia I headed o the big house with my hand placed gingerly on my stomach. The place where mine and Percy's child resided.

I saw Chiron ushering some younger campers toward the cabins from the porch of the Big House. I rushed over to him and when he saw me he smiled.

"Annabeth. It's good to see you." He said.

"Chiron, their are monsters at the border!" I exclaimed

"I know dear. The border patrol has it under control. Where is Percy?"

I smiled. "You know Percy, always helping."

"I would have thought you would be with him." Chiron

My smile fell. "I-I can't fig Chiron." I said, feeling tears coming to my eyes.

"What's wrong Annabeth." That's Chiron. Always getting straight to he point.

"N-nothing's wrong exactly." I stuttered.

"Then what is it?"

I took a deep breath. "Chiron, I'm-"

"Chiron!" A familiar voice screamed. "Can I get some ambrosia and nectar over here!"

I turned to see Thalia running toward the big house. She had one of Percy's arms slung across her shoulder. He was clutching his side with his free hand. I could see the red staining his shirt. He was still conscious.

"Percy!" I screamed, running to meet them half way. "What happened?"

"Annabeth I'm fine it's just a scratch." He said smiling at me.

"Shut up you stupid Kelp Head!" Thalia snapped. "He was being a idiot Annabeth."

"Thals, that Hellhound would have taken that little girls head off if I hadn't have done anything. I probably don't need any ambrosia and nectar. I probably just need some water." Percy said trying to remove his arm from around Thalia's shoulder. Thalia of course just gripped him tighter. His forehead was sweaty and he looked a little green.

"Percy come on. Let's get you to the big house. Was anyone else hurt?" I asked.

"Nah. Everyone is fine. That little girl was a bit shaken up. Who was she Thalia?" Percy turned to Thalia with questioning eyes.

Thalia frowned. "Grover brought her here a few weeks ago. She hasn't been claimed yet, but she's only six. I don't even know why she was near the hill. She should have been in the Hermes cabin."

"Where is she now?" I asked curiously while helping Percy sit on the chair on porch of the Big House.

"The Ares girl who was leading the attack before you showed up took her back to her cabin. I hope she gets claimed soon. She's a cute kid." Thalia said with a smile. "Percy we'll be right back. Annabeth come on we'll go get Chiron."

I nodded and turned to Percy with a stern look. "Don't move."

He shot me his famous smile. "Who me?"

I laughed and kissed his nose. Thalia grabbed my arm and yanked me toward the room where the ambrosia and nectar was kept. She spun me around and looked me in the eyes. "We may have a problem Annie."

"Huh?" I asked her. Worry suddenly filled me. Was Percy injured more then he was letting on?

"Relax Brainiac. Percy is fine. It truly is just a cut. Not even deep or anything like that. It's about this little girl." Thalia said, her voice dropping to a whisper.


"Well She-um, well…."

"Spit it out Thalia!"

"She." Thalia took a deep breath. She looks a lot like Percy."

So there you have it! My First chapter of my First Percy Jackson Fanfiction! I hope you all liked it. Please review! Sorry about the cliff hanger , but I hope to update really really soon (Maybe even tomorrow :O). Well thats all for now. -LunarWhispers